But why don't you come?It's almost August!



The Provincial Taiwan side should have come a long time ago.

As soon as the provincial newspaper was published, the station set up an interview task and asked the reporters of the "Longjiang Night Flight" column to collect news materials.

However, as the saying goes, "Good steel must be used wisely." The Taiwan leader in charge of Longjiang Night Navigation considered the current flood fighting situation and thought it could wait.

After all, at the beginning of July, only the flood peak of the Nenjiang River Basin passed through. Judging from the overall situation of the province and the whole country, the pressure to fight the flood is not too great, and the real test is yet to come.

If this article "My Motherland" is released when the flood fighting situation is the most severe and the people are most worried, what effect will it have?

Undoubtedly, it will give a shot in the arm to the morale of fighting floods in the province.

This is no longer simply a matter of news hotspots, but a political propaganda task in line with the general environment.

Therefore, Taili has been waiting.

Until the end of July, the third and largest flood peak in the Songhua River Basin was approaching, and the flood situation in the Yangtze River Basin in the south was also becoming severe. Taili felt that it was time!

Regarding this, Lao Qin, the head of Longjiang Yehang's column, also called two journalists who were out of the interview to the office to give instructions.

"The image must be positive, and the report must be positive. When necessary, the manuscript can be properly exaggerated."

The implication is that no matter the unlucky kid who wrote the essay is a jerk or a bastard, you have to rely on me for the better, because this report is of great significance.

The reporter Qian Xiaolong who is in charge of taking pictures is new here, so he is a bit confused.After all, he is young and doesn't understand Mandarin.

what does it mean?

The interviewer's name is Li Chunmei, but she is an old reporter who has worked in the province and Taiwan for more than ten years, and the leader immediately made it clear.

"Leader, don't worry, the task must be completed!"

But I complained in my heart, and I was wasting my brain cells again.

After leaving the office, Qian Xiaolong still didn't understand, "Sister Li, what does the boss mean?"

Li Chunmei rolled his eyes at him, "The meaning is, let you collect the image materials, and the rest is up to sister to edit!"

"Oh." Qian Xiaolong understood.

Back at his work station, Qian Xiaolong first dialed the home number of the junior high school student named Qi Lei according to the contact information given by the station.

When the phone was connected, Qian Xiaolong briefly explained the purpose of his visit, "I will wait at home in the afternoon. We will arrive at your home around four o'clock. The interview will take half an hour, and my parents will also be present."

"Organize the language appropriately... Forget it, we will give you the manuscript for what to say at that time, and you can just read it."

In Qian Xiaolong's view, what's the use of writing a good composition?After all, he is still a brat, what to say and how to say it depends on Sister Li's arrangements.

As a result, Qianbai said a lot in an imperative manner, and the other person said, "I don't have time in the afternoon."

"Then tomorrow morning."

"No time either."

Qian Xiaolong was in a hurry, "Little friend, this is an interview with the provincial TV station, please cooperate."

"Cooperate!" Qi Lei on the other end is cute, "Definitely cooperate!"

"The day after tomorrow! At seven o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, at Shangbei Wenhua Street Night Market, call this page."

After reporting Tang Yi's paging number, Qi Lei hung up the phone without giving Qian Xiaolong any time to react.

Li Chunmei frowned over there, "What? Not cooperating?"

Qian Xiaolong was going to explode, "What is this thing? Interview him, and he even dragged him!"

Li Chunmei felt even more bitter when she heard this, it's over!

It's not that I haven't encountered this kind of interviewee before, and it's just difficult to deal with.It is estimated that a photo sticker can be used, how can I make it up?

Li Da's reporter has an outline, and the urge to write a novel comes out.

There is no way, the leader of the column group has already made it very clear, even if you are a bastard, you have to describe me as a good person.

In the next two days, reporter Li Da racked his brains and actually compiled a copy, which was considered sufficient preparation.

Of course, while making it up, he also scolded Qi Lei bloody.

Unlucky child, the most difficult thing to deal with!


Here, Qi Lei hung up the phone and said in his heart, you guys are about to come, I have been preparing for more than half a month!

Immediately call Tang Yi and Wu Ning over, "There is a mission!"

"Leadership instruction!"

"One person writes a [-]-word speech on summer jobs, flood fighting, and uncles in the People's Liberation Army."


Wu Xiaojian glared: "I'm sorry for you! How dare you leave homework for Dad?"

Qi Lei was speechless, "Forget it, I'll write it for you and memorize it later."

Wu Xiaojian: "Father!"

Ignore the two hundred and five, and call Li Wenwen, "I tell your gang of cronies, each of you to write a speech of two hundred words."

Coco Lee: "Because of what?"

Qi Lei, "Don't ask, you must complete the task! Hand it in tomorrow afternoon, and I will check."


Li Hanhan really didn't ask any more.

After hanging up the phone, before he could figure out what was going on, Qi Lei called again.

"By the way, 20 yuan per person will be charged, and you will give it to me tomorrow!"

"Ah!?" Li Hanhan exploded, "Is it easy for me to make money? Why are you so cheap?"

Qi Lei, "..."

"Summer camp fee!"

"Say it earlier!"

Putting down the phone, Coco Lee pondered for a long time before realizing:

Why should I listen to him?


Chapter 65 The old tool man

Qi Lei didn't solve the doubts in Li Wenwen's heart until he left the stall at night.

The provincial TV station will come to interview the day after tomorrow, and 20 yuan per person is considered as a donation to fight against the flood.

Reminiscent of the summer camp of "Aspiring Boys", everyone seriously suspected that this guy had premeditated, just to wait for this day!

Not only Coco Lee, but everyone felt that it was a bit too much, right?

Lu Xiaoshuai: "You... isn't this just for show? It's not necessary, is it?"

Lu Xiaoshuai still has a bit of conscience, "Nowadays, there are reports on TV every day where there are disasters and where there are soldiers sacrificed. People who watch it feel sour..."

"It's a bit too much to use this to make yourself famous!"

"That's right!" Coco Lee was also a little contemptuous, "Stone, it shouldn't be like this."

Zhang Xinyu interjected: "Brother Lei, I really can't support you this time! No need, no man!"

Everyone is complaining about Qi Lei for being too utilitarian, which doesn't fit the personality of the idiot circle.

Regarding this, Qi Lei did not explain much, "Listen to me!"

Although Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian participated, the two brothers still had the original mentality, Qi Lei did something wrong.

But having said that, the difference between brothers and friends lies in this, even if they feel that Qi Lei's handling of this matter is inappropriate, everyone has the same idea as them, but at critical moments, they still have to stand by Qi Lei's side.

Because they are brothers.

Amidst the objections, Wu Xiaojian grinned happily, "Fuck, I'll accompany you crazy for a while!"

Tang Yi glared at Li Wenwen and the others, "I listen to Shitou, you can do whatever you want."

The scene suddenly became clear, and the two sides confronted each other.

"You guys..." Everyone was a little unhappy, dictatorship?

But no one expected that besides Tang Yi and Wu Ning, Xu Xiaoqian would also stand up at this time.

"This is 20 yuan. I also wrote the manuscript."

She actually doesn't agree with Qi Lei's actions, but she knows that Qi Lei needs support now.

Seeing this, Coco Lee gritted her teeth angrily: "Just get used to him!"

It was Xu Xiaoqian who raised her chin, "I am willing!"

Miss Xu is just so sassy, ​​she dares to love and hate, and protects the calf.


In the evening, it was still Qi Lei who sent Xu Qian home.

On the long street under the night, there is still a broken car, two boys and girls.

"Can you tell me why?"

Xu Qian finally asked a question.

But Qi Lei just chuckled, "Do you also think I'm too utilitarian?"

Xu Qian was afraid that what she said would be too blunt and hurt Qi Lei's self-esteem, so she just said: "That's not true, it's just..."

Well, from the perspective of this era, it is indeed somewhat utilitarian.

Taking advantage of the time when the whole country is united in the fight against floods and emergency rescue, he uses a composition as an introduction to establish a glorious image of an aspiring young man, and then uses the words of the summer camp and people around him to show Qi Lei's cohesiveness and organizational skills.

It has to be said that Qi Lei's set of operations is absolutely advanced in this era, Xu Qian admires Qi Lei's ability very much.

It's just that it's really not straightforward.

Regarding this, Qi Lei did not deny it, "That's right, it's utilitarianism!"

Xu Qian frowned, "Why?"

To be honest, Qi Lei's current image in her heart, apart from her bad studies, is already perfect, and she even adores this guy a little bit.

But Xu Qian was actually a little disappointed in this matter.

"You're actually already very good, and you don't need such hypocrisy to raise your value. It will make people feel... very awkward."

But Qi Lei suddenly slowed down the car, and after a long silence, he suddenly said: "Are you disappointed?"

Xu Xiaoqian bit her lower lip, "Well, a little bit." After thinking about it, "Actually... there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that it's not perfect."

Qi Lei smiled, "Why are you so careful? I'm not that fragile. And I'm not disappointed, so I feel at ease."

Xu Qian was a little surprised, "Why? Can you tell me?"

Qi Lei simply stopped the car, let Xu Qian sit down from the back, and the two walked side by side on the street.

Under the cover of night, Xu Qian couldn't see his face clearly.

"I should be the luckiest person in this time and space."

"how to say?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "Because I don't need anything!"

"My parents who are happy for me, my lively siblings, a young and handsome 16-year-old, and a caring girl!"

"Cut!" Xu Xiaoqian thought he was starting to talk sweetly again, "You must be smug!"

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