Seeing this scene, many people were thinking, "Could it be that the most powerful water monsters in Zhegan Tianchi have all come here?"

A massive group fight is taking place on the Tianchi water in the distance.

To be precise, one side should be running for their lives while the other side is chasing and besieging.

There are more than a dozen water monsters under siege, each of them is strangely shaped, and the common feature is their huge size.

The smallest water monster is a seahorse-like water monster. The upper body is exposed to the water and the lower body is flapping violently underwater like a snake's tail. The height above the water is more than 40 meters. If his lower body can be straightened, the length of the head and tail will definitely exceed [-] meters .

The aura exuding from his body is comparable to that of a practitioner at the peak of the Zifu Realm, and his moving speed in the water is almost teleporting.

Some of the other water monsters look like big ugly and bloated fish, some have snake-like long necks, but their bodies are like a ball, and some have no head and face, like an enlarged version of a five-pointed starfish with five sharp horns. It is a sharp horny sawtooth that rotates and moves.

They are either big in size, strong in strength, or special in means. None of the dozen or so water monsters are easy to get along with, and all of them have unique skills.

And what was besieged by them was a giant octopus, its head alone was four to fifty meters long, and its tentacles were at least a hundred meters long. At this moment, its eight tentacles spread out, running and jumping on the water like a water spider. He rushed to the right, as if he wanted to break through the blockade of more than a dozen water monsters.

The most weird thing is its head, which is round and round, and has human-like facial features. It has a lot of eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Just looking at the head, it looks like an oversized giant baby.

While rushing left and right, it let out a perfunctory cry for help.

That's it, there's no need to run away.

After finding the source of the call for help, and then looking more carefully, you will be able to see more suspicious points.

After so many years of exploration, Yan Xia already has a relatively complete set of methods for judging the level of strength of non-human beings.

Fortunately, except for a few rare species, the biggest characteristic of non-human creatures is that they don't know how to hide. They will exude their own aura to the greatest extent. This aura contains a mixture of biological pheromones and spiritual power fluctuations. It is a way of communication, because momentum is basically equated with strength, and if it is not necessary, if the language barrier is not necessary, it is enough to fight with each other to avoid unnecessary battles.

There are two measures of momentum, one is "quality" and the other is "quantity".

The momentum of that giant baby octopus monster is very strange, its quality is high, higher than all the water monsters besieging it, but its quantity is very small, which is exactly the opposite of the other water monsters besieging it.

"What's going on here?" The captain frowned and pondered. He guessed that there must be something wrong with the body of the giant baby octopus, and there was something wrong, but he didn't think about the specific reason, so he didn't dare to intervene rashly.

Cui Luo looked at the giant baby octopus carefully for a while, and said, "Captain, look at the top of its head and the tip of its eight tentacles."

Not only the captain, but everyone else followed his instructions to look at the top of the giant baby octopus and the tips of its eight tentacles.

"Those places are hurt!" People quickly found the answer.

They all have obvious scorched black marks, and they all have a special texture, they don't look like they were scorched by flames, not to mention, this is the Tianchi Lake, and these water monsters obviously don't have the means to use fire.

"It was scorched by lightning." Cui Luo said.

"Lightning strike?" The captain looked up at the sky, the weather is fine today, or in other words, the weather over Zhegan Tianchi has always been fine, and there is no sign of thunder and rain before.

Cui Luo was not in a hurry to explain, but said: "Our spiritual plant department has done research on lightning strike wood, and used a special method to draw lightning out of the dark clouds and split it on special spiritual plants.

Because of this inspiration, the Beast Control Department also brought in some special spirit beasts to be struck by lightning, hoping to breed spirit beasts that could cast lightning spells.

It's just that the effect is too poor, there is almost no progress, and it is too unfriendly to the spirit beasts. Although it is impossible for the spirit beasts that enter the laboratory to end well, but such batches are sent to Thunderclap, there will always be There was some moral pressure, so the project was later called off.

Therefore, I have seen many changes in the physical signs of the corresponding parts of the spirit beast after being struck by lightning, so I am sure that the wounds on the head and tentacles of this giant baby octopus monster were all struck by lightning. "

Cui Luo first explained the reason for his judgment, the purpose is to explain to them that he is not just guessing, but has witnessed many similar cases, so please don't have any doubts on this point.

Everyone nodded, expressing their understanding of what he meant.

"Then just imagine, under what circumstances, its eight tentacles will be struck by lightning together with the top of its head. It can't be that the top of its head and each tentacle are struck by lightning separately, right?

I can tell you with certainty that even those bigwigs from Liuyi College who pioneered a new system of practice, they only dared to let their golden cores hit the sidelines of the thunder clouds, let alone being struck by lightning eight times, it would be the end result. If you hit hard, at least half your life will be lost. "

The top of the head and the tips of the eight tentacles were all struck by lightning, and it was impossible to be struck by lightning one by one, so under what circumstances would he suffer such injuries?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, some thoughts were surging in their hearts, and they felt that the answer was within reach, but they still couldn't linger outside the door and couldn't touch the essence.

Cui Luo suddenly covered his head with his hands, squatted down with his knees, and performed a standard defensive movement of covering his head and squatting, and shouted: "Don't hit me, don't hit me."

Everyone was amused by his action, and his action of squatting with his head in his arms also pierced the window paper in everyone's hearts, and the giant baby octopus suddenly hugged his head with its eight claws, and a thunderbolt struck fiercely. down scene.

Although it has six more hands than humans, and a full eight layers of defense, it is still touched by lightning.

Thinking about it this way, that giant monster is quite pitiful.

That weird injury explained it, but being struck by lightning should I explain it?

Cui Luo coughed lightly, and said: "It can't be touched down below, but if it goes to the sky, it can still be touched."

"What do you mean?" The captain frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple.

"You can also feel that its momentum is abnormal. Its quality and quantity are not balanced. I think it should be caused by the heavy damage after being struck by lightning. And its 'quality' is higher than other water monsters. I guess it is ours. To find a super water monster that can rival the fifth Golden Core Realm.

We have estimated before that when reaching the level of Jindan Realm, creatures have basically completely let go of the restrictions brought about by their original environment, and their ability to move has been greatly liberated. It is no longer difficult for aquatic creatures to go ashore or even go to the sky. The limit of strength will also be greatly reduced, the difference is only whether they want to or not.

I guess, it has only broken through this level not long ago, maybe it was a day or two or even today, and then it suddenly found that it could leave the water and fly into the sky. "

Speaking of this, Cui Luo looked at the others and asked, "Do you still remember how you felt when you were able to fly for the first time? Anyway, I couldn't wait to fly in the sky for a few hours at the first time. It can blow me away, I still can't control the urge to fly in the sky for a while."

The others nodded in unison, expressing that they all had similar mental journeys.

"I think this giant baby octopus was in the same mood as we were at that time." Cui Luo said.

"Then how could it be struck by lightning again?"

Cui Luo asked again: "When you fly into the sky, you deliberately avoid clouds and the like, is it because you don't want to?"

Everyone shook their heads, not because they didn't want to, but because they didn't dare!

Then, all of them looked surprised.

Cui Luo laughed and said: "So, the root cause of it being struck by lightning is still that it didn't study. If it doesn't understand this truth, it may have played too much in the sky and crashed into a certain cloud."

Then it's tragic.

A flash of lightning strikes, and it has nowhere to hide, it can do nothing but crouch down with its head covered.

Without any suspense, he was struck down from the sky by a thunderbolt.

Although the dog's life was saved because of the many tentacles, it also suffered serious internal injuries.

Everyone couldn't help imagining that it was having fun in the sky at that time, and the Tianchi below was probably full of envious and jealous eyes, but now that it was unlucky and fell from the sky, how could all the water monsters have a reason not to fall into trouble? .

What's more, the giant baby octopus, which is one step ahead of them, is also a great tonic for them, and being able to share its flesh and blood is very beneficial to their growth.

It was a good thing to be one step ahead of other water monsters, stand at the top of the food chain in Zheqian Tianchi, and become the king among water monsters.

In the end, he suffered a great loss of ignorance, was chased and beaten by a group of former younger brothers, and coveted its flesh and blood, becoming their ladder to the top.

What a terrible word.

Cry Ha ha!

Thinking of this, everyone actually empathized with the giant baby octopus rushing left and right on the water.




Its demonic cry for help came again.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the captain, as if saying: "Please give the order."

The captain slapped the table and said, "Save him!"

After some empathy, he even changed his address.

Soon, a virtual image of a fifth-order god appeared out of thin air next to the giant baby octopus.

The virtual image of the fifth-order god spirit can't do much to fight the giant baby octopus monster in its heyday, and these water monsters with the most strength at the peak of the purple mansion are not enough in his hands.

When He appeared, all the water monsters comparable to the Zifu Realm turned into dead fish. Their spiritual strength was already extremely weak, but just a shock of God's eyes scattered most of their spirits, and then He shot like lightning, The body shape teleports around the body of more than a dozen giant monsters.

When he stood still next to the giant baby octopus again, those water monsters suddenly dispersed like an explosion, and the surrounding waters were instantly dyed bright red.

The stealth black shark ship landed next to it and began to salvage those water monsters. These are all rare and good materials, and they all have the strength comparable to that of the Purple Mansion. The key is that they are still so huge, how can they be wasted.

The giant baby octopus that had been calling for help closed its mouth, looking helplessly at the rescuer who suddenly appeared.

Although its stature is huge, it always feels weak in front of this person.

Looking at this scene, the captain groped his chin and thought, the next main task is to train him well, trying to make him into Yan Xia's shape as much as possible.

Hey, as the overlord of 80 square kilometers of Zheqian Tianchi, he is actually illiterate, what a shame!

His body size can't be accommodated by the school, so he can only be tutored at home.


Jiang Buku stayed on the ship for another two days. The food for these two days was so good that he had a good time mixing it. He was not satisfied until he had tasted all the chefs' skills in the cooking class. leave.

The Black Shark will stay in Zhegan Tianchi for a period of time to train the giant baby octopus, and soon, a special tutoring team will come to take over until it is completely trained into the shape of Yan Xia.

After the tutoring group arrives, the Black Shark will return.

The model of the Black Shark ship has only just started, and new ships are constantly coming off the assembly line, and new recruits have been trained. In order to allow newcomers to quickly adapt to the new model, the Black Shark ship is an old model with a new one.

Therefore, after they return to the voyage, they will carry out a certain reorganization, assign some old people to become the backbone of the new ship, and then absorb and supplement some newcomers, and then continue to receive tasks.

The ultimate goal is that each deputy has a permanent fleet, and conducts regular inspections and investigations of all wild places in the hot summer territory.

Even without considering the growth of the planet, there is still a long way to go to achieve this goal. Even if the Black Shark ship can keep up, it is not so easy to gather qualified crew members.

At this point, Jiang Buku until it's time to part ways.

They will return to the voyage after the Tianchi is dry, but their tour is not over yet.

The demon organization in the Cangyi Mountains gave him a glimpse of the extent of the hidden dangers of demons in the entire Yanxia territory.

Because the golden brown monkey king and the entire group of golden brown monkeys have changed, and the appearance of the water monster in the golden core of the Tianchi Lake reminds him that a bigger and more magnificent era has slowly kicked off.

What pleased him was that Yan Xia's elites were growing and thinking while carrying out their missions. Many of their ideas also inspired him a lot, making him feel that the gains were not less than what he had learned from traveling.

According to his plan before departure, what he has seen and gained since joining the ship is enough, and the actual gains even somewhat exceeded his expectations.

But in the Cangyi Mountains, he heard the conversation between the leader of the demons and the core executives, and something he glimpsed from it made him want to see it with his own eyes.

Jiang Buku discerned the direction and flew all the way south.

At full speed, he was faster than the Black Shark. Soon, he flew out of the Zhegan Tianchi area and entered the Zhegan Plateau. Occasionally, he could see human settlements. The further south he went, the sparser the human settlements. There are no settlements to be seen, and on the gently undulating land, there are only various figures of spirit beasts moving.

The dry ocher plateau was originally the frontier of Yanxia, ​​the border area between the Yanxia camp and the Vatican camp, which is why it looks so remote.

Although Jiang Buku has not been to other civilization camps for many years, he is still in Liuyi College and reads newspapers every day, and he basically knows the changes in other camps over the years.

Therefore, before leaving the territory of the hot summer and entering the Vatican camp, Jiang Buku took a full breath of spiritual energy, and then completely sealed his body, making it truly flawless.

"As long as you don't make a move, it's enough to support me for a month."

Jiang Bupai thought so in his heart, although with his ability, the efficiency of absorbing and refining the spiritual energy in the alien camp is higher than that of other Yanxia practitioners, but since reading those analysis articles, he has already felt psychologically uncomfortable with these spiritual energy , Even so, there is no need to force yourself, just stop smoking.

Other cultivators stepping out of Yanxia's territory and entering other civilization camps may face the problem of weakening means, because most of Yanxia's current practitioners rely on spiritual energy. The strength that can be exerted may only be 120% or even lower.

But Jiang Buku has no worries in this regard, because his means are rooted in the inspiration of heaven and earth, as long as he is within this planet, as long as the area covered by the inspiration of heaven and earth, his means will not be weakened.

Before entering the Vatican camp, he also carefully checked his demarcation method, made some detailed adjustments from time to time, and continued to choose and adjust in terms of the least consumption, the strongest concealment, and the best comfort, until all aspects were reached. Satisfied, he gave up and began to go deep into the hinterland of the Vatican camp.

After flying for nearly [-] kilometers, I corrected my direction according to several obvious landmarks, and finally, a big city came into view.


Agbanga city.

Its status in the Vatican camp is similar to that of Yanxia Vice, and because it is adjacent to Yanxia, ​​and for various reasons that may or may not be revealed, its activity level is no less than that of the main city of the Vatican camp.

If we only talk about the activity of the commercial economy, it is unique in the Vatican camp.

In addition to the extremely active business economy, it also has several labels: chaos and freedom.

The so-called chaos means that good and bad people are mixed here, and people with identities, no identities, or even false identities are filled.

Secret agents, killers, intelligence traders, mercenaries, bounty hunters, powerful loners, wanted powerful criminals, sworn enemies of big chaebols and big families... Maybe they're not even human!

And many people even have multiple identities, without any sense of morality, and without any bottom line.

The so-called freedom means to live freely and die more freely.

Either you are an ordinary person who goes to work in the city, thanks to the work of sweeping the streets and washing dishes, these screws are indispensable for the operation of a big city, and even those vicious people seldom attack them, because even if their flesh and soul Squeeze it all together, you can't squeeze out a drop of oil, it consumes a lot and doesn't make any profit, whoever does it is whoever is stupid, so ordinary people are still very safe.

Either you have a strong background and a big backer, or you are strong in person, and the ghosts and snakes in the dark are unwilling to touch you at will.

Apart from these two, whether other people live or die is a purely random event.

If you go in alive, there will be no bones left the next day, and no one will even know why. Of course, it is also possible to work safely for a few years and leave happily with a rich fortune. It is also possible.

The horror of Agbanga City is not even qualified to be heard of when it reaches a sufficient level. In the eyes of ignorant people, it is an active and prosperous super city.

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