The attention of others was attracted by Ren Zhong again, which made my heart feel better.

Zheng Tian rubbed her swollen temples, thinking to herself.

Yes, although the past few days have been a bit over the back, which means that the year is a bit unfavorable.

But Mr. Ren is still there, so is hope.

Zheng Tian nodded heavily, "Yes! Thank you Mr. Ren for your encouragement, we are very strong!"


It was night, and a bloody storm blew up on Shuya Mountain.

Another night, the bloody rain on Shuya Mountain blew three feet away.

On the afternoon of the sixth day, I had a hard time paddling. Instead of going to the training ground, I continued to sleep in my board room.

He was finally willing to order hypnosis.

He will sleep from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, and will also stay in the sleeping space for eight hours.

There is no other reason, and Yadi Energy is finally closing the network.

Although after two nights of hard work on Shuya Mountain, plus two daytime ultra-short-term operations, he now has 523.29 points in his wallet, but compared with the profits of Yadi Energy's net cashing out, these are a fraction.

A lot of money is a big deal, so don't be careless.

Ren Zhong pulled himself together and opened the stock market software to watch the market 10 minutes in advance.

The share price of Yadi Energy finally reached a terrifying weekly increase of 283.11% after nearly six days of continuous shock and rise.

At this time, its circumferential curve is like an unsheathed peerless sword thrusting obliquely towards the sky, standing proudly on the top of the clouds, shining brightly, and looking down on the world.

It is ups and downs in the turbulence of the stock market, with several ups and downs.

In the end, it defeated all kinds of demons and ghosts and stood at the end.

Shorten the cycle to one day, every day there will be a variety of coquettish sluts showing off their power in front of it, but all of them are defeated.

As a witness of the whole process, Ren Zhong felt deeply about this.

Although Ren Zhong also favors every little goblin who can only bring short-term happiness, the true love that is always in his heart is still it.

This is the charm of Champion Zhou, stable and powerful.

Hold it in your hand, and you hold happiness.

The discussion area of ​​Yardi Energy is already full of carnival atmosphere.

Ren Zhong can smell the fresh fragrance of wealth just by looking at the title of the post.

Many stockholders in the car are showing off their timing and gains.

There are also people who share their lavish new life in the form of photos and videos.

They have realized the freedom of wealth in advance, and they will follow the leader of battery technology innovator Yadi Energy and continue to enjoy a better life.

Ren Zhong clicked on many posts at will.

Through these photos and videos, he glimpsed more essence of this world.

As he once guessed, almost the vast majority of shareholders are citizens.

Most of the citizens live in large or small cities.

There are very few residents in the small town, and the proportion is extremely low.

Ren Zhong saw the metropolis of the headquarters of Shenxun Group, and also saw some prosperous cities with their own characteristics, but the scale was not inferior to the headquarters of Shenxun.

There are also some small and medium-sized cities, although the sense of technology is not so strong, but the architectural style and material performance shown in the photos are far beyond the imagination of Ren Zhong, a Chinese in the 21st century.

The sense of dislocation between the prosperity of these dream cities and the desolation in Xinghuo Town is ten times more exaggerated than putting Shanghai and Mexico City together.

It even caused Ren Chong to have a distorted sense of whether they were on the same planet.

Yuan Xing is the end of the world, but it is only the end of the barren people.


Finally, the increase reached 285.79%!

time up!


The cash amount is 3769.22 points, the tax and commission cost is 13.34 points, and the net income is 3760.52 points!

Counting the gains from night hunting and short-term speculation in the previous two days, the fortune of heavy responsibility suddenly reached 4283.81 points!

Although the result was known in advance, nervousness was unavoidable. After the bag was settled, Ren Zhong in the sleeping space couldn't help but let out a long breath.

This time it's really a wave of fat!

He is no longer poor, and has completely escaped the quagmire of a hundred-yuan household.

Rounding up is approximately equal to a ten thousand yuan household!

Ren Zhong did not quit immediately, but looked at Yadi Energy again.

At this time, the increase fell slightly, falling back to 284.68%.

But the atmosphere in the forum is still hot.

No one realizes that a slow nightmare is quietly coming.

Ren Zhong doesn't know what will happen in the longer term, but in the next 10 days, Yadi Energy did not turn into a guillotine like Ansheng Biological, but just like an old lady going down the mountain, trembling and trembling. go down.

It always looks like the deputy cow is about to turn back, as if it has returned, but it doesn't look back.

It will always vibrate like a goat from time to time, pretending that I am about to exert strength, you all come and get in the car.

But Niu turned back and climbed to the top again, which didn't happen.

The 285.79% increase is the real high, and its stock price will fall back to 15.22 in ten days.

Everything else is an illusion, a blunt knife that devours humanity.

The lethality of Yadi Energy far exceeds that of Ansheng Bio.

The more attractive Zhou Champion is even more attractive black hole.

Ren Zhong silently closed the stock software.

Forget it, I'm not the savior.

The misfortune of these middle-class citizens has nothing to do with me.

He is also restraining himself.

Now he can buy a four-level watch, but he will empty out the funds he has saved so hard.

Ren Zhong decided to take a long line to catch big fish, and to tap into the potential of all time.

He will stay in the stock market until the 16th day, and after he loses his prophetic skills in the stock market, he will be completely liquidated, and then he will buy a four-level watch.

I was so careful this time, I didn't provoke the professional team at all, so I shouldn't be so unlucky.

After sixteen days, it must be all right.

Therefore, his next target is after four o'clock in the morning tomorrow, and he will enter the field on time to ambush.

Tonight he can be regarded as a rare holiday for himself.

I slept for eight hours during the day and took a little catch up.

Another eight hours of hypnosis at night, just to make up for the lack of sleep these days.

Plan pass.

Woke up on time at four o'clock in the afternoon, and did not delay due to the heavy responsibility, went straight to the training ground, and practiced in one breath until [-]:[-] o'clock in the evening.

Then he skillfully lay down in the lounge to lift the corpse, waiting for the humanoid vehicle Wen Lei to come to rescue him at 08:30.

In the morning, he had already made an appointment with everyone.

Tonight, he will show mercy, go to the centralized sleep cabin, and "reward" everyone with a chance to sleep together.

If there is no accident, from tomorrow onwards, the professional and semi-professional captain Zheng Tian can be regarded as sweeping away the decline and leading the troubled brothers to make a small fortune.

After suppressing this group of unlucky people for a long time, it is time to give them a break.

But strange things happened.

Wen Lei, who was always punctual, was late.

Ren Zhong waited until 45:[-], and Wen Lei arrived late.

He limped and pushed the door open, and there was a conspicuous wound on his neck that was more than an inch deep and about four inches long.

He seemed to have sprayed emergency hemostatic spray on the wound.

Wen Lei was still holding on, "I'm sorry Mr. Ren, I'm late."

Ren Zhong, who was in a corpse-like state, sat up straight, "Leave me alone, what's the matter with you? What about the others?"

Chapter 72 The Impossible Goal

Because the tool man couldn't stand it anymore, Ren Zhong not only did not enjoy the manual handling service, but instead had to ride a bicycle and carry a vehicle to rejuvenate himself.

Halfway through, Wen Lei told the story from the beginning.

Ren Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, a false alarm.

No one died, they were alive and well.

The only person injured was Wen Lei, who was injured under the claws of a second-level ruined beast called the Enhanced Whistling Wolf.

It wouldn't be surprising if things ended here.

The professional rearguard was injured in the battle, and it is reasonable.

The problem was why Zheng Tian's team would forcibly challenge the second-level market beasts that usually hide when they see them when the ammunition supply is obviously insufficient, and they lost.

At the end of the fight, the squad ran out of supplies and ran out of ammunition.

The enhanced screaming wolf was still alive and well, and everyone had to fight and retreat.

Wen Lei, who was in charge of the rear of the palace, was desperate to cover.

If it wasn't for Zheng Tian's adventurous drive passing by, Bai Feng threw an iron cable in time and called Wen Lei to catch him, dragged him on the ground and ran away, Wen Lei would have collapsed on the spot.

The root of the problem occurred in the morning.

When everyone in the team was getting ready to go in the parking lot, Bei Lihui floated over on a motorboat.

He called Zheng Tian forward to cover his face and reprimanded her.

Basically, they scolded Zheng Tian's team for being unable to support the wall.

Before leaving, Bei Lihui gave an ultimatum. According to the standard of pumping water at an average of 3-4 points per day, Zheng Tian's team must make up for the deficit in the week in the last two days.

In other words, everyone must pay at least 20 points of rake within two days.

If you can't do it, it means that the team has no use value.

Lin Wang will withdraw the authorization and will no longer allow Zheng Tian's team to be attached to it and make a living.

In desperation, Zheng Tian proposed to transfer money directly to make up for the shortfall, but was rejected by Bei Lihui's "righteous words".

He said loudly in public that the captain can't break the rules if he has set the rules, and he will never charge more than a cent from the team in addition to the rake in the rules.

The surrounding crowd nodded in approval, and Captain Qualin was well-known.

Although Zheng Tian knew that Bei Lihui was acting, he could only cooperate with issuing a military order and forced him to Liangshan.

Therefore, from the morning, everyone began to fight.

In the morning, Zheng Tian racked her brains to run all the classic hunting areas in her heart, and the harvest was still pitiful.

Until after three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone had no choice but to choose to go to less familiar areas and open up new routes.

The risk has increased, and there have been several dangers. Fortunately, the harvest has increased slightly, but it is still far from making up the share of the water.

After some discussion, they decided to work overtime in the dark until 08 o'clock in the evening and then go back, as long as they don't delay the 30:[-] appointment between Wen Lei and Mr. Ren.

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