Some people are brighter, others are darker.

Other changes have not yet come out, and people's appetite has increased to varying degrees.

The items in several supermarkets on campus have long been sold out. Fortunately, the food supply in the cafeteria is sufficient, so that everyone can be full every meal, and there are also meat and vegetables.

Jiang Buku feels very strange, obviously the world is undergoing great changes, but his life is very stable, he just occasionally checks the outside world through his mobile phone.

The most obvious feeling is that the campus is becoming empty day by day.

Every day, students leave and return to their hometowns under the official organization.

With the full development of the action and the rapid implementation of one pile after another, the new hot summer situation is gradually presented in front of the people of the country.

Overpopulated places are evacuated outward, while underpopulated places are concentrated in the opposite direction.

In addition, factors such as hilly plains, grain-producing areas, land fertility, and the availability of various materials in the surrounding areas must be taken into account. The population concentration in the eastern and coastal areas, including other areas with poor self-sufficiency, will also be adjusted overall. Evacuate other areas.

This has terrifying requirements for transportation capacity, macro-level overall planning, and the cooperation and efficiency of the Chinese people.

From the perspective of foreign people, this is simply impossible. They have not even sorted out a clear plan. From the top government to every citizen, they are arguing, protesting, and meaninglessly wrangling every day There is simply no end to it.

Against such a global background, Yan Xia's actions seemed so obtrusive.

She works silently, based on the transportation network covering the whole country that has been built by the infrastructure madman for decades, coupled with the unique and unparalleled ability to mobilize and dispatch major powers, the impossible in the eyes of outsiders has gradually become more complex. clear.

In order to let the people of the country know the progress of the situation and understand the significance of each participant, the government specially launched a smart electronic map.The impact of each personnel change will be reflected in real time.

As the mobilization continued to deepen day by day, a clear new picture gradually took shape.

The population of those super-large cities dropped from more than 500 million to [-] million, and some areas were too close to the sea. Considering the vagaries of the sea, they moved back as a whole.

In the whole country, more than 2000 star points are lit up, and each star point is a human settlement, ranging from 80 million people to as many as 200 million people.

A new life, a new career, and a new home are suddenly presented in front of everyone.

On the last day of May, Fan Qin walked towards Jiang Buku who had finished training with a smile.

"The last batch of population migration in this city has been completed, you don't have to go."

At this moment, the dormitory building has become extremely empty. Inspired by Jiang Buku, three more students joined the security team and did not leave, while the others all left.

Even those who live in the imperial capital have already left school and lived with their families.

Under the turbulent situation, only being with family members can comfort people's hearts the most.

The two looked at the dozens of empty dormitory buildings from a distance.

They are all dormitory buildings built within 20 years, but they seem to have gone through a hundred years of vicissitudes. The concrete surface of the outer wall is peeled off in pieces, exposing brick walls here and there.

Many unknown grasses with tenacious vitality have made their homes on the outer walls of buildings, taking root and growing along the cracks in the walls.

Fan Qin said: "Now the world is too unfriendly to all man-made things, especially concrete buildings, which will be weathered in a short period of time. More and more buildings are turning into dangerous buildings, which may collapse at any time. The focus of work is gradually shifting from population migration to the construction of new homes."

Chapter 8 Liuyi College

The inspiration of heaven and earth continues to permeate all things in the world, which is a special interaction between the planet and all things.

The high-rise buildings standing on the ground have become a kind of "obtrusive" thing in this kind of interaction. From the perspective of the will of the planet, these are probably regarded as sore spots.

For animals, plants and human beings, the inspiration of heaven and earth is a bowl of high-nutrition soup that is forcefully poured into the mouth. Whether it benefits from diligence or not, it depends on each person's creation.

For concrete buildings, this is a bowl of high-purity poison.

Jiang Buku thought of the upcoming electronic disaster, in addition to the reasons he said in "Spoiler Post", there must also be the "poison" of various electronic products by heaven and earth.

"The school is empty now, do we have any new arrangements?" Jiang Buku asked.

"You will know tomorrow." Fan Qin smiled.

The next day, February 6th.

After the morning exercise, the three security teams of Imperial University gathered in the large playground of the teaching area.

The first team is responsible for guarding around several gates and intersections outside the school to prevent external chaos from impacting the campus, and has the strongest comprehensive strength.

The second team is responsible for the vigilance around the teacher's building, maintaining the order and stability of the community, and reassuring people.

Jiang Buku's third team is responsible for the security around the dormitory building, and is the weakest of the three teams in terms of overall strength.

It's not that students are not given enough attention, but that the student group is the simplest and the easiest to manage, and it would be a waste to put too much strength there, and the first team faces the most complicated environment, so naturally they must be equipped with the most elite forces.The teacher's family building has spots on both sides. Compared with the students, it is more complicated, and compared with the situation faced by the first team, it is much simpler.

Jiang Buku was curious about what arrangements would be made for them, and suddenly his eyes widened.

A familiar person appeared on the podium, a kind old man over seventy years old, the old principal loved by all the students of Imperial Capital University, the founder of extraterrestrial science in the Empire, the pioneer of extraterrestrial astronomy, and the pioneer of extraterrestrial geology , The country's scholars are far from Europe.

Mr. Ou also saw the faces of several students in the crowd, and smiled happily. It was a kind of sincere joy to see familiar faces after a great change.

He smiled and said: "I used to study the stars in the sky, but I never thought that God made a big joke with me. When I woke up, there was no star left. I thought I was going to be unemployed and retired. In the end, I was taken out again." , Let me be in charge of building a new school. I don’t know exactly what to teach. After all, the major is not the right one. The general direction should be in the field of life sciences. The name of the school has not yet been named. Everyone probably knows that it’s difficult for me to have a name. If you deliberately make things difficult for me, then I’m not polite. Today is June [-]st. The meaning is good. This new school should be called Liuyi College. Now, please come on stage.”

He opened the scene in a humorous manner, and handed over the podium to another person, a person of indistinguishable age.

He has silver hair, he is older than Ou, he is energetic, his face is healthy and rosy, he looks up to 50 or [-] years old, and he has to maintain his health. The most attractive thing is his eyes, which are black and white, pure as a baby .

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was extraordinary, his voice was so loud that it sounded like thunder in everyone's ears.

"Mr. Ou praised me. He is a university student, and he eats literature and ink. I am a mountain layman who practices martial arts. When I was young, I was obsessed with spreading martial arts. I visited famous masters, but I found out that nine out of ten are fake. Hand styles, the half of the real hand styles are also old and dying people with their necks buried in the soil, so they have learned a lot, but they are all in a mess. After more than ten years at home and abroad, they are at ease Qing'e Mountain Pension.

My serious occupation is actually a tea farmer. Once I climbed a mountain, I found a few new mother tea trees on a hidden cliff at a very high altitude. Later, I made Qing'e Lingya, and I accidentally made another business card for Qing'e Mountain. .

This time the official invited me to teach students, I was also very surprised.I actually don't know much about the field of life science that Mr. Ou said. What I do know is some experience in passing on martial arts and health preservation, and I promise to teach you all.

Oh, I forgot to introduce, my name is Yan Hong.He is the vice-principal of Liuyi College. "

After he finished speaking, he gave up his seat again, and a middle-aged man stood on the podium like an iron tower.

He is more than two meters tall, and the key is that his muscles are well-proportioned but twisted like steel wires. You can feel the terrifying power contained in it just by looking at it.

Moreover, even though he took off his military uniform, whether it was his face or his actions, he revealed a strong military temperament, the kind of iron-blooded soldier who survived a hundred battles.

He tried his best to put on a gentle and friendly smile. Of course, his gentleness could stop a child from crying at night.

"My name is Zhou Tashan. I am the chief instructor of Liuyi College, and I also serve as the dean." Having said this, he smiled again, as if he felt that he was too inappropriate for this position.

"You may be curious, there is not a single student, how can we say this to your security teams."

He explained:

"Liuyi College has two original intentions for establishing a school. One is academic and purely in the field of research. The general direction is the life science field that Mr. Ou said. Imperial University has a large group of professors and scholars, which is very conducive to the early stage work. Expand, so we decided the new school here. Old Ou takes the lead, so we don't need to worry about it.

The second original intention is purely practical. I think you have already felt it more or less. These days, your appetite is increasing, and your current physical fitness should also increase compared to before the sky changes. "

In the crowd, many people showed thoughtful expressions.

"You don't need to worry about the reason behind this. Someone has to study it. What we have to do is to make this benefit obvious and maximize.

Mr. Yan is proficient in martial arts and is well versed in the way of health preservation, while I have dabbled in the fighting skills of various countries. In order to better strengthen myself, I have some understanding of various fitness theories... Of course, now, a lot of knowledge It may no longer be applicable, or even harmful, and I have to keep learning and correcting it myself.

You are both school security and our first students.My teaching philosophy is…”

He packed his words with very euphemistic and academic rhetoric.

Jiang Buku figured it out, they actually had three identities, security personnel, students, and researchers.The first two identities are secondary, and the last one is the most important.

As for what to study, of course it is to be studied by others.

And the results of the research will be quickly extended to every place where Chinese people live together.

They are just the first batch of students. After gaining experience, more students will come and provide more scientific research samples.

At this time, the experience that the college has spread to various settlements has also blossomed and fruited, and excellent seeds have begun to be selected, and Liuyi College has also accumulated richer experience. These seeds can be gathered from all over the country. Elevate the personality and truly become a veritable academic center.

Create new theories and cultivate new talents.

Jiang Buku didn't expect to have such a surprise, which fits perfectly with his cheating ability.

Chapter 9 This Eve and What Eve

Since then, the three security teams with a total of [-] members have become the first batch of students of Liuyi College, and also the first batch of researchers. The college started its trial operation.

From the point of view of Jiang Buku and others, the changes are not big, but the basic exercises of daily morning jogging and standing in the military posture of the whole team have changed some routines.

Morning exercise and running turned into Yan Hong leading everyone to learn Wuqinxi together. It seemed very simple, but once started, all the students seemed to be performing a funny show, all kinds of weird and uncoordinated.

However, under Yan Hong's demonstration, these movements are so just right. If you take the shape of a tiger, you have the nobleness of looking down on the mountains and forests; Soaring and lonely.

The rhythm is natural, fast and slow, contraction and stretching, comfortable and comfortable, what's more rare is that it is full of wild and childlike fun, pleasing to the eye, just watching him practice, I feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Seeing everyone's crappy rehearsal, Yan Hong said with a smile: "Don't worry, take your time, let you all appreciate it on the first day, and then you can choose Yixing as your major according to your own preferences. It’s not too late to dabble in other things.”

In the morning, he performed more than a dozen martial arts routines for everyone.

Some major in fists and palms, some major in legs and feet, some have a fierce and majestic style, some have a delicate and feminine style, some are good at moving steps, and some like to punch hard.

It is dizzying to see.

While practicing, he introduced the characteristics, pros and cons of each martial art.

After all the demonstrations, he calmly said: "The purpose of our martial arts training is to use the wisdom of the sages of the past to develop our physical potential and achieve greater and faster growth.

So what I demonstrate are all bare-handed training methods, those skills with weapons and sticks are all excluded, and those fighting methods that are powerful but harmful to the body are also discarded.

Like Wu Qinxi, you have to choose one as your major, and don't dabble in the others for now. "

Finally, he said to everyone: "The establishment of the academy was rather hasty, and there are few people now. I will teach you personally. In the future, there will be more and more students, and the government will also select real masters of martial arts across the country. In the future, the number of teachers will also increase." It will become more and more sufficient, and the teaching will inevitably be subdivided, and then I will not do this kind of basic teaching.”

The implication is that such an opportunity is rare now, and you all should cherish it.

In the afternoon, Zhou Tashan roughly talked about various knowledge of body building, fitness, and nutrition based on modern life sciences, and performed a dozen of major schools of fighting skills around the world.

He finally said to everyone: "So many schools of fighting skills are of little significance to us, because our current goal is not to improve fighting ability, but to sum up a way to speed up the growth and evolution of the human body. The role of these schools is only It is limited to broaden our vision and thinking, but it may also become a kind of shackle, so we must not only understand and learn, but also have the mentality to jump out of the pattern and take a comprehensive look at any time."

In the evening, Jiang Buku and others were taken to the temporary laboratory for a tour.

Because of the rapid decay of concrete buildings, when Jiang Buku and others were studying, a large number of engineering soldiers and construction machinery entered the site to blast and demolish a large number of buildings that had become dilapidated.

The entire imperial capital, and even all settlements across the country, have now become large construction sites. According to the primary and secondary arrangements of the construction plan, the most critical facilities have the most professional teams entering the site, striving to build usable buildings in the shortest possible time , the less important thing is to openly recruit workers in the settlements in the form of recruiting workers, and allocate new houses to each family according to their contributions.

People have also discovered a new phenomenon. Those older traditional buildings, those with wood and stone structures, or houses with pure wood and pure stone structures, including bamboo and rattan houses, are well preserved. Most of these buildings are concentrated in ancient towns and ancient cities. .

However, those antique buildings that look the same but use a lot of modern materials are not so lucky. There are many idealistic and supernatural explanations for this phenomenon among the people. However, everyone is at least convinced of the fact that they are harvested directly from nature. Houses built of wood and stone still have basic safety guarantees, and there is no need to worry about decaying soon.

The imperial capital preserves a large number of ancient buildings, palaces, temples, towers, gardens and mansions. The oldest ones can even be traced back thousands of years ago. They are the witnesses of the glorious history of the hot summer. They are all fortunate to be preserved in this catastrophe .

There is an ancient building complex next to Imperial University, and the laboratory of Liuyi College is temporarily placed in it, and will not be moved in until the new laboratory is built.

Jiang Buku's task is to obey the command, walk around the equipment, or follow the instructions to do some actions.

Then you can go back and rest.

When Jiang Buku and others were resting, the temporary experimental base was not off work. A large number of people entered here in an organized manner, repeating the same process as Jiang Buku and others.

Some staff members couldn't bear it anymore, yawned and couldn't concentrate, so someone went to replace them, but the data collection work didn't stop.

In a room far away, Ou Ziyuan watched the scene in silence.

A middle-aged man who was beside him said in a low voice: "Old Ou, it's late at night, you go back and rest, I'm watching over here."

Ou Ziyuan didn't refuse, nodded and said: "My body and bones can't compare with you young people. Since God didn't accept me, I can't belittle myself. If I can last one more day, I can help you carry one more day."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but said: "Is everyone in a good mood? I originally wanted more people to come, but the manpower is really limited. All aspects are now being rebuilt, and all talents are needed. Can you give me one at a time?" The transfer of so many top scientific research talents is already the current limit. If you want more, then you have to make real achievements to prove our value."

The middle-aged man said: "Everyone understands, there is no complaint, and it is an honor to be able to participate in this work."

Ou Ziyuan nodded and said: "Completing as much data collection as possible as soon as possible is the top priority in front of us. Now we have a large-scale supercomputer and various advanced instruments, which can collect all kinds of data very accurately and comprehensively. Once When these electronic products fail, it will be very difficult to do these jobs again.”

The middle-aged man had some disbelief on his face, as if he couldn't imagine how to spend such a day.

"Old Ou, will such a thing really happen? Among other things, if we can't use supercomputers and face astronomical calculations, what should we do? Do we calculate by hand?"

Ou Ziyuan's eyes flickered, but he didn't directly answer the middle-aged man's words. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "We have to plan for the worst. We can't expect the situation to develop according to our ideas. As for calculating with pens, it's not like we didn't do it before." Have you done it before, the predecessors can use the abacus to knock out myths, but the future generations don't have this spirit?"

The middle-aged man said: "That is indeed a myth that my generation looks up to, but science is developing, and the amount of data that any research needs to process now is far from what it used to be."

Ou Ziyuan nodded, patted his shoulder heavily, and said earnestly:

"So, for your core team, how to simplify complex data is your top priority, and simple is perfect.

Complicated and messy data, astronomical calculations, this is a stupid way, this is a retrogression of human beings who rely too much on supercomputers and other foreign aids. I believe that behind the complicated appearance is a minimalist and beautiful core, the key Whether you can find it or not.For example, the classic three laws of mechanics, mass-energy equation. "

The middle-aged man smiled wryly and said, "Mr. Ou, you think highly of me. There are only a few monsters like this in the history of human civilization."

Ou Ziyuan said with a stern face: "I am old and my brain is rigid. Each generation has its own mission. You can decide for yourself."

After all, he turned and left.

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