From half-life, to a level that can never be raised in the legend.From the dragon slaying in other people's hands, to the map where Warcraft can never finish running.

From the girl in the next class to the one who smokes in the dormitory is the father.

Everything changed too fast, and before he had time to recollect, he was no longer a teenager or a young man, but a greasy middle-aged man.


Chapter 12 Let Youth Have No Regrets

Qi Lei in his previous life had many regrets, and he also thought about what he should do if he was a teenager again.

Is it to keep up with the trend of the times and move forward, sitting on wealth?Or turn to the right at several important nodes and start a different life path?

However, when he was really in 1998, when he was in his prime, Qi Lei discovered that these are very important, but by no means the most important.

At this moment, the dusk is gorgeous and colorful, not yet covered by smog.

The 16-year-old's hands are as white as jade, and they have not been stained yellow and rough by life.

The flat lower abdomen and abdominal muscles have never been connected into a shiny and round.

Open your eyes every morning, so simple that you only need to think about what to play and learn, not how much money is left in the account?Is the mortgage enough?Is the child sensible?How to take care of the elderly?

How to appease a resentful wife? When will No. 95 gasoline stop rising?Do you want to strengthen your exercise and escape from the terrible sub-health?

Is the new book well written?How much more a day, the reader will obediently send a monthly ticket as a reward...

And none of these will appear in the 16-year-old options.

16 years old!

This is a girl who still thinks about a certain girl day and night, and also has hormones soaring because of the confrontation of a certain eye, and her heart palpitations trembles all over her body.

It is the age that even God will forgive, and the age for which time will be merciful!

How precious it is, but it will never come back, and it will never be owned again.

and so:

Qi Lei wants to practice the field boxing in "The Legend of Jin Yong Heroes" to the tenth level.

To register a bunch of five-digit accounts when QQ was still called oicq, and then pick the most handsome number to be the most handsome boy in the friend list.

He wants to take the No.1 exam once, and be a child of someone else's family.

He wants to like a girl in school and experience the purest love.

He wants to brush a "painful young dragon" in World of Warcraft and carry a double egg knife on his back.

He wants to commemorate his youth at the concert of the vertical line, and 20 years later he can still squat on the curb with his brothers, drinking beer and bragging.

He wants his youth to not have so many regrets in this life!

At this time, it was already dark, and the night sky in the 90s was so bright that it made people enchanted.

Qi Lei looked out the window, put his palms behind his head, and giggled silly, this is the youth born in the 80s, the youth he wanted!

Of course, all dreams that are divorced from the economic base are hooligans.

As a reborn person, you cannot escape the common customs. You also have to keep abreast of the pulse of the times and accumulate wealth for your life.But that's not all, you can wait.

However, at this moment, Qi Lei really needs money.


First of all, Qi Lei has to go to school, return to campus, and take a completely different life path from the later generations, and that's where money is needed.

Before leaving the examination room, I had already made up my mind about this senior high school entrance examination.

What I told my parents was not a lie, this time Qi Lei's score should be between 300 and 400.

For other students, this score is a shame.But for Qi Lei, it was not easy.

Looking at Shangbei's high school admissions over the years, with a full score of 600, one can enter a key high school with a score of just over 500, that is, the experimental middle school or the high school of No. [-] Middle School.

On the basis of the key line, it is lowered by 50 points, about 460 points, which is a bargaining line.

Commonly known as small bargaining, Tang Yi and Wu Ning are probably at this level.

And the small bargaining line is lowered by 50 points, which is the second bargaining line.

Commonly known as big bargaining, about 410 points.

The difference between big and small bargaining is not only the amount of money spent, but also the student status.

The student status of the big bargain is not in a key high school, but in another ordinary middle school, which can be regarded as borrowing from a key middle school.

To put it bluntly, it is to circumvent the rules within the scope allowed by the policy.

On the one hand, borrowers can enjoy the teaching quality of key middle schools, but they don’t occupy the places for further study in key high schools.Even if you are not admitted to a good university, it will not lower the overall enrollment rate.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Qi Lei.

He did the math, and based on his high school entrance examination performance, he managed to score 400 points, and he was still a little away from a big bargain, and he had to be lucky.

However, even if there is a chance, Qi Lei can't let it go.

If it's really enough points for big bargaining, Qi Lei must focus on what he says.

Not for the quality of teaching in key high schools, but also for the fulfillment of a dream in a previous life.

But here comes the problem, the big bargain is really not cheap at all!The bargaining fee alone is more than [-] yuan, and the tuition fee per semester is also higher than that of normal students.

If you can really get a big bargaining score, or a difference of more than ten points, you can squeeze into the category of big bargaining students through black-box operations.

It's just a relationship.

This is another big burden for Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua.

In this era when the monthly income of a dual-career family is only in the early [-]s, an expenditure of [-] to [-] is already a lot for most families.

Although Guo Lihua was considered a petty official in the grain depot, she was still paid a dead salary.After so many years, if I save a little, it is definitely not much.

Moreover, Qi Lei also knew that during this summer vacation, his father finally got the hang of it and decided to go to sea, the family savings were of great use.

So, to sum up, Qi Lei decided to find a way to get some money by himself to make up for the shortfall of the family, at least to make the burden on his parents less.

This is also the reason why he took precautions in advance when he just coaxed his mother.

Don't really earn back the money and scare your parents out, that's not beautiful.

As for what to do and how to do it, you have to think carefully.



All night, Qi Lei was lying down thinking about things, Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua came back to see him lying down, they also thought their son was tired and didn't bother him.

But Tang Yi and Wu Ning didn't come over, so I don't know where they went crazy.

Early the next morning, Qi's father and Qi's mother went to work as usual.

After Qi Lei had breakfast, he sat in the room, writing and drawing on the draft pad.

At around nine o'clock, Tang Yi and Wu Ning arrived, lying on the window sill and starting to gossip.

"Do you know? Yang Daqiang came back last night and beat Yang Jinwei up. Finally, he found out that he really had sex with Zheng Xiaoyan. Aunt Wang spent half the night at his house and didn't lift the cover."

Qi Lei was weak, "I heard it."

Last night, the next door didn't stop until after one o'clock in the middle of the night, but Qi Lei didn't feel guilty at all.It's not because of revenge, but... it's like rescuing the girl who lost her footing, and it's a good deed!

Call Tang Yi and Wu Ning into the room, "Say something serious!"

The two were suspicious, Qi Lei was rarely so formal.

As soon as they entered the room, one lay on the bed and the other sat on the table, "Speak!"

Qi Lei pondered for a while, "I'll ask you a question first, have you two ever made money yourself?"

Tang Yi and Wu Ning rolled their eyes together, "Is this not nonsense? Have you earned it?"

Qi Lei, "Then do you know what it's like to earn money? Do you know what it's like to spend the money you earn?"

Qi Lei tried his best to seduce the two of them.

As a result, Tang Yi and Wu Ning shook their heads violently, "I don't want to!"

Tang Yi, "My goal is to eat old Tang for the rest of my life, whatever I love!"

Qi Lei was defeated, he has a specialization in art, he really doesn't know how to learn it successfully.


Chapter 13

"Forget it." If the temptation doesn't come, then show up and wave to the two of them, "Take out all the money."


Tang Yi was extremely reluctant, but he still took out a bunch of ball balls from his trouser pocket while asking, some were one and five yuan, and some were ten and fifty yuan.

"That's all……"

Wu Ning also emptied his pockets, but he was very reluctant, "I just deducted [-] from Lao Wu this morning, you won't... take it all away?"

Qi Lei didn't say a word, gathered all the money together, and immediately saw the difference.

Wu Ning only has more than 20 yuan, and there are ten cents.But Tang Yi has more than 80, and the goods must not be cleaned up.

These are far from enough, looking directly at the two, "take as much as you have!"

Tang Yi was startled, "Fuck! You've had enough. 100 yuan! Isn't it enough for you to build?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Dad Tang went home last night, did he also let the blood out?"

"No, no, no!" Tang Xiaoyi was completely anxious, "Old Tang came back with great difficulty, and he gave me one thousand, which is so much for a summer vacation. Don't even think about it!?"

"one thousand!?"

Wu Ning was also startled, and began to add lips.This summer vacation is comfortable.

As for Qi Lei, he was speechless.

These days, which child can have thousands of pocket money?It is a miracle that Tang Yi was not used to being the second generation ancestor by Old Tang.

However, this reminded Qi Lei, he took out a piggy bank from the desk drawer.

If Qi Lei remembers correctly, there are goods there, and there seems to be quite a lot.

It shattered to pieces with a bang, and there were four old people's heads in it, and some five and ten yuan, which added up to less than five hundred.

This is the New Year's money for the New Year, and it is kept until now.

It has to be said that the three brothers do not spend money randomly on this one advantage, which is due to Cui Yumin's education since childhood.

Seeing Qi Lei take out all the bottom of the press box, Wu Ning finally became serious, "Stone, what are you going to do?"

While counting the money, Qi Lei said: "Didn't you say it? I want to earn some by myself, and taste the feeling of spending my own money."

He waved to the two of them, "Hurry up, take out all the family assets, and I will borrow it."

Tang Yi's at least one thousand, if he smashed a piggy bank or something, it might be more.

As for Wu Ning, this guy is a very thieves, no less than Qi Lei.

Wu Ning was about to cry at this moment, "Brother Stone! I called you brother, I was saving to buy a Walkman!"

When Qi Lei heard it, Sony's Walkman?

"Wait a year! MP3 is out, who still uses Walkman?"

"What?" Wu Ning didn't quite understand, "What is MP3?"

"You don't understand, anyway, hand over the money and it's over!"

Wu Ning was defeated, but he didn't hesitate, and went back obediently with Tang Yi to get the money.

After a while, one of them came back with a piggy bank, and Tang Yi still held ten brand new old people's heads in his hand.

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