The original brick courtyard has been transformed into a small manor with an all-alloy fence and three small forts.

This whole system is the second-generation Iron Curtain system.

I don't know how many hands this system is, it is already very old and almost unusable.

Everyone bought it from Yunyou businessman Wang Zhaofu at a price of 2000 points, and then Ju Qingmeng personally repaired it, costing 1500 points.

Ren Zhong gave out 2000 points, and the rest of the team joined forces and used public funds to give out 1500 points.

Although the second-generation Iron Curtain system is not as good as Lin Wang Manor, it is more than enough to deal with the second-level Ruin Beast.

Combined with the alloy sleeping cabin, the safety factor of lying in it overnight is already higher than that of the centralized sleeping cabin that is only in charge of the amateur night watchman on shift.

Originally, Zheng Tian didn't want to be so extravagant, but since everyone did not pass the second-level professional title assessment, and they had to properly control their armament levels to prevent exposure of the second-level strength of all the staff, in terms of personal equipment, they could only use the first-level basis. , by Ju Qingmeng to carry out the magic reform.

Now that the entire team has completed the dressing up of all members, and everyone has an official watch, it is meaningless to keep the money, and it is time to consider the next move, plus Wang Zhaofu is suitable, so everyone pushed the boat to build this base. stand up.

Ren Zhong laughed with the crowd for a while, and the doorbell rang.

Ou Youning opened the door with an even more smile on his face. He turned around and shouted to the inside, "Brother Ren, Captain Ma is looking for you."

Everyone inside also got up enthusiastically and came to say hello.

Ma Xiaoling ignored the others, and only handed over Ren Zhong alone, saying: "Ren Zhong, Lin Wang's team received a big order, and they will go out tomorrow to take on the duty of guarding someone. When they come back this time, Spark Resources may It's about to show your feet. What are your plans?"

"What horses?"

"We have already heard that the owner of Spark Resources is quietly transferring assets, and we cannot rule out the possibility of them moving out more than a month in advance."

Ren Zhong frowned, "Then when will Lin Wang come back?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a day or two."

"Wait, is this what your father asked you to ask?"


"Well, should I go back and discuss with your father?"


Private reception room on the second floor of the town hall.

Madam Fu was looking at the heavy duty with an unhappy face: "Why do you want to build a base in the town? Isn't this unnecessary? Once the Xinghuo resources are relocated, the scavengers in the town will have to run out of food on the spot. There will be chaos in the town. I Even if you want to give the barren people the last peace, there is not much time left for us. What you should do now is to take advantage of the temporary departure of the Lin Wang team that has surveillance and restrictions on you, and improve yourself in the barren community as soon as possible. Fame, take the barren away before they come back."

He was questioned by Madafu, but Ren Zhong didn't know how to answer.

He wanted to tell Comrade Lao Ma that he really wanted to save the town.

But even if this is the biggest hope in Lao Ma's heart, if it comes out of Ren Zhong's mouth, it is too far-fetched, and it will hurt Ren Zhong's "colleague Sun and Miao" character.

Ever since, Ren Zhong could only shake his head mysteriously, "We all agree that the time is not yet ripe. Now that I climb up and shout, I can only take away 2000 people at most. What about the rest? There are still two years left before the census." For months, you should believe in our strength."

Madaf frowned: "We?"

With a heavy nod, "Yes, we."

Fatty Ma's slightly cloudy eyes lit up again.

Ren Zhong has created a new background character, giving the old horse new hope.

Because he didn't want to see the old horse give up first.

Chapter 86 Standing at the Fork in Life Again

After hearing that Lin Wang's team would temporarily leave Xinghuo Town, Zheng Tian and others fell into a short-lived carnival after silently praying that Lin Wang and others would die outside quickly.

The sound of movie fights, music, noise, gossip, and clinking glasses in the courtyard of the second generation of the Iron Curtain continued for a long time until twelve o'clock at night.

People are not worried about disturbing the people.

Because this is a slum area, the barren people moved to the centralized sleeping cabin as early as 09:30 like ants moving house.

The barrens don't even have the right to choose where to sleep tonight.

Even if some desolate people stayed at home for some special reasons, or if the neighbors around were noisy before nine o'clock, no one dared to knock on the door.

It takes a lot of courage to challenge a rising semi-professional scavenger team with secondary professionals.

Apparently no one in the ghetto has.

So even if you are uncomfortable, you have to endure it.

Chen Hanyu was habitually soft-spoken, and went to bed early at nine o'clock.

But Ou Youning, Zheng Tian and Wen Lei didn't control the volume at all when they were chatting excitedly.

Especially after Wen Lei accidentally drank a bit more and became slightly drunk, he took out his pocket watch and looked at Ai Jiashan's photo, his voice became even louder.

Of course, Wen Lei remembered the panic that Ren Zhong had said at the beginning.

In the world built by heavy-duty lies, Ai Jiashan is still alive and well.

Wen Lei was convinced.

Holding the pocket watch in his hand, Wen Lei began to imagine that one day in the future, he and Ai Jiashan would meet at a street corner in a certain city, and then accidentally showed an idiot-like smirk, which was really mocked by Ouyouning.

If it wasn't for Bai Feng's use of his long arms and the strength of the cloned warriors to pull the two apart from left and right, Ou Ning would have been beaten into a ruined beast by the angry roaring Wen Lei on the spot.

Ren Zhong didn't participate in the laughter and squabbles of the crowd, he just sipped slowly with his teacup in his hand, and looked at the tablet computer next to him from time to time, which showed the beating stock price.

He is memorizing the timing of the stock price trend of demon stocks in the last 24 hours.

Two days ago, he changed to a new computer connected to the Internet, so he no longer needs to enter the watch every time he looks at the stock price.

Zheng Tian, ​​who was slightly drunk, approached, put her face in front of the tablet, her chin seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally placed in the crook of Ren Zhong's arm on the table, and said, "Brother Ren, you said you don't usually buy it, why are you so old?" Do you like to watch stocks? Are you researching? Tell me, after you have studied it thoroughly, how about we save enough money in the future and try to buy some stocks? With your wisdom, Brother Ren, you should be able to make money, right? "

Ren Zhong shook his head and slapped Zheng Tian's head away, "This is not a field you can blend in. The same is true for me. I can't study it thoroughly, and no one can study it thoroughly."

"Oh. Then why are you looking?"

"I am experiencing the cruelty of the world, and I am also imagining a better future."


Zheng Tian couldn't understand at all.

Recently, Brother Ren has become more and more mysterious, and the demeanor of an expert on his body has become more and more intense.

He really deserves to be a former citizen, educated, but different.


After twelve o'clock in the morning, Ren Zhong was lying in a spacious, ventilated and airtight armed sleeping cabin, with the night light shining brightly on his face, and the faint sound of wind from the ventilation system could be heard faintly in his ears, and the purified air was gently blowing past his ears .

This is obviously a very comfortable environment, but his eyes are wide open and it is difficult to fall asleep.

He did not turn on the hypnotic function of the watch.

When faced with important thinking, he was more used to the traditional way of keeping his body awake.

Lin Wang and the others left temporarily.

Continue dormant or take the opportunity to let go?

This seems to be a small multiple-choice question only related to the course of action for the next few days.

However, it is a heavy duty to gain insight into the nature of part of society, but it is known that it is actually a sending proposition.

He was at a fork in his life again.

To the left, or to the right?

Take a step back to open up the sea and the sky, and further expose the corpse to the wilderness.

His heart is conflicted.

Continue to dormant in a low-key manner and control the rhythm, then you will definitely be able to live longer, maybe there is a chance to follow Lin Wang's team to get out of trouble and fly away.

Maybe after leaving Xinghuo Town, he can live for a long time,

Moreover, the longer you live and the more you know, the faster the spiral will take off in the future if you are unfortunate enough to go back to gear again.

But Ren Zhong still has another choice, that is to let go of his hands and feet, to die, to die, to sleep when he dies, and to squeeze all the potential of the time spiral that can be squeezed to the extreme in the opening stage.

He once thought he could be perfect this time, but now it seems that there are still many imperfections that can be made up, and many details that can be improved.

Going back in time may be lucky for ordinary people, but it is actually torture for a perfectionist researcher.

Because there is always more perfect than perfect.

Ren Zhong was thinking that if he just gave up the ultimate development start and left, no matter what height he reached in the future, he would definitely have regrets in his heart.

Just like the college entrance examination, if a person is lazy at the beginning and fails to realize his potential, regrets will accompany him throughout his life.

No matter what height I reach in this life, when Huafa reappears, the years pass away, and Zhaohua passes away, I will still have to think about it. If I had worked harder in the face of the bifurcation in life, what would happen now.

This does not make a difference because of a person's social status, achievement, or wealth.

On the contrary, the more motivated and struggling people are, the easier it is to fall into such regrets when they look back on the past in their old age.

The responsibility is such a person.

He lived a life full of self-criticism and a deep aversion to regret, even when he knew it could be redeemed.

He started to think.

If you choose to dormant, keep your current low profile and continue to go down, the final result can only be that before the census, as Madhafo said, with endless regrets and a small number of desolate people who can trust yourself, leave humblely, and go to Madhafo thinking there are , but it doesn't really have a place to go.

Because according to this rhythm, the town will definitely not be able to pass the census, nor can it be freed from the threat of the devil baby.

So assuming that I can live forever, when I finally return to my hometown after many years, what will I think when I face the ruins of Xinghuo Town and the bones scattered all over the ground like the valley of bones?

I will definitely think.

If I took one more step back then, even if I died one more time, what would happen to Xinghuo Town?

Can I survive that guilt?

Can I get out of this regret?

Would I think about using my death alone, my one more pain, in exchange for the lives of 2 people, why not, and then choose to simply kill myself?

Then I will use the strength I have accumulated for half my life to bloom again in this Spark Town, to easily accomplish the once extremely difficult goal and save everyone.

So I really have no regrets?

Will I have new regrets in the future?

Ren Zhong found that he could not get the answer to this question.

Because his fear of his own death has been gradually dispelled by the experience of constant resurrection.

He did not deny that the town was full of darkness and filth.

Perhaps there are many barren people who are not worthy of living like the strong man with the surname Huang.

But in this dirt-filled soil, Yu Jin, the deceived little girl, Wen Lei, Ai Jiashan, and Chen Hanyu still gave birth to those who should live.

These people are a little light in the darkness.

Ren Zhong knew even more that there must be more people who should be alive that he has not seen yet, but who still exist, struggling in their own way and lingering on.

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Thinking of what would happen if he left, Ren Zhong's breathing gradually became short of breath.

How could I have the heart to quench their hopes in my heart?

I don't want to do this kind of thing, even if it's just once.

Because I don't want to leave a rift in my memory.

Ren Zhong's feelings for the desolate people in Xinghuo Town are not lost to Madafu.

This is the starting point of his ideal, the nursery where he sprinkled the first fire of his own, and it is also the meaning of his continuing to live on the source star as a human being in the 21st century.

Although he came here not long ago, he did have feelings for Xinghuo Town, and they were very strong, and he never restrained this feeling, but deliberately indulged it.

Because only in this way can he remember who he is, where he came from, and what he is going to do.

Instead of being integrated into the new class immediately after the status change like other people.

Tonight, Zheng Tian and others are indulgent and noisy, why is it because they have adapted to the status of the strongest semi-professional team in Xinghuo Town?

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