Having said that, he looked at everyone with a serious face and said:

"Giving them knowledge is only a secondary purpose. It doesn't matter if you learn more or less. The main purpose of doing so is to shape their thinking mode.

Even if the civilization information recorded in language and characters is excluded, the language and characters themselves imply a unique mode of thinking of civilization.

The most typical example is our Yanxia square pictograph and Daxizhou alphabet, which directly construct two modes of thinking from the source, and the words and sentences composed of words, grammar, will make these two modes of thinking even more different.

The result of this is that human beings who grew up in different thinking modes may be able to reach a consensus on some superficial and practical issues, and some consensus can be traced back to some more abstract and conceptual issues. After thinking about it, you will find that the cognitive differences between each other are too great to be reconciled.

Sometimes certain choices made by the other party can no longer be explained in terms of pros and cons, selfishness, selfishness, and selfishness at the expense of others, it is simply incomprehensible!

This is why there is the saying that "people who are not of my race must have different minds", because everyone's thinking patterns are not on the same channel, the same thing, the same phenomenon, and what everyone understands is likely to be different. and stuff. "

Others showed deep thought on their faces, and some even nodded slightly to express their attitude.

Cui Luo continued:

"The current golden brown monkey group is still in the primitive ignorance period. Even though the monkey king is smart, he is far from forming a solidified thinking mode. At this time, it is the best stage for us to intervene.

We use Yanxia characters as their records, and Yanxia’s words and sentences as their medium of communication. No matter whether they learn well or not, when this habit is formed, then their way of thinking about problems and their way of understanding the world will be improved. Their thinking will gradually become hotter.

At that time, even if they have different appearances and completely different ethnic groups from us, it will be very easy for us to get along with them. Although they are not Yanxia people, they are part of the Yanxia civilization circle.

Compared with them, the human races of other civilization camps are more like alien races. "

After he finished speaking, he didn't continue to speak. The venue was quiet for a while, and everyone was deep in thought.

After a while, one person suddenly clapped the case with one hand and said:

"Although the good one is not from Yanxia, ​​he is a member of Yanxia civilization circle.

If we treat them with this attitude, unless they are awakened to mental retardation rather than wisdom, then they should know how to choose.

Well, maybe we can promote it to the outside world now, as long as we can speak Yanxia dialect and use Yanxia language, we can issue them a qualification certificate, allowing them to move freely in the Yanxia practice world, and not treat them as aliens.

I think it is very attractive to those who have awakened their wisdom but want to hide in the deep mountains and swamps and dare not show their heads.

And for those with excellent talents, who have completely transformed their thoughts and actions, we can even provide them with the opportunity to enter a practice academy for further study.

When they are successful in their studies, they can also be arranged to work in relevant institutions. Hey, if we can have more fresh faces on the Black Shark, I think it would be great. "

"Although they have awakened wisdom, it is only wisdom. The desire for knowledge is the instinct of intelligent beings. Now they are all illiterate. If we offer them such an opportunity, I don't think they will refuse!

Tsk, if there are white-eyed wolves in such a selfless and fraternal Yanxia who dare to disagree, I don't think we need to do anything, they will be torn to pieces by those who know how to be grateful, tsk tsk. "

Speaking of this, he seems to have seen the selfless and fraternal love, everyone loves and supports it, and if he doesn't support it, he is a white-eyed wolf, and his face is full of fascination.

This is obviously an intracranial high, self-excited to the top.


The next day, the relevant people had a hand gesture with the golden brown monkey king, and they successfully brought him and other superior monkeys onto the black shark ship, which quickly lifted into the air.

At first, the Monkey King thought he was going to be taken away by the gods, but he made a fuss.

Fortunately, this time, it finally succeeded.

The monkey king held the female monkey's hand and looked down at the land that was getting smaller and smaller until there was only a little bit of land. Suddenly, a hint of "the battle for snail horns, small profits" flashed in his eyes.

The Black Shark flew out of the Grand Canyon, and the golden brown monkeys were dumbfounded by the endless ocher plateau.

They are like a group of frogs who have lived at the bottom of the well all their lives, suddenly seeing beyond the bottom of the well, and realizing that there is a vast and boundless world beyond the small well.

The impact on them was no less than that of the gods appearing on the White River under the call of the king.

Because it had communicated with relevant departments in advance, the Black Shark did not stop and flew directly to the destination.

In the county town closest to their current location, the Black Shark ship quietly parked at the entrance of a kindergarten.

The captain took the Monkey King and a group of other monkeys off the Black Shark ship and walked towards the kindergarten.

From seeing the kindergarten, all the monkeys, including the Monkey King, have been attracted by it.

Because the kindergarten is synonymous with childishness in terms of appearance design, simple and bright color use, and the paintings on the walls full of childishness, imitating various animals, and very cartoon and cute wood carvings. , but for the monkeys who have not yet established a complete aesthetic, these are simply the most perfect masterpieces of art.

With just one glance, they even understand one thing, art.

Although they don't know the word, it doesn't prevent them from thinking subconsciously, and they can't even help thinking that they can play with mud or leave some graffiti on the cliffs in their spare time. It's funny to be in a daze.

At the entrance of the kindergarten, a little girl in her early twenties was waiting there very nervously as the principal.

Even if she imagined it, she never thought that there would be such a weird thing.

Late last night, the town leader and several county leaders suddenly knocked on the door of her house. When she opened the door and saw the battle outside, she was really shocked. If she hadn't seen She couldn't help wondering if she had committed some heinous crime unknowingly.

Then, the town leaders and the county leaders went into battle and explained to her for a while, but the more she listened, the more confused she became, and finally she gave up thinking altogether, and said in despair:

"I... I don't understand anything, I don't know anything, if it is not done well, if it is messed up, won't it cause diplomatic disputes?

I... I can't take this responsibility, or, if I don't go to work tomorrow, why don't you send someone there?Moreover, how could you not show up for such a big matter? "

Only then did the leaders realize that talking too much to the little girl put her under greater pressure.

"Hey, just throw away everything we told you, and just act like someone took a group of naughty monkeys for a walk around the school, don't think about any diplomatic disputes, there's no such thing.

The reason why we didn't show up was because the other party specially said hello, don't show any political color, and the officials try not to show up, so that they can see the most authentic appearance of our kindergarten.

Don't make it too complicated, because at their level, doing too many tricks is just flirting to the blind, which is meaningless. "

"So, your business is actually very simple, just to show them around, that's all."

"That's it?" The headmaster was a little suspicious.

"Yes, that's it."

"Okay... okay, I'll try."

The little headmaster remembered what happened last night, and saw a few humans walking towards him with a group of monkeys, and was so nervous that his palms were dripping sweat on the ground.

However, seeing the clean and pure eyes of those monkeys like children, they looked around, trying to walk carefully and properly, but when they walked, they became bow-legged, staggering and turning, and their attention was often caught by a painting, a simple composition composed of several colors. It seems to be no different from those monkey-like children in the academy, the biggest difference is the difference in appearance.

Seeing this, she immediately relieved her nervousness. She had thought about how to say the first sentence in the early morning, and she suspected that she would stutter when she said the first sentence, but now she spoke very smoothly and naturally. out.

"The children in class one are playing games accompanied by the teacher, the children in class two are learning to sing in the classroom, the children in class three are drawing pictures and learning characters, and the children in class four are playing fun little math. I will take you to see them in order of class."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Whether it is the monkey king or other high-ranking monkeys, they are very satisfied with the itinerary arranged by the subordinates of the gods.

They played a variety of fun games with the descendants of the gods, and only after a few actual experiences, the smart monkey king keenly realized that these games are not only fun, but also very educational, and at the same time help to strengthen the collective spirit. Concept, enhance everyone's ability to cooperate, many things, as long as a little change, can be used in tactical killing.

When the Monkey King realized this, he seriously called the other high-class monkeys aside, told them what he had discovered, and asked them to think more and learn more when playing with the blood of the gods. They must learn these things Bring back the clan.

Then, he huddled in a small classroom with the blood descendants of the gods, studying while playing games, and looking at the content on the blackboard, the clever monkey king showed a dazed look from time to time.

From the awakening of wisdom to the present, he has accumulated too much confusion in his heart, and has too much unknown about the world. A blackboard and a piece of chalk can easily solve the doubts that have plagued him for a long time. He is full of shock, and his attitude towards learning has become more pious .

Those who are not serious in class, look around, desert with the blood of the gods, and make fun of each other, he will slap them severely.

I don't know what to cherish!

Although he didn't say such a word, the emotion in his heart was this.

At the end of all the visit experience, the monkeys also shared delicious snacks with the children. When they left, both parties showed reluctance, and some children even cried out, wanting to be with the monkeys. We go to school together.

When the Black Shark ship returned with the monkeys, there was already a giant kun ship following behind.

A team of professionals boarded the Black Shark, took a thick kindergarten design booklet, spread it out in front of the monkeys, and told them, I want to build a kindergarten for you, and you can choose what style you like.

When they left the kindergarten, the monkeys showed extreme reluctance. When they understood the meaning of the subordinates of the gods, they all became excited and crowded around the kindergarten design album. Zhang Wang was struggling with which one to choose, arguing and fighting with each other, and no one jumped out to say that we don't need it.

In the end, the monkey king overwhelmed all and handed over the final choice to the awakened wise female monkey, which is an unparalleled trust and honor.

The Black Shark returned to the Golden Brown Monkey Clan with the Jukun Ship, handed over the construction of kindergartens and the accelerated development of the Golden Brown Monkeys to professionals, and then set sail again without stopping, and flew towards the Zheqian Tianchi .

In the cognition of the golden brown monkey king and other monkey groups, all those who come on the boat of the gods are the subordinates of the gods, as long as the subordinates of the gods do not abandon their own group, how they transfer and operate internally has nothing to do with them , nor should they care.

Therefore, their reaction to the departure of the Black Shark was not strong, and now there is a group war over the selection of a kindergarten site.


Boundless as far as the eye could see, blue and clear, ripples suddenly appeared somewhere on the surface of the mirror-like lake.

Then, a giant ship shaped like a slender shark jumped out from the bottom of the water, splashing huge waves.

After coming out of the bottom of the water, the Black Shark remained at a height of about [-] meters from the water surface, and continued to run along the established trajectory.

This is the third day that the Black Shark came to Zheqian Tianchi.

The scenery different from other places also made everyone fascinated for a while, but after only one day, everyone's mentality has returned to normal.

From the moment it arrived at Zhegan Tianchi, the Black Shark started the same job as it did in Cangyi Mountains, that is, it scanned the entire Zhegan Tianchi like a plow.

However, scanning Zheqian Tianchi is much more difficult than in Cangyi Mountains.

Just as the underground water system cannot be scanned in the Cangyi Mountains, if in the air, the Black Shark can scan up to a distance of 4000 meters underwater. Moreover, the further you go down, the more blurred the data you get, and it lacks credibility.

The water depth of 4000 meters can only be regarded as a shallow water area in Zheqian Tianchi, and the water depth in more areas is often 8000 meters, or even more than [-] meters, which increases the difficulty of the scanning work of the Black Shark.

The shallow water area is carried out in the air, and the deep water area can only be carried out by diving into the bottom layer.

Because there may be dangers under the water, and the speed of the Black Shark under the water is slightly lower than that in the air, so unless it is necessary, it will choose to detect and scan in the sky.

However, although everyone completed the work seriously, they were not too optimistic about the detection results.

It is two different things to discover and scan the Cangyi Mountains after specific implementation. It is not just the difference in size. Not to mention plants, they have no possibility of moving after taking root. Animals also have the habit of dividing land and occupying mountains as kings. Everyone There is a piece of territory that belongs to oneself, and trespassing on the territory of other spirit beasts will inevitably lead to war.

Therefore, the data obtained by scanning the Cangyi Mountains are relatively accurate and highly reliable.

But Zheqian Tianchi is different. The entire Tianchi, an area of ​​80 square kilometers, is the home of water monsters. Not only are they always on the move, but the law of action is completely unpredictable—at least for the current Black Shark ship, it is impossible. Predict the trajectory of the water monster.

Therefore, the scan of the Black Shark ship may be repeated or missed. Moreover, because the water monster is always moving, the scan results can only be used as a reference for the number of water monsters, and the value of its activity location will not be too great.

Even so, there is still work to be done, so let's put it aside and solve the problem first.

At this time, the Black Shark was flying in the air. Suddenly, all 2 people on board were shocked.

They all heard strange cries for help.

"Did you hear that?"

"You heard that too?"

"Have you heard?"

Everyone quickly determined that this was not a hallucination of their own, but that everyone on the ship heard it.





It was such a simple call for help, but it rang frequently in everyone's mind.

What's even more strange is that the rhythm of this call for help is very strange. It is obviously an urgent and critical matter, but there is no similar emotion in that voice. It's a trivial matter that doesn't matter much in itself.

Very perfunctory, very coping.

The inconsistency of content and emotions made people stunned and funny. Some people even thought in their hearts that the only ones who could yell this, except for human cubs who had just learned to speak, probably, maybe, maybe——There is another situation!

Everyone looked at the endless blue water outside the porthole, and the possibility of human cubs appearing was lower than that of a golden core level water monster.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, silently exchanging their guesses in each other's hearts.

In the captain's room, the captain ordered directly.

"Drive over."

The black shark ship flying along the established trajectory turned abruptly and flew towards the direction of the sound.

Someone reminded: "It may not be a call for help, but a special bait, like the tail sound of a rattlesnake, the fishing rod on the head of an anglerfish, there may be a trap waiting for us ahead."

The captain nodded, telling the action team to be vigilant, and the other crew members also took their places, not to be affected by the weird call for help.

"Even if it's a trap, I'll step in and have a look." The captain thought in his heart.

The Black Shark flew in the direction of the call for help, but it flew for dozens of kilometers without seeing any trace.

Moreover, the source of the call for help seems to be moving, and the Black Shark will adjust its flight direction from time to time accordingly.

Counting from the initial change of direction, the Black Shark drew an arc trajectory in the air, and only then saw the source of the incident after flying more than 100 kilometers.

What is happening ahead is simply very lively.

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