The pending sell order goes to you!

The funds were withdrawn, and the account balance reached 622.63.

Ren Zhong didn't even bother to chat with Ju Qingmeng, dragged his slightly tired body out of the training ground, and rode his motorcycle straight to the flea market.

He had already asked Zheng Tian the identity of her acquaintances in the market one after another from casual chats with Zheng Tian.

According to the map, at 43:[-], Ren Zhong found the seller.


A middle-aged fat man with a mustache who looks treacherous and cunning at first glance stood in front of the thunder car and said to Ren Zhong dancing.

"Dude, as you can see, this multi-purpose chariot is almost brand new. The market value is at least [-]. I only ask for [-] before tax, which is equivalent to giving you [-] for free."

Ren Zhong: "Dude, it's too expensive, take less."

The fat businessman: "Big brother! I gave you two hundred and fifty white! It can't be said to be bleeding, but my carotid artery was cut off!"

Ren Zhong: "Six hundred and five is too expensive."

He narrowed his eyes and quietly watched the other perform.

Pretend, you continue to pretend for me.

Your base price is 600. I can see through all the colors of your bottoms, and you even put a basket.

The fat businessman didn't give up: "It's not me, I really don't worry about buyers. If I put it this way, the powerful semi-professional teams in the town will have to come up and grab it. You can buy it or not."

Ren Zhong was actually a little anxious.

Due to Bai Feng's injury, Zheng Tian's team did not go out hunting today.

During the day he couldn't keep an eye on people the whole time.

At this moment, Zheng Tian has not found out, but thank God.

Now Zheng Tian can come over at any time.

At that time, everyone will be their own people, and it will be very difficult to cut off people face to face.

What's even more tragic is that the number of nuclear riders on the Benlei car is five. If Zheng Tian, ​​who is not thin-skinned, sees it, she proposes to rub the car for benefits on the spot, which is really hard to refuse.

That would really crash.

If the suppression fails, it becomes a free flight.

Wouldn't the plan be completely messed up.

Ren Zhong gritted his teeth fiercely, and made a final test, "As far as I know, your car has been here for three days. If it is so good for sale, why would it have been snatched away by someone? Why is it still there now? Stop talking nonsense, take a bite The price is five hundred and eighty, not a penny more. You nod and I will transfer the money to you immediately. How about it?"

Under Ren Zhong's aggressive gaze, the cunning and cunning fat businessman finally persuaded him.

He got a sore foot.

This is a fact, it was supposed to be a very good item to sell, but after three days, all of them were just poor people asking for a price. It was said that the price was more than 600, and each of them slipped faster than a rabbit.

It's just a ghost!

He is even doubting life.

Has the people's livelihood in Xinghuo Town withered to this point?

There is not even a semi-professional team that can pay [-]!

How poor are these people!

"Okay, okay. Then we'll sign the contract."



The transfer was successful, and the money and goods were cleared.

Ren Zhong pushed the motorcycle onto the cargo box of the Benlei truck, and drove off roaring.

The fat businessman who clearly sold the goods, but was aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law stared at the distant car shadow in the cold wind.

Ren Zhonglin lost control of his expression when he got into the car.

He saw the cunning smile on this man's face.

His heart was bleeding.

He murmured to himself, "I actually lost in the bargaining. I lost completely. If I meet a master, I will be locked up!"

Chapter 71 Clearing Yadi Energy, Goodbye Friends

The tragedy of the fat businessman today is not over.

Ren Zhong had just left for less than 5 minutes when Zheng Tian came.

Seeing the fat man's figure from a distance, she shouted, "Oh, Uncle Wang! You are a rare visitor! What kind of wind brought you here!"

Wang Zhaofu, a fat businessman sitting cross-legged on the steps, raised his eyelids and waved his hands feebly, "It's Britney."

Zheng Tian saw that he was beating eggplants with frost, "Uncle Wang, what's wrong with you? It looks like a pickled cucumber."

Wang Zhaofu waved his hand violently, "Fuck you, it's not big or small. Let me tell you, there was a man just now..."

5 minute later.


Wang Zhaofu vomited blood.

Isn't this a ready-made good buyer?

What the hell!

It's twenty o'clock!

But Fatty Wang was not the saddest one.

Zheng Tian next to her was even more stunned, her face ashen.

She covered her heart without saying a word.

She first checked the balance in the watch, and then began to doubt life.

Just a little bit, you can...

Ben Lei car ah!

Tickets for Mouse Cliff Mountain!Ahhhhh!

It's a heartache.

Obviously I just missed a car, but why do I have the illusion of losing my whole life!

After a long time, the old, the young, the fat and the thin looked at each other and sighed in unison.


But at this time, the vested interests have heavy responsibilities, but they are not indulging in the secret joy of earning 20 points in blood.

He noticed a new element again.

When he first communicated with the fat businessman, he kept observing each other.

The fat businessman's accent was slightly different from the barren people in Xinghuo Town, and he didn't seem to be a local.

In this world, outsiders are even rarer than giant pandas.

Zheng Tian said his name was Wang Zhaofu.

Ren Zhong subconsciously felt that the fat businessman with mustache had something to do with him.

He clearly remembered that Zheng Tian's original words were not like that when he first mentioned the Benlei car to him.

Zheng Tian said at the time that this was a car eliminated by captains of other teams she knew.

In fact, this is not logical.

There are very few semi-professional teams in Xinghuo Town that are stronger than Zheng Tian's team, and everyone is equally divided.

Now it seems that there is indeed a fraud.

Zheng Tian lied.

Behind every lie there is a truth that is trying to be covered up.

All lies happen for a reason.

Zheng Tian didn't seem to want him to know that she had business contacts from other places.

According to Ren Zhong's analysis, Zheng Tian's lying should have something to do with his being a "census officer" at the time.

The Benlei car is a complete vehicle produced by Yuanxing Military Industry Group, and it is also a secondary armament.

This car is currently [-]% new, with excellent performance and good maintenance, and it is far from the point where it needs to be scrapped.

Well, this fat businessman named Wang Zhaofu is probably doing smuggling!

That's why you have to avoid the census officer!

In any era, there are no simple people who can engage in smuggling. They are all idea kings, know-it-alls, and have considerable connections.

Ren Zhong silently remembered this person, and if there is an opportunity in the future, he must develop more.

There are more personal names on the red list notebook.

After a while, Ren Zhong first parked the car in the parking lot.

He doesn't know how expensive vegetables, rice, oil and salt are if he is not in charge. Only when he owns a car does he know that parking spaces are charged.

The medium-sized parking space he chose costs 0.2 points a day.

The van trucks of Zheng Tian’s team are miserable. The vans are expensive, and they need a large parking space, which costs 0.3 o’clock a day.

Then Ren Zhong rode his motorcycle and went to Zheng Tian's courtyard.

Except for the captain who was outside under the cold wind, everyone else was there.

Some people are watching TV and chatting, while others are still reading books.

Ren Zhong also joined in, grabbing a handful of melon seeds on the table and nibbling by himself.

Chen Hanyu, who was eating a book, actually put down the tablet and went to make him a cup of tea.

Not long after, Captain Zheng, the victim, came back.

Ren Zhong hadn't spoken yet, but Ou Youning, one of the people who ate melon seeds, had already spoken first, "Captain, what's wrong with you? It's like a little pickled cucumber."

The real original of Gherkin Stem is Ouyouning.

Zheng Tian was shocked.

This is retribution!

She raised her head with a sullen face, and said the matter exactly.

After listening, there was silence in the small courtyard.

Ou Youning put the melon seeds in his hand on the table, not wanting to eat them anymore.

It doesn't smell good anymore.

After a while, Ou Youning started covering his chest and screaming, "Oh my God! This god is so hard on me!"

Bai Feng: "Oh."

Wen Lei: "Cheer up, everyone, don't be like this. At least we still have cargo cards."

Zheng Tian sighed again, "Although at this price, not many people in the town can afford it, but it is really a good deal. We are almost saving enough, and the seller is also my acquaintance. Even if it is a little short of money, But I could have made an appointment, just put in more effort and I'll be able to stock up in two days, how can someone cut off my beard! How angry!"

Ou Youning: "Which wicked thing is it!"

Zheng Tian: "I asked Uncle Wang to see if he could find out who bought the car. Uncle Wang said he didn't know him, he was a stranger. He was not the captain of any other semi-professional team."

Ou Youning: "It seems that the vigorous newcomer who has saved enough capital is going to open a new dock. Damn. I curse everyone who worships the dock and joins his team, as long as they ride in his car, they will all get hemorrhoids! Hemorrhoids have big fists! I curse him for not being able to recruit a younger brother!"

Ren Zhong couldn't keep silent any longer, and patted Ou-you-ning on the shoulder comfortingly, "Your curse is too poisonous. There's no need, really no need. It's just a car, and it's not the end of the world. Come on, work hard, there's always a chance will come."

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