Only Xu Qian's one, in the words of later generations, can be sweet or salty.When it is serious, it looks serious, and when it is playing, it looks playful. It is comfortable to do things.

All I can say is, Stone Life is really good!

When talking about the summer camp, Wu Xiaojian wiped the oil from his mouth, "What on earth are you thinking? How did you make such a big mess?"

In fact, when the business was not good before, the three brothers chatted with Qi Lei and said that even if he didn't share the money or hold a summer camp, he still had other tricks to bring him back to life.

In the end, this guy chose the one he worried about the most.Now it seems that it is so troublesome, there are so many people, and it is noisy.

What's worse, looking back, Qi Lei first took care of Coco Lee's three, and then used those three to recruit a group of inconspicuous people, printing banners and brainwashing blood chickens.

What are you drawing?

The three brothers made money in a non-stop way, and when school starts, they can still brag about B in front of their friends, how nice?

There is really no need for that.

In this regard, Tang Yi actually has opinions.

"Stone, don't you think it's a bit contrived? It's quite unmanly."

Tang Xiaoyi's thinking is that earning money is earning money, playing is playing, and the two must be separated.

In order to make money, they even pretended to be some kind of summer camp, and those with a little brain knew that it was pretending to be B.

Shameful or not?

Tang Xiaoyi originally had a high fighting spirit, but after Qi Lei made such a move, he lost interest.

Regarding this, Qi Lei answered frankly, "The summer camp is indeed a cover, and there are other plans for pulling Coco Lee into the water."

The brothers frowned, "What's the picture?"

"I want to play big."

"What?" The two brothers raised their eyebrows, "How big is it?"

Qi Lei, "It has something to do with our dad."

"Pfft!!" The two directly sprayed sheep oil all over the floor, staring at Qi Lei with wide eyes.

"Blow it?"



Chapter 64 The Provincial TV Interview Finally Came

What the three fathers are doing now is not small, and they have emptied the old bottom of the three families.

According to Wu's father, this time even the loan plus investment, 2000 million may not be enough.

Scared Tang Xiaoyi also told Old Tang, "You can toss lightly and save some for me."

In the end, Qi Lei came as soon as he opened his mouth, fighting with our dad.

"You can sell socks for 2000 million!?"

Qi Lei glared at him, "This matter has nothing to do with money."

Big things and small things don't have to be measured by money.

He really can't do the big thing of earning 2000 million now.However, he can do something else, not necessarily smaller than the three fathers.

In fact, it’s amazing to say that the three younger brothers used the sale of socks to stimulate the potential of the three fathers, and decided to start a second business.

And the unyielding ambition of the three fathers inspired Qi Lei in turn.

Yes, Qi Lei wants to live his small life and enjoy the passing years, but it doesn't mean that he blindly pursues plainness.

These days, he has been scheming.Now that the second step has been completed, the general attack is about to be launched.

It's just that I can't talk to Tang Yi and Wu Ning for the time being, so I said perfunctorily: "Wait, it's coming soon!"

"Tsk tsk." Tang Xiaoyi was not interested in pursuing it, Qi Lei was always talking about it.

Looking past Qi Lei, he looked at Xu Qian, "Give me two more, and you won't be able to eat it again."


After licking the skewers, Qi Lei sent Xu Qian home.

Xu Xiaoqian, who hadn't been involved in the topic of the three brothers before, finally spoke when there were only two of them, "The big event you mentioned, couldn't it be the summer camp?"

When Qi Lei heard it, he said for no reason, "Restrain yourself!"


"No matter how witty you are, I don't think I'm good enough for you."

"Huh!" Xu Xiaoqian sat back and raised her chin. I was very witty.

But thinking about it again... No! !

Snapped!To Qi Lei, "Taking advantage of me again!"

Qi Lei was just being silly.

"So, the summer camp, the provincial TV interview, is this really the big thing you're talking about?"



Time passed quickly, half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and it was already late July.

The summer camp is in full swing, and it has become a scene in the night market.

Ever since Xu Xiaoqian knew that Qi Lei had entered the No. [-] Middle School, she became a lot colder, not as willing to be with Qi Lei as she was at the beginning.

It is said that I have to go to cram school during the day, and I come and go from time to time at night.

This made Qi Lei complain about Guo Lihua very much, right?How much better to hide it for two more months?

People, once you get it, you don't know how to cherish it, it's simply despicable!

Of course, the trivial things in life could be regarded as wonderful in the past, but in the summer of 98, they were really insignificant.

Because at this moment, the Chinese nation is going through a life and death test.

This is the biggest and toughest war the Chinese people have fought since the 50s.

Nearly 30 people from the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force participated in the battle, and the militia reserve force was as high as 500 million. The scope of the battlefield spread to more than half of China.

There are more than 5000 division-level officers.

The deployment of troops is also second only to the scale of the Battle of Crossing the River in the War of Liberation.

This battle is called - Flood Rescue!

Since late June, the Nenjiang River Basin took the lead in launching the disaster, and the largest flood in the entire basin broke out in 150 years.

Until the end of July, the warning water level had been endangered twice in a row, and a third, more dangerous charge was brewing.

Affected by the Nen River, the disaster situation in the Songhua River Basin is not optimistic.

Longjiang Province, including the provincial capital Harbin, was affected by the flood.

Everyone in Old Harbin should know that this year, the embankment built with sandbags has receded under the Flood Control Memorial Tower, and the situation is extremely critical.

The Yangtze River in the far south is also experiencing more serious flood threats than the north.

Although the biggest wave of floods has not yet arrived, there are disasters everywhere, no matter on TV or radio.

The soldiers of the People's Liberation Army guarded the embankment day and night, and they were really building a Great Wall with their lives, and they were using their lives to contain the torrential flood.

Under such a big background, Qi Lei's nonsense is already insignificant.

There is only one theme now: to be united and united, to overcome difficulties together!

The protagonists are undoubtedly the PLA commanders and fighters who are fighting on the front line of flood fighting.

On the contrary, his essay published in the provincial newspaper has a better chance of becoming a booster for an era.


If you look at it from the perspective of a reborn person, the awakening of Chinese people's consciousness can be roughly divided into three waves:

The first time was from 97 to 01.

The return of Hong Kong, the 98 flood fighting, and the failure of Soros to snipe the Hong Kong dollar made some people realize that the motherland is growing stronger.

However, this kind of thinking is not yet mainstream.After all, in this period, public knowledge is still a commendatory term, and the leading party has no noun explanation.

In general, apart from the official media, there are many people who are bad-mouthing the motherland, and they are very loud.

The second time was the 08 Olympic Games and the Wenchuan Earthquake, which allowed Chinese people and the world to see the revival of the Chinese nation.

Since 08, most Chinese people no longer doubt that the motherland will one day surpass its predecessors and regain its glory.

In this period, the public knowledge leader party is still active, but it has slowly turned to side attacks, and dare not be too arrogant.

The third time is to fight against the new crown.

By this time, the majority of the nation already believed that we were not being revived, but had already been revived.Patriotic sentiment is also extremely high.

But before 97.98, the patriotism of the Chinese people was actually reserved and they dared not show it.

Firstly, others are indeed stronger than us; secondly, we are too weak.

Including our people's army, some people have the impression that it is not as tall as later generations, and even a considerable number of people who don't know why question the combat effectiveness of the people's army.

Many people who have come from this era have probably heard a sentence:

〖"Now is not the time of war decades ago. They are all veteran soldiers, without combat effectiveness."〗

What's more, it distorts the strategy of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, and the exaggerated propaganda of our party.

This kind of thinking didn't change until the summer of 98.

When those immature faces jumped into the torrent and built a dam with their flesh and blood...

When every young life is fixed at the age of 20 years old...

When hundreds of millions of Chinese people witnessed a miracle in front of the TV...

Many people realize that the People's Liberation Army has always been the same People's Liberation Army, and it has never faded in the slightest!

So, don't look at Qi Lei as just an essay for the senior high school entrance examination, but it hits the point of current affairs.

After all, the point of view of the current news media to guide public opinion is still starting from the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army, mainly reporting deeds on the front line of flood fighting.Although shocking, the perspective is still thin.

For the demonstration of the common people's perspective, apart from shouting slogans, there are actually no real results, let alone good materials.

A junior high school student who can make such a sound in the examination room is already considered a very innovative news point.


Regarding the fact that the provincial TV station came to interview, Qi Lei only expressed his attitude to Xu Qian positively, but it was also vague.

Tang Yi, Wu Ning, including Coco Lee knew about it, but they didn't make irresponsible remarks.

In fact, it's not that I don't care or don't care, but on the contrary, I care too much, so much that I can't make any positive comments.

This era has not yet popularized the Internet, let alone smartphones.The channels through which the public can broaden their horizons are radio and television, in addition to newspapers.

Young people 20 years from now may not be able to understand the lifestyle of almost everyone watching news broadcasts and listening to weather forecasts from the age of eight to 80.

In this day and age, it's not about posting a few photos, writing a piece of copy, and hiring a few brushes to be exposed to the public.Even social incidents that are harmful to public morality can become social hot spots when they are photographed.

Being interviewed by the provincial TV station is still a positive image of education, let alone Qi Lei, a 16-year-old kid, even a successful entrepreneur like Tang Chenggang does not have such an opportunity.

Tang Chenggang has only been on Shangbei TV, and he has been proud of it for a long time.

It's not that Tang Yi and the others have no opinion, but they can't comment on it, and it's not easy to use it as a joke.

Because it's too high, I can't touch it at all, it's like a dream.

As for Qi Lei, although he has experienced the information explosion in the mobile Internet era 20 years later, he is not too interested in this slightly rigid way of publicity.

However, if you are in [-], you have to do things for [-] years, and you must give full play to the forward-looking of the reborn.

Therefore, Qi Lei attaches great importance to it, and everything he is doing now is preparing for the interview.

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