After thirteen days, and counting the 0.1 for sleeping and his mother's savings, he managed to save the money to buy second-hand training biochemical combat uniforms, 11 o'clock.

Yu Jin: "Why... why?"

"Little guy, because I said, as long as you are willing to work hard, I will take you in the future. I will do what I say."

chapter 82

In the small laboratory, the workbench is full of secondary armored exoskeleton parts.

Like the first-level exoskeleton, the second-level exoskeleton also has five parts: head, body, hands, legs, and feet, but each part is slightly larger than the first-level exoskeleton.

After opening the cover, the structure inside is also more complicated.

Some organic fibers are added to the inner lining to improve wearing comfort.

Ju Qingmeng was rushing in front of the workbench, tossing the parts inside with agile and skillful movements, and jokingly said: "Ren Zhong, you are changing equipment too fast. Originally, my small laboratory was about to be abandoned, but it is Because of you, I'm here again."

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "Isn't it good? You are doing handicrafts, and it is easy to become unfamiliar if you don't practice for a long time."

Ju Qingmeng nodded, sat down in front of him, and raised the back of his hand to wipe the sweat that had slipped from his forehead, accidentally leaving black traces of engine oil.

At this time, she only wore a black tight vest and loose overalls. The marks on her face matched the long hair she deliberately tied up to facilitate her work, making her look wild and beautiful.

Ren Zhong turned his face away silently, and said, "By the way, my friend and their equipment just now, you have worked hard for you."

Ju Qingmeng waved his hand, "It's okay. Their equipment needs are much simpler than yours. I helped them make a list of products and let them choose by themselves."

"That's still causing you trouble."

"No trouble, it's all about performance."

"By the way, I didn't give you the repair fee for my equipment yesterday."

"Let's go back with that."


Ju Qingmeng regretted again: "It's a pity that you spent so much thought on tailoring the armor for yourself, but you didn't wear it for a few days."

In fact, her subtext is that there is a lot of her hard work in the previous first-class armor.

Ren Zhong smiled and said: "Doesn't this mean that I'm improving fast enough? And whether the value of the equipment is realized is not the length of time, but the battles it has participated in. If it wasn't for this equipment yesterday, I'm afraid Zheng Tian and I team The people here will also have to break in the Valley of Bones."

"Well, that's right. Then I have no regrets."


When Ren Zhong left the arms mall on a bicycle, he had already put on a light blue balanced secondary basic exoskeleton.

Since last time he just skimmed through the second chapter of "Sid Meier" and didn't study it thoroughly, and he was a little tight in his pocket, so he only asked Ju Qingmeng to complete five basic modifications for him that were sure not to go wrong.

1. The third-order scanner has higher accuracy and wider scanning range. The upper limit of the estimated energy level index of the beast is 10000 points.

2. The line of the energy transmission system is upgraded, which can provide a maximum output power of up to 450 kilowatts.

3. Important joint and transmission material upgrades can withstand 450 kilowatts of power that ordinary second-level exoskeletons cannot withstand.The minimum output power of the third-level mecha warrior is 300 kilowatts, which has exceeded the burden.This is a normal operation for Sidmeier-type fighters.

4. Enhanced double-shoulder cannon, which can fire secondary thumb grenades.

5. The upgraded amplifier, customized, allows him to mobilize the output capacity of 100 kW in advance with less than 450 kW of carrying power.

This whole set cost him 2800 points in total.

Including the 200 points of the first-level exoskeleton repair fee he supplied to Ju Qingmeng, he lost a total of 3000 points tonight.

If it weren't for the fact that the hunting income was as high as 150 points during the day, and he seized the time to speculate the last short-term stocks in the morning, and finished the 40% increase at 2205.63:[-] in the evening, and returned [-] points, he would not be able to pay the money.

Now all he has in his pocket is a measly 43.21.

But Ren Zhong felt it was worth it.

Because the moment he put on the secondary exoskeleton, although he was mentally prepared, he immediately felt something different.

In particular, the auditory resonance function brought by the upgrade of the chip in the helmet made him even more astonished.

His auditory alienation from the outside world disappeared.

In terms of reaction speed, his brain response delay to external changes was reduced by at least 10 milliseconds.

Those 10 milliseconds can make the difference between life and death.

In addition, his regular way of moving is no longer limited to walking with his legs. When necessary, the second-level exoskeleton with its own thrust engine hidden in his waist on both sides can help him float slightly and accumulate floating The time is as long as 10 minutes, which is much better than the previous loading.

His short-range impact suddenness, impact force, and speed are all explosively improved.

Now he swings the heavy arc chopper with full force, and aside from the chopper's own cutting ability, the single kinetic energy impact can reach more than 300 kilowatts, which is equivalent to more than 21 horsepower when converted into the horsepower of a car in the 400st century.

In the 21st century, an ordinary heavy-duty truck tractor has 400 horsepower.

At present, his secondary exoskeleton has not yet been fully dressed, but his comprehensive strength is no longer comparable to that in the daytime.

As for the previous first-level exoskeleton, he simply put it in the arms mall and sold it on consignment at a price of 1500 points.

If he can really sell it, he will earn 500 points in tears after deducting the cost.

In fact, there are a lot of materials that Ju Qingmeng paid for himself, and Ju Qingmeng's craftsmanship money, which can be regarded as a free prostitution for Ren Zhong.

He was also embarrassed, and mentioned that he wanted to share the money with Ju Qingmeng, but Ju Qingmeng, who was rich and powerful, showed him the balance in his account.

Ho!Rich little lady!

As a second-level citizen, he deserves to be a "frontier official" who controls the arms mall in a town.

Even though she was down and out, she still had five-figure contribution points in her account, more than 1.

The purpose of Ju Qingmeng watching this to Ren Zhong was not to show off his wealth, but to not want him to be entangled in these sections.

She just hoped that Ren Zhong could grow up quickly.

If it wasn't for Ren Zhong who is too earning and unwilling to speak, she would even offer to sponsor her, unlike some stingy doctors who did not want to be named.

But Ren Zhong doesn't envy her, because by tomorrow morning, he will be richer than Ju Qingmeng.

It takes a thousand days to keep an army, and a moment to use it.

Having mastered the core technology of Maoyaoxiang, Liancheng Weiliang Liquor Co., Ltd., the leader of the last month's leading demon stock king, will end on time at [-]:[-] a.m. tomorrow.

A 2-yuan household in the desert is about to be born!

In the last resurrection, at this point, Ren Zhong was wearing Bei Lihui's Level [-] watch in a fierce battle in the virtual reality, and he would usher in the end of his life in one hour.

But in this resurrection, Ren Zhong put on the outfit of a full-body second-level soldier, and is about to become a household of 2 yuan.

Every time, he felt that his footsteps on the ground were more solid.

Central sleep cabin, 59:[-] p.m.

Chen Hanyu was about to turn on the hypnotic function of the rented watch, but saw Ren Zhong walk in quickly from outside the door.

She put down her watch and sat up straight, looking at Ren Zhong with puzzled eyes.

Ren Zhongdao didn't say much, just nodded at her slightly, then lay down straight, turned on the hypnosis function of the watch, and fell asleep.

Chen Hanyu understood.

It's business as usual tomorrow morning, except that Mr. Ren finally stopped going out hunting by himself tonight.

He does know how to combine work and rest.

very nice.


At five in the morning the next day, Ren Zhong opened his eyes and was refreshed.

Starting today, I am also a serious second-level professional who has passed the professional title certification, and can receive 2 points of salary every day.

Last night, he deliberately went back to sleep, and even started hypnosis. Of course, it wasn't that his liver was immobile and he wanted to paddle.

He has other plans.

Although he told others not to participate in the second-level professional title assessment, it was because other people were not absolutely sure. If they wanted to increase the success rate, they had to buy some special medicines, which were easy to detect.

There was only one second-level professional in Zheng Tian's team, and now Lin Wang can bear it.

But if there is a full promotion, it is impossible to say.

The situation of Ren Zhong himself was different.

Anyway, Lin Wang had seen it through, and he was suspicious of being too clumsy.

So, he paid the registration fee of 40 points and entered the virtual reality constructed by the professional title assessment.

This virtual reality is worse than the texture he experienced with Bei Lihui's watch, but it can basically measure his ability.

He beat the second-level Ruin Beast for several hours inside, and finally passed the professional title evaluation with full marks.

"Mr. Ren, let's go."

Chen Hanyu shook the heavy shoulders.

Ren nodded, "Yeah."

The two stepped on the light and went downstairs side by side.

Although the strange night watchman had doubts in his heart, he did not come up to ask more.

When the two of them arrived at the parking lot, Yu Jin was already waiting beside the lightning car.

"Didn't I let you arrive at [-]:[-]? Why did you come earlier?"

"I don't want you to wait for me, sir."

"Forget it, remember to go to the No. 13 sleeping cabin downstairs at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. You take Chen Hanyu to the outside of the town."


Ren Zhong and Chen Hanyu introduced Yu Jin again.

The three of them got into the thunder car, Chen Hanyu sat in the co-pilot, Yu Jin sat in the back row, and set off straight away.

Chen Hanyu raised his neck and looked at the back row, not to look at Yu Jin, but to look for a box.

"Mr. Ren, this time didn't prepare a weapon of restraint?"

Ren Zhong shook his head and patted his shoulder, "Didn't you notice? Look at the armor on my body."

Chen Hanyu understood.

This time he's going to be tough.

You just changed into secondary equipment, bro!

But soon she calmed down again.

Thinking back carefully, when this dude was wearing level-[-] equipment before, he used to slash level-[-] beasts with a knife from time to time.

Now that he is at level two, it seems "common" to forcefully cut level three.

Anyway, Mr. Ren never fights unprepared battles.


At six o'clock in the morning, the Lei Car drove back to the town with the corpses of two third-level market beasts.

Chen Hanyu and Yu Jin were speechless the whole time.

Both of their heads were a little dizzy.

Could it be so?

how did you do that?

However, Ren Zhong ignored the shock of the two of them. Instead, his face was full of regret. "It doesn't feel right. I haven't fully utilized my armor's potential. I'm afraid... I'll have to let that old guy make another money from me."

"Who?" Chen Hanyu asked.

Ren Zhong rolled his eyes, "A genuine and innocent old profiteer, Sid Meier."


Chen Hanyu was shocked.

Listening to his tone, he seemed to be very familiar with that legendary warrior.

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