"Then you should be a highly used genius, but why did you come to Spark Town?"

Ren Zhong sighed, "Oh, I offended people. I was deprived of my qualifications as a citizen and researcher, and even exiled. Now I am just a desolate man with nothing. I had to leave my hometown and come to Xinghuo Town. Now I just want to live in Xinghuo Town. Take root here and live a personal life again. I only hate that I didn’t study medicine at the beginning, and I can’t be a doctor like Sun Miao. My professional ability is useless in the small town. But I always find a way to live Go on, so I can only transform into a combat professional."

Ju Qingmeng was silent for a long time, and then said slowly: "At least I am still a second-class citizen. You are worse than me, but you are stronger than me."

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "What does it matter. Don't you see that so many people are trying to live? Since I'm still alive, it's not time to give up my life. I have something to say. ,There is always a way out?"

"Well. Mr. Ren, I suspect your initial synchronization rate is more than 15%. You have the opportunity to become a Level [-] professional. You also have a unique talent for brain response, believe in yourself, you can do it. Real talent, no would be easily buried."

"Yeah! Thank you for your encouragement, and you too!"

Another half an hour later, Ren Zhong carried a first-class alloy warblade, wore a full set of balanced basic exoskeletons with amplifiers, and rode a single-soldier wheeled motorcycle worth 20 contribution points just recovered from the arms mall. people.

Now his carrying power is too low to handle the first-level exoskeleton at all.

To forcibly wear it, you can only put on the amplifier.

The amplifier was installed by Ju Qingmeng himself. The selected parts were recovered parts whose service life was about to expire, and only 10 contribution points were charged for scrapping.

The original price of a single-soldier motorcycle of 40 contribution points was replaced by second-hand goods, and Ren Zhong only spent 20 points.The last time he didn't encounter such a good thing, he thought it was bought early.

As for other combat equipment, it is brand new, including exoskeletons, batteries and weapons, a total of 180 points.

Ju Qingmeng also decided to help him return the useless training armor at the original price.

After frantically buying hands, there are only 7.36 contribution points left in Ren Zhong's pocket, and when I walk, I feel that there is a cool breeze pouring into my trouser pocket.

When Zheng Tian came to the gate of the town house, Ren Zhong was leaning on the motorcycle and gulps out the nutritional cream.

Brother Sun was so arrogant, he gave three bottles, so don't save it.

Now that the equipment has been obtained, Ren Zhong will start to work overtime tonight. The so-called army and horses move first before they move food and grass, which is the truth.

Turbo boost, start.

"Mr. Ren, you..."

Zheng Tian was surprised to see Ren Zhong's fully armed appearance.

Ren Zhong smiled, "I will settle down in Xinghuo Town in the future, let's take care of each other a lot."

Chapter 61

Since Ren Zhong was already fully armed when we met, Madhafu's attitude was not bad, but he just reminded one more thing when the registration was completed.

"Mr. Ren, Starfire Town will face the census in three months. But there are too many barren people in the town. You are the last in the ranking now, and you should understand what this means. Although you used to be a citizen, hunting The killer doesn't recognize this. At that time, the wild may be safer for you than in the small town, I suggest you plan ahead."

Ren nodded his head, "Okay, thank you for reminding me. In addition, Mayor Ma, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"please say."

Ren Zhong looked back at Zheng Tian next to him.

Zheng Tian knows the interest and retreats.

Ren Zhong said in a low voice: "Mayor Ma, you should be waiting for the census officer to come to Xinghuo Town right now?"

Madhafu didn't hide it, "Yes. I think the atmosphere in Xinghuo Town is still healthy and positive, and the birth rate this year is also very good. Although other industries have shrunk drastically, the scavengers can make money every day. The output is also very rich. The town can barely survive. I hope I can come to a census officer to see, and I can say something good to the town when I go back.

Ren Zhong: "But I want to tell you some unfortunate news. Before coming to Xinghuo Town, I found out that there will be no census officer coming to Xinghuo Town this time. You'd better prepare early."

"What!" Ma Dafu was shocked, stood up abruptly, and shook his head again and again, "No, absolutely not. Although Xinghuo Town has shrunk in size over the years, it still has a population of more than 2. At least we should send someone The census officer came to take a look, even if he was going through the motions, he had to take a look! How could it be banned as soon as it was banned? What about the more than 2 barren people? There are only a few thousand scavengers who have the ability to protect themselves in the wild. Many people don't even have temporary wrist watches! This... this is impossible!"

Ren Zhong looked at the chubby face of the old man and knew that the anxiety and panic on his face was not a fake.

The old man was really worried about the fate of the people in the small town.He really is a good radish emerging from a mud pit.

No wonder the fat old man was also implicated in his dying declaration last time, and died under the hunter's butcher's knife.

Ren Zhong felt very surprised. In such a world, there is such a local governor, which is really emotional.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask someone from Xinghuo Resource Recycling Company for verification. They should have heard the news. Just don't reveal that I told you."

Madaba regained his composure, and then sat down slumped: "You said so. Why should I go to verify. Forget it, Mr. Ren, you go first. I'll think about it and think of a way."

"it is good."

Just as Ren Zhong turned around, Madaba staggered to his feet again, "Wait, Mr. Ren, I'll take you out."


"Don't send it off, go back to rest early. You don't have to worry too much, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, maybe there will be a turning point in a few days. I have quite a lot of ideas, Mayor Ma, you can turn back if you need to. Help, don't be polite to me."

"Well, okay. Mr. Ren, take a slow walk."

Zheng Tian, ​​who was waiting outside the door, sighed in her heart when she saw Madhafu sending Ren Zhong out of the door.

It's true that a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, and the troubled citizen is still a grandfather.

Look at this old man's enthusiasm, it's simple.

Madaba had a good reputation in the town, but Zheng Tian had never seen this old man so close to a stranger.

Although he wanted to know what the two were whispering, Zheng Tian, ​​who was very measured, didn't inquire much.

"Mr. Ren, what are your arrangements for tonight? Do you want to live in a sleeping cabin with us?"

Ren Zhong thought for a while, "Not necessarily. But we can go over and talk together first."


Zheng Tian sat on the back seat of the heavy duty motorcycle, a little cramped, and didn't know how to put her hands.

Ren Zhong didn't suggest her to wrap her arms around her waist.

This time, when his strength has accumulated to a certain level, not only will he not help Zheng Tian's team improve, but he will suppress Zheng Tian's team.

Not for Zheng Tian, ​​but for Wen Lei, Chen Hanyu, and for himself.

Therefore, he needs to maintain a proper distance between the two sides, and temporarily downgrade the intersection to an ordinary cooperative relationship.


Arrive in sleeping pod.

Since the motorcycles were faster, the others were still chatting enthusiastically when the two arrived, only Chen Hanyu was looking at the tablet.

Ren Zhong joined in the chat, and then pretended to be curious and asked Wen Lei to come and take a look at the pocket watch, sighing: "You have such a childhood sweetheart relationship, which is really enviable."

Wen Lei blushed, and Han Han scratched his head.

On the other hand, Ou Youning, who was next to him, poured cold water, "What childhood sweethearts. People are citizens now, it's different. We hanged ghosts in the mud pit, maybe we will get cold. Wen Lei, I advise you to stop dreaming, Go have a meat meal with your buddies early, so as not to regret it when you hang up, it's not worth it."

"Ou Youning shut your crow's mouth! We are a team, can you still run if Wen Lei hangs up?"

Zheng Tian stopped drinking.

She could see that among the five, Ren Zhong seemed to have the best impression of Wen Lei, after all, he was half an acquaintance.

Ren Zhong was Sun Miao's buddy, and Mayor Ma was polite to him.

Zheng Tian will of course have a strong desire to win over.

She has already begun to analyze.

People like Ren Zhong will definitely have high demands on their companions.

My own team is not bad in the town, but it is only average, and there is no special attraction.

Fortunately, he seems to like Wen Lei quite a bit, that can only make Wen Lei do more.

Then Zheng Tian asked intentionally or unintentionally, "Mr. Ren, you don't seem to have any signs of training, so why did you put on a first-level exoskeleton?"

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "I asked Manager Ju from the Arms Store to help me install an amplifier used in the intensive training armor. Before other parameters meet the standard, I can just wear it like this."


The other members of the squad stared wide-eyed.

You just came to the town, and you haven't spent the night, so you can let Ju Qingmeng, a famous cold-faced woman, change your equipment by himself?

What kind of sociability is this?

Even if you were a citizen, you shouldn't!

Is Ning the legendary king of contacts?

After a while, Ou Youning recalled what happened to him when he went shopping, and said a little sourly: "Sure enough, people's joys and sorrows are not the same."

Zheng Tian is also a little suspicious of life.

Why is your rank so high, dude?

So how are we worthy of you?So much so that she couldn't even say the words of the invitation.

After a long while, she said quietly: "Mr. Ren, if you go back to training, you can call Wen Lei. Don't look at his simple and honest appearance, in fact, his brain is quite smart, and his theoretical knowledge is very solid."

Ren nodded, "Yes. Then I'll thank you in advance."

Wen Lei quickly waved his hand, "No thanks, no thanks."

Seeing this, Zheng Tian secretly sighed and squeezed his fist quietly.

Wen Lei, come on!

The bright future of this team depends on you!

Then Ren Zhong suddenly turned the topic to Chen Hanyu, and said, "By the way, I am also quite interested in the profession of dismantling engineer. Chen Hanyu, do you have any old gloves that you replaced? Can you sell them to me? Oh, Ben I want to buy a new one, but all the money Sun Miao lent me has been spent. I won’t be able to buy a new one for a while.”


The crowd was startled again.

No wonder this dude was poor in the evening, but now he is fully equipped and walking on a motorcycle.

Love is the money that Sun Miao borrowed!

At first, everyone listened to Ren Zhong saying that he and Sun Miao were iron buddies, and they were a little unconvinced in their hearts.

it's good now.

These days, the one who can borrow money is a lifelong friendship.

It was only then that everyone understood that the three words "iron buddies" were modesty, not boasting.

Here, Chen Hanyu, who was suddenly called, hasn't reacted yet.

She put down the tablet. "Huh? Old gloves?"

Zheng Tian has already helped her to answer.

"There is a pair! But how can you take your money, sir? You can use it!"

In the end, Ren Zhong transferred 5 points to Chen Hanyu with Zheng Tian's disappointed eyes.

"I won't sleep here tonight. So, see you tomorrow evening?"

Zheng Tian: "Okay, Mr. Ren, walk slowly."


At [-]:[-] in the night, Ren Zhong drove out the gate of Xinghuo Town.

This time, before getting a Level [-] watch, Ren Zhong didn't want to give himself a full eight hours of sleep if it wasn't necessary.

One night's sleep for a Level [-] watch is worth [-] nights for a Level [-] watch.

The price-performance difference between the two can be described as heaven and earth.

Ren Zhong squeezed every second of value out.

Make money, make money, go!

Chapter 62 A small bumper harvest, Sun Miao, who is furious

"Oh, it's a big loss."

Ren Zhong hugged the spare storage box that he also borrowed from Chen Hanyu, and sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

Next to it, the alloy warblade slumped on the ground at will.

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