The blurred figure shook his head, "She has no spiritual root, let alone cultivation, you are not saving her by giving her medicine, but harming her."

The little boy lowered his head and didn't know what to do, "Then what should I do, master, should I just die like this?"

The vague figure stroked his long beard, "A mortal has a fixed life, and this is her life. Her life is exhausted. You can't change it, and you can't save her."

The little boy rolled his eyes, "Then what if I must save her?"

The vague figure shook his head, "If you act against the sky, you will never be able to recover, but who asked you to be my apprentice, anyway, as a teacher, I will show you a clear way."

"There are immortals in this world. Those who cultivate immortals can go to the nine heavens to embrace the moon, and go down to the five oceans to catch turtles. They will be free and at ease."

"And in the world of cultivating immortals, there is a hidden way to bring people back to life. If you can find it, you can save her."

The little boy didn't hesitate, "I'm going to cultivate immortality!"

The blurry figure suddenly became serious, "Have you really thought about it?"

"You have to know that cultivating immortals is a road of no return. After the thunder of the day, you will no longer be a mortal."

"At that time, immortals and mortals will be different, and the way of heaven will be different. You need to forget everything in the mortal world, and this world will never have anything to do with you again."

"Have you really made up your mind?"

The little boy nodded resolutely, "I've made up my mind."

The vague figure grinned, "Then go ahead, go ahead by any means, you and I are bugs looking up at the starry sky in the gutter, since we have embarked on this road, there is no chance of regretting it."

"So, go forward, even if you walk through mountains of corpses and seas of blood, even if there are many bones, even if karma is added to your body, even if the law of heaven locks your life, don't stop!"

"If you stand still, it is your time to sleep, remember."

"My silly apprentice."


The bleak moonlight fell on the earth. Beside a lake, the surface of the lake in the water was as quiet as a mirror, reflecting the shadow of the entire moon.

This lake is called Yuexin Lake.

It is rumored that during the full moon, people can see the secrets and doubts in their hearts in the Moon Heart Lake, and give answers.

At this time, a white-haired man was sitting cross-legged in Yuexin Lake. He was wearing a blood-striped mask and a black robe.

Sitting by the lake like this, motionless.

Ghost Chariot, Chaos, and Zhou Shihua waited at the side, all of them staring at Tai Yi's back without saying a word.

I don't know when it started, Tai Yi gradually lost its vitality.

His existence is more like a projection, everything on the body will be projected on him, and everything on him will be fed back to the body.

If he dies, the main body will not lose anything.

But once the main body dies, he will die with the main body.

If the main body's cultivation base is completely scattered, he will cultivate his forbidden base.

Therefore, his existence is like a projection.

I don't know when it started, Tai Yi's eyes filled with dead silence gradually ignited five groups of flames of different colors.

These five groups of flames spun rapidly, until one of them was extinguished, and then these five groups of flames receded slowly.

But in Taiyi's blood-colored left eye, a word "天" suddenly appeared.

Suddenly, lines appeared on Yuexin Lake, and these lines alternated horizontally and vertically, forming a grid.

It's like a chess board.

At this moment, Tai Yi suddenly raised his right hand, and a sunspot appeared out of thin air in his hand, "Let me give you one?"

Tai said to the air.

Zhou Shihua was taken aback when he heard the words, "Master, who are you talking to?"

Chaos fell into deep thought, "Master, is this playing chess?"

"Take Yuexin Lake as a chess game, and play against the air. No, it's not air. Yuexin Lake corresponds to heaven and earth."

"The world is the game."

"Who is the master's opponent?"

"Besides the master, who else is qualified to use this world as a chess game?"

Tai Yi's blood-colored eyes flashed, "It's unnecessary, whatever, then I'm not welcome, this one, Tian Yuan."

After all, Tai Yi slowly dropped a piece, the position of this piece is very clear, it is the center of the entire chessboard!

That is the location of Tianyuan!

boom! !

At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the sky!

I saw a purple lightning suddenly twisted and fell in the air, directly hitting the chessboard impartially, leaving a white piece!

Seeing this scene, Chaos suddenly took a breath, the shock in his eyes was beyond words, "Could it be that the person playing chess with the master is the way of heaven?"

But the Lord said just now that he wanted to let him have a son.

Let who have a son?

Since the opponent is the Dao of Heaven, then the word "let" is a bit intriguing.

The ghost general didn't think too much, he was not a monk before his death, so he didn't understand the reason, "My lord, about the matter of Huangquan Road..."

The ghost general was interrupted by Chaos before he finished speaking, "Do you know who the master is playing against? This game is not something you and I can participate in and interfere with."

"Don't ask anything. As a subject, we just need to watch quietly."


Chapter 108 The old man and the dog

Outside of Kyushu, there is such a place called the Great Wilderness. No one knows how big the Great Wilderness is. Everyone in the world has said that the Great Wilderness has no end.

This place has been ruled by the demon clan for generations, and the creatures that can live here are either dead or demons. Only in some remote and inconspicuous corners of the wilderness can one find traces of other lives.

At this moment, there is such a group of creatures, they are wandering in the wilderness.

They have forms that are completely different from ordinary people, with human appearance, tigers, leopards, wolves, etc.

Their bodies are very strong, with human facial features and limbs.

But this is only the appearance of a very small number of creatures. Most of the creatures are several or hundreds of feet tall.

They are always on a never-ending hunt.

Either devour evolution, or become food.

This is the ecology of the Great Wilderness.

At this time, in a corner of the wilderness, an old man in a fur coat was hiding behind a rock.

He poked his head out from among the rocks, his white beard and white hair curled and spread out, and his old eyes were somewhat withered and yellow.

In front of this rock, there is a huge black wolf, it is two feet long and three feet long, and its hair is as black as gold stone. It is nibbling at the corpse of another giant beast.

"Unlucky, I ran into this black wolf again, I can only wait for it to leave..."

The old man lay down slowly on the ground. There was a cliff behind him, and he had no way to escape, so he didn't dare to make big movements, let alone attract the attention of the black wolf.

After a long time, the black wolf seemed to be full. It licked its blood-stained lips and was about to leave with the corpse.

But at this moment, the gravel under the old man's feet suddenly loosened, and it rolled directly to the cliff, and there were bursts of noise!

"It happened!"

The old man shrank his pupils, and saw the black wolf suddenly dropped the corpse and looked in the direction of the old man!


A beast's roar came from the mouth of the black wolf. Seeing this, the old man could only get up slowly, and bent over and moved to the side step by step.

There is a cliff behind him, he can't turn around and run away, he can only move slowly towards Yice, but the black wolf has already found out, how can he give him a chance to escape?

I saw the black wolf leaping vertically onto the cliff, it was extremely fast, rushing out like a black shadow!

Seeing this, the old man was startled, and stepped back on a rough stone, and his whole body immediately fell towards the cliff!

"not good……"


The old man's wailing came from under the cliff, and it became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Seeing the old man falling towards the cliff, the black wolf's green eyes flashed, and he had no intention of chasing after him, so he turned his head and picked up the corpse and left here quickly.

But the old man who fell into the cliff did not die because of it.

His fur coat was hanging from a strong branch on the edge of the cliff, which gave him a moment of respite.

The old man raised his head and looked over the branch, and saw a cave above the branch, and a path beside the cave.

This trail seems to have been carved out by someone. Although it is very difficult, it should be able to lead to the cliff.

The old man waved his hand, trying to grab the branch, but at this moment, a crack suddenly opened on the branch!


Seeing this, the old man shrank his eyes. When he fell, the branch's bearing capacity had almost reached its limit.

Even if he does nothing, the branch will snap off before long.

And the more he struggled now, the faster the branch would break.

The old man took a deep breath, ready to make a final fight!


Just when the old man was about to reach out his hand, suddenly, a beast roar came from the cave, and the old man was taken aback when he heard this.

I saw a dark animal shadow slowly walking out of the cave!

It was a creature more than one meter long and half a meter tall.

It looked like a wolf, but its eyes didn't have the sharpness of a wolf, as if it lacked a trace of wildness. After a closer look, the old man realized that it was a pitch-black dog demon.

Now, that black dog is constantly approaching him.

This is really a leak in the house and it rains all night.

The old man was feeling a little desperate at this time, seeing that the branch was about to break, but there was a dog demon blocking the way, which made him helpless.


With a crisp sound came!

The branch broke suddenly, and the old man closed his eyes in despair, but suddenly he heard a rush of footsteps!

No sense of falling.


The old man slowly opened his eyes, and saw that the demon dog jumped onto the tree trunk and grabbed the fur coat on him.

The old man was a little surprised, was the black dog saving him?

How could a demon save someone?

Could it be dragging me up to eat it, the old man thought so.

I saw the black dog stretching its limbs, lifting him up bit by bit, dragging it to the cave on the edge of the cliff and putting it down.

The old man rolled over and got up, ready to face the battle!

But the black dog just looked at him, and went into the cave without looking back.

Seeing this, the old man was deeply puzzled. It was really strange that the black dog didn't save him to eat him.

The old man recalled that there was indeed no killing intent in the black dog's eyes.

With curiosity in mind, the old man walked slowly into the cave, step by step carefully reaching the depths of the cave.

With the dim light outside the cave, the old man could barely see the situation inside the cave.

There are several fur quilts and traces of a fire here. Could it be that someone lived here?

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