The battle must be resolved as soon as possible, something is not quite right!

Sensing the changes on the surface of the skin, Chu Fei made a decision in his heart, and the perception of high-level supernatural beings became more acute. This inexplicable coldness is extremely abnormal!

At this time, the sky was bright and the sun was shining brightly. What was strange was that some snowflakes started to float up. At this time, it was snowing in the sky. 2k reading network


Chapter 288 Accident

And this extremely abnormal phenomenon naturally attracted some attention. Secretly, the vigilance of the competition venue deepened a bit.

"Hey, if you don't surrender, then I'll do it myself." Chu Fei sighed softly, but the calm tone was inexplicably inconsistent.

As soon as the words fell, Chu Fei's body was like a ghost, and he rushed forward suddenly. His opponent was startled, and before he had time to react, he saw Chu Fei's gloomy face.

Even though he was careful enough, he still couldn't resist Chu Fei's blow. After all, the gap between the two was really insurmountable.

A black shadow in the shape of a human hit the steel cage on the edge of the arena, spitting out a piece of bright red blood, and fell into a coma on the ground. In the arena, Chu Fei stood there with his hands behind his back.

He didn't hide this attack too much. The warning sign in Chu Fei's heart became stronger and stronger. In this environment enclosed by the iron cage, he felt a little passive.

"Referee, it's time to announce the results." Looking at the dull host, Chu Fei spoke calmly and reminded him.

After being reminded by Chu Fei, he regained consciousness, waited for half a minute, and after confirming that his opponent had no ability to resist, the host also officially announced that Chu Fei had won the final victory of the match.

Everything happened so fast in the arena, the soldiers in the spectator seats, and the senior officers on the stage, hadn't seen clearly what happened, and the battle was completely over.

The steel cage was slowly opened, and Chu Fei stood quietly at the edge of the ring and waited. At this time, it was still impossible to get out of the cage.

Just at this time, a figure slowly walked out from the auditorium on the periphery. It seemed that it was pushed by an unknown force, and the crowd that was originally crowded into iron barrels around the figure was divided into two sides.

It's like a stone crossing the water, which is inexplicably beautiful.

Amidst the grievances, the visitor walked slowly to the center of the venue and looked at the crowd on the podium. For a while, no one spoke.

This is a young man, dressed in black, with half of his hair draped behind his head, he looks handsome, but his eyes are blood red like a zombie, extremely strange.

Who is this person, no one present knows, and no one has ever heard of this person in the base of origin, but the incomparably astonishing aura on his body reveals his incomparably terrifying strength.

"Sir, may I ask who you are?" After thinking for a while, a middle-aged man stood up in the center of the leader's seat and asked respectfully.

He knew that the person in front of him was not something he could provoke, but now that it was the time of the City Guard Grand Competition, he was the chief person in charge. No matter how weird this matter was, he had to bite the bullet and deal with it.

"Hi, let me introduce myself. I'm Ye Tian, ​​the owner of the Ye family. I'm here to get something." Ye Tian spoke slowly, saying every word.

It was like being blown by a breeze. If you only listened to the voice, everyone would think that the person who spoke was a modest and polite gentleman.

However, when he was talking, Ye Tian didn't have the slightest expression on his face. It felt like the other party was wearing a mask.

"Ye Tianba joins the Patriarch!" On the leader's stage, Ye Tianba, who was in charge of the Ye family's face, quickly got up, and saluted with fists on his face respectfully.

And everyone in the field has been confused by the things in front of them. In their hearts, a bad premonition gradually began to surface.

"Tianba, it's been hard work for you these days, come here first, or I'm afraid I'll hurt you by mistake." Ye Tian nodded, still calling out in a relaxed tone, But the content of the words made everyone shudder.

This man, this man is not joking, is he?

On the important day of the city guards competition, the protective measures are naturally top-notch. What's more, there are so many high-level supernatural beings on the field. Does this person want to fight against them alone?

This is really an incredible thing!

However, what surprised everyone was Ye Tianba's reaction. At this moment, Ye Tianba did not hesitate at all. He immediately stood up from the leader's viewing platform, quickly came to Ye Tian's side, and stood respectfully with his hands down .

His actions have already shown his firm position.

"Unfortunately, that person didn't come, but it's finally worth doing." Ye Tian sighed softly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and a book appeared in his hand.

At this moment, everyone knew that the other party was about to attack. In an instant, everyone was on guard. The guards who had been maintaining order outside the court also quickly adjusted their positions, faintly forming a siege towards Ye Tian.

"Undead...natural disaster!" Ye Tian murmured, seemingly casually, flipping a few pages of the book in his hand.

In an instant, the sky darkened instantly, as if it was covered with a veil, and a large green cloud gradually emerged in the midair.


As if something had been torn apart, in the messy void, a pitch-black round hole twisted and opened quickly, revealing a bloody dark red light faintly.

It was as if a wound had been pierced through the sky, and blood overflowed from the wound.

Like a thick red slurry, the blood light filled the sky within [-] yards in diameter, and the waves became more chaotic. Hollows, large and small, were continuously twisted and torn under the infiltration of this force. , the entire sky has been stained with a layer of scarlet light.


The bloody light spiraled and twisted suddenly, forming a huge crack, like a huge vertical pupil overlooking the earth, countless dark red threads spread out around the pupil, and these red threads slowly rotated on the dome, like a densely covered pupil. bloodshot.


On the line between the sky and the earth, nine straight jet-black beams of light were dropped from the sky, piercing through heavy acid rain clouds and mist, and piercing through the dim sky.

The sky above the entire competition field began to reflect various visions. Unknown shadows cut through the ripples of the sky, the space seemed to be folded, and the breath of death surged.

The channel is open.

Ye Tian's scarlet eyes were hot and hot, and a frenzy flashed in his eyes, and a monstrous aura burst out from his thin body in an instant.

Seeing this world-like scene, everyone in the field felt a strong fear in their hearts, as if something was about to come out of the crack above the sky.

The countdown to the battle has already begun.


There was a huge and muffled roar in the air. Four golden dragons that seemed to be made of gold opened their ferocious huge mouths, biting fiercely at the beam of light falling from the sky.


Chapter 289 Undead Scourge

This sudden change caused Ye Tian to narrow his eyes, and a figure also walked out of the audience facing him. This person was covered in a layer of golden light, making it difficult to see his real face.

However, with such skill characteristics, it is easy for people to distinguish the identity of the person. Yang Ting, the commander of the three armies of the origin base, and the four golden dragons flying in the sky are also the skills released by him.

"You're still here." A harmless smile appeared on Ye Tian's face, and he said slowly. At the same time, the black light on the energy book in his hand became deeper and deeper.

The skill of undead natural disaster is powerful, but it is not irreversible. Yang Ting's four golden dragons also caused him a lot of trouble.

"Have you made up your mind?" Yang Ting faced Ye Tian, ​​his hesitation could be heard in his voice.

"Yeah, it's already been decided, isn't the boss coming?" Sighing softly, Ye Tian looked at Yang Ting and asked in a deep tone.

Yang Ting didn't speak, but the meaning was already very obvious.

"Oh, the boss is still the same, the old brother is about to rebel, so he just came to see it." The expression on Ye Tian's face was a bit reminiscent, then he shook his head and said: "Forget it, why mention these, let's start quickly Well, I'm in a hurry."

After all, the black light on his hand became a bit more intense, and the crack in midair also began to slowly expand.

The situation on the field made everyone a little confused, and for a moment they didn't know what to do. At this time, the competition ring was finally opened, and Chu Fei raised his legs and stepped out.

"Chuning, right? Come to me." Ye Tian kept moving his hands, still increasing the energy output in his body, while cautiously looking at Yang Ting who was not far away.

Although he has confidence in his own strength, Ye Tian still dare not be careless about his old buddy. He is also very clear about Yang Ting's strength.

He looked at Ye Tian, ​​then at Yang Ting, as if he had thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Fei's mouth, and he gradually walked behind Ye Tian and stood still, lowering his head as if he was thinking about something.

In fact, seeing Chu Fei approaching, Ye Tian was still very vigilant. Ye Tianba had also told him about the previous incidents, and Chu Fei was also the most difficult to control among all the factors.

"Mr. Yetian, the aura on your body is familiar to me. I think we have seen each other before, when I joined the city guard army?" After thinking for a while, Chu Fei raised his head. Although it was a question, But his tone was extremely firm.

And Ye Tian was also shocked, and gave Chu Fei a complicated look. He still underestimated this guy, but he didn't expect him to be able to recognize his identity.

When Chu Fei joined the City Guards before, he was the one who hid in the dark and observed Chu Fei when he was in the office of the chief.

But at that time, he was using another identity, and he had covered it up very carefully, not to mention that he didn't show up, even people who were familiar with his identity before would probably not recognize it.

But Chu Fei just recognized him. This generation marks that Chu Fei's true strength is not lower than him, and even higher than him is not impossible.

However, he is a power user at the peak of the eighth order!

Taking a deep look at Chu Fei, Ye Tian was about to speak, but at this moment, Yang Ting, who had been standing on the opposite side, moved.

Yang Ting had been waiting with all his attention before, but he hadn't found any chance, but Chu Fei came over at this time and said these words, which also made Ye Tian lose his mind for a moment.

With just such a slight distraction, Yang Ting acted instantly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he doesn't take advantage of the present, it will be very difficult to defeat Ye Tian.

Once they reach their level, the victory or defeat often depends on some details. It has to be said that Yang Ting's grasp of this detail is indeed in place.

"Haha, Lao Yang, I advise you to give up. If the boss doesn't come, you can't stop me. Even if I give you a chance, what's the use?"

Ye Tian laughed loudly, a burst of intense black light emanated from the surface of his body, and a huge black spear slowly emerged in the air, aimed at Yang Ting's head, and stabbed fiercely!


In an instant, the attacks of the two were combined together, and a sound like landslides and ground cracks reached everyone's ears. Yang Ting spurted out a stream of blood, and flew backwards. The golden light all over his body gradually dimmed, revealing He had a somewhat pale face with Chinese characters.

"Everyone, retreat quickly, as long as there are no corpses, he can't use his skills to summon undead!" Regardless of wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Yang Ting roared, struggling to stand up, and the golden light on his body surface slowly gathered again.

There is really too much difference in strength, he is only an eighth-level junior supernatural user, against an opponent at the top of the eighth level like Shang Yetian, there is no hope of winning at all, and even resistance has become a problem.

The supernatural ability has been cultivated to their level, although it is only two small ranks, it is like a natural moat, which is insurmountable.

"Old man, you still understand me, but it's too late, the natural disaster has already happened, and all resistance is useless." With a low murmur, Ye Tian closed the black book in his hand, and a statue made of energy appeared in midair. Ye Tian slowly sat on the throne.

In the air, between the cracks of a chrysanthemum, a huge claw seemed to belong to some kind of beast. It crushed four golden dragons like catching earthworms, and then a huge dragon-shaped creature crawled out of it. .

However, it was different from the golden dragon summoned by Yang Ting. This dragon-shaped creature had wings on its back and had no flesh or internal organs. It was actually made of bones, which looked hideous.

Then, like a torrent, dense undead gushed out from the cracks, instantly submerging the entire playing field, and screams came from the field all the time.

"This is... how many people have been killed to form... such a huge army of undead." With blood on the corner of his mouth, Yang Ting spoke with difficulty, and asked Ye Tian inexplicably in shock.

It seems that after a special greeting, these undead did not take the initiative to attack, but bypassed one by one, passing Yang Ting's side.

"Hehe, do you still need to kill people to make these things?" Ye Tian looked at Yang Ting with interest, sat on the throne with Erlang's legs crossed, and responded.

The reason why he didn't kill Yang Ting was that he wanted Yang Ting to watch it with his own eyes. The scene where they built the base with their own hands and destroyed it bit by bit, slaughtering all the soldiers and high-level officials who participated in the army competition was only the first step. 2k reading network


Chapter 2 Ninety I am an Army by myself

With such a long time to prepare, Ye Tian is not worried at all. Victory is what he needs, but the thrill of victory is still indispensable.

Behind him, Chu Fei stood in mid-air, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, he remembered the zombies that the Ye family raised in the underground cave.

The person sitting on the throne in front of me is not simple. He feeds ordinary zombies with human flesh or other things to promote the evolution of zombies. After meeting the conditions, he is made into undead and forms an army of undead.

It has to be said that such an approach is really smart, it only takes some time to get an army with terrifying strength, and this army is still obedient to him.

The only difficult thing is that many ordinary people's flesh and blood are needed to feed ordinary zombies. However, in the base of origin, it is still at the senior level, so it is not very difficult to solve this problem.

And the situation on the field gradually began to come to an end. Groups of soldiers fell down and stood up again, but when they stood up again, the flesh and blood on their bodies peeled off little by little until they became crystal skeletons. A blood-red will-o'-the-wisp hangs inside the reveal to control the actions of the undead.

The reanimated skeletons bravely joined the army of the undead, slaughtering their former comrades-in-arms without any mercy.

This is the scary part of the natural disaster of the undead. As long as you are killed by the undead, you will become a new member of the army of the undead. Although the strength is a little weaker than before, it can't stop the tide!

There is no way to fight it at all. According to the conventional method, we can only find the source of the spell and kill it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to completely wipe out the army of undead.

You know, this is the end of the world, there are hordes of zombies everywhere, and these zombies are not interested in skeletons. On the contrary, as long as there are still undead left, they can use this bug to re-form part of the army.

The only thing needed is time. If there are some chicken thieves, prepare a small wave of undead to hide in the dark before the battle starts. This is an almost invincible skill. Anyway, even if the battle is lost, they can be regrouped.

Chu Fei felt chills in his heart at the moment. In a short period of time, he had already seen the extraordinaryness of this skill. Although in one-on-one, this skill was not very strong, but in the battlefield, its effect But it's big.

After about a stick of incense, the battle was over. All the people participating in this military competition, whether they were spectators, contestants, or judges, except for Chu Fei, none of them survived.

There were indeed a few of them who almost ran out, such as Ling Feng, but Ye Tian, ​​who was at the peak of the eighth step, was watching from the side, and he just dealt with them casually.

Yang Ting looked at all this in despair. He tried to resist, but in the face of absolute strength, all resistance became futile, and it would only add some wounds to his body.

Finally, the battle was over, Ye Tian fought from the throne, stretched out his hand for a while, and volleyed to grab Yang Ting close, as if there was a huge palm invisible.

"Have you ever experienced despair?" Looking into Yang Ting's eyes, Ye Tian said lightly, and then, with a mighty army of undead, marched towards the base of origin.

He didn't want to get Yang Ting's reply. In fact, it doesn't make much sense for Yang Ting to reply now. All he needs is to have a familiar audience by his side to watch him do all this with his own eyes.

He wants to completely destroy the city that these few people built with their own hands!

The competition venue was not too far from the city. In a short time, Ye Tian led the army of undead to the foot of the city, and his army had been spotted early on. At this time, the city gate was closed, and the crowd The guard on duty was on alert with a panicked face.

Ye Tian's choice of timing is really too stupid. At this time, almost all the troops of the origin base are fighting with several large forces outside, and the leader of his own base is not among them.

And the army competition weakened the city's few remaining defensive forces. Now, facing the vast ocean of undead, they have almost no room to resist.

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