Although there are many people in the city, most of them have residences. Only the survivors who came to Base [-] for the first time will stay in hotels for a few days.

But the number of new survivors every day is so small, and there are so many hotels in the base, and her hotel facilities are not top-notch, so the business is naturally very bleak, and there will not even be a single guest for several days.

Chu Fei gave a cold 'hmm', and then said: "Prepare me an empty room, it should be cleaner."

"I don't know, sir? What kind of room do you want? The room is different, and the price will vary." The woman hesitated, and then quoted the price of the room, which was surprisingly cheap.

After a little thought, Chu Fei took out a first-order crystal nucleus from his pocket and asked for a relatively spacious room with a big bed.A first-order crystal nucleus is enough to live for a day.

But what makes Chu Fei feel strange is that most of the consumption here is paid with crystal cores, the bar before, and the hotel now.I heard from others that the exchange at the base specializes in recovering crystal nuclei, but I don't know what to use them for.

That's good, if you want to open a branch here in the future and collect so many crystal cores, it won't make people suspicious.

After all, although things like crystal nuclei can be used for cultivation, there are not many that everyone can use. At least so far, Chu Fei has not heard of its usefulness.

After taking the key handed over by the woman, Chu Fei came to his room and reached out to open the door.It's the same kind of hotel decoration. Although the bed and bedding are not new, they are very clean.

Chu Fei took off his robe casually, hung it on the hanger at the door, walked into the bathroom habitually, wanted to wash his hands, but turned on the faucet but no water came out.

He smiled helplessly, but he had forgotten that the natural water, like the electricity, had been cut off before.Having said that, even if it is not broken, not many people dare to use it.

The tap water in L city is all taken from several reservoirs and rivers. Now, it is unknown how many corpses and viruses are entrenched in it.Even if it is only used for washing, it does not guarantee safety.

ps: Thank you for the rewards from the pirated readers. I have been a little busy recently, so I didn’t pay attention to the update. I don’t have a manuscript in my hand. This chapter is also a temporary code. I wish you a happy wedding. I guess you won’t read it tonight, hehe.


1 Chapter Forty

Back on the bed, Chu Fei took out the crystal nucleus. After all, he was outside, and he didn't dare to sleep soundly. He could only guard his surroundings while practicing to prevent any accidents from happening.

He didn't know how long he had been practicing, but it seemed that it was already late at night, when Chu Fei moved his ears, he heard whispers coming from a distance.

It was far away, and the wind outside was a bit strong, so Chu Fei couldn't hear it very clearly.

"Did you come to a room?" It was a male voice with a strong local accent, and the wind was howling. Chu Fei held his breath and listened carefully.

"Boss... 304..." A completely different voice, farther away, Chu Fei only heard it intermittently, as if it was talking about his room.

Putting away the crystal nucleus in his hand, Chu Fei frowned, and he didn't know how many people came, it seemed that they came for him.It's just that I don't know who is driving it.

He just entered the city today, so he shouldn't attract anyone's attention.Standing up from the bed, Chu Fei hesitated, took the robe on the hanger and put it on his body.


Turning on the electronic watch on his wrist, a gleam of green appeared in the darkness. Wang Rong checked the time and glanced at his teammates beside him.

For some reason, he was always flustered, but judging from the information, there was obviously no risk.

It's just, a third-order ability user.

It cannot be said that Tier [-] is weak, but to them, it is not considered very strong. There are at least a dozen Tier [-]s who died in their hands, not counting zombies and mutant beasts.

But for tonight's mission, he was a little worried. It seemed that something ominous was about to happen. This made him vigilant, and he was much more careful with his actions.

It's never a bad thing to be cautious, especially in this kind of desperate business.

"It's time." There was a heavy gasp in his ears, and a sense of oppression in his body. Wang Rong moved his body a little uncomfortably, checked the time at last, and made a gesture of action.

This hotel has no electricity, and the moonlight shines in through the windows. The figures of the two pass by the corridor quietly, and the darkness seems to have no effect on them.

As he got closer to the target, Wang Rong's movements became more and more careful, and he put his hand on the doorknob. The ominous feeling in his heart became stronger and worse, and he lingered in his heart for a long time.

Thinking of the person who announced this mission, Wang Rong gritted his teeth, turned the handle in his hand, and there was a "click", which was extremely clear in the silent night.

Like some kind of signal, as the sound sounded, the figures of the two rushed into the room quickly, and two energy weapons exuding a powerful aura emerged from the air and smashed towards the bed in the hotel room.

'Boom! With a loud noise, the bed was instantly smashed to pieces, and the energy weapon remained undiminished, and fell on the ground, piercing the floor, revealing the scene downstairs.



Wang Rong was startled inwardly, he reacted instantly, mobilized the energy in his body, and wrapped him tightly with a shield invisible to the naked eye.


A small voice came, so inconspicuous in the chaos, but Wang Rong still noticed that his shield seemed to be hit by something, and a layer of ripples appeared in the air.

A sudden force came from the shield, and Wang Rong was horrified. This force was so huge that the shield was a little crumbling, but he couldn't find where the attacker was, and he didn't even know what it was that attacked him.

"Ah!" A scream pierced the silence of the night. The sound was miserable, as if suffering from great pain. The teammates around Wang Rong shot countless small blood arrows from their bodies, like a blooming blood-colored flower.

What is this!

Wang Rong was horrified, and the blood in his body was about to move, as if countless maggots were wriggling and about to burst out.

However, so far, Wang Rong has not discovered where the enemies who attacked them are hiding!

"Roar!" An inhuman roar sounded, and Wang Rong glanced at his teammates worriedly. The figures of his teammates became a few laps stronger than before, more like a giant beast in the dark.

Is it crazy?Wang Rong took a few steps back, observing his surroundings with a cautious expression on his face.


Chu Fei hid behind the cabinet in the room on the second floor outside the window, through the big hole in the ceiling, he could vaguely see the scene above.

In fact, he wanted to pierce the ceiling directly for a sneak attack. After all, there was a barrier from the ceiling, so his ability would have no effect at all.

Coincidentally, the attack when these two guys came in smashed through the ground, so he was not in a hurry to go up.

The two above, one at the third level and the other at the fourth level, don't know what kind of abilities they have, and Chu Fei dare not be careless.

What surprised him was that the blood in the body of the third-order superhuman seemed to be very unstable, and it was very easy to control.

Between the two, one of them had already gone mad, attacking needlessly everywhere, and the intensity of destruction was much stronger than that of a normal third-order ability user.

Chu Fei frowned, and stopped manipulating the energy. The fourth-order supernatural power user didn't know what kind of ability it was, and Chu Fei's supernatural power had no effect on him at all.

Thinking for a while, Chu Fei clenched the bloody scimitar in his hand, rushed out from the big hole in the ceiling, the tip of the knife gleamed, and slashed towards Wang Rong.

This person is always a trouble, if he is dealt with, tonight's battle will be over.


As if there was an invisible wall, Chu Fei's blade was blocked outside and could not be stored.Wang Rong was startled at first, and then he reacted, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Originally Chu Fei couldn't come out, and Wang Rong had nothing to do with him, but Chu Fei took the initiative to attack and his position was exposed.

It's just a third-order ability user, no matter how powerful it is, how powerful it can be.With a trace of disdain in Wang Rong's heart, the defensive cover suddenly shrank, forming a transparent armor on his body.

This is his special ability, which does not belong to him, but was obtained by accident. With this ability, he will also have a huge advantage in many battles between the same level.

Seeing Chu Fei's blood-colored scimitar attacking, Wang Rong sneered, and gathered energy on his fist, which looked like it was coated with ice crystals, and met Chu Fei's scimitar.

Between the ping-pong, the two had fought dozens of times. The ground was covered with shattered ice slag, and the energy scimitar in Chu Fei's hand was also in a dim shape, as if it was about to dissipate.

This person is so difficult to deal with, all his attacks seem to have no effect on him.Chu Fei frowned deeply. This was the first time he had encountered such a difficult enemy.

With strong defense and amazing attack, not to mention that there is a crazy third-level supernatural being beside him, Chu Fei's situation gradually fell into a disadvantage.


Chapter 141 Going to Jail

No, going on like this is not an option, Chu Fei looked calm, but he was quite hesitant in his heart.

Do you want to use that trick?But he hasn't researched the thing that was summoned last time.

For some reason, Chu Fei always resisted that skill, but now, there is no other better way.

Hardened his heart, the energy scimitar in Chu Fei's hand shone brightly, temporarily forcing the two of them back, and his body retreated.

Skills, Huang Quan!

After opening the distance, Chu Fei spread out his left hand, and a red-yellow light particle emerged from his hand, and then it became bigger and bigger, pulling into a river of sand, overwhelming the two of them.

The only difference from last time is that today's Shahe is more yellow, like corpse water, and has a strong and pungent fishy smell.

The two were instantly submerged in the Yellow Spring, and there was a creepy scream in the spring water. Chu Fei stood aside with a solemn face, watching the huge figure appearing in the Yellow Spring.

It was still the same crab from before, with six pincers, much larger than the last time it came out, and even more terrifying.

Only a few seconds after Huangquan appeared, Chu Fei withdrew his skills, and the giant crab let out an unwilling roar. As the Huangquan water disappeared, Chu Fei let out a muffled snort, leaving a trail of blood at the corner of his mouth.

Forcibly withdrawing the skills produced a strong backlash, stronger than Chu Fei, and also suffered some injuries.

With the disappearance of the Yellow Spring water, a pothole half the size of a room was exposed. Because of the cancellation of the Yellow Spring skills, the two people who attacked fell from the air and hit the floor below, dying.

Chu Fei jumped directly from the edge of the pit and landed beside the two of them. He poked Wang Rong's head a few times with the energy scimitar, frowning slightly.

Originally, I wanted to know from Wang Rong who was trying to attack him, but now the situation of the two of them obviously can't answer any questions.

There was a loud noise outside the window. Chu Fei came to the window, lifted the curtains, and glanced out. A group of people in uniforms, holding torches in their hands, surrounded the hotel.

Judging by the aura on their bodies, these people are obviously evolutionaries. If they go out at this time, they will definitely be discovered.Chu Fei looked out from the gap in the curtain, not knowing what to do.

After the hotel was surrounded, people began to enter the door one after another. After a moment of confusion, there was a sound of footsteps outside Chu Fei's door.

'Boom boom boom! '

There was a hasty knock on the door, and Chu Fei stood up from the bed, straightened his robe, and opened the door calmly.

"Hello, we are the law enforcement team of Base No. [-]. Since you may have violated the basic regulations of the base, please come with us and assist in the investigation." The person who came was dressed in white, with a golden badge on his shoulder, engraved with The word law enforcement.

Chu Fei nodded, and walked out of the room obediently without any resistance.It's not that he can't escape, it's just that if he wants to do a good job in the restaurant business, it's impossible for him to give up such a large survivor base.

Simply, first look at the attitude of the No. [-] base, and then make a decision.Seeing that Chu Fei was so knowledgeable, everyone in the law enforcement team was not too embarrassed, but let Chu Fei walk in the middle and left the hotel together.

After making up his mind, Chu Fei followed the law enforcement team all the way to a factory after walking for about half an hour.

Chu Fei frowned slightly. Because of the mutated dog group last time, he didn't have the slightest impression of the factory.Looking at the surrounding environment, it was empty, without a single figure, which looked a little weird under the moonlight.

Seemingly seeing the change in Chu Fei's expression, the law enforcement officer who spoke just now explained with a smile: "This place is dedicated to detaining violators of the base, because at this time, the court is not yet on duty, so I can only wrong you here first Stayed overnight."

With a sound of 'um', Chu Fei didn't say anything, followed the footsteps of the law enforcement team and walked into the factory ahead.

The factory has obviously been remodeled. There are many rooms inside, most of which are empty, and some prisoners are detained.

Beside the room, there were some guards in groups of three or four, who were gathering together, talking, or playing poker.

Hearing the sound from the gate of the factory, one of the guards came out and stood in front of the law enforcement team. He smiled at one of them and said, "Captain Wang, did someone commit another crime?"

The person known as Captain Wang nodded politely, and replied: "Well, the people in the court are off work, so they are sent to you first, so you can accept it first."

After finishing speaking, he signaled the team members to get out of the way, revealing Chu Fei behind him.

The man responded, looked at Chu Fei, and looked a little embarrassed: "It seems to be a supernatural person, and the level is not low, but there is only one room for the high-level supernatural person, and someone is already in it."

Seeing the guard's embarrassed face, Captain Wang was a little surprised: "Just lock them up together for now. Is there any problem?"

"There was no problem at first, but the person being held now is the former head of the Golden Lion Mercenary Group. He has just been convicted in the past few days and will be executed soon..."

After a little hesitation, the guard sighed and explained truthfully to Captain Wang.

After a moment of silence, Captain Wang waved his hand: "Take him in, it's only for one night, and you should be careful, there shouldn't be any problems."

The guard nodded, said some polite words to Captain Wang, and brought Chu Fei to a small room with two law enforcement members.

The room is like an iron plate made of some kind of steel, strangely, there is still some light on it, which is very eye-catching in the dim factory.Outside the house sat several guards, sitting around a table with an oil lamp on it.

Seeing the person coming, the guards stood up, a little surprised, negotiated briefly, and opened the door cautiously.

"Whoa, whoa."

The sound of iron chains rubbing against the ground was extremely ear-piercing in the silent night. As the door opened a gap, the guard stretched out his hand and pushed Chu Fei in.

Unprepared, Chu Fei was pushed into it by the sudden force, with anger on his face, the iron door behind was slammed shut firmly.

After calming down, Chu Fei looked around the room and couldn't help covering his nose.

The space in the house is not large, there are no facilities, there is only a kang that can accommodate more than ten people, with a few layers of bedding on it, and an oil lamp.

However, these quilts are very messy, the color has turned black, and there are many excrement in the small corners of the house, exuding a strong stench.

On the kang, sat a man with slightly long hair, naked to the upper body, wearing heavy shackles, and his skin was covered with black gray formed by the solidification of large pieces of dust.

What attracted the most attention was the eyes of this person, lifeless, like a dead person, if it wasn't for the clear black and white, Chu Fei would even regard him as a zombie.


Chapter 142

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