He picked it clean.

Qi Lei and Tang Yi were speechless, "Bitch!"

In the end, Mrs. Yang didn't settle accounts with the three of them, and she didn't have that leisure time.

First to deal with Aunt Wang, and then Yang Jinwei also returned home after the exam.

It's so hard to die, I came back with Zheng Yanyan, and I was bumped into him.

But in the eyes of Mrs. Yang and Aunt Wang, they believed it even more.

Although the two refused to admit it to death, they were still jumping around.

Not long after, Qi Guojun pushed his Happiness 250, which was manufactured in [-]s, into the hospital, and Guo Lihua followed behind with a vegetable bag.

After entering the hospital, Guo Lihua changed her clothes as usual and went into the kitchen for the first time, seeing that all three brothers were there and didn't say anything.

Tang Yi threw the guitar away, "Godmother, what are you having for dinner?"

Guo Lihua, "Eggplant."


Tang Yi and Wu Ning didn't like eggplant the least, so they turned around and went to Tang Yi's house to investigate the dinner.

As soon as the two went out, Qi Guojun entered the house.

Seeing that Qi Lei was hugging the guitar, he also picked up the guitar on the bed, "Come on, let's see if you have improved."

Qi Lei chuckled, "I almost forgot about it."

Playing the commonly used chords a few times, Qi Guojun sat there watching, and played along with Qi Lei's key.

Just after playing a few times, it became Qi Guojun and Qi Lei.

The three brothers learned their guitars from Qi Guojun. In fact, Qi Lei didn't buy the guitars on the wall, but Qi Guojun made them.

The two of you played for a while, but Qi Guojun hadn't touched the piano for a long time, and this time he had enough fun.

And Qi Lei is also under the guidance of his father, the more he plays, the better.

Finally, after a set of etudes came down, Qi Guojun covered the strings with his hands, meaning, come here!

He suddenly asked cautiously, "Then what... how did you do in the exam?"


Chapter 11 Youth Filled with Regrets

Qi Guojun went around a lot, and finally got to the point, "How did you do in the exam?"

When Qi Lei heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes, "I said Dad, when you hit me, you weren't so gentle!"

Qi Guojun was stunned, "I... I haven't hit you for several years, have I?"

Tsk tsk, I saw Qi Lei smacking his mouth, anyway, he played a lot before, and he was deeply impressed.

Well, generally speaking, Qi Guojun is still a reasonable person, not the type of irascible old man who would strike at the slightest disagreement.

But Qi Lei was too disobedient when he was a child, and the three brothers were too capable.

Regarding this, Qi Guojun was also a little embarrassed. The child was too old to fight.

Rubbing the back of his head, "If you don't cause trouble, why hit you? Right? Think about it carefully, should you hit you? It's for your own good!"

Qi Lei gave Qi Guojun another eyeball, enough is enough!This trick is too perfunctory to fool children.

The brain automatically made up the bumps of the mother waving the broom, and the father pressed himself there obediently and suffered the torture through gritting his teeth.

After finishing the work, I have to drag him to the corner and tell you earnestly that I beat you for your own good, and because I care about your miserable picture.

She couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile, "Dad, I think, let's talk about the exam!"

"If you don't ask again, I doubt if it's my own!"

Qi's father was speechless immediately, "Brat, who are you talking to?"

But he saw his son baring his teeth, "You leave work early, and you play the piano with me, isn't it just for this?"

"Isn't that afraid that you will be messed up again? Your mother has a bad heart and can't get angry with you!"

Qi Lei felt a pain in his heart, and suddenly stopped joking, "Dad..."


"I will not do it again."

"What won't it?"

"I will never make you angry again."

Qi Guojun was stunned again, and his first reaction was that this kid is not right today!Got into trouble?Or did you fail the exam completely?So honest?

Already losing patience, "Speak directly, how did you do in the exam?"

Qi Lei thought for a while and said truthfully: "It's not easy to estimate. However, it should be more than 300 to 400!"

Qi Guojun was stunned for the third time, staring at Qi Lei for a while.

Suddenly, he threw the guitar on the bed, "Little bastard, you can't say a word!"

After speaking, he left angrily.

When I came to the kitchen, Guo Lihua was picking vegetables, and asked when we met, "Have you asked?"

Qi Guojun hadn't recalled it, subconsciously nodded, and shook his head again.

Guo Lihua was always short-tempered, and angrily gave Qi Guojun the eggplant, "Did you ask?"

Qi Guojun, "I asked."

"He didn't say?"


"Then what's the test like?"

Seeing the distorted expression on Qi Guojun's face, "He said that he could get three or four hundred points in the test."

"What?" This time it was Guo Lihua's turn to be confused.

Dazed and dazed, his eyes turned red, and he beat Qi Guojun several times for no reason.

While beating, he scolded: "You prodigal son! Look at you giving birth to that prodigal son! Why don't you worry about it at all?"

It was a grievance to call Qi Guojun's beating, "Why are you angry with me? I didn't provoke you!"

Guo Lihua, "I don't blame you, who do you blame? The stone is up to you. You are as old as him, and you are dead. You learned it from you! If you don't study hard, you won't be able to say a word!"

"I..." Qi Guojun was speechless.

Qi Lei stood at the door of the kitchen, listening to his parents crying and scolding for him... I am so grateful!

Fortunately, future generations are not married and have no children, so what if they also have such an uneasy son?

Stepping into the kitchen, "Mom, can I help you?"

Guo Lihua didn't expect Qi Lei to rush in, so she stopped scolding, turned her head and rubbed her eyes, and then turned around, "Is it obvious to you? Just stay!"

But Qi Lei has already snatched the onion and garlic from the chopping board, and squatted down in front of the trash can.

The kitchen is not big, and it is difficult for a family of three to turn around in it.

Guo Lihua and Qi Guojun stared blankly at Qi Lei peeling the onion and garlic, and finally Qi Guojun had no choice but to turn around and leave, leaving only the mother and son busy inside.

"Mom, Xiaowei next door has fallen in love early, so you can rest easy."


"Mom, will you teach me how to cook? When you come back, you can eat ready-made food."


"Mom, your son seems to be enlightened, and suddenly wants to study hard."


"Mom... Actually, you don't care about me. I have reviewed my English well these few days."


"Mom... I remanded for the composition question! If you don't believe me, ask Wu Xiaojian and the lunatic."


"Mom... You really did well in the exam this time, so it's definitely not shameful."


"Mom... I've made up my mind, don't waste the two months of summer vacation, and do something meaningful."


"Mom... Tell me, what should I do? How about I go to work? Earn tuition fees, and it won't cost you any more. Do you think I'm sensible?"

After two lives, how can you not coax a little old lady?

To put it nicely, Zhuancai not only wants to make my mother happy, but also vaccinates her.

In case I am too different from my previous life, my mother will not be frightened.

Where has Guo Lihua seen such a son?It's not her breed!

Being coaxed by Qi Lei, he went from crying to bewildered, from bewildered to laughing, and finally couldn't close his mouth when he laughed. One called Qi Guojun, "Old Qi, Lao Qi! Are you listening?"

Qi Guojun replied from a distance in the courtyard, "What is the name of the ghost? Listen!"

"Hey! You old bastard!" Guo Lihua yelled and rushed out of the kitchen, "Say it again?"

"What did you say?" Qi Guojun poked his neck and looked fierce, "I didn't say anything!"

Qi Lei watched through the window, and finally understood what it means to use the most ruthless tone and say the most embarrassing words.

After the family had dinner, Guo Lihua couldn't wait to go to Tang's house, and Qi Guojun, who never liked to visit, also followed for the first time.

It happened that both Tang Yi and Wu Ning were there, and after asking, Qi Lei really didn't lie, he really got the composition question right.

The two were pleasantly surprised, but they couldn't help sighing, what did they do so early?

Even if it's half a semester ahead of time, it's not too late for my son to study hard as he said.

But now...

As for Qi Lei's learning English, if he did well in the exam, the couple really listened to it.

If you want to study hard and get grades right away, that's no wonder!Most of them are deceitful nonsense.

While his parents were going out, Qi Lei was lying on the bed looking at the ceiling.

The high school entrance examination has ended, and it's time for him to seriously plan his rebirth life in the future.

First of all, the biggest regret in his previous life was his studies, his parents, his brothers, and the many good memories he missed at this age, the university he dreamed of, the girl he missed, the game he missed, and the vertical story of not being able to be present at the scene. Wire……

Yes, these things are Qi Lei's lifelong longing for which he regrets.

Later generations call Qi Lei's generation—the post-80s generation, who were born at the beginning of the great change, grew up amidst the waves, and were scolded as the "Beat Generation".

But who knows, what is the most distressing thing for the post-80s generation?

Times are changing so fast!

When it is too late to look back and taste, you have already boarded the express train of the next era.

The youth born in the 80s is full of regrets.

Take Qi Lei as an example, he didn't wait for the story behind the "Slam Dunk" national competition to grow up.

Before Zhou Huimin returned to the singing scene, Gigi Leung stood on the throne of the head of the jade girl.

He didn't learn Dionysus in Xianjian.

In the interstellar world, the magical skill of turning a puppy into a flying dragon was not used.

As soon as the clumsiness in the NetEase chat room faded away, the beeps of QQ rang throughout the Internet cafe.

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