Ren Zhong pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Have you encountered a third-level ruin beast?"

Zheng Tian: "I came across one. At that time, we thought about Mr. Ren, you were too tired, so we didn't wake you up. We worked with the other two teams to get rid of it. But because it was Han Yu who took the chip apart, we took the chip away. , and added a total of 20 points to the two teams."

Ren nodded his head, "Okay."

At this time, Wen Lei next to him suggested: "It's full anyway, so let's go back?"

Ren Zhong fell into deep thought.

According to his original intention, he wanted to continue to go deep into the Valley of Bones.

At this time, the progress of the team was about to catch up with the last time, and he fell asleep the whole time.

The path that he continued to go down was something he had never seen before. It just so happened that he had already woken up, and one more glance would be a profit.

He didn't really want to go.

But Wen Lei's proposal has its own reasons, and it's hard for him to say anything.

At this time, it was Zheng Tian who shook his head and vetoed, "It's rare to make a fortune today, how can we miss the opportunity. Maybe we will meet a third-level market beast again? This time we even have a chance to eat alone. And although it is full, but now any Sir, wake up, we can let go of our hands and feet! We can completely replace the corpses of the first-level ruin beasts with second-level ones!"

Ou Youning: "Captain is right! Get rich and get rich! Brother Ren is a great writer!"

Brother Ren felt that he was not awesome.

Instead, he's now conflicted.

His intuition made him hate situations that were out of his control, but his curiosity about the depths of the Valley of Bones made him want to continue advancing with the professional team.

At the end of the conversation, he still had to make a decision.

Ren Zhong gritted his teeth secretly, "Since the others haven't left, let's continue. But the gun is the best, and although I will shoot, I will hide some of my strength, and I will only be slightly stronger than the others. There is no need for us to With a mere hundreds of points of income, Lin Wang was listed on the list of fattening and killing. When encountering a third-level ruin beast, he still adopts the method of cooperating with other teams."

Zheng Tian didn't object, "Okay."

"Also, Zheng Tian, ​​you open the connection insurance of the cargo box in advance."

Zheng Tian: "Huh?"

Ren Zhong took a deep breath, "We must plan for the worst in everything, and we must be careful next time. Once the situation is not good, we will immediately abandon the cargo box and run away. If you have money, you must spend your life."

"Well. Mr. Ren, you are still considerate. We all listen to you."

Chapter 77

Fate is like dominoes.

Sometimes an inadvertent move can cause a series of unpredictable chain reactions.

Usually, people don't realize this in their whole life, they will only be confused when the disaster suddenly strikes, and curse this unlucky fate in their hearts.

The burden is different.

He had personally experienced other timelines and knew what the original context of things was.

Then when the situation goes off the rails, he can feel the blow of the butterfly of fate flapping his wings.

He does not curse fate.

Because he knew that he was the inducer that caused the variables.

He himself is the root of all evil.

As a villain who plays with time and space, one must have the consciousness of a villain.

He will only exhaust his brains to calculate the ways to break the situation when faced with emergencies. At the same time, he will analyze the causes and consequences of all this in his mind, and re-arrange a logical context to bring the situation back to his control.


"Go! Quick! Quick! Go forward! Zheng Tian, ​​you welded your foot to the accelerator! Don't slow down when you hit a tree! Run!"

The cargo box has long since been abandoned, and the truck with only the front end and the cargo plate left smashes through the undulating terrain.

The strong wind brought by the body rolled the grass and trees along the way.

"Wen Lei, you are going to raise your shield! Front right! Here we come!"

Wen Lei, who was hanging outside the passenger door on the right, raised his shield without hesitation.

A black shadow the size of a human head stabbed diagonally, hitting the giant shield.

Fire splash.

Wen Lei was shaken all over, and his throat was slightly sweet.

But when he saw the black shadow being knocked and flew backwards, the tension in his heart eased a little, and it was done.

An sigh, fortunately, Mr. Ren's armored scanner has powerful performance and wider coverage, and can always detect the crisis a few seconds earlier than others.

Otherwise everyone is dead this time.

"Ouyouning, throw the fog bombs! Throw one at 50 meters from the left and right sides at nine o'clock and three o'clock!"

Ou Youning, who had been changed to the co-pilot, immediately completed the assembly within 2 seconds, installed the micro-propellers on the two pear-sized bombs, and completed the programming in 1 second.

Then Ou Youning raised his hand and threw two fog bombs.

Because the tempered glass on the car window had been damaged in the previous impact, the two bombs flew straight forward, scattered, dragging a long white smoke, and fell along a straight curve to the direction designated by Ren Zhong.


White mist rises.

Just two metal blocks the size of human heads flew towards them, shrouded in fog, and the momentum of progress was stopped.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the truck drove right by.

"Bai Feng! Raise the gun and shoot at 1 o'clock in front of you! Empty the magazine!"

Bai Feng, who was hanging behind the carriage, did as he was told.

A metal block just vacated from the soil hit Bai Feng's burst of shots, and flew backwards for hundreds of meters.

Instead of chasing after everyone's trucks, it went straight to another truck that was full of semi-professional teams not far away.

Ren Zhong hung one arm outside the door on the left side of the van. While giving orders to others through the walkie-talkie, he waved an arc-light chopper with his left hand, and smashed a metal block of a human head.

Ren Zhong craned his neck to look back and saw that the metal block that was repelled by Bai Feng slammed into the window of another semi-professional team.

The car braked sharply.

Three people jumped out of it.

There are gunsmiths with guns, there are soldiers in exoskeleton armor, and there are soldiers in uniforms.

The out-of-control body began to tilt and plunge head-on into the ground.

A shrill scream sounded from the car window.

The three who escaped first ran away without turning their heads.

Just ten seconds later, the front of the truck exploded.

The metal block of the human head flew out again, stained with bright red blood.

It spilled blood along the way in mid-air, and went straight to the last gunner among the three who escaped.

At the same time, there was a dizzying, piercing scream from its body, like a baby crying.

Hearing the sound from behind getting closer and closer, the gunsmith turned his head in fear and was about to raise his gun, but the metal head suddenly accelerated and hit him in the stomach.

The gunsmith screamed and fell on his back.

The baby's cry suddenly became louder and louder.

The metal block pressed firmly on him, spinning and grinding in his abdomen, shaped like a wolf's head gnawing at its prey.

After just a few seconds, the shrill scream of the gunsmith finally ended.

The gunner's combat uniform was torn open with a large hole.

His position from the ribcage to the lower abdomen was empty.

The head flew up again, and the head grew bigger, and the truck that was heading towards Ren Zhong came straight towards him.

Ren Zhong complained in his heart.

This ghost thing has become stronger after eating people, and the speed is much faster than the truck.

Can't escape.

It is impossible to block Bai Feng in the back of the carriage.

After two seconds, he made a decision.

He decided to snatch Wen Lei's qualification as empress dowager.

"You keep going south! I'll block that thing! Don't look back!"

Letting go, Ren Zhong fell from the head of the truck, took a deep breath, and raised the armor output power to the current carrying limit of 53.17 kilowatts. Holding the arc-light slasher in both hands, he flew head-on.

Rewind time to half an hour ago.

Lin Wang and other professional teams didn't know what kind of medicine they took wrongly today. Since they entered the valley, their firepower has been raised to the highest level all the way, and they even eat lunch while playing.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the professional team finally advanced to the deepest part of the valley that had never been reached before.

At this moment, the wind and cloud suddenly changed, the cold wind howled, and the earth trembled.

A thick black mist rose like smoke from the inaccessible places deep in the valley.

A loud roar that was as loud as an earth dragon turned over suddenly exploded.

The loud noise was not a bang, nor was it thunder, but an extremely high-pitched baby cry.

In the next moment, a round sphere about ten meters high and four or five meters wide burst out of the ground.

It was a metal carved baby head.

At this moment, the head of the furious baby was full of ferocious expressions, his mouth was wide open, and he let out a deafening roar.

Ren Zhong and others, who were hundreds of meters behind the professional team, were heartbroken.

No one would have thought that the legend in Xinghuo Town would come true.

But he and others unfortunately became witnesses.

In the deepest part of the Valley of Bones, there is actually a terrifying fifth-level ruined beast hidden in the world—the Devil Infant.

According to legend, because there are too many human corpses piled up in the White Bone Valley, and no one has cleaned it up, it is also a "feng shui treasure land" that constantly spawns ruined beasts.

After a long period of time, there is a top-level potential Ruin Beast generated from the remains of a human being. It is very powerful, cold-blooded and bloodthirsty, and it is born with a certain human-like intelligence.

It relied on continuous suppression to devour other ruined beasts, and stood out in the valley at an extremely fast speed, becoming the overlord of the mountain that only heard the legend but did not see its shape.

These rumors all originated from the top professional scavengers of the previous generation, and no one in this generation has seen it for decades.

It could also be that everyone who has seen it is dead.

Of course, the relevant video is still preserved, but because it has not appeared for so long, most people think that it has come to an end naturally, and some people think that it has quietly left, and few people take it seriously.

No one would have imagined that the professional team would lead it out in a hasty depletion of fish.

The professional team in front reacted extremely quickly. Seeing that the situation was not good, they turned their motorboats and fled in the distance.

The various semi-professional teams were not slow to respond, but the performance of the vehicles was average, and they were already fully loaded, and the U-turn of heavy trucks was much slower.

On the side of Zheng Tian's team, Ren Zhong's warning in advance had an effect.

Zheng Tian used the decisiveness of the gecko to break the tail to survive, and immediately left the carriage, only dragged the front of the car and the cargo board with a dragon on the spot and swayed its tail, roaring and fled to the back of the valley.

The rest of the semi-professional teams have their own decisions.

Some people are only a little slower, learning from Zheng Tianshe's car to keep the handsome.

There are also people whose carriages are not equipped with a compartment disconnection function at all, so they can only run with a full truck.

There are also people who are fascinated by their belongings, have a fluke mentality, and force a full-load U-turn, hoping to escape.

After all, there are so many people in the valley, and there are nearly twenty teams, even if you are lucky, you have to give it a try.

So, try and die.

The demon baby who came into the world came out again after a lapse of decades, obviously it was not a joke.

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