The middle-aged man stood there and did not leave for a long time.


In Wu Qin Xi, Jiang Buku chose Xiong Xing, and Chuan Wu chose Bajiquan.

Hearing Jiang Buku's choice, Yan Hong looked at him with a strange expression, and looked him up and down for a long time.

Jiang Buku is only 1.7 meters tall. Although he is not weak, he is definitely not strong. He has ordinary appearance, ordinary temperament, and nothing special.

Although the choice is a personal matter, seeing that the students have obviously gone astray, he still couldn't help but point out: "Both Xiongxing and Bajiquan require extremely high physical fitness of the practitioners, who are physically strong and have strong muscles and bones. With your innate advantages, you instructor Zhou is very suitable for practicing these two methods. The most suitable for you is the ape shape, which can move and change, light and agile. If you want to pass on martial arts, you can practice Wing Chun or other southern styles of boxing and feet, which are detailed, dense and full of changes. "

"Thank you, Principal Yan. I still prefer Xiong Xing and Ba Ji." Jiang Buku didn't waver, he still prefers a fierce, straightforward style.

Yan Hong squinted at him, nodded and twisted his beard and said, "Well, since that's the case, how far you can cultivate depends on your personal fortune."

Since then, every morning, Jiang Buku focused on Xiong Xing and Bajiquan in the morning. After spending two days memorizing all the practice routines, he abandoned all other Bajiquan routines and only specialized in one word .Relying on piles, trees and walls, relying on what is there, monotonous and repetitive, far less pleasing to the eye than other students' complete routines.

Yan Hong gave some pointers and didn't ask any more questions. He was responsible for the teaching of ninety people by himself, and his energy was limited. Some students had their own persistence, so he could only let them do what they wanted.

And everyone listens to Zhou Tashan's class every afternoon. He doesn't ask everyone to choose one course. Of course, if you are interested, you can also ask him for advice. However, no one does this. Let's talk about the Wu Qin Xi and the elective Chuan Wu.

And every night, they have to go to the ancient building next to them to collect data.

Life is simple and fulfilling, and everyone even somewhat forgets the background of the changing sky.

Only when I occasionally take out my mobile phone to check the news after taking a break, and see the construction of more than 2000 domestic settlements in full swing, and the various dire straits abroad, will I suddenly realize what is going on.

On June 6, the morning exercise ended.

Yan Hong led more than a dozen people to appear in front of Jiang Buku and the others. There were men and women, two of whom looked to be over 50 years old, and most of them were around 30 or [-] years old. The three youngest were also all More than [-] years old, two strong men, one woman with agility.

Yan Hong introduced: "They are all masters of martial arts recruited from all over the country. Each of them is proficient in many martial arts, and has integrated them to form their own style. They will guide you in the specific practice matters in the future.

Starting tomorrow, 210 new students will come here. You are all brothers, and you should live in harmony with the newcomers. "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Jiang Buku saw 210 "junior brothers and younger sisters" spontaneously forming an orderly formation with firm faces. Just standing there, there was a thick smoke of iron and blood pervading the audience.

Jiang Bu took pains to think, maybe these are the legendary warrior kings, but they can enter the sea in the sky, fight fierce tigers in the jungle, fight poisonous snakes in wet swamps, and survive on isolated islands and deserts.

Even Captain Han and the soldiers who first joined the campus security team paled in comparison to them.

Principal Yan reminded you rightly, as a senior, you really should get along with these "junior brothers and sisters" in harmony. Even though you came ten days earlier, if there is really a conflict, you don't even have to resort to a second move if you kill yourself.

In his mind, he has already started to interpret the scene in various film and television works that the super soldier king can kill with a pen, a piece of paper, or a toothpick.

Although he came back from rebirth, for the newborn Blue Star Will, reversing time and space and sending a person's consciousness back hundreds of years ago is an absolutely difficult operation. Jiang Buku only had limited memories of important events and general trends, and he didn't have any previous experience in practice, so he was just a newcomer.

As for their joining, Jiang Buku also welcomed them 12. The joining of so many outstanding elites also gave him a broader room for growth.


When Yan Hong and Zhou Tashan led the instructor team to give lectures to [-] students, an old man in his sixties in the distance said to Ou Ziyuan next to him: "Old Ou, this is a one-in-a-million choice." Miaozi, I'll hand it over to you, don't teach us to use him up."

Ou Ziyuan laughed and said, "Don't worry about sending people here from the beginning. We used the security team to make a sample. In ten days, I think you are more aware of the changes in various physical test data, otherwise it would be impossible. Take the initiative to hurry up and send people back.”

Having said that, he squinted at the old man and said:

"I know that you are also groping yourselves. You have millions of elites in your hands. The conditions are better than ours. What is the result? Your method is too aggressive. Cultivating combat elites is your strong point, even if you are a blind cat I have successfully encountered a dead mouse once, but I don’t know why. If we want to find out a mature system that is effective and can be popularized, we have to leave it to us.

Although the researchers under me have all transferred from other directions, their thinking methods and research methods are never out of date.

So, don't hesitate any longer, send us all the good seedlings, anyway, you will benefit from them after they become useful. "

Speaking of this, he sighed: "Now that we can collect more data and information on good seedlings, life will be easier in the future. The hard days will officially begin when the Laoshizi electronic disaster spreads."

The old man looked serious, nodded and said: "I know, but our forces are now scattered in more than 2000 gathering places across the country, and it will take time to select and airlift them over."

Ou Ziyuan said: "The research team has come up with a small achievement. It only needs to test a drop of blood from the test subjects to roughly determine their growth potential. This can simplify the screening process and speed up the entire screening process."

Hearing this, the old man beamed with joy and said hello again and again.


"The things have been received, thank you Old Jiang." Yan Hao sent a thank you from a coastal settlement in the southeast district.

"Old Yu, I'm curious what materials you use to build houses there?"

Huang Rong, who lives in the central region, is very curious about this. Now the whole country is building a new home.The central region has a suitable climate and abundant resources, and it is very convenient for both quarrying and tree felling. Thanks to the national policy of returning farmland to forests that has been implemented for decades, there are many large trees that can be felled to be directly used as building materials. The cooperation of machinery and raw materials are very easy to solve.

As for the destruction of water and soil caused by a large number of felling, it is purely unfounded to worry about it now. Even the concrete walls of the city have begun to grow grass. One can imagine how preferential the world is to plants, whether they will flood and disturb the normal life of human beings. That's what you should really worry about.

Therefore, it is beneficial and harmless to put a large amount of logging in the present.

Yu Peng's family is in the grassland, and there are no good building stones and a lot of forest resources around the settlement, so Huang Rong asked this question.

"Hey, you are ignorant. We have found many kinds of vines growing on the ground around our settlement. Wherever they pass, they can directly rob other plants of nutrients. The fastest growth speed of bamboo is two to three meters a day and night. But there is a kind of mutated vine that can grow up to four or five meters in a day and night, and its texture is comparable to that of ordinary trees. There are also several mutated ground-covering vines that grow at a slower rate, but they are either hard in texture, or flexible and easy to shape.

We are now using these vines to deal with those crazy weeds, which can be regarded as fighting fire with fire, and by the way, we can also harvest a huge amount of building materials. "

Everyone chatted in the group for a while about each other's recent situation, and it was basically related to the big construction.

At the end, Yan Hao asked Jiang Buku: "What about you, Jiang, what have you been up to lately?"

"Indulging in cultivation, unable to extricate myself."

"?" Yan Hao.

"??" Yu Peng.

"???" Huang Rong.

Because everyone's life is undergoing great changes, the last time the four chatted was at the end of May, when Jiang Buku was still working as a small security guard, and no one knew what happened after June.

Jiang Buku told them about the re-emergence of the old principal Ou, the establishment of Liuyi College, its purpose of the school, and the current trend.

The school did not require everyone to keep this secret. Moreover, the construction of Liuyi College on the original site of Imperial University, not to mention domestic interested people, with Imperial University's global reputation, interested people from all over the world must know about it.

"Fuck, what's going on!"

"Aren't we playing the same version?"

"We are still working hard to build houses and walls, and you have started to practice and take off?"

The news that Jiang Buku revealed had a huge impact on the three of them.

"I also feel that my appetite has greatly increased during this period, and my physical strength has improved a lot. I thought it was because of participating in labor."

"I also have this feeling. It seems that I also have the root of wisdom."

"Me too, me too."

Ginger is not bitter, so it is not good to pour cold water on them. Influenced by the inspiration of heaven and earth, young people who are already in a sub-healthy state can easily feel the improvement of their physique, but it does not mean that everyone can reach the line of super evolution.

Instead, he encouraged: "With the purpose of Liuyi College, the experience they have explored will soon be promoted to all settlements. By then, each settlement should start a large-scale screening. Your age is the biggest advantage. From now on you can start preparing...

There are more than a dozen new martial arts masters here, and several of them are very active on the Internet. You can find many videos of them performing and explaining martial arts on the Internet. When the chamber pot.

I will tell you their names, and you can search the Internet to find a practice you like. "

After all, he typed up the screen names of several Chuanwu masters who posted videos on the Internet.

Soon, Yan Hao replied: "Fuck, the video views of these teachers have exploded, and it has exceeded 1000 million. It seems that we are not the only ones who have inside information. Let's stop chatting, don't hurry up I can't even drink it."

Before leaving, Yu Peng scolded: "These guys are so dirty. With such a high number of hits, there is no serious comment. I'm afraid that more people will know about it!"

"I'm leaving too, thank you Old Jiang." Huang Rong left a word and slipped away.

Jiang Buku continued to indulge in cultivation and couldn't extricate himself.

He could clearly feel the improvement of his physical strength, and every time he finished the bear shape, he felt that he had really transformed into a wild bear in the mountains, and he also realized a trace of the spirit of the iron mountain.

It is precisely because of the joining of 210 soldiers king-level juniors and juniors that he feels like a fish in water.

The so-called people who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

Being with good people makes people better, and vice versa.

For ordinary people, this change is slow and the effect is weak, and it will not really turn a mediocre into a genius.

And Jiang Buku is not an ordinary person.

He can clearly see whether a person's talent is good or bad. Everyone has a layer of light, which he calls the aura of life. The aura of life with good talent is strong and bright, while the aura of life with poor talent appears dim.

Ordinary people are influenced by the people around them, and the essence is the mutual influence of the aura of life. If the aura of life is dim and stays in an environment where the aura of life is strong for a long time, it will become brighter and brighter. This is "lighting up with a little light from others themselves", and vice versa.

For them, this kind of "borrowing light" behavior is passive, but he can take the initiative to borrow it by force, which is not harmful to others but beneficial to himself. He "borrows" without any psychological burden.

Every time you meet a better person, it will become a help to make yourself better.

The 210 brothers and sisters at the level of soldiers and kings all have brighter life auras than the security team, and they are also brighter than Jiang Buku.

Like a mouse falling into a rice vat, Jiang Buku borrowed light to fly away. It wasn't until he couldn't borrow more that he realized that he had reached the limit of his ability.

The hundred brothers and sisters with the brightest aura of life have become his creditors in a sense.

Looking at the aura of life on my body from the mirror, judging from the brightness, it is just at the average level of the top [-], worse than the brightest, and brighter than the top [-].

"That's pretty good." Jiang Buku was already very satisfied with this.

He could clearly feel that his talent was improving rapidly, and because he had selected Xiong Xing and Tieshan Kao, who specialized in Bajiquan, in advance, his newly added talents were all focused on these two places.

Even those younger brothers and sisters who are more talented than him are strong in integrity, but when it comes to the cultivation of a certain skill, they may not be better than him.

Therefore, even though he chose the two exercises that were most unsuitable for him in Yan Hong's opinion, it still did not affect his rapid progress.

Every time you practice, you will gain something new, and you will grow every day.

Such a state, so wonderful, he was naturally addicted to it, unable to extricate himself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

6 month 30 day.

Yan Hong has now delegated the specific teaching affairs to more than a dozen Chuanwu masters. If it is not necessary, he basically does not participate in the discussion, but just silently observes, wandering around outside the small circle at will.

The three hundred students have been gradually divided into more than a dozen small circles because they choose different methods. Of course, the combination of this circle is very random and can change at any time. It is personal freedom to join or leave, which is more like a hobby discussion group.

He was deeply impressed by Jiang Buku, a student who "does not listen to good words". He basically sentenced him to "death punishment", but the result exceeded his expectations, which also made him vigilant.

"It seems that I am still stubborn. I have repeatedly reminded myself that thinking cannot be bound by inherent concepts. I still made such an obvious mistake."

After looking around, he clapped his hands to signal everyone to stop.

More than a dozen Chuanwu masters stood in the front row, and 300 students consciously stood in a neat array.

"In a blink of an eye, our school has been in operation for a month, and we have gradually worked out a set of mature experiences. There are a few things to announce to everyone.

We will share these mature experiences with all settlements across the country, so that they can build corresponding colleges and promote this system to a wider range of people in the country, which naturally includes the imperial capital.

These colleges will form the underlying foundation of this new system, and our Liuyi College will accept the outstanding students trained by these colleges to facilitate more in-depth academic research, and to explore and open up a higher-level evolutionary path.

This afternoon, the laboratory will conduct a more comprehensive physical examination for you, and give you a comprehensive evaluation based on your growth and current physical condition during this period.If the evaluation is lower than a certain line, you will leave Liuyi College.

At that time, you will have two choices, either to participate in the work, or to go to the newly built elementary school to continue to practice. This is an additional preferential treatment for you. Even if the elementary school is built, you will still face the situation of too many monks and too few food. If you want to enter the school to practice, It needs to go through layers of screening, and it is definitely more difficult than passing the college entrance examination to enter a prestigious school. "

After all, he paused for a while, waiting for everyone to digest the information he said.

"Because there will be more new students entering the school soon, considering the difference in the progress of new and old students, the old students who stay at the school will be unified into the advanced class, and all the new students will be classified into the elementary class. There will be a large number of students every month in the future. The advanced students selected from various armed forces across the country are tentatively scheduled to stay in the elementary class for a month, and those who meet the standard will enter the advanced class to continue their practice, and those who fail to meet the standard will leave the school.

As batches of new students enter, there will be more and more students in the advanced class. In addition to expanding the number of classes and continuing to subdivide the classes, they will also start to be eliminated at the end.

Regarding the whereabouts of these eliminated students, our current intention is to distribute them to newly-established colleges and universities across the country, starting from teaching assistants. As for the longer-term arrangements, it depends on individual efforts and luck.Being able to enter the advanced class shows that you have the potential to practice, but you can't keep up with the growth of Liuyi College, but as long as you persist, you can still make a difference. "

Having said that, he finally looked at the dozen or so martial arts masters in the front row.

"After a month of practice, practicing martial arts can indeed increase the speed of personal growth and evolution faster. Therefore, the government has also spent more effort to find real martial arts talents from the people. Although martial arts has gradually declined in the past hundred years, it has gradually become It is synonymous with liars, but there are 23 billion Chinese people, even if there is one out of 10 people, the absolute number is quite a lot.

Especially in remote mountainous areas that have not been eroded by modern civilization, some secret methods of martial arts, health preservation techniques, and even more bizarre methods are inherited by families or even settlements, and now more than 2000 settlements across the country have to build new courtyards Although we have provided early experience from scratch, there is still a large gap for instructors.

Therefore, along with the new students, there are also a large number of martial arts practitioners, some of whom are definitely no worse than us, and the others are also capable. What we have to do is to combine the experience we have already explored with They share, allowing them to shift roles and thinking.

Most of them will go to the new colleges in various settlements to serve as instructors after short-term training, and a small part will stay to expand the teaching staff of our schools.

I have limited energy alone, and even when I miss something, you all have to be careful, and then we will decide who to keep together.

What I want to emphasize is the selection criteria. Their current cultivation level is secondary. The most important thing is their ability to accept new ideas and concepts. of. "

Speaking of this, he looked at all the instructors and students present, and sighed: "We are lucky to have the first wave of bonuses. From an official attitude, expectations for Liuyi College are very high. How terrifying is its growth rate?

Including me, if you can't keep up with the development of the school, you will inevitably end up being thrown off the bus, let alone you students and instructors, as long as you can't keep up with the speed, you will be eliminated.

If you want to enjoy this bonus for a longer period of time, and stand at the forefront of this unprecedented big change, you can only work hard, work hard, and don't let up a little bit! "

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