"What do you say, you have helped me a lot, go to bed early, and tomorrow..." Yan Wang stopped in the middle of his words, and as soon as he saw it, the door of the restaurant suddenly opened, and under the light, a familiar figure came .

"Boss, are you back?" A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, Yan Wang hurriedly got out of the car and faced Chu Fei's figure.

The teleportation brought a little discomfort, Chu Fei calmed down the boiling energy in his body, and walked out of the restaurant, frowning, looking at the surrounding scenery, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Here, what happened?" After a little hesitation, Chu Fei looked at the ragged clothes of Hades, pondered, and asked in doubt.

Although he was prepared, Chu Fei was still a little surprised. The aura on Yan Wang's body had obviously risen to the fifth level. Chu Fei really couldn't figure out what could make Yan Wang so embarrassed.

Suddenly, Yan Wang half-knelt down, his eyes filled with deep guilt: "Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't manage the restaurant well."

"What happened?!" Chu Fei frowned, looked at Hades, and stretched out his hands to help him up.

The current situation of the restaurant gave him some bad premonitions. Could it be that the previous conjecture in the No. [-] base really happened?

After a moment of silence, Yan Wang lowered his head and told Chu Fei what had happened in the past few days in a low voice, Chu Fei also became silent.

Tens of thousands of zombie waves, groups of high-level zombies, like a replica of Base No. [-], happened in the restaurant, but the scale was much smaller.

Originally, Hades could still deal with these zombies alone, although it was somewhat difficult.It was only during the period that there were survivors interfering, which caused heavy casualties and even lost Longhu.

But the survivor who made trouble, never occurred to Chu Fei, it was the young man who framed Jiangcheng back then.

If it wasn't for this incident, Chu Fei would have forgotten about this person. The two of them didn't have much contact with each other, but Chu Fei didn't know very well what benefits he could get from framing the restaurant.

Suppressing the anger in his body, Chu Fei waved his hands: "You have a good rest, these things are fine, if you lose Longhu, you will lose them, and those people will die if they die, as long as you and Lin Meng are fine."

After a pause, Chu Fei seemed to remember something, and added: "Where is Xiao Hei? Is he still alive?"


A familiar roar sounded, although it was roughly the same as the roars of other zombies, Chu Fei still quickly recognized it, with a smile on his face, he turned his head away.

A jet-black figure, as fast as lightning and like a gust of wind, rushed into Chu Fei's arms. Judging by the power on his body, he was not weaker than Hades.

With a helpless expression, Chu Fei stroked the hair of the figure in his arms, and looked at it carefully. He hadn't seen him for a few days, and Xiao Hei didn't know what happened, but he changed so much.

First of all, his appearance. Before Chu Fei left, Xiao Hei looked like an ordinary zombie, even throwing away the characteristics of attracting zombies, and putting him in the group of zombies, no one would even be able to tell the difference.

But now, the changes in Xiao Hei's body are no different from those of ordinary people. If it weren't for his red eyes, no one would regard him as a zombie.


As if acting coquettishly again, Xiao Hei growled lowly, with deep nostalgia in his voice. The moment he raised his head, Chu Fei paused for a moment with the hand stroking Xiao Hei's hair, and the smile on his face froze immediately.

On Xiao Hei's neck, on the pale skin, a deep scratch appeared, through the wound, even the internal organs could be seen, which made one's hair stand on end.

"What's the matter with this injury?" Fingers gently caressed Xiao Hei's neck, Chu Fei's face was gloomy, his heart was filled with anger, and a fierce aura radiated from him.

"It was caused by a fifth-level zombie during the siege of the corpses a few days ago. There were three fifth-level zombies in total. Xiao Hei tried his best to get injured and dealt with one of them, otherwise the restaurant might not be able to hold on," Yama still said. On the side, his head was lowered, his face was expressionless, but his eyes kept flickering.

After being silent for a long time, Chu Fei patted the back of Xiao Hei's head: "I understand this, go and rest."

In response, Hades took his leave, opened the restaurant door and walked in.After Chu Fei came back, the restaurant naturally didn't need to keep anyone on guard, and he could finally take a rest in peace.

The previous battle had exhausted almost all of Hades' energy. Zombies didn't know how tired they were, but Hades would be tired. If Chu Fei hadn't returned, he didn't know how long he could last.

Sitting in the shadow, Chu Fei looked at the moonlit night sky covered by dark clouds, and his mood inexplicably calmed down. Compared with the huge tide of corpses in Base No. [-] before, although the current environment is very severe, it still pales in comparison.

At least he has the ability to protect everyone around him. It is easy to say, but in the last days, it is not easy to do this.Chu Fei has ambition, but most of the time, he just wants to lead his companions to survive.

I remember that before the end of the world, the brother who played with Chu Fei until the end died tragically on the street, but Chu Fei couldn't do anything.

Without strength, you can't even protect the people around you. This was the case before the end of the world, and after the end of the world, this is even more of a reality.

Sending off the familiar brothers, leading the remaining companions, and continuing to wander the streets, death and seeing off are always repeated, and the numb heart has long forgotten the reason for living.

Suddenly, Chu Fei focused his eyes and looked at the street not far from the restaurant. A man in a black T-shirt was running away in a panic, crying loudly in the dark night. Dozens of blood-colored light spots were like a camera. , and thoroughly investigated the situation of Chu Fei within a radius of tens of meters.

The man suddenly found the restaurant with lights in front of him. In his eagerness to survive, he staggered towards the restaurant with both hands and feet. His frightened expression was clearly seen by Chu Fei's fourth-order peak superpower. It is full of desire to live.


A sound of air tearing broke the black silence.

The man opened his eyes wide and looked at the front in disbelief. He covered his throat with his hands, and blood flowed out like a fountain.

The following zombies gathered around the corpse, took out the internal organs of the corpse with their fingers, removed the flesh and blood of the limbs, and lay down on the ground to eat.


Chapter 161 The Enemy Is About to Arrive on the Battlefield

Chu Fei indifferently watched the zombie devouring the corpse, and when he launched the attack, he did not hesitate in his heart until the zombie slowly disappeared from the distant street after eating.

Lazily leaning against the car door, Chu Fei looked indifferently, lit a cigarette and sat quietly, just an unrelated person, so late, he must not be a guest, in order not to cause any trouble to the restaurant, Chu Fei didn't mind killing an unrelated person.

After a while, Yan Wang came out from the restaurant, sat beside Chu Fei and said, "Boss, I have a piece of news that I have been thinking about for a long time. Although I am not sure, I still need to tell you."

"Lin Meng is asleep?" Chu Fei answered the wrong question, flicked off half of the cigarette ash in his hand, and said in a calm tone.

Yan Wang was stunned, responded, and continued: "The group of zombies that attacked the restaurant before seems to be directed by someone. Moreover, I just found out the news yesterday that a large group of zombies appeared on the edge of City L, and they are generally not of the same rank. Very low."

Chu Fei flicked the cigarette in Fei Fei's hand vigorously, and the cigarette butt drew an arc in the night sky, and landed on the soil not far away: "Such important news will only be announced now!"

When leaving the restaurant, Chu Fei inspected and found that the level of zombies in the suburbs of L city was not high, and the number was not very dense. This group of zombies must be the group that attacked the No. [-] base.

And now Chu Fei can be roughly sure that this group of zombies is coming towards him. With the footsteps of this group of corpses, the large army must still be behind, and what is coming now is only a part of the higher level.

With the scale of that wave of corpses, even if Chu Fei was in the restaurant, there would be danger.

When the apocalypse comes, it is bad news for many ordinary people, but for some capable and qualified evolutionaries, it is a great opportunity. Things that cannot be done in peaceful times can now be fully demonstrated.

It can be said that the meaning of the restaurant in L City is not only as simple as the main restaurant, but also the foundation for Chu Fei to gain a foothold in the end of the world in the future!

And Yan Wang's concealment is very likely to make Chu Fei have to face groups of dead bodies and the restaurant like a lonely boat just after returning to the restaurant.

But once the battle situation is defeated, Chu Fei cannot bear the loss at all. Once the restaurant falls, Chu Fei's foundation and all preparations will be in vain.

Looking at Yan Wang, he was extremely angry. Chu Fei's eyes spewed fire, and he put his fingers on the edge of the car seat, rubbing them repeatedly, trying to calm down his furious mood.

Yan Wang was stunned, he didn't know what happened, so it was hard to understand why Chu Fei, who was so indifferent to everything, suddenly became so manic.

The reason why he has reservations is based on Yan Wang's rigorous personality. Before confirming the information, he will not tell Chu Fei as real news.

At this time, mentioning the group of high-level zombies that appeared on the edge of City L was only hearsay. As for the direction of the group of zombies, it was only Yama's own guess.

When he originally told Chu Fei the news, Yan Wang was very hesitant in his heart, but he didn't expect Chu Fei to react so violently.Until now, Hades still hasn't understood the reason for Chu Fei's fury.

"Boss, this news has not been confirmed, and the target of this group of zombies may not necessarily be us." Facing the furious Chu Fei, Yan Wang broke out in cold sweat and hurriedly explained.


As if startled by Chu Fei's aura, Xiao Hei, who had been watching the moon from the side, suddenly picked up his speed, lay on the roof of the car, and looked down suspiciously.

Although Chu Fei is its owner, the relationship between Xiao Hei and Hades is still very good, especially fighting side by side together a few days ago, which made the relationship between one person and one corpse even stronger.

But under the fury in front of him, Chu Fei, who was obviously angry, frightened Xiao Hei to stay where he was, not daring to make any moves at all.

"Time is running out. We don't have time to rest. Come with me to confirm the exact size and location of the corpses!" Chu Fei turned the key and started the car, saying in a deep voice.

At this time, Hades also realized the seriousness of the situation, and quickly grabbed the handle of the car with a serious face.Xiao Hei got off the roof and wanted to climb into the compartment, but Chu Fei stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Xiao Hei stay here, I will close the restaurant, if someone raids, don't go out, stick to it and wait for me to come back!" Chu Fei's face was gloomy, he set the restaurant to the closed state, stepped on the gas pedal, and disappeared into the In the darkness.

In the silent night, the engine roared, and Chu Fei, who was in a hurry, was extremely fast. The vehicle was like a sharp sword, and the pointer of the speedometer was about to break through 240 miles.

With the road conditions in the last days, driving the vehicle at this speed is already very dangerous. Fortunately, after Chu Fei reached the peak of the fourth order, his reaction ability improved, so he could adapt to this speed.

Quickly running on the edge of City L, searching for traces of the tide of corpses, time is running out, and Chu Fei, who is in a hurry, has long lost his former composure.

For Chu Fei, losing the main restaurant meant losing everything, and Chu Fei couldn't afford to lose.The engine roared, the speed of the car soared rapidly, the Land Rover kept knocking away zombies, driving on the suburban road, and the surrounding scenery kept speeding backwards.

It wasn't until the Land Rover was forced to stop on the road emitting billowing black smoke that Chu Fei stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The house leak happened to be raining overnight, Chu Fei and Yan Wang got out of the car and checked it. At some point, the tire was punctured by sharp objects scattered on the ground. There was a helpless expression on the car. There was no spare tire in the car. Can only look at the ocean and sigh.

"Boss, you should calm down." Watching Chu Fei walking back and forth, Yan Wang persuaded him.

"It's the first time I've seen you so impatient. What happened!" After turning off the car, Yan Wang walked up to Chu Fei and questioned with a little doubt.For some reason, seeing Chu Fei's impatience, Yan Wang couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Perhaps it was because Hades had given up his life since he planned to follow Chu Fei. A leader who couldn't calm down was not only not worth following, but he might also die on the road together.

Hearing Yan Wang's question, Chu Fei's heart skipped a beat, he took a deep breath, and suddenly became alert.He violated the biggest taboo of being a leader, because of Chu Fei's eagerness, even King Hades became uneasy.

Anxiety quickly spread, and even Yan Wang, who followed Chu Fei all the way, began to doubt whether he really had a future and hope.Chu Fei's ignorance unknowingly disintegrated Hades' confidence and kept weakening the cohesion of the team.

Chu Fei regained his composure, tightened his robe, and said loudly: "Let's go, time is running short, I didn't have time to tell you, this wave of zombies is likely to be the group that attacked the No. [-] base, and the number , much more than what you found."

Yan Wang was taken aback, thinking of Chu Fei's reaction after receiving the news, a bad premonition arose in his heart.


Chapter 162

Then his face darkened when he thought about it, this matter is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Knowing Chu Fei's character, what he can take so seriously, Yan Wang knows, it must be quite serious.

Yan Wang was lying on the ground, and quickly dealt with the vehicle failure. It was too dangerous to park on the side of the road for a long time. Although there was no spare tire, Yan Wang still wanted to see if he could start the vehicle again.

The twilight night gradually faded quietly when the fish-white luster appeared on the horizon, and Chu Fei, who was sitting on the roof of the car, now changed from his previous reckless appearance, and regained his former calm and indifference.

Chu Fei's calmness made Yan Wang finally calm down, and he casually threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. Chu Fei jumped off the roof of the car: "Leave the car here, let's walk."

After saying that, the figure moved, like a red bat, flitting to the distance, Yan Wang was taken aback, got up quickly, and followed behind Chu Fei.

Although the vehicle was discarded, with the speed of the two high-level evolutionists, they couldn't actually slow down much. Until late at night, the two saw a large number of black zombies on the edge of City L.

Although this relatively small city has a small area, it is an important transportation hub. With the center of the city, the railways and highways are densely spread out like spider webs. Large companies from all over the world are here, and the number of zombies is naturally small. Not going there.

In addition to the group of high-level zombies mentioned in the report, there are even many low-level zombies. Chu Fei, who knows its scale, naturally knows that this is not the whole number. Most of these low-level zombies are newly gathered.

Seemingly smelling the breath of strangers, the zombie group suddenly rioted. Chu Fei did not deliberately hide his figure, and was soon surrounded by the corpse group. The scarlet energy surged, harvesting the lives of the zombies.

It wasn't that Chu Fei was reckless, it was just that he wanted to test whether the fifth-order zombies that escaped last time were among them.

On the edge of the city, towering buildings stand sporadically, dense and numerous one-story houses are dotted all over, and a large number of long alleyways are also crowded with corpses full of rotten smell.

Dilapidated and depressed, it is hard to believe that this is the once luxurious L City.

"Puff, puff."

The sound of the blade piercing the flesh crossed the night sky, and the zombies fell to the ground one after another like harvested stubble, and the muddy blood flowed out along the blood hole.

The two figures wandered among the corpses at the fastest speed, Chu Fei gently stopped the panting Hades, and gestured, the two left the battlefield and quietly lurked on the tall buildings.

On the pedestrian street not far away, two buses collided violently. Near the severely deformed bus, dozens of zombies roared in low voices. Among them was a tall fifth-tier zombie with crimson flesh all over its body.

Chu Fei's guess was correct. This batch of zombies was the same batch that he encountered from the No. [-] base before, but the number was much higher than before.

It is not easy to kill this fifth-level zombie in a street full of zombies. Even Chu Fei will take some time to solve it. Besides, the remaining few high-level zombies have not yet appeared. Surrounded, even Chu Fei was not easy to escape.

Yan Wang looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Not far away, there was a ten-storey white office building, which was covered with water-blue floor-to-ceiling glass. One of the glass was smashed by a desk, but the desk did not fall off. , hanging in the middle of the window, swaying back and forth one after the other.

An ice-blue energy blade was quickly condensed, and after careful aiming, a sound of cutting through the air suddenly sounded.

The desk was hit in an instant, and under the impact of the energy blade, it fell down in an instant, and it shattered instantly when it hit the ground, sending sawdust flying.

The dull sound of falling to the ground made the wandering zombies all move towards the office building.

The moment the zombie approached the office building, Hades, who had been carefully calculated, sent out several consecutive attacks. The ice shuttle continued to swing, and the howling bullets shattered the water-blue floor-to-ceiling glass. A large number of broken glass fell under gravity, like rain , sloping down at an extremely fast speed.

Sharp shards of glass pierced the zombie's body continuously, and even large pieces of glass cut the zombie's body in two.

Chu Fei was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood the meaning of King Hades. The energy in his hands surged, and the scarlet energy gushed out, crushing the heads of zombies into pieces. When the fifth-level zombies and many low-level zombies found their When traced, most of the zombies had already died on the spot.

Before they had time to get close, the heads of the low-level zombies burst one after another, and they fell limply to the ground with rippling muddy blood.

The fifth-order zombie roared again and again, and rushed towards Chu Fei with big strides, the sharp bone spurs shone coldly.Without hesitation, Chu Fei jumped a few times from the roof of the building with the energy scimitar in hand and landed on the ground.

Stabilizing his figure, Chu Fei rushed over under the cover of Yan Wang's supernatural attack, dodging continuously, easily avoiding the sharp bone spurs, leaping up quickly, and slashing the scimitar into the forehead of the fifth-order zombie.

Flesh and blood were flying, and the fifth-order zombies with huge wounds spattered with blood screamed fiercely. Although their skin was rough and their flesh was thick, their weaknesses were still vulnerable.

Chu Fei swung his scimitar and slashed down again, directly severing the throat of the fifth-order zombie. Under the severe pain, the fifth-order zombie frantically danced with cold light and sharp bone spurs, almost rubbing against the fast-moving Chu Fei. Pass.

Just in time to avoid the sharp bone spurs, the first time Chu Fei got close to the fifth-order zombie, he grabbed the zombie's thick arm with all his strength, and slammed it hard towards the ground.

Before the fifth-order zombie had time to react, it had already crashed to the ground, and a burst of dust was thrown up immediately. The heavy body smashed a shallow hole on the ground, and its thick palms grabbed at Chu Fei. The sharp dagger had already followed the zombie's path. The red pupils pierced deeply into the nerve center.

Chu Fei retreated quickly, and the tenacious fifth-order zombie rolled wildly on the ground. A large amount of dust splattered, and blood gushed out like a spring. Quite motionless.

The fifth-order zombie, which caused countless supernatural beings headaches, didn't even touch Chu Fei's collar, and died on the spot. With Chu Fei's ability and other levels breaking through to the peak of fourth-order, whether it is reaction ability or judgment , speed, and strength have been greatly improved, and a fifth-order zombie is really not the slightest threat.

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