The old man continued to look, and found a human skeleton.

And the black dog snuggled up beside the dry bones, and didn't raise his head when he saw the old man coming, as if he had no interest in him at all.

The old man approached the black dog slowly, and took out a piece of dried meat from the leather pouch on his chest and threw it to the black dog.

"You saved the old man's life, and this is my reward."

The black dog looked at the thrown jerky and took a bite, swallowing it without chewing, as if he was starving.

It raised its head and looked at the old man again.

The old man seemed to understand its gaze, wondering, is this really a monster?

With doubts in his heart, the old man took out a piece of dried meat and threw it to the black dog. The black dog caught it and swallowed it three times, five times and two times.

This time the black dog actually walked to the dry bone, picked up a scroll of animal skin, and gently placed it in front of the old man.

The old man picked up the animal skin scroll suspiciously. With the dim light outside the cave, he could barely read the writing on it.

There are beast-shaped characters on it.

But the old man became more and more surprised the more he looked at it, "Myriad beasts curl up the white ape?!"

"It turns out that this dead bone is the predecessor of my human race, not a monster. There are only six volumes of beasts in the clan, and most of them are incomplete."

"But this white ape roll is so complete, God bless my race."

The old man was overjoyed and boldly touched the head of the black dog, but the black dog did not resist, but was very close to the old man.

The old man's face brightened, "You are not only my savior, but also the benefactor of the human race. I accept this white ape roll. Would you like to go with me?"

The black dog barked, as if he understood what he meant, and walked out of the cave first.

Seeing this, the old man was deeply amazed, "It's strange to understand human nature, it's weird, there are all kinds of wonders in the wild world."


Chapter 109 Black Wind!

outside the cave.

Seeing the broken path, the black dog stepped into it first, and turned to look at the old man, as if signaling him to follow.

The old man showed a smile, "I didn't expect that one day, the monster race would be able to live in peace with the human race."

"I must take you back, old man, my name is Qing Niu Shi, I am lucky to meet you little guy, may I give you a name?"

The black dog shook his head, not knowing whether to agree or not, but Qing Niu still gave it a name.

"Heifeng, is this a good name?"

The black dog barked as if in agreement, the old man patted Hei Feng's head, and handed him another piece of jerky.

Hei Feng bit his tongue, and the relationship between the two seemed to be much closer.

So, one person and one dog walked through the path with difficulty, Qing Niu almost fell into the cliff several times, it was Heifeng who saved his life.

This made Qingniu's favor towards Heifeng soar.

After a difficult journey, one person and one dog finally climbed the cliff.

Qing Niu took out a black stone plate, and there was a small ball on the stone plate. When his hand was put flat, the small ball rolled in one direction automatically.

"The south is here."

Heifeng looked at Heipan as if he was curious, Qingniu smiled, "This thing is called Nanpan, and it can point the way for us and other human races in this wilderness."

"This is near Wanren Mountain. It is located in the Shiwanda Mountain. The southern plate sometimes fails, but most of the time it is very accurate."

"Let's go, this area is controlled by the Blue Lion Demon King, let's not attract its attention, and go back to the tribe by the path."

After speaking, Qingniu took the lead and went out, Heifeng followed Qingniu closely.

The two walked together for a day and a night, and at night they found a remote place where they ate dried meat but dared not light a fire.

In this wilderness, lighting a fire is not intended to seek death.

In the vast darkness, the fire is like a beacon, notifying the monsters in all directions that there is food here!

So even though the night in the Great Wilderness was very cold, the Qingniu clan did not dare to raise a single flame.

One person and one dog walked for another day. They hid huge monsters on the road, so they were careful all the way and the whole process.

Finally, after passing through a dense forest, they came to a cave.

There is a huge boulder in front of the cave, Qing Niu immediately hugged the boulder, a burst of veins exploded, Qing Niu moved the stone away with a blushing face.

"This is the territory of the human race. We will be safe when we return home."

Saying that one person and one dog entered the cave, the old man grabbed the boulder again and sealed the boulder back at the entrance of the cave from the inside.

The cave is very wide, surrounded by bright torches.

After Qingniu walked through a long tunnel, the goal he entered was an extremely wide cave, with several thatched huts roughly arranged around the cave.

A huge fire blazed in the very center of the cave.

There were countless wooden sticks beside the fire, on which some bloody raw meat was being roasted.

"Old man Qingniu is back!"

I don't know who shouted, and suddenly dozens of humans dressed in fur rushed out of the room.

Some of these humans are old and some are young, and the old ones are about the same as Qing Niu's.

The youngest is only a few years old, and there are these pregnant women.

"Grandpa Qingniu, you are back!"

A five or six-year-old boy rushed into Qing Niu's arms.

Qing Niu smiled, "Grandpa is back."

At this time, an old man leaning on a cane slowly came to Qingniu Shi. A string of bone and tooth necklaces hung on the old man's body.

He also wears the fur of a monster. He looks to be over 80 years old, but his body is extraordinarily strong.

"Qingniu, have you found out about the movements of that blue lion demon king?"

Qing Niu shook his head, "No, I watched for seven days and seven nights, but I didn't see the green lion demon king go out to hunt."

"Patriarch, your guess may be correct."

The patriarch fell into deep thought, "I haven't gone out to hunt for food for three days. From this point of view, the news that the Blue Lion Demon King gave birth should be correct."

"When the Blue Lion Demon King gave birth, it was the weakest moment. If we can seize the opportunity..."


"Qingniu, why did you bring back a live monster?"

After the patriarch said this, everyone discovered Hei Feng who was following Qing Niu.

"It's a monster!"

"Kids stand back!"

"Grandpa Qingniu, what are you doing!"

Facing the questions from the crowd, Qingniu just smiled and touched Heifeng's head, "It was Heifeng who saved me, it is my savior, not a monster."

Seeing this, the patriarch frowned, "How could the monster save people, Qingniu, the monster is cunning, don't be fooled by this monster!"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Qingniu took out the animal skin scroll on his chest, "At first I didn't believe that monsters would help humans, but this was given to me by Heifeng."

The patriarch was taken aback after receiving the animal skin scroll, "It turned out to be a white ape scroll, and the record is so complete that even the part of the beast shadow is mentioned, Qingniu, did you find the site of a certain human predecessor?"

Qing Niu nodded, "It's a blessing in disguise."

Qing Niu narrated the process of the matter, and everyone clicked their tongues after listening, "This dog monster is so human?"

"It's weird, it's weird."

"I've heard from my ancestors that there were human ancestors in ancient times who domesticated monsters for their own use. You, Qingniu, must have domesticated this dog monster by chance."

"Also, if we can have this dog monster to help out when hunting, it will definitely improve the efficiency of hunting."

"But can you guarantee that this dog demon obeys your orders, Qingniu?"

"You have to know that we can't make any mistakes. This is the last residence of the human race. If there is a slight mistake, the inheritance of the human race for thousands of years will be cut off above you and me."

Qing Niu hesitated, he looked at Hei Feng, "I believe in Hei Feng."

The patriarch's crutch trembled, "It's useless for you to believe it. Its existence is either a disaster or a blessing. Let me do a divination."

After all, the patriarch's crutches suddenly plunged into the ground!

I saw his palms together in front of his chest, and a burst of obscure and strange tones spit out from his mouth one after another.

After saying that, the patriarch separated his palms, bit his finger directly, and wiped the blood from his fingertips on his left eye!



The patriarch's left eye instantly turned pure white, and a picture slowly appeared in front of him. It was a golden and jasper hall, and all kinds of rare treasures were regarded as pendants.

A group of demon kings in human form gathered together, and their tables were filled with raw meat and blood, and a strong sense of oppression hit them directly!

The patriarch saw a black wind blowing into the hall!

And as the black wind blew past, a black-haired man suddenly appeared in the hall, and an eagle-headed demon king laughed out loud upon seeing this!

"Hahaha, Black Wind Old Demon, you came too late, if you don't come again, we won't be waiting for you at this cannibal feast!"


Chapter 110 Blood Tiger and White Wolf!

"Who is spying on us, Qiu Chan said, so that's the case, hum, a bug that doesn't know what it can do."


A splash of blood suddenly spewed out from the patriarch's eyes. Somehow, his left eyeball exploded!

The patriarch suddenly turned pale with shock, and knelt down on the ground with an obsessed expression.

Seeing this, Qingniu quickly helped the patriarch up, "Patriarch, what's wrong with you, patriarch?!"

The patriarch raised his head slowly, and he looked at Heifeng without moving his eyes!

In his eyes, the image of that black dog gradually swelled up, turning into a wolf, into a dragon, into an eagle, into a fish, and also into...


Qingniu followed the gaze of the patriarch, "What do you want to say, Patriarch, what happened to Heifeng, what's the problem?"

The patriarch looked deeply, "Question, what's the problem?"

"It's the problem, Qingniu, take this dog demon away, and from now on, don't let it step into the human resident again!"

The patriarch stood up after struggling. He seemed to have a lot to say, but he didn't know how to say it.

"So be it."

Say it, old man

After all, the patriarch walked into a thatched hut slowly, and then stopped coming out. Everyone was worried about the patriarch, so they followed.

Qing Niu touched Hei Feng's head, his old withered and yellow eyes were a little lost, "Hey, since the patriarch said so, I can only wrong you, Hei Feng."

"I will find a shelter for you outside the cave, and you should not come in on weekdays."

Hei Feng blinked his eyes, as if he didn't understand why.

Qing Niu sighed, just like that, time passed by quickly.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed.


Qing Niu came to a lake outside the cave with the black wind. The mountains and waters here are beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. The clear lake can see the bottom of the water.

Qingniu took a wooden spear and walked into the river barefoot.

The fish in the water were clearly visible, Qingniu raised his wooden spear, and the surrounding fish scattered with his fluctuations, but he had quick eyesight and quick hands, and directly pierced the spear into the water!


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