Staring at the girl suspiciously for a moment, Chu Fei wanted to say something, but Mo Luo's voice came at this moment: "Mr. Chu, I have something to do in the morning, and I'll come over when I'm done."

Putting his thoughts away, Chu Fei greeted Mo Luo with a smile on his face: "Oh, it's nothing, but something went wrong at home recently, I might have to go back."

After finishing speaking, Chu Fei took Mo Luo's palm, and the two chose a seat by the window to sit down.

"Whatever you want to eat, order whatever you want, don't be polite to me." Chu Fei took the menu from the waiter and handed it to Mo Luo, with a hearty expression on his face.

This Mo Luo, speaking of it, has been supporting the restaurant. After he left, the restaurant had to be taken care of by him. Chu Fei felt that it was necessary to treat Mo Luo to a meal.

"Haha, then I'm not welcome. I've been coveting the food in your restaurant for a long time. Speaking of which, the food you sell is really too expensive. A poor person like me can't afford it."

When Mo Luo finished the menu, he didn't shirk with Chu Fei, and used his pen to draw out a few dishes that were neither high nor low.

Although it was Chu Fei's treat, the dishes Mo Luo ordered were not very expensive, so as not to leave a bad impression in Chu Fei's eyes.

Hearing Mo Luo's words, Chu Fei couldn't help laughing: "Forget it, Mr. Mo. With your official position in the base, you still say you are poor. I am afraid that few dare to say that you are rich."

After staying in Base No. [-] for so many days, Chu Fei had a general understanding of Mo Luo's status.

Shrugging his shoulders, Mo Luo ignored Chu Fei's words. After ordering the dishes, he changed the subject and said, "Speaking of business, when are you going to leave, Old Chu?"

After counting the time, Chu Fei murmured and said, "If there are no accidents here, I plan to leave after dinner."

Leaving tonight?Mo Luo's eyes flashed, what was the important matter that made Chu Fei leave in such a hurry, even at the risk of traveling at night.

Although he had a general understanding of Chu Fei's abilities, Mo Luo didn't think that Chu Fei could return to City L smoothly.You know, the tide of corpses has just receded now, maybe there will be high-level zombies wandering around the base.

Even today, the base just held a meeting on this matter, stopped all resource searches, and instead sent people to investigate the movement of zombies around the base.

However, in one day, nothing could be found at all. These zombies seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and the surroundings of the base were the same as usual, and there was nothing unusual.

"The base is under martial law right now, and you can't get out without a special notice. Otherwise, you wait for me for a while, and I'll go back and prepare a notice for you." After pondering for a moment, Mo Luo still didn't say much. Knowing more is not a good thing.

Especially the existence of ultra-high-level abilities like Chu Fei, although there is no definite news, but based on all the records, Chu Fei's level is estimated to have broken through to the sixth level.

What is the concept of the sixth level? This is something that Mo Luo dare not even think about. The leader of the base, who has just been promoted to the fifth level, can slaughter countless opponents by himself and take down the entire No. [-] base.

From the eyes of these ultra-high-level supernatural beings, these civil servants and generals, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be of much use.

"No, I have a way to leave, but before I leave, I need to ask you one thing." Chu Fei smiled slightly: "Although I leave, the business here cannot be lost. I will send a store manager named Yan Luo, he is a young man, and I will let him contact you when the time comes."

With the teleportation function, whether the No. [-] base is sealed or not, it will have no effect on Chu Fei.The main reason for inviting Mo Luo to dinner is also because of Hades.

If you don't call the branch in advance, I'm afraid it will cause some troubles at that time. Since you choose to let Yan Luo run this place, you must first pave all the roads for him.

He glanced at Chu Fei in surprise, and Mo Luo immediately felt relieved, and gave a wry smile. He thought too much. Wouldn't the blockade of the base be in vain for such supernatural beings?

Just as he was about to say something, Mo Luo's walkie-talkie rang a few times, and a message came: "Chief Mo, the woman who attacked the leader broke through the blockade and left the city."


Chapter 158 The Fall of Long Lake

Mo Luo's complexion changed, and he said to Chu Fei with a little apology: "Mr. Chu, I suddenly have something to do here, and I have to go there. Don't worry about the restaurant, I will tell the law enforcement team."

Chu Fei nodded. It seemed that Lin Xi had already left the city, but he didn't know if he was out of danger now.

After seeing Mo Luo off, Chu Fei ate something casually, turned around and went back to the room, everything was handed over, and it was time to go back to the main store.

A soft light appeared, and a hexagram pattern appeared under Chu Fei's feet. After a few seconds, a sense of space tearing came, and the scenery in front of him changed, and Chu Fei teleported back to the store.

l City, this city is also considered prosperous in China. With the advent of the end of the world, the noise of the past has long gone. The empty city streets are full of depression, and a large number of wandering and foraging zombies are chasing and appearing from time to time in search of food. survivors.

Yan Luo drove quickly through the streets, a large number of wreckage, spilled blood can be seen everywhere, rising flames, rotting corpses, interpreting this world full of deep tones.

Ice-blue ice shuttles are constantly appearing around Hades. These ice shuttles can always tear apart the attacking zombies at the first time. However, the road is not unimpeded, and some streets are completely destroyed by a large number of zombies. Filled up, barely moving an inch.

The ice shuttle appeared again, and a large number of zombies moved quickly towards the light source, taking the opportunity to break through the siege by car, and successfully entered the empty and quiet Longhu Lake.

The vehicle parked steadily on the parking lot in the villa area, Yan Wang turned off the car, avoided the attacking mutated insects, and rushed into Longhu's villa area.Just as several zombies turned around, the ice shuttle appeared, and one after another the zombies fell to the ground.

The zombies quickly surrounded them without fear of death, and the death-like ice scythe had already passed close by. The sharp blade kept splitting the zombie's head in two, and the muddy blood splashed on the walls on both sides of the thick iron gate.

At the same time as the turbid blood was splattering, Hades' footsteps accelerated, killing dozens of zombies continuously along the way, and the villa area that was originally full of zombies was instantly emptied.

The sun was setting, the night was gradually falling, and the twilight darkness gradually enveloped the earth. At this time, Zhou Yang had already emptied half of the villa area, and stood in front of the villa that originally belonged to Zhai Hong, reaching out and knocking.

The slow knocking sound broke the original silence of the horror darkness.

"Who?" A hesitant question came from inside the room.

"I am the King of Hades, here to pick up Lin Jiu's companions."

The door of the room opened slowly, and a seventeen or eighteen-year-old man with short hair stood in front of Yan Wang, looked around nervously, and pulled Yan Wang into the room.

"I'm Lin Jiu's friend, I don't know how Lin Jiu is doing now."

"I'll explain the details later." Yan Wang's tone was indifferent, rejecting people thousands of miles away.

The flat-headed man smiled heartily: "If you care about it, you will be chaotic. I am laughing at you. Sit down and drink some hot water first."

With sharp eyes, he stared closely at the blue ice crystals flying around Yan Wang, when Yan Wang glanced over, he immediately turned his eyes aside and smiled and said: "You are a supernatural being, Lin Jiu is really lucky to find your help. "

"I'm overwhelmed." Yan Wang responded calmly and calmly.

The dim candlelight slightly illuminated the entire room, and the flickering flames reflected the figure, forming a black shadow.

Yan Wang looked around calmly, and the four stout men were sitting or standing around, observing Yan Wang consciously or unconsciously.

The young woman standing next to the crew-cut man looked at Hades in front of the door and hesitated to speak. Although she really wanted to ask about Lin Jiu's recent situation, she was afraid of getting bad news, so she hesitated and fell silent.

I only heard the man with the flat head talking to himself: "This table looks a bit uneven with the wax dripping on it." He said and moved the wax table to one side.

A bookish, crew-cut man with glasses and well-dressed clothes, he must be a scholar, accompanied by a young woman who looked at Zhou Yang submissively and nervously.

"Lin Jiu has already moved to a safe place. I was asked by Lin Jiu to pick you up to meet up." Yan Wang's heart moved, and his tone was as gentle as possible.

Yan Wang found that when the crew cut man raised his head to look at him, he suddenly looked away, as if he couldn't hide the fear in his heart. Yama knew very well that this gaze was not directed at him, but at the person behind him.

He had already seen the signs of the man behind him slowly approaching. Although the four of them looked disorganized and disorganized, they surrounded Hades faintly. Once they made a move, they would be besieged by the four of them immediately.

Yan Wang stood up suddenly, the young man near him was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground, the sharp dagger in his hand almost slipped, Yan Wang turned his head and smiled and said: "It's getting late, you should prepare quickly, Longhu is not very safe now. "

"Okay." The two crew-haired men looked worried, but they didn't refuse. The crew-haired man moved the candlestick intentionally or unintentionally again, and the hot wax overflowing from around the candlestick continued to drip onto the table.

"!" Just as the flat-haired man was replying, Yan Wang's eyes turned cold, and he acted instantly.


There were three slight gunshots, and the pistol equipped with a silencer fired continuously. Hades pulled up a defensive light curtain in front of him, easily avoided the attack coming from behind, and forcibly grabbed the neck of the man behind him with his backhand, turned hard, and casually Throwing it behind the sofa, the limp corpse fell limply to the ground.

Then there was a sound of ice piercing into the flesh, Yan Wang clapped his palms with a smile in his eyes.

When the gunshot rang out, the middle-aged man opened his eyes immediately, and witnessed the whole process of Hades twisting the neck of the young man in an instant.

In fact, from the first time Hades walked into the room, the two had already clearly felt the fierce aura emanating from his body, and the flat-headed man also decided to take a gamble, and the unsuccessful one will be benevolent.

"Follow the instructions and executed on the spot." Yama's tone was silent, as if what he killed was not a human being, but four ants were crushed to death.

"Hint? What hint?" The woman looked at Zhou Yang suspiciously.

"Look at the table." The flat-haired man tugged at the woman beside him and reminded him.

The woman got up to look, and sure enough, the candle liquid formed irregular SOS on the table. In such a dim environment, the young man in front of her could see clearly, and coming alone to the neighborhood full of zombies, it must not be an ordinary ability By.

Hades also admired the flat-headed man quite a bit. He could think of such a clever reminder method, but not everyone can deal with danger so calmly.

When Hades entered the room earlier, he had already discovered the firearms carried by the four men. Although it is understandable to carry weapons when the end of the world comes, their murderous aura is definitely not kind. Contemptuously.


Chapter 159 The Change of the Restaurant

Even so, the King of Hades will not hurt the killer, maybe it is really a companion, maybe if he can't carry a weapon, just kill him.It wasn't until he saw the distress signal formed by the wax dripping down that he immediately shot and killed the four thugs.

"Great." The young woman wept with joy, while the crew-haired man whispered comfort.

When they saw the four corpses, the two of them were surprisingly calm, and there was a faint sense of joy of revenge.

"Is Lin Jiu still alive?" the flat-headed man suddenly looked up at Hades, and asked expectantly.

Yan Wang was speechless, and the result was self-evident, and the whole room was filled with the sobs of Lin Jiu's companion.

"Why do these people appear here?" Hades inspected the corpse and asked casually.

"We are sinners, thank you for your help, take whatever is in the room, but please don't make it difficult for us to do the same thing." The flat-headed man answered irrelevantly, and did not directly answer Yama's question.

From the point of view of the flat-headed man, the awe-inspiring Hades in front of him must not be Lin Jiu's companion, at least they have never seen Hades before.However, at least it can be confirmed that Hades must have seen Lin Jiu, otherwise he would not have sent out the distress signal just now.

Seeing Hades full of doubts, the young man got up, walked towards the bedroom on one side, and opened all the doors, a strong smell of blood wafted out from the room.

Hades frowned, and by the dim candlelight, he could clearly see that there were more than a dozen mutilated corpses in the room, both men and women, piled up into a hill, and sticky blood covered the floor.

"These people are our neighbors. They are all unemployed vagrants who have just been released from prison. Before Longhu fell, they were all members of the guards."

"But then Longhu fell, and the food ran out. She was hungry and forced Xiaofei to lure the survivors of the entire Longhu to come to gather, and then bring back the deceived people to kill them one by one to feed their hunger. I am sorry for them." He apologized in a low tone, and the young woman beside him kept sobbing.

In fact, this kind of thing is very common in the last days. Some forces arrest young girls and use their family and companions as threats to force them to abduct irrelevant survivors as rations by poisoning, seducing or other means.

These people are called bait people, once they are found out, they often end up in a very miserable situation. Cramps, skinning, and limbs are often cut off. This is the case in the last days. Only powerful people with supernatural powers can survive to the end. die.

From the standpoint of the two young men, facing four vicious thugs, as a vulnerable group, what choice do they have other than compromise.

Thinking in another way, if Hades had no power to restrain a chicken, he might also choose to compromise in the face of powerful thugs. When the real death comes, there are very few people who can calmly go to the death.

He didn't blame the two, for the condemnation of his conscience, the couple who had experienced long-term torture and suffering, Hades only had sympathy in his heart.

After a moment of silence, Yan Wang took out the photo he carried with him, handed it to the young man, and said, "Not long ago, I just met Lin Jiu. At that time, the restaurant was attacked. If it wasn't for her help, it might really have fallen. It's a pity. Yes, she didn't survive that battle, she gave me this photo when she was dying, and entrusted me to take care of you, and I will help her fulfill her wish."

"No, it's impossible!" The crew cut man's eyes were slightly red, and he couldn't help but choked with tears.

"Pack up your things as soon as possible, let's leave here as soon as possible." A trace of helplessness flashed in Yan Wang's eyes, and he urged.

Five minutes later, Yan Wang held the suitcase in his hand and carefully opened the door. After confirming that it was safe, the group of three quickly ran downstairs.

Soon, roaring zombies appeared in large numbers from the night, chasing them in the direction where the three escaped.

Hades quickly rushed to the side of the car, threw the luggage into the car, and without hesitation turned back and swung a piece of ice, ice blue ice crystals, piercing the air continuously, making a 'swish' sound, whizzing and cutting into the zombie's forehead.

Zombies were attacked one by one, with muddy blood sprayed on their foreheads, and they fell dead on the spot. When the couple got into the car panting, Yan Wang quickly started the car and rushed out of the community.

Although zombies kept appearing along the way, under the condition that Yan Wang knew the whereabouts of the zombies well, he quickly returned to the restaurant safely.

There was a screeching sound of brakes, and in front of the slightly dark restaurant door, there was a sound of pulling the bolt of the gun, and Yan Wang said loudly: "Don't shoot. It's me."

The people lurking around with guns on guard heard Yama's familiar voice, stepped out of the shadow behind the restaurant one by one, and surrounded the vehicle.Yan Wang walked to the side of the car, quickly took out the luggage, and let the two get out of the car.

"Who are these two?" A slightly fat man came forward with an assault rifle on his back, looked at Hades and asked softly.

"It's Lin Jiu's former companions. They asked me to find them before. Lao Sa, you are here to arrange vigilance. Everyone rest early. There are still many things to do tomorrow." After Yan Wang finished speaking, he took the two of them out of the vehicle and arranged them in a nearby car. In the unit building.

The two men with short hair were full of excitement. For them now, the biggest worry is that they will be thrown away as worthless garbage. Although Hades didn't say anything, his attitude is obviously to take them in.

Yan Wang quickly asked someone to prepare hot food and fresh water, and asked Lin Meng to bring them over. Seeing the men with short hair gobbling up, Yan Wang sighed slightly in his heart. The two had suffered a lot and had just learned the bad news of their companion's death. , the inner pain can be imagined.

Lin Meng stepped forward, and soon the two of the flat-headed men struck up a conversation. Perhaps because of Lin Meng's age, the flat-headed man gradually let go of his guard, and they quickly became acquainted.

Grabbing a bottle of soda from the refrigerator, Yama returned to his Land Rover, opened the door and lay down in it.Too many things have happened in the past few days, which made Yan Wang very tired. With the increase of supernatural beings, more and more tired survivors are not afraid of the restaurant. He alone cannot guard it.

Especially a few days ago, a group of extremely powerful supernatural beings came to attack the restaurant. If Hades hadn't broken through to the fifth level and led people to resist desperately, the restaurant would have fallen by now.

But even so, the restaurant was barely kept, but the loss was very heavy. Not long after this happened, news of the fall of Longhu came.

You know, at this time, Longhu is already a resource center under the restaurant, and the fall of Longhu also caused the restaurant to suffer a great loss.

After an unknown amount of time, the glass was lightly tapped, and Hades opened the car door casually.

Lin Meng got into the car, leaned against Zhou Yang and said softly, "They are already asleep, and they have been enduring under high pressure. It's really embarrassing for them."

Looking at Lin Meng's thin figure, Yan Wang slightly pulled the corner of his mouth. The woman who was once at a loss has now slowly adapted to this chaotic era.

"What are you thinking, smiling so happily?" Lin Meng rolled her eyes, pouted her mouth, and asked unhappily.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering when the boss will come back." Yan Wang stretched out his hand to wrap around Lin Meng's thin shoulders, and said with emotion in his eyes.


Chapter 1 Boss, you are back

What happened in the past few days made Yan Wang a little dazed. If Chu Fei was still there, the restaurant would not be as chaotic as it is now.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you, maybe I would have become the food of the zombies." Thinking of what happened in the past few days, Lin Meng always had an unreal feeling, like a dream.

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