They become completely indifferent to other people's feelings.

The next step is to become completely indifferent to other people's lives, good or bad.

this is the truth.

It is inevitable that Zheng Tianwenlei and others are still by his side.

The world is so scary.

Right now, Ren Zhong was just a mecha warrior with a level [-] strength. With a little bit of Lin Wang's trust, he could easily lead a luxurious life.

The strength and status here are too easy to indulge.

These are traps of assimilation, sugar-coated cannonballs like Pan Fenglian's body and Lin Wang's tea leaves.

This is the temptation from all over the world, everywhere and everywhere.

Only the most determined revolutionaries can resist.

Ren Zhong, who has just made up his mind, doesn't know if he is the most determined revolutionary, but he wants to be that kind of person.

Therefore, he knew that if he did not take the initiative to grasp these feelings, sooner or later he would sink into the pyramid of this social class and become a beast that looked like a human, but was not actually a human, just like Lin Wang.

Ren Zhong didn't want this.

So he must constantly remind himself that it is because of an indelible sympathy for the weak that revolutionaries become revolutionaries.

Ren Zhong wants to help the barren people, so why don't the barren people help him quietly.

Their destiny is to support the brick wall that bears heavy responsibility to keep themselves awake.

At 01:30 in the morning, Ren Zhong quietly clenched his fists.

He just used the economic knowledge he roughly learned in the stock market, combined with his common sense in the 21st century, to complete a calculation.

The cost of raising a high-level professional is too high, and the level crossing of the economic pyramid is too terrifying.

Now that he has not even started to put on the third-level equipment, if he wants to make further progress in the equipment, the funds involved are often tens of thousands.

No wonder Lin Wang and other professional players who wanted to enter the fifth level had to turn into blood-sucking gluttons, sucking blood from the scavengers lying on the ground in Xinghuo Town.

Because they have no choice at all!

The economic system of this world is naturally broken!

No money, no way!

Only reckless!

I all promised to liberate this era!

Every step forward here is a cage, then I am fighting against the world.

Then I can't always count on the distant future, and don't count on sheer trickery, which will only kill my will.

I can't have regrets in my life, I must take every step!

immediately!Right now!I live in the moment!

Unless I try my best and still can't break through the cage of Spark Town, I will never admit defeat!

He has made a decision.

Although tens of thousands of people have gone to me, even though I have been slashed with thousands of knives, my face will not change.

Isn't that what revolutionaries are supposed to do?

If you don't fight at this time, when will you wait?

Even if there is a huge risk lurking in the opportunity, he has to seize this rare opportunity and try to see what the limit of his full power can be.

If you kill Bei Lihui once, you will naturally be able to kill him a second time.

If he can kill Bei Lihui, he can also kill Lin Wang.

He had to break out of all the cages he could see, within reach.

At a quarter to seven in the morning, everyone was eating breakfast in the small courtyard.

After hearing what Ren Zhong said, Zheng Tian covered her mouth and exclaimed, "What! Going to the abandoned mine today? Brother Ren, you... are you kidding me?"

170 kilometers west of Xinghuo Town, there is a huge molybdenum pit that has been hollowed out.

It used to be one of the largest iron mines on Yuanxing, and it was abandoned as early as 200 years ago, even before the Bone Valley was born.

The pit's surface pits are about eight kilometers in diameter.

After the ore in the mine was hollowed out and abandoned, underground monsters gradually emerged from it, and excavated holes in it that spread like tree roots, forming a three-dimensional network in a crisscross pattern.

There are a large number of second-level and third-level ruin beasts in the pothole network, as well as a small number of fourth-level ruin beasts.

Therefore, the abandoned mine pit is known as the second most dangerous place in Xinghuo Town after the Valley of Bones, and usually only professional teams go hunting.

Ren nodded, "I'm not kidding."

Zheng Tian: "But we don't need to take risks. Isn't it good now?"

Zheng Tian didn't quite understand why Ren Zhong suddenly changed from the relatively conservative style of the past to another extreme.

After thinking about it, she suddenly realized.

Because Lin Wang and others left.

Zheng Tian lowered her voice and asked cautiously, "Brother Ren, are you planning to take this opportunity to rise up?"

Ren nodded, "Many of Lin Wang's tolerance towards us now is based on misunderstandings. Paper can't cover fire, and lies can never be the foundation of our foothold. If we continue to stay dormant, we will only live for a while, damn it. Sooner or later, we still have to die. Only by obtaining the strength that makes them afraid, can we truly protect our comprehensiveness. Therefore, there is nothing to hesitate, let’s do it. This is the reality, I hope you understand.”

People don't really understand.

But Ren Zhong has already established absolute prestige in the team in a month.

If he says to do it, then do it.

Because Mr. Ren always has others who can't speculate, but thinks correctly.

Chapter 87 Abandoned Mine

In the 437th year of Xinyuan Calendar, Zijing Mining completed the enclosure, and the molybdenum iron ore with super-large reserves was named Xinghuo Mine. Construction began three years later, and the first phase of construction was completed five years later, and excavation began in the same year.

In the year 476 of the Xinyuan calendar, the Xinghuo mining area was mined to exhaustion, and various super-large equipment began to be evacuated from the site, and all the demolition work was completed in 480.

Since then, this huge mine that has provided more than 40% of the molybdenum iron ore production for the entire Origin Star in the past 20 years has become a breeding ground for wild beasts. Peak, forming a complete ecosystem of underground beasts.

The residents in the ruins of the Valley of Bones were attracted by the beasts in the abandoned mine pit, and gradually reunited here over a hundred years, forming a huge gathering place for barren people, eventually reaching a population of 10, almost comparable to some large towns. Or a small county town.

And because this gathering place has not been registered by the Origin Star Business Association, it doesn't even deserve a name, so it is only called Wuming City.

But the nameless city has been the holy place in the eyes of Yuanxing barren for a long time, and its reputation has spread to other continents.

Some desolate people even dreamed from a distance whether one day they could gather the power of thousands of people in the desolation to build a city that would not lose to the citizens, just like those pioneer desolate people in the nameless city.

This kind of dream continued until the disaster of extinction.

Those pioneers and barrens certainly did not expect that one day they would replace the abandoned mine pits and become the fertilizer to support a better "feng shui treasure land" in this area.

In other words, even if they thought of it, they tried it without hesitation, but failed.

They probably won't be the first losers, nor will they be the last.

In short, it was decades after the Bone Valley disaster that the town of Xinghuo, named after the Xinghuo mining area, rose from the nearby grounds.

Ren Zhong and others parked the modified Benlei vehicle with enhanced defense performance at the edge of the abandoned mine pit.

Ren Zhong was the first to jump out of the car, standing in the huge pit and looking forward.

The huge impact hit his face, he only felt grand, gigantic, and magnificent, and felt an indescribable sense of desolation in his heart

The huge pit can't see the edge at a glance, and it's deep and bottomless.

There seemed to be a black hole below, sucking the light.

It was as if a meteorite weighing millions of tons had fallen from the sky, biting a gap on this planet.

But it is the mighty power of man, and now it has been restored to its natural appearance by the ruined beast representing nature.

Going down the hemispherical outline, the annual ring-shaped winding ladder structure winds down, like terraces, and like the back shell of a snail.

In the shape of this deep pit, this place should have turned into a huge lake in the long-term rainfall.

But no, the reason is that there are countless tunnels with the height of one person or several people on the surface of the cliff from top to bottom.

The tunnel drained all the water away.

Beneath the giant pit, there must be a surging underground river.

The rest of the people stood behind Ren Zhong.

At this time, Ren Zhong and Wen Lei were wearing their own exoskeletons.

The remaining four were draped in light or heavy combat uniforms of varying performance and quality, as well as custom-made tactical helmets.


"Brother Ren, according to the small amount of information I have collected, the distribution of Ruin Beasts in the abandoned mine pit is still regular. It is getting stronger and stronger from top to bottom, but the distribution density of Ruin Beasts is not fixed, and the types are also strange."

"The network of potholes is built by an infinitely rank-limited Ruin Beast called the Labyrinth Bug. It is the most dominant species in the entire abandoned mine, falling everywhere from top to bottom. The individual strength of Labyrinth Bugs ranges from first-order to fourth-order. The order varies. As for other types, there are too many, at least dozens or hundreds."

"If we only move in the first dozen or so steps, under normal circumstances, we will encounter a large number of second-level and a small number of third-level beasts. Unless..."

Ren Zhong: "Unless what?"

Zheng Tian: "Unless we are unlucky, there will be four levels."

"Well, I see."

Ren nodded.

He actually understands everything in his heart.

He has seen most of the information that Zheng Tian said.

In fact, in Xinghuo Town, Zheng Tian’s team is not the only semi-professional team that can take down the second-level Ruin Beast by force, but the reason why the abandoned mine pit has become the second most dangerous place is that only professional teams will come, but it is because of the fourth-level Ruin Beast here. Not so honest, often breaks the rules and appears in the upper area.

The semi-professional team had to meet the fourth-level Ruin Beast and never survived.

Zheng Tian only said "relatively unlucky", but in fact she was already conservative. It should be "relatively lucky" that she would not encounter the fourth-level ruin beast.

"Check the equipment. Focus on checking the performance of new equipment such as night vision goggles, infrared sensors, and ultrasonic reflection projectors, and then prepare to enter the hole. Since we have to enter the network of potholes, it takes too long to enter and exit each time, so Chen Hanyu Must go in with us. Chen Hanyu has no self-defense at all, we must make these details perfect."

Ren Da waved his hand and announced the official start of today's hunting operation.

The reactions of his subordinates were actually different.

Wen Lei and Ou Youning's faces showed a little ignorant excitement and excitement.

Chen Hanyu didn't change his expression.

The same goes for Bai Feng.

A trace of doubt on Zheng Tian's face was fleeting.

But in the end, everyone followed Ren Zhong and went deep into the cave.

After a few steps in, the light suddenly dimmed.

A simulated image mixed with the information provided by the night vision device, infrared sensor, and ultrasonic reflection projector appeared on everyone's helmet cover, constructing a simulated image that is almost only different in color from the real vision.

Others feel a little unwell and need to get used to it, but feel like going home after heavy responsibilities.

This is similar to his visual experience in virtual reality.

"Wen Lei, Bai Feng, the two of you are responsible for Chen Hanyu's safety. Ou Youning, follow me closely, and prepare as soon as I tell you to use any bombs. Zheng Tian, ​​you are in the middle, always pay attention to the situation behind you, cover the back more, and the front You basically don’t need to worry about it.”

While giving the order, Ren Zhong turned on the high-performance geomagnetic sensor and vibration detector separately installed in the exoskeleton on his body.

Everyone walked several hundred meters further, Ren Zhong shouted in the communicator, "Everyone retreat 15 meters!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other five turned their heads and retreated without hesitation.

Ren Zhong pulled out the second-level concussion dagger, held it in his right hand, and flicked his left wrist, a small round shield the size of a battery wheel hub slipped from the arm armor, and he grabbed it in his hand.

A small humming sound.

The medium engine behind Ren Zhong was blowing a hurricane, and in an instant, he was holding the shock dagger and appeared at the position where Ou Youning stood before.

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