Ren Zhong and the others who were the first to turn around tried to return the same way, but found that there were a large number of metal blocks the size of human heads breaking through the ground and flying on the ground of the return road.

The metal block was shaped like a human head, and indeed it was a metal human head, and its appearance was exactly the same as that of the Incarnate Devil Infant.

This is still part of the rumors, and it is the offspring of the Incarnated Demon Infant attached to the skull of a real person's corpse and multiplied and split.

Ren Zhong took the lead and jumped out of the car, picked a demon baby and played a game.

He can handle it.

But if it were any other person in the team, he would basically die.

As a result, Ren Zhong jumped back to the car and pointed to the mountainside on both sides, "Go up the mountain! Most of the residents here lived in the valley before, and there were few people on the mountain! The density of the demon baby body must be much lower!"

Zheng Tian slammed the steering wheel, followed Ren Zhong's instructions and ran away, first rushing up the mountainside along the slope, and then rushing out along the mountainside.

The six-man squad remains the first of all semi-pro teams to make the right call.

But even so, escaping this way is still dangerous.

From time to time, sporadic demon babies appeared on the mountainside, chasing Ren Zhong and others.

The scanner specially modified by Ren Zhong before has played a miraculous effect. Coupled with his psychological quality that the more critical and calmer he is, his decision-making has never been wrong.

Along the way, although everyone is surrounded by dangers, they always turn dangers into safety.

Until this time, he was dragged into the water by another unlucky team at a very close distance, and he was forced to face an enhanced demon baby body that had just killed at least three people.

That's why Ren Zhong made the decision to personally be the queen.

But he didn't die, but because the short-range flight anti-thrust propellant engine installed by Ju Qingmeng gave him a very strong explosive sprint ability.

After the energy of the working medium engine is exhausted, he can still rely on the amplifier to force up to 310 kilowatts of power, and take a step of more than ten meters. Although he can't catch up with the car, he must run faster than other scavengers who abandon their cars and walk.

That's it.

When being chased by a bear, you don't necessarily need to outperform the bear, you just need to outperform others.

The responsibility is heavy and has the grasp of self-defense.


The distance between the heavy duty and the strengthened demon baby body quickly narrowed in a very short period of time.

He observed the rhythm of the opponent's slight shaking, and out of the corner of his eyes, he examined the energy response data read by the scanner on the helmet panel.

In the next second, Ren Zhong's left foot was in front, and his toes stabbed into the soil.

He twisted like a top hitter in Major League Baseball.

He dragged the knife behind with both hands and swung it sideways.

The heavy-duty arc-light chopper blew out the blue electric arc light, and drew a crescent hook from the bottom to the top in the air.

What he slashed was not the direction where the opponent was coming.

However, the demon baby body took the initiative to suddenly change direction, from hitting his abdomen to hitting his helmet.

It turned into a knife to meet him.

Ren was re-elected.

The arc-light chopper he swung upwards, like a bat in the hand of a home run striker, precisely slashed towards the large demon baby child flying like a football!

At the moment when the two sides were about to come into contact, the blue light on the surface of the chopper suddenly bloomed more violently, like a scorching sun.

Ren Zhong completed the preset program 0.1 seconds ahead of schedule.

The instantaneous output power of the arc chopper is now the peak power of a single weapon, 180 kilowatts.

This is a knife that can only be cut by a second-level peak mech fighter when he completely gives up his defensive performance.


Chapter 78

After everyone left or died, the heavy burden of being alone has no scruples, no longer hides his strength, and fully realizes the potential of his hard training results these days and the continuous improvement of equipment performance like building Lego.

Since he gave up his pen to join the army and reborn repeatedly, his unstoppable efforts to become stronger have not been in vain.

Although he has just reached the second-level realm in various parameters, he is already a mature and experienced Sidmeier-type leapfrog fighter.

He forcibly fought his way out of the way under the siege of a small number of demon babies.


"How's the situation?"

Outside the Valley of Bones, the heavy duty of wearing all the colors finally reunited with the team members who were waiting here.

Everyone jumped out of the car, and they were also in a bad situation.

All fighters except Chen Hanyu were wounded and ran out of ammunition and food.

But Zheng Tian and others couldn't care about their own situation, but they all cared about their heavy responsibilities.

Mainly at this time, Ren Zhong looked really embarrassed, worse than everyone else.

The fuel in the working fluid engine ran out, and the injection port was smashed.

All the ammunition of all the additional equipment in his body was emptied.

From the helmet to the boots, there are nearly [-] damages of varying degrees.

With his current equipment level and degree of damage, Wen Lei's self-taught skills in the garbage heap will definitely not be repairable, so he can only go to the arms store to find professionals.

Repairs and supplies cost at least 200 yuan.

The double-edged sword on his back also turned into a single-edged sword.

If the arc chopper is used for too long, it will overheat.

In order to gain cooling time for the arc light slasher, Ren Zhong had to temporarily change his weapon to an alloy warblade several times while rushing all the way.

The Alloy Glaive was under pressure it shouldn't have been under.

After it was overloaded again and again, it was finally resolved into a sky full of stars.

Fortunately, it honorably completed its mission and died well.

In the process of escaping, Ren Zhong paid a high price.

But anyway, he survived.

He never loses.

Because he had the experience of fighting against level five beasts and surviving. Although he was only a descendant of level five beasts, he was still level five.

They are at least the means of attack for the fifth-level powerhouse!

This is invaluable combat experience.

Secondly, he also picked up two wafer storage boxes.

The reason why he made himself so embarrassed was related to how he was still busy with the sheep in this dangerous environment.

Those two teams have unfortunately all been wiped out.

Ren Zhong expressed his deep condolences and paid tribute to him in a serious and serious way by making the best use of his efforts during his lifetime.

I have received your last wish, and it is very solid.

The goods in these two boxes are worth at least five or six hundred points.

Others also saw the box hanging on Ren Zhong's back, but didn't ask any further questions.

This is entirely his own achievement.

In that kind of environment, his willingness to stay as the empress of the crowd is already unreasonable, and no matter how greedy people are, they don't have the face to ask him to see whoever has a share.

After chatting with everyone, they were sure that they did not lack arms or legs, and they all felt relieved.

Zheng Tian sighed: "Fortunately, the main body of the Avatar just summoned these descendants, and didn't do it himself, otherwise we are really dead."

Wen Lei also said: "Yes, it's really strange. It was a fifth-level ruin beast, and it was so popular at the time. How could we let the professional team and us go?"

Ou Youning was cursing at the side, "Damn it, what happened to us. Those guys on the motorboats can run so fast. We are their younger brothers anyway, so we should cover it up more or less!"

Wen Lei rolled his eyes at him, "You're thinking about farting."

Ren Zhong interrupted the quarrel between the two, "It's fine since you're fine. Get in the car and go back."

In fact, he was also thinking about the doubts that everyone discussed just now.

Having read the Ruins Beast Database, he has more thoughts in his mind.

The potential of this demon baby is indeed terrifyingly high.

Level five is not its limit.

It is likely to break through the five-level boundary and upgrade to the sixth level.

In the past few decades, it has not left the Valley of Bone, but has been dormant and brewing, constantly absorbing energy.

Now it has completed its accumulation and has surpassed the limit value of the energy index of the fifth-level Ruin Beast by 50000 points.

This time, the reckless actions of the professional team interfered with its promotion, so it shot in anger.

But it can't be used with full force easily, so let the professional team go, and only let the split off children and grandchildren take revenge on others.

Otherwise, with the ability of the descending demon baby as a legendary fifth-level market beast, let alone a professional team, I am afraid that the entire Xinghuo Town will be ruined.

It survived this time, but no one knows what will happen when it really advances to the sixth level.

I don't know how Fatty Ma will feel when he learns that there is such a beast beside the couch.

I hope Comrade Ma will quickly find a way to do what the mayor of the town should do.

In addition, Ren Zhong had new doubts about the generation mechanism of Ruin Beasts for the first time.

According to the records of the Ruin Beast Database, these monsters are generated by relying on chips.

So how did the chip come about?

This is not in line with the scientific view of the 21st century Ph.D.

This point, Ren Zhong has never figured out, and no one has given an explanation.

It seems that it should have been like this since ancient times, just like the ancients in primitive society never had time to think about why there are animals, plants, and people in the world.

Anyway, the objective fact is that it is enough to know this.

Ren Zhong thought the same thing before, but the Devil Infant Descended into the World slightly subverted his cognition.

This stuff is obviously about people.

Not only that, when Ren Zhong killed the demon infants, he also saw complex and changeable human-like expressions on their metallic faces.

Some of the offspring even wailed like human babies before dying.

The descendants of the same fifth-level ruin beasts should be exactly the same, but there are individual differences.

Although they all have the same face, there are subtle differences in the howling sounds from different offspring, and it can even be heard whether it is a boy or a girl.

And there are subtle differences in character, some sons are rebellious and unyielding, and some are timid and weak.

This made Ren Zhong horrified.

So unreasonable.

He could only tentatively give an explanation.

After the different offspring mature, they are affected by the memories of the deceased attached to them, and differences appear.

It's hard to understand.

According to legends, when the Demon Baby was born for the first time, all the people in the Valley of Bones had been dead for many years.

It is said that when people die like a lamp goes out, their souls disappear without a trace.

Ren Zhong can only give a forced explanation from his own perspective.

The memory of the dead remains in the magic baby's body.

The instinctual memory of the deceased during his lifetime did not disappear completely with the death of the body, but was integrated into some underlying information flow that could give birth to chips, and then reappeared in the world as the demon baby transformed it into a child.

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