The off-road vehicle stopped on the side of the road, and several people got off the vehicle one after another. Three men and one woman were young, and they all seemed to be in their 20s.

"Are you, the owner of that restaurant?" As if recognizing Chu Fei, the woman in the crowd spoke hesitantly, while secretly looking at Chu Fei.

know him?Chu Fei was a little puzzled. The faces of these people were all unfamiliar. Chu Fei had no impression, but he still nodded, wanting to see what these people meant.

"I really didn't expect to meet you here. I used to work in the logistics department of Longhu, and now I have set up a mercenary team in the No. [-] base." The woman said with a charming smile, took a step forward, and took the initiative to explain.

Base [-]?Is it the military base he's going to?But what the hell is a mercenary squad?

Chu Fei thought about it slowly, as if he had thought of something, and smiled slightly: "It just so happens that I'm going to Base No. [-], if it's convenient, why don't you take me for a ride?"

After all, Chu Fei looked at his electric car, meaning something.

Naturally, the young woman would not refuse, and quickly agreed.She also knows a little about Chu Fei's strength. With Chu Fei, there is an extra layer of security on the road.

Seeing the young woman agreeing to come down, Chu Fei stretched out his hand, lifted the electric car, and put it in the trunk of the off-road vehicle. The trunk of this off-road vehicle is not very big in the first place, and the electric car will not be covered if it is barely put on it. The back cover is off.

Seeing Chu Fei's actions, several people were a little surprised. They didn't know why Chu Fei cared so much about a broken electric car.

But no one raised any objections. The young woman had seen Chu Fei's strength, and the others were not fools. To be able to dress so neatly in the last days and make their captain so polite, this man must not be simple.

After the electric car was installed, Chu Fei opened the door and sat on the co-pilot. The woman gave the team a wink and replaced the original driver. Several people got into the car one after another.

The vehicle moved slowly because of the bumps on the ground.

Chu Fei didn't fasten his seat belt, stuck his knees on the storage box, and lay on a half-slanted side. He took the initiative to ask about the situation of the No. [-] base.

The young woman didn't hide anything. What Chu Fei asked was not a secret at all. Anyone who lived in No. [-] would know the news.

After talking about it, Chu Fei also had some ideas about the No. [-] base. The No. [-] base was established about half a month after the end of the world. The founder was the Southern Military Region, one of the four major military regions.

Chu Fei still knew a little about the southern military region. Before the end of the world broke out, it was one of the few military regions in China, with excellent weapons and personnel. It can be said that the response was quite quick to establish a base in such a short period of time.

Base No. [-] was stationed in a canyon outside Chaohuan City. It was a famous scenic spot before the end of the world. The winding mountain roads are easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is indeed very suitable for establishing a base.

Although the resources are somewhat scarce, there are many beasts on the mountain, and some edible mutated plants have been found in the base. Coupled with the search team, the base can continue to operate.

Knowing the news he wanted, Chu Fei thanked him, and the young woman suddenly asked, "I don't know why you are going to Base No. [-] this time?"

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

In fact, this matter is not easy to explain, Chu Fei shrugged helplessly: "Check it out, and relax by the way."

Obviously perfunctory, the young woman curled her lips, but Chu Fei didn't want to say it, and she couldn't keep asking.

Chatting one after another, Chu Fei felt a little impatient, closed his eyes slightly, and leaned his head on the co-pilot's seat.It seems to others that he is sleeping, but in fact he is checking the new and extra functions of the system.

He still has a quest reward that is useless. After the previous advanced quest was completed, a series of things happened, and he has been healing since then. Only now did he remember that there was such a thing.

The interface of the lottery drawing function is a turntable, and there are some messy things on it. Many Chu Fei have never seen it before, so they don't know what effect it has.

After inquiring about the system, Chu Fei operated according to the system's prompts, and the turntable on it slowly turned, the speed of the rotation changed from slow to fast, and then from fast to slow, and finally the pointer stopped on a wallet-shaped item.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for winning a special item. Money can turn ghosts around. The rewards will be released soon. Please check the host carefully."

The sound of the system came, and Chu Fei was caught off guard. Usually, the things he bought were placed directly in the system, but this time they were directly distributed.

Before he had time to react, the air in the car fluctuated, and a wallet with a unique shape emerged from midair and fell into Chu Fei's hands accurately.

The style of the wallet is very simple, with a red skull hanging on it. I don't know what kind of material it is made of. Under the sunlight, it is shining coldly.

The sudden change startled several people. The young woman subconsciously stepped on the brakes. Chu Fei was not wearing a seat belt. He leaned forward and almost threw the wallet he just got.

"I'm sorry, sorry, are you okay?" The young woman was a little flustered, apologizing repeatedly, with a nervous look on her face.

Chu Fei waved his hand, with a calm face, motioning for the woman to continue driving, and mmp complained in his heart that this thing suddenly appeared, which shocked him.

Looking at Chu Fei, and then at the wallet in Chu Fei's hand, the young woman hesitated to speak, the car started slowly and continued driving.

Item name: Money can turn ghosts into millstones

Item Rating: Unknown

Item function: Exchange energy items into undead of the corresponding level, which will never drop.

Item introduction: A serious undead alchemist uses decent materials to make a decent item with an unscrupulous name. You can put all energy items into it and exchange it for undead of the corresponding level. The summoned undead obey the summoner All commands of , which are internally connected to a special interface, can be exchanged in unlimited quantities, and will never drop.

After reading the item introduction given by the system, Chu Fei opened the wallet and checked inside. It looked no different from a normal wallet.

I want to try it out, but it's not easy to use it with someone around.Chu Fei smacked his mouth and put the wallet in his pocket, looking forward to its effect.


Chapter 138 Entering the City

It seems that there is still a seven-day mall experience item, but I just don’t know what it will be.Chu Fei muttered in his heart, called the system, and asked for the reward for completing the advanced task.

"Ding~ The reward is being drawn immediately. The draw is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the time-limited item, Andrew's watch. The item will be released soon. Please check the host carefully."

After all, the air in the car twitched again, the corner of Chu Fei's eyes twitched, and an extremely luxurious watch emerged from midair and fell into Chu Fei's hands accurately.

With the previous experience, although everyone in the car was shocked, they didn't react so violently. The young woman secretly glanced at Chu Fei from the corner of her eye, not knowing what she was thinking.

The watch in his hand has a gold trim and a silver-white watch chain. It is unknown what kind of material it is made of, but it feels smooth in the hand.The pure black dial is inlaid with a few unknown gravels, which is low-key and luxurious, giving people a sense of historical heaviness that has been washed away.

Holding the watch in his hand, he played it over and over again, the smooth and cold feel made him unable to put it down.After playing with it for a long time, Chu Fei put it on his wrist and checked the introduction of the watch.

Item name: Andrew's watch

Item evaluation star: nine stars

Item effect: Time stops

Item introduction: The watch that Andrew once wore was eroded by the power of 'Cang' and lost most of its effectiveness, but it still retains some functions. The user transmits energy into the watch, which will stop the time within a certain range. It is determined by the amount of energy delivered by the user and the resistance of the user.

Looking at the introduction in the mall, Chu Fei was a little dumbfounded, the nine-star rating,,, time stands still!

This is simply a heaven-defying existence. Although the time is only seven days, it is enough to do many things.

If he had such a constant watch when he met Mutant Bit a few days ago, even if he didn't use the invincible effect of the restaurant, Chu Fei would still have the strength to fight.

Putting his right hand on the watch on his wrist, Chu Fei couldn't calm down for a long time, and began to plan in his heart. These seven days must not be wasted in vain.


The off-road vehicle stopped slowly, brought Chu Fei's thoughts back to reality, and checked the surrounding environment. It was a little strange, as if he was on a certain mountain, surrounded by towering stones.

"Mr. Chu, Base No. [-] is here." The young woman reminded with a charming smile. There was no danger along the way, which made her feel very happy.

Slightly nodding his head, Chu Fei got off the off-road vehicle, a man stayed in the vehicle and said to stop, and the rest of the people, led by the young woman, walked to the gate ahead.

In front, there is a thick wall, made of stone, and in the middle of the wall, there is a thick iron gate, like an ancient city. There are countless patrolling teams standing on the city wall, holding guns in their hands, which is extremely huge.

At intervals, there are some heavy firepower points, some Chu Fei knows, some Chu Fei doesn't, but the power must be very good.

Guarding the city at the gate were two soldiers with automatic rifles, wearing camouflage uniforms, young, with a hint of childishness on their faces.

It seemed that they knew the young woman. The guard laughed a few times and let them in. The young woman took Chu Fei, went through simple registration procedures, and came to a house.

"This is a quarantine area. Everyone who comes back from the outside has to stay inside for four hours to avoid accidents." Seeing the puzzled look on Chu Fei's face, the woman explained, and then remembered something : "My name is Butterfly. If you need anything, you can find me in the mission hall."

Chu Fei nodded, and thanked him. He was really grateful to Die, otherwise he didn't know anything about Base No. [-].

A woman came not far away and arranged the rooms for several people one by one. Chu Fei followed behind and walked all the way to a single room, pushed the door and walked in.

The room was a bit dark, as Chu Fei walked in, and the sound of locking the door came from behind, Chu Fei shrugged and lay down on the single bed in the room.

He didn't bring his mobile phone when he came out, and practicing now would not have any effect. Chu Fei lay sprawled on the bed, flipping through the products in the mall.

Somewhat boring.

In this store upgrade, many things have been unlocked, such as the lucky wheel, fourth-tier products, and branches that Chu Fei has been unable to figure out.

The Lucky Turntable was the one that Chu Fei used to draw 'money can turn ghosts' before, but the number of times on it was displayed as 0. I don't know how to get the number of times, and the system did not give an answer.

There are a lot of fourth-tier products, all of which are dazzling, and the effect is better than the other, but the price is also very expensive. Now Chu Fei is very cash-strapped.

The introduction of the branch system is very vague. There is only one number of times that a branch can be established: 1. Chu Fei asked the system, but the system said that it will know after the branch is established.

Four hours was not a long time, and people came in or left one after another in the middle, and Chu Fei's time was up, and a strange man came with a swollen face and a bunch of keys in his hand.

"Your time is up, you can go." Unexpectedly, although the man looked fierce, his tone was very gentle.

There was a "squeak" sound from the iron gate, and Chu Fei got off the bed, put on his shoes, and walked out of the gate.There were a few survivors who came out with him outside the door, but Butterfly and his party were not among them.

Maybe it was for something, after all, they were not familiar with each other, and Chu Fei didn't expect to see them when he came out.

The people around were chatting and laughing, and they each went to greet their companions. Chu Fei looked around the surrounding environment, picked a direction and walked forward, and was going to inquire about the news first.

At least, let's find a place to stay first, with his hands in his pockets, Chu Fei's back is a bit bleak.

Base No. [-], a tavern.

There is an old-fashioned stereo in the tavern, the kind with batteries plugged in, which plays soothing music.

All kinds of guests sat in their seats, drinking with their heads down, or talking loudly.In the corner, Chu Fei was sitting on a sofa for one person. On the table in front of him were several bottles of foreign wine with English labels.

He had been drinking it for a while, but the taste of the wine was not very good, as if he was hungry for water, and it tasted weird.

But at least it was considered wine. Chu Fei hadn't drank for a while, but he missed it a little.

In fact, Chu Fei prefers beer to foreign wine. The taste of foreign wine always reminds him of some bad things.

When he was working as a security guard in a bar many years ago, he had enough of this smell, like rotten fruit, exuding the smell of rotten life from the inside out.

Reaching out to take the wine bottle, Chu Fei lifted it up high, and the silver-white water column poured down, and under the illumination of various lights, it poured into the glass on the table.


Chapter 139 The Eighth Base

Suddenly, the noise of the bar stopped, and a man in a black windbreaker walked in the door.

It seems to be some extraordinary person. The bar, which was very noisy just now, became much quieter in an instant, and the voices of the survivors' conversations became much quieter.

The man in black looked around, his eyes fell on the only empty seat in front of Chu Fei, and he walked straight over.

"Hello, may I sit here?" The man's voice was very magnetic, and there was an impeccable smile on his face, which made people involuntarily feel a little favor.

Lifting his eyelids slightly, Chu Fei glanced at him casually, spread out his right hand, made a posture of asking for permission, picked up his own wine bottle, and filled the glass in front of him.

Shrugging helplessly, the man in black sat opposite to Chu Fei, and then a bar waiter came and put the wine glasses on the tray in front of the man.

The man in black thanked him, holding a wine glass in one hand, quietly drinking the light blue cocktail in the glass.

After a long time, Chu Fei turned the wine bottle over, and a few drops of wine dripped from the mouth of the bottle.Chu Fei pouted helplessly, got up and went to the counter, dropped a few crystal nuclei, and walked out from the door.

It was already late, and the sky outside had already started to get dark. After spending the afternoon in the bar, Chu Fei also had a general understanding of the situation of the base.

It has to be said that this base probably housed all the nearby survivors together, and there are 10,000+ people in the statistics alone.

This is not counting the floating population like Chu Fei. In the last days, it is already very exaggerated to gather so many people.

And to maintain the lives of so many people, the consumption will be a huge number. Although some edible mutant plants are found for planting, the resources are still in short supply.

Therefore, the base organizes troops almost every day to collect resources from the outside world. At the same time, it also releases various tasks in the mission hall to call on the supernatural beings in the base to assist.

At the same time, for ordinary survivors, the base has also carried out unified management. As long as they go to the registration office to register relevant information, they will be provided with corresponding jobs according to their abilities. Almost every job will provide free board and lodging.

In addition to these, the base has also established many departments to stabilize the development and operation of the base, such as the law enforcement department, marketing department, logistics department, etc. The time is too short, and Chu Fei is not very clear about this.

What interested him was the leasing policy of the base store. As long as a certain amount of rent was spent, a store could be rented in the exchange to sell various things.

For the items sold, the base has no restrictions. It can be sundries, food, or even arms, all of which can be used for sale.

Walking on the road, Chu Fei observed the shops around him, thinking about the possibility of opening a branch here.

In terms of benefits, there are more survivors here, and the speed of earning crystal cores will definitely not be slow. Relatively, the store can also get better development.

But what Chu Fei sells is not an ordinary item. It is no exaggeration to say that if the news of the store is leaked, it will definitely cause all the survivors to go crazy.

But if the restaurant wants to develop, it must let the news spread. In this case, if Chu Fei wants to maintain the restaurant's business, he must ensure that he has a level advantage over others.

Even with the bizarre characteristic of being invincible within the restaurant range, the level cannot fall behind others, at least it must be kept between Zhongbo. To know the current combat power of the restaurant, there are only two people, Chu Fei and Yan Wang.

As for Lin Meng, Chu Fei curled his lips. Although Lin Meng's strength is not low, he never regarded Lin Meng as a supernatural being capable of fighting.

Not to mention anything else, Chu Fei still hasn't figured out the hidden dangers of Lin Meng's body.

Looking up at the sky, Chu Fei hesitated, found a hotel at random, and walked in.It's time to rest, there are still many things to do, but there is no rush.

The furnishings in the house are very simple. There is a wooden counter and two sofas. Although they are a bit worn out, they are very neat and tidy. A young girl is sitting on the sofa, her brows drooping listlessly, and her face is sallow due to lack of nutrition.

"Hi sir, do you want to stay?" Seeing Chu Fei coming in, the girl's eyes lit up, and she looked at Chu Fei expectantly.

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