"When did I ever joke?"

Ren Zhong asked back with a smile.

The crowd fell silent.

Unknowingly, the van started to accelerate, and Zheng Tian stepped on the gas pedal more forcefully.

Ever since Ren Zhong started hunting with everyone again, he has never thought of confronting the third-level market beast head-on.

So everyone was excited and nervous.

Only Chen Hanyu looked away from the window in embarrassment.

Everyone is so honest.


At 02:30 in the afternoon, after paddling all morning, Ren Zhong, who can be regarded as waking up, finally began to show his power.

"There are three in front. One is a third-level beam snail, and two second-level steel shell snails. Do you understand the characteristics of these two kinds of ruin beasts?"

Everyone: "Understood."

"Wait, Zheng Tian, ​​you'll shoot a steel-shell snail first. Remember to run towards the bumpy terrain and go straight up the small slope next to it. The steel-shell snail's rolling speed is not particularly fast, as long as you keep your head down and don't look back. , it will definitely not catch up to you."

Zheng Tian: "Good!"

"Bai Feng, go pick up another steel-shelled snail and lure it to the explosion trap. Ouyouning, your three jet armor-piercing mines must be deployed, and try to concentrate the firepower on one point. When the bomb detonates, Wen Lei, you go directly. Use your shield to block it from the front. Bai Feng, use your speed to walk away, remember to only attack the hole made by the jet armor-piercing mine. As for the beam snail, leave it to me. Eugene, you put your fog Give me all the bombs. There's ten of them, right?"

Ou Youning: "Yes brother."

"Okay, that's the plan. Get ready for action!"

Before dispatching, Zheng Tianduo asked, "Mr. Ren, the energy level index of this beam snail is close to 400, so the intensity of the energy beam emitted by its tentacles is between 350 and 400. Do you really only need fog bombs? Don't you? Is there any danger?"

Ren Zhong smiled and said: "As long as I control the distance, the fog bomb can suppress its beam energy to below 200, and the reactive armor installed on my exoskeleton can withstand it. As long as I don't get hit by it twice in the same place Just do it."

"Okay. You must be careful."

"You too."

Five minutes later, when Zheng Tian returned with the stone-like steel-shell snail, Ju Qingmeng had already begun to dismantle the chip of the beam snail.

Ren Zhong, who had three or five burning marks on his armor, flew up easily and caught the steel-shelled snail behind her.

Looking at the heavy responsibility of dancing the heavy arc-light chopper with blue light and lightning like a gust of wind, Zheng Tian instantly understood why he, who was in charge of the rear of the palace yesterday, not only walked out of the valley of bones alive, but also picked up two other people's chip storage boxes along the way. .

Mr. Ren's real combat power has already reached and surpassed the level of ordinary second-level mecha warriors!

In the valley of bones, as long as he is not so unlucky that he bumps into a fourth-level beast, or is targeted by the body of the Avatar, if he wants to escape, he really can't die!

But according to Wen Lei, in the first two days of his arrival, he still needed an amplifier to drive the first-level exoskeleton.

But now... such talent...

Forget it, they used to be citizens, and they were colleagues with Dr. Sun.

Others have worked in Mengdu Group, one of the nine major enterprises, which is a bit extraordinary and should be taken for granted.


"The first-level beasts in front are a bit crowded. Zheng Tian, ​​find a high point, shoot 800 meters away, and lure me out to fight that second-level beast. Try to attract only three more first-level beasts. The first-level ruins Although beasts are easy to deal with, they can be troublesome if there are too many of them.”

"it is good!"


"This is a good guy! They are all thin-skinned. Zheng Tian, ​​can your armor-piercing bullets be shot one by one?"


"Then I'll go up with Wen Lei and gather the pile of ruined beasts. Zheng Tian, ​​you are in charge of shooting from the periphery, remember to use the silencer mode. It's fine for other people to watch, no need to mix."


During the whole day, the team hunted a total of one third-level wild animal, four second-level wild beasts, and 29 first-level wild beasts.

Total revenue is expected to reach 247 points.

The heavy duty will take 150 points, and the rest will get 97 points.

He worked hard and got a lot, and no one could say a second word.

On the way back, the crowd cheered.

Ren Zhong didn't play silly with the others.

He is thinking about a problem.

During the daytime hunting a few days ago, although he slightly increased the team's income, it was still under pressure.

He himself and others have always been in a state of some subtle strength, but they fell before they could play their opponents, commonly known as not being full.

He can do almost everything by himself, day or night, so his perception of the importance of the team's career composition has slipped slightly.

Now he realizes the problem.

It's nice to have a gunsmith in the team who is good at long-range attacks.

Lure monsters, kite, use restrained ammunition to launch deadly attacks at the right time...

The functions of these tools are very easy to use, can save a lot of effort, and even challenge some market beasts that are originally risky.

Well, my night team really needs a hitman with ranged attacks.

By the way, this tool man can also use the motorcycle.

Putting the motorcycle in the cargo box of the Ben Lei car, which is not very big, not only takes up less space to pull goods, but also burns more oil, which is quite a loss.

So, who to look for?

Do I still have a gunsmith I can trust in town?

As for Zheng Tian, ​​Ren Zhong doesn't want her to know too much for the time being.

Zheng Tian is too utilitarian.It is necessary to control such subordinates in a relaxed manner, use good things with half the effort, and use them badly and suffer the consequences.

The innocent face of a little boy appeared in his mind.

Although this little guy just started a few days ago, and now he is only a semi-finished product by visual inspection, but to become his night team member, trust first, ability second, and talent second.

Well, it's gone.


"What! You usually go out at 07:30 in the evening? Then go back to the town at 09:30? What are you thinking? Aren't you afraid of death if you go out alone at this time?"

At [-]:[-] in the evening, downstairs from his prefab house, Ren Zhong's eyes widened and he looked at the little guy in front of him.

It has been 13 days since Yu Jin got the rapid-fire machine gun.

Ren Zhong didn't quite know what he had done in these thirteen days and what experience he had.

But Ren Zhong feels that the other party has changed more than he imagined.

Yu Jin's originally slender arms became a bit thicker.

On the one hand, it is the result of exercise, and on the other hand, after he has a certain hunting ability, his food has improved.

He has grown stronger, but his skin is paler than before, which is probably related to the habit of being out at night.

His eyes are a little bigger than usual, no longer cloudy and dull, but revealing a color of determination.

It's just a fast-firing machine gun that is popular, and it has indeed changed the fate of this young man.

Yu Jin replied: "Sir, my ranking in the temporary barren people is too low. I must be promoted as soon as possible, and I will have a chance to stay when the census is done."

"You are firing 5 bullets per second, what is the hit rate when you attack the high-frequency flashing target 50 meters away? What is the error value? How much can the power of the training biochemical combat suit you just bought be increased? "

"The hit rate is 85.7%, and the average error value is less than 1.5 millimeters. The power I turn on now is 1.7 kilowatts."

Ren Zhong: Hiss!

This little guy has something!

According to Zheng Tian, ​​when the above-mentioned data reaches above 90%, below 1mm, and above 2kW, it can basically pass the examination of a first-level gunsmith.

It only took Yu Jin thirteen days to step from a blank slate to the realm of a first-class gunsmith.

Although this improvement speed is still far behind him, his talent is definitely not bad.

Ren Zhong vaguely saw a tenacious weed breaking out of the rock and growing wildly.

He has broken through the shackles of fate, as if the pearl is no longer covered with dust, and is showing his talent wildly.

"Tell me how have you been these days?"

Ask again.

Yu Jin said respectfully: "The day after you gave me the gun, sir, I followed your teaching and started to try hunting and keep a proper distance from others. On the first day, I participated in a temporary group of loose people. The scavenger team. But…”

"But what?"

"Our luck that day was very good, even too good. At the beginning, we eliminated three first-level ruined beasts. There was also a new rookie dismantling division in the team, and he played well, and he produced all the perfect chips. . If the six people are divided, they can get close to 1 point of income."

"and then?"

"Everything was fine, but towards the evening, we found the remains of two golden juice slugs. The wafers inside have been removed."


Yu Jin's expression suddenly became very complicated, "The mech warrior with two pieces of exoskeleton equipment in the team suddenly moved his hand. The two people closest to him were killed on the spot. I wanted to return to the off-road vehicle at the first moment, but I was dumbfounded." The dismantler on the car started the car early."

"I asked him to wait for me, but he refused. So I... I killed him by punching through the window of the car, then caught up with the decelerating car, drove back to the outside of the town by myself, then abandoned the car and walked into the gate of the town. As for the situation of the others, I don't know very well, and I didn't see that mech warrior return."

"Since then, I dare not trust anyone, even basic cooperation. I changed it to 07:30 every evening, and most of the people went out alone when they returned to the town, and they were busy outside until 09 Come back at :30."

"I'm sorry sir, I killed someone. I... I... I didn't really want to. But I couldn't help it. No matter how much I begged, he just refused to stop. Obviously just need to slow down a little, that mecha The soldier is still chasing and killing another person, obviously there is still time."

Ren Zhong was silent for a long time.

Is it a betrayal without profit?

The corpse of a golden juice slug?

That's what I left behind.

Another relatively straightforward butterfly effect.

Fortunately, the little guy was lucky.

He rubbed the boy's head.

"It's okay, I don't blame you. That's the way to live. You've done a great job."

Tears welled up in the boy's eyes.

This matter has been weighing heavily on his mind for half a month.

He didn't even dare to tell his mother.

Only in front of Mr. Ren can he dare to vent his helplessness, grievance and regret.

He gritted his teeth hard, holding back tears.

"Sir, thank you for helping me. From now on... I will definitely become stronger in the future. I want to become a person like you, sir! As long as others dare not treat me like that again, then I don't have to kill people anymore."

Ren Zhong continued to rub his head, "It's good. But I still want to tell you that some people don't deserve to live. Yu Jin, if you really want to live better in this era, then you must figure out what kind of people should be killed. , what kind of people can not kill, what kind of people can help."

"Well. Ok sir, it's getting late, I have to go out."

Ren Zhong pulled him back, "No, what you should do now is to go back and have a good rest. Fall asleep in the centralized sleep cabin before nine o'clock. Tomorrow morning at five o'clock... well, I'll wait for you."

Yu Jin's eyes widened.

He thought he had heard it wrong.

He couldn't figure out why Mr. Ren really brought his own oil bottle with his ability.

He even promised a 2% commission.

Mr. Ren said that he can kill the third-level market beast.

Then if he kills a third-level ruin beast, he can get at least two points!

It is higher than the income of working hard for a day.

You must know that Yu Jin actually returned empty-handed most of the time. Not only did he not make any money, but he also lost ammunition. Injuries were common, and he nearly lost his life several times.

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