
Chapter 285 Waiting for the Opening

At the same time, the contestants launched by the major regions are also hastily preparing, hoping to get a better ranking in this competition.

This army competition is a good opportunity to take the position, and no one wants to miss it.


Three days later, the military competition officially began. The venue chosen was not within the base of origin, but at the foot of a barren mountain.

On this day, almost all the high-level officials of the City Guards gathered here, including some base management.

With so many important people present, the precautionary measures were of course impeccable. The seven major families of the origin base were responsible for maintaining order and vigilance. Thousands of people were dispatched to guard the arena alone.

Chu Fei woke up early from his practice, and accompanied by Yuan Guo and Ji Ding, they arrived at the competition venue together. Although they arrived not too late, the competition venue was already overcrowded.

After some effort, the three squeezed out of the crowd. Chu Fei bid farewell to the two of them, and went to the temporary wooden house in the backstage alone. At this time, the opening ceremony was being held on the field, and he was not interested in listening to the host's speech. chatter there.

Approaching the backstage, several contestants were already sitting there waiting. Chu Fei looked around, found a place to sit down, and did not initiate a conversation with them.

Yuanguo collected some information about these people before, and the basic information is generally understood.

First of all, the blond boy sitting there, named Ling Fang, is said to be the next successor of the Ling family who has devoted all their resources to training. His strength is unfathomable. In the last military competition, he also won the first place in the entire army ranking.

At this time, Ling Fang was sitting in the center of the room, exuding a fierce aura all over his body, his eyes were like two beams of sharp swords, carefully sizing Chu Fei up.

He was a little curious. Although the Qingyun Brigade did not get a very good ranking in the last military competition, it was finally one of the most powerful special teams, so he naturally paid attention to it.

What surprised him was that Qingfeng, the strongest member of the younger generation of the Qingyun brigade, the previous regional champion, was not there, but was replaced by someone he had never heard of.

He didn't underestimate this at all. Being able to sit here already showed Chu Fei's strength, and he didn't dare to take it lightly against an opponent who didn't know the details.

Perhaps, in this military competition, there may be some unexpected things.

It has to be said that although he is recognized as the No.1 of the younger generation in the city guard army, Ling Fang's attitude towards life is also very cautious. He has climbed up from the mountain of corpses and blood, and he knows very well that there is no room for sloppy combat.

Most of the careless people are already dead, and there is not a single fool who can live to this day.

As for the people who followed Chu Fei, besides Ling Fang, there was also a man in black casual clothes. He was Li, a contestant sent by the Li family, and he was also No.2 in the last military competition.

Although he didn't get No.1, it doesn't mean that his strength is much worse than Ling Fang's. The reason why he lost the game was because of a small mistake, which made him lose to Ling Fang.

At their level, there is no room for mistakes during the battle. If one side makes a mistake, it will often lose everything.

After half a year of precipitation, Li has also grown a lot. In this competition, the Li family also has very strong confidence in him, and he also has the best chance to compete with Ling Fang for No.1.

Apart from these two people, Chu Fei also has some information about the remaining contestants, but among these people, the strength is relatively mediocre, and Chu Fei didn't pay too much attention to it.

The moment he entered the door, Chu Fei secretly used his ability to sense the specific strengths of the two of them. Although he was overwhelmed by others, he didn't take them to heart at all.

It's just a seventh-level junior and a sixth-level peak. In terms of Chu Fei's combat power, even if he was to face two at the same time, it would be a matter of face-to-face resolution.

Although the levels of the three are similar, their real combat power is not at the same level at all. You must know that Chu Fei's abilities are extremely special, and their power and number are much stronger than ordinary abilities.

If the energy in the body of an ordinary supernatural person is like a small river, but the energy in Chu Fei's body is like a lake of water essence compressed to the extreme, the quantity and quality of it are not on the same level.

Even Chu Fei himself didn't know the reason for this phenomenon, he just guessed that it was related to his own system, but the benefits brought to him were also very obvious.

During the battle in L City, Chu Fei had killed many seventh-level and even eighth-level supernatural beings by himself, not to mention that now, Chu Fei's understanding of the realm is deeper than before .

Even he has a faint feeling that he wants to break through, but lacking an opportunity, he can immediately enter the ranks of the seventh level.

Therefore, just paying attention to the two of them for a while, Chu Fei completely lost any interest, sat in his own position, closed his eyes, and fell into a shallow sleep.

I got up too early today, and there was still a long time before the start of the game. Chu Fei wanted to take advantage of this time to take a good rest.

You know, because of too many things recently, he hardly slept well, which made his whole body feel a little tired.

Outside the house, there was a sea of ​​people. Besides some high-level officials of the base and the city guards, there were also many ordinary soldiers present, who wanted to experience this semi-annual event for themselves.

Now that there is no electricity or internet, there are very few recreational activities for people. Even the usual programs will attract many people, not to mention the semi-annual military competition.

If it weren't for the fact that the venue was chosen outside the base, it is estimated that the venue may not be able to accommodate so many people. Even so, the outside is already overcrowded.

In the center of the competition field, a large part of the open space was isolated by the city guards guarding here. At this time, several platforms were temporarily built on the open space. In the middle of the stage, a host was standing on it, using the passing ability The diffused voice seemed like everyone was reading the opening draft in their hands.

Behind the stand, there is a stand on which some senior military officers or base management personnel are sitting. Those who can sit on it are placed outside. Each of them is also a powerful controller in the origin base.

At this time, they were all sitting in their own positions, waiting earnestly for the start of the military competition. Naturally, they were very concerned about this moment of testing the results of the military training. 2k reading network


Chapter 286 The Cage Match

Finally, after waiting for a long time, the long and boring opening ceremony finally came to an end. With the host's announcement, everyone was shocked, opened their drowsy eyes, and excitedly focused on concentrated in the center of the field.

Most of them are supernatural beings. Although their strength may not be considered strong, with their physique, it is not a problem to see the situation in the center of the field clearly.

"Now, let's invite the contestants to play!" The host folded the manuscript in his hand, put it in his pocket, and announced loudly.

As soon as the host's words fell, more than [-] people with supernatural powers walked out of the background. These superhumans were both male and female, but without exception, they were all very powerful.

Chu Fei was naturally among them, but most of the people focused on Ling Fang and Li who were at the front, and not many people paid attention to him who was at the end of the line.

In fact, the order of appearance is also very particular. Many of you are contestants from the previous session, and most of them formed a team consciously according to the previous ranking.

When the opening ceremony ended, Chu Fei was still resting with his eyes closed, and he had just woken up when he realized the chaos in the backstage. At that time, everyone had already stood in line, and the leader had already gone out. The place left for him was only the last one. It's over.

After saying a few more polite opening remarks, the host then announced the rules of the competition. Compared with the complicated regional competitions before, the rules of the whole army competition are very simple and straightforward, which is more suitable for Chu Fei.

"I believe that the contestants present already know the rules of the competition, but in order to prevent accidents, I will reiterate it now." The host said, while casually glanced at Chu Fei, and continued: "As we all know, the current The battlefield is different from before, and now the battlefield is dominated by supernatural beings, and it is absolutely impossible for an officer to lead an army to fight without the ability to protect himself."

"Battle ideas and the like are not very important to generals. After all, each army will have its own staff, and the assessment content of the army competition naturally focuses on personal strength."

He paused for a while, looked at the leaders in the stands, and there was no abnormal reaction. The host just opened his mouth and continued to say: "The competition rules for this competition are that all contestants draw lots, and the loser One point will be deducted from each person, one point will be added to the winner, and the person who is lower than minus two points will be eliminated at the end..."

After about five or six minutes, the host finished stating the rules, and Chu Fei nodded thoughtfully. Such rules are actually no different from fighting competitions, but the restrictions are much smaller.

First of all, in the original rules, some more harmful methods such as inserting eyes, kicking the vagina, and locking the throat were not allowed, but in this competition, all these rules have been cancelled.

As for the judgment of victory or defeat, the battle can only end when one party admits defeat or completely loses consciousness. Before that, no contestant can leave the field.

After leaving the field, it is not stated clearly that it is counted as a win, because no one considers that there are contestants who can leave the field.

In the center of the venue, the arena for the competition has been revealed. The entire arena is covered by a huge iron cage. It is said that these iron cages are made of specially modified steel. It will take a long time for a high-level supernatural power user.

And if it is in a battle, and there is another opponent in the ring, no one can get out of it. For this competition, the official has paid a lot of money.

Officially speaking, this is to stimulate the determination of the soldiers to fight to the death. The use of an irregular system is also to allow the best seeds in the city guards to fully adapt to the cruelty of battle.

After all, the battlefield is not a arena. On the battlefield, no enemy will tell you the rules. There is nothing wrong with adopting such a competition system in the last days.

"Come on, the hell cage competition has just kicked off, and there is still an hour, let's fight for [-] rounds, haha!" Da Da spoke with a maddened tone, as if the pain had already stimulated him to be more belligerent.

Chen Tian was not a low-key person. He was born in a mercenary army, and he had a blood of justice in his bones. When he thought of the misfortunes of the "Mad Men", Chen Tian felt filled with righteous indignation and made up his mind to fight for the "Mad Men". "Let's get started.

However, Chen Tian's calmness was not overwhelmed by the enthusiasm. On the contrary, he knew how much he would be strengthened after a shot of "Invincibility Potion", so at this time At this moment, Chen Tian didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

I saw Chen Tian took a step back, and immediately kicked his right foot hard on the ground with a "boom", using his strength to rush his body out, pushed his left hand out with his right elbow in front, and "swish" his elbow flew straight towards the big man opposite him. .

Seeing the ferocious Chen Tian, ​​he didn't dare to push him too hard. Just like Chen Tian greeted him just now, he stretched out his arms as thick as old tree trunks in front of him, ready to catch Chen Tian's flying elbow. .

But obviously, he greatly underestimated the power of Chen Tian's flying elbow.When Chen Tian's flying elbow hit Da Da's hands, Da Da's arms immediately felt an unbelievably strong force, his arms couldn't help being numb for a while, and they were separated by the flying elbow with a "snap". !


Chen Tian's elbow broke through Da Da's two-handed defense, and hit Da Da's chest firmly. Da Da let out a mournful "woo" and fell backwards. He slid several meters away on his back. When he propped himself up with his hands, a stream of scarlet blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"It's great, it's great, it's great..." Seeing this scene, the "lunatics" locked in the alloy cage were even more excited. They were happier than celebrating a grand festival, and they couldn't wait to go up and help Chen Tian beat him up. Big two punches.

With a smug smile on the corner of Chen Tian's mouth, he deliberately patted his right elbow twice with his left palm, and smiled faintly at the one lying on the ground: "How is it? Can't you get up? I I advise you to surrender as soon as possible, so as not to humiliate yourself!"

Chen Tian said the words "self-inflicted humiliation" very loudly. One of the purposes was to let Da Da know the pain and embarrassment of being humiliated!

Amidst the booing of the "wilders" locked in the alloy cage, Da Da stood up somewhat embarrassedly, his expression was no longer indifferent, but with some violent emotions.

In all honesty, Da Da and Xiao Xiao are deeply trusted and valued by Dr. Huo Yun. Among them, Xiao Xiao focuses on assisting Dr. Huo Yun in dealing with emergencies and surgeries, while Da Da is in charge of the "Deeply Abnormal Human Research Center". For the "thugs" in the first secret room and the "lunatics" in the second secret room, he is no less than the existence of God.

Just imagine, Da Da, who is used to domineering and domineering in front of "thugs" and "mads", this time he suffered a loss in the hell cage competition, but was ridiculed by the "mads" who usually trampled on them wantonly. Facing Chen Tian at this moment, he really started to feel angry. 2k reading network


Chapter 287 Chu Fei Plays

As a high-level ability user who has actually been on the battlefield, Ling Fang can certainly sense the tragic aura on Chu Fei's body. How many lives must be slaughtered to develop such an aura.

It seemed that what he was facing was not a person, but a mountain of corpses, or a sea of ​​blood. At this moment, Ling Fang's scalp was slightly numb.

"What are you pretending to be, it's as good as yourself." When the arena was extremely quiet, a middle-aged man seemed a little dissatisfied, and muttered in a low voice.

Although the voice was not loud, everyone present could hear it clearly. Chu Fei paused as he was about to walk back, stopped, and stared coldly at the man who was speaking.

Feeling terrified by Chu Fei's gaze, the man moved his lips a few times, but in the end he didn't say anything, and lowered his head, not daring to look at Chu Fei.

"I suggest you, hurry up and pray now, don't share the same field with me, otherwise, I will definitely cut off your tongue." Chu Fei coldly dropped this sentence, turned and returned to the original standing position.

Sensing that the situation in the venue was somewhat chaotic, embarrassment flashed across the host's face, and he looked up at the direction of the rostrum. He was surprised to find that the faces of several chiefs had a hint of interest.

After thinking about it thoughtfully, the host closed his mouth and didn't care much about the situation on the field.

In about ten minutes, all the contestants on the field had drawn lots, each stood in their own positions, and displayed the numbers they had drawn in their hands.

Immediately afterwards, the process of the competition officially began. Because the material requirements of the steel cage are too special, coupled with the limitation of the scope of the field, the process of the competition can only be played in pairs.

After being paired with their own opponents, all the contestants returned to the backstage, and some acquainted contestants gathered together to chat about something.

In the arena, the expressions on the faces of some players were not good-looking. The numbers they drew were not very good, and the opponents were also very difficult to deal with.

In stark contrast to these people, was Chu Fei who was sitting in the corner. At this time, Chu Fei was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed, and he didn't care too much about who his opponent was.

Anyway, everyone is the same.

The sound of the uproar from outside spread into the background, and even though there was some distance between them, one could still feel the waves of air generated by the battle. The battle outside must have been fierce at this time.

With his eyes closed, Chu Fei always felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, there was nothing unusual.

Maybe it's because he's too tired recently, and it's not certain that something wrong happened. Chu Fei frowned, but still didn't relax his vigilance.

You must know that the electric car is not around now, and he is not invincible. If he is not careful, some bad things will inevitably happen.

After waiting in the backstage for a long time, it was finally time for Chu Fei to play. Hearing the host's roll call, Chu Fei hesitated for a moment, got up and left the backstage, and walked into the steel cage.

His opponent was already waiting on the stage. He was No. 1 in the area of ​​the Guxin Special Brigade. He couldn't be said to be strong, but he also got No. 4 in the last army competition.

"Mr. Chu, I've offended you." The contestants of the Guxin Special Brigade saw Chu Fei enter the field, nodded slightly, greeted with neither humbleness nor condescension, and then put on a fighting posture.

As for Chu Fei, since it was his first time participating in the military competition, and he had only recently joined the City Guard Army, he didn't get much information.

But when the lottery was drawn before, Chu Fei's aura had already shown that he was definitely not a soft persimmon that everyone could handle. Against such an unfathomable opponent, he didn't have a clue in his heart, and he could only score [-] points. alert.

Gently nodding his head, it was a response. Chu Fei stood on the edge of the ring with his arms slightly down, waiting for the host's order to start the battle.

The iron cage was slowly closed, and under the sunlight, layers of dazzling phosphorescence flashed on this unknown metal, and an icy aura enveloped the entire playing field.

"Why is it a little cold?" Muttered in his heart, several senior officers in the stands wrapped themselves in thick clothes and didn't care.

At this time, their attention was all on the playing field, and Chu Fei, the dark horse who suddenly burst out, also managed to attract the attention of many people.

As the steel cage was completely merged, the host's order to announce the start was conveyed in an instant, and the two looked at their opponents without any movement.

Chu Fei didn't move, he was thinking about how to deal with him. After all, it was his first time participating in this kind of competition. He didn't have much experience, so he didn't know whether to beat him directly or go through the process.

His opponent didn't move because he was cautious enough. After all, he was not very clear about Chu Fei's strength, so he didn't dare to attack rashly.

As long as an attack is launched, there must be a flaw. If this flaw is caught by the enemy, it will definitely affect the final result of the battle.

Time passed slowly, and the audience in the audience was already impatient with waiting. The two people in the field still stood in place as if they were competing for patience, without moving a single step.

As for Chu Fei's opponent, he was also very entangled now. Chu Fei's posture on the ring did not look like a master at all. To put it mildly, he was not cautious enough, but in fact his body was full of flaws.

But it happened like this, so he didn't dare to attack rashly. What if these flaws were disguised by Chu Fei, and the purpose was to trick himself into being fooled?

"Why don't you just admit defeat, I bought a crystal nucleus with [-] points of energy, and pressure myself to win." Suddenly, Chu Fei said, jokingly.

Chu Fei's opponent frowned, but he was not very annoyed by this naked provocation, but he was secretly relieved.

"Fortunately, there was no attack just now, this guy is definitely trying to lure me to attack first, hum, only fools will be fooled"

He secretly complained in his heart, but his defense has become more stringent, and his act of admitting cowardice has even aroused boos from the audience.

But no one noticed that the playing field was getting colder and colder, and even some withered vegetation was covered with a thin layer of frost.

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