Ren Zhong wasn't angry at all, he had to give Sun Ge a break, and think about it later when he really needed to use stimulants.

The start-up capital has been fully received, and the heavy responsibility goes straight to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Sell ​​temporary watches, buy first-class watches and alloy building materials for building prefab houses, and agree on delivery time and place.

He still has 1253.9 points left in his bankroll.

Rub the corner of the supply and marketing agency, connect to the Internet, and open up the stock market.

After completing the 1000-point capital verification, the account opening is successful.

Buy a lot of stock in a company called Yardi Energy.

Yadi Energy is a secondary subsidiary of Rock Group, with bio-battery as the main research and development direction.

The current share price of Yadi Energy is 9.77 points per share, and each lot is 100 shares.

The current rule of Yuanxing Stock Market is that when buying and selling stocks online, it is necessary to pay a total of 0.05% trading commission to Arson Group and Shenxun Group.Buyer and seller each pay half, 0.025%.

There is a 0.2% stamp duty on the sale of shares, collected by the business association.

No closing fees for buyers and sellers.

When settling the amount, the minimum value is rounded up to 0.01.

This is a very simple and crude rule, the rate is high, and blood will be sucked when entering the market.

The cost of Ren Zhong's entry is 977.24 points.

Because the stock price of his single share must rise to at least 9.79 to return his capital.

But there is no panic at all, Yadi Energy will announce the success of technological innovation tonight.

This is all unimportant news information.

The fact is that the main funds have already completed their ambush in the market, and just tonight, news will be detonated to start a round of operations.

In the next six days, Yadi Energy will surge for a round with a total average daily increase of 31% in the shock, and become the king of demon stocks this week with a total increase of 285.79%, and will reach a short-term high. Gradually fall back to start the next round of shocks.

The 977.24 that has been put in will increase to 3770.16 points.

He will cash out precisely at the top.

Ren Zhong did not choose those monsters and monsters that would go to heaven and earth in one day, but extended the operation cycle to a weekly unit.

This is the plan he made early in the morning when he remembered the demon stock.

One is that the number of demons and ghosts is too large and the distribution is very scattered. It is very troublesome to establish memory points and it is easy to confuse them.

The second is that those things came too steeply, and it was easy to find that they were closed when I was in a hurry when I went to the toilet.

Ren Zhong is just a barbarian now, and he has to restore his strength as soon as possible to improve his self-protection ability. If something is delayed for a while, it is easy to cause major problems.

He was afraid that he would not be able to handle it.

Choosing Yadi Energy this week will not earn much less than going to heaven and earth, but the risks it bears are not the same, and it does not affect normal life.

Ren Zhong is not a pure idealist, on the contrary, he is very pragmatic.

If you want to change the times by yourself, you need not only your own beliefs and comrades who fight side by side, but also money and guns.

All four are indispensable.

Therefore, Ren Zhong chooses to integrate into the times first and become a trendsetter.

Chapter 60

After buying the stock, Ren Zhong immediately advanced to the next step and went straight to the city wall near the north gate of the town.

At this time, the boy and his mother were having dinner in the room.

As soon as Ren Zhong stood at the door, he heard the old lady's remarks coming from inside.

Knock on the door.

After waiting for a few seconds, the wooden door opened, and the boy with a blank face stuck his head out.

Ren Zhong pretended to be surprised, "Hey, I saw you before. What a coincidence."

The teenager rubbed his hands cautiously, "Sir, do you have anything to do with me?"

Ren Zhongyi pointed to the transport truck of the supply and marketing cooperative that was unloading the goods next to him, and said, "I'm going to build a house here. But I'm busy, so I don't have time to do it myself. You guys help me build it, and I'll give you 3 contribution points when it's done. How about it?"

The boy was stupid on the spot.

The next story is basically the same as the last time, but Ren Zhong asked a lot before he left.

"By the way, you look very short of money. What do you want to save money for? Can you tell me about it?"

The teenager looked back nervously at the door and lowered his voice: "Mr. Ren, I want to buy a second-hand rapid-fire machine gun. I asked someone to ask, and it's only 10 o'clock, just 3 contribution points. I thought it would take a long time to save. For a long time, Mr. Ren, you have helped me a lot."

Ren Zhongdo suddenly realized, "So it is. In this way, don't be too far away. I'll take care of you when you buy a gun, and I'll get you 10% of the new ones as long as [-] o'clock, how about it? "

"This..." The young man shook his head quickly, "How can this be done. Ninety percent of the new ones are sold for at least fifteen points. have already paid me a lot. I can't take advantage of you any more."

Ren Zhong laughed and patted the boy on the shoulder, "Look at what you said. As long as you get the house in order for me, I'm happy. What if you give me a hand? Come on! Work hard! As long as you work hard, I'll take you later!"

The boy was stunned for a long time.

Intuition told him that the kindness of the person in front of him was too abrupt, like a conspiracy.

But he couldn't figure out what the other party could plot against him.



The compensation given by this gentleman is fifteen times the normal price!Definitely a good money lord!

other?But am I nothing?

"Mr. Ren, what are you saying is true?"

Ren Zhong asked back, "What can I lie to you?"

The teenager scratched his head, "Yes."

"But you can't be unguarded against everyone just because I'm a good guy. For many people in this town, 10 contribution points is a lot of money. You have to protect yourself."

The boy subconsciously felt that Ren Zhong's words were somewhat contradictory, but he nodded honestly, "Well, I remember."

After a long time, Ren Zhong left with a happy mood.

This young man has already passed his test thoroughly.

Ren Zhong is temporarily unable to save everyone, so he will start with the people around him.

Afterwards, Ren Zhong went to the arms mall non-stop.

A set of training armor set, a matching battery, a magnetic storm dust grenade, a total cost of 1 points.

He didn't meet Ju Qingmeng when he was shopping, only an ordinary teller communicated with him.

This is the normal situation.

Ju Qingmeng is the leader of the arms mall, not an ordinary employee who can call and drink to anyone.

After shopping, Ren Zhong thought for a while and didn't rush to leave. Instead, he said to the teller, "By the way, I want to test the mecha warrior talent."

The teller raised his head and glanced at Ren Zhong, "This requires the operation of precision instruments. I don't have the authority. The manager must come."

The teller looked back at the closed door of the manager's room next to the counter, "I'm sorry, our manager is in a bad mood today, you can try your luck another day."

Ren Zhong decisively added money, "I'll give you a tip of 1 point before tax."

"Sir, please come in!"

10 minute later.

The cold-faced strong woman Ju Qing stared blankly at the cabinet monitor and pouted, "The initial brain-computer synchronization rate is 10%, and it's a waste."

Ren Zhong: "Ah this..."

hey not!

That's not what you said last time!

Ren Zhong clearly remembered the same number when testing the initial synchronization rate last time, but she boasted with a smile, "10%, not bad, just up to the standard."

It was "good" last time, but this time it's "waste"!

The difference between the two times is that he did not put on the skin of the census officer, nor did the mayor Madhafo personally lead the way.

Treated differently.

The world is too real.

Seeing Ren Zhong's unbelievable and unacceptable face, Ju Qingmeng waved his hand impatiently, "What, this, and that. You don't think you can measure 19.9%, right? Are you dreaming? The initial synchronization rate If it is only 10%, it means that it is basically impossible for you to become a mecha warrior above the third level. If I say you are a waste, you are still not convinced?"

Ren Zhong sprayed her head and face with a full head bag, but subconsciously recalled her shy look in her light gauze pajamas that night...

"No, the situation is like this. Before this afternoon, I was a terminally ill patient, and I was just cured by Dr. Sun Miao. I am still very weak, but I am recovering quickly."

Ju Qingmeng looked Ren up and down with a heavy look, "You look bloodless now. In this way, wait for you to recover a little and then re-test again. It is recommended that you only strengthen your body before this, do not use training armor, otherwise the data will be inaccurate. I saw your situation last year, someone..."

Poor Wen Lei hung up again.

At this moment, Ju Qingmeng's eyes floated to the cabinet display again, and exclaimed.

"Hey! It's 11%? There's something wrong with the data just now? You lie down and don't move, and I'll test it again."


Half an hour later, Ju Qingmeng looked at the 12.3% brain-computer synchronization rate on the monitor and was unable to speak for a long time.

She has never seen such a person before, who can measure the initial value and increase it at the same time.

"Mr. Ren, your situation is not quite right."

Her attitude changed a little, and she began to take names.

Ren Chong saw that he was almost there, so he said, "I said that I am a terminally ill patient who is recovering."

Ju Qingmeng first turned around and glanced at the subordinate who was beside him, "Go out."

The subordinate sneaked out honestly, and brought the door behind him by the way.

Ju Qingmeng: "In this way, I will give you an additional set of data."


"A few more. You won't be charged."

"Okay, thank you."

A few minutes later, Ren Zhong and Ju Qingmeng looked at the four sets of numbers on the cabinet display together.

The brain-computer synchronization rate was 12.5%, an increase of 0.2%.

Bioelectricity carrying power is 1.03 kilowatts.

Brain response index 52.9.

The comprehensive physical fitness index is 5.07.

Everything else was fine, except that the brain response index was so high that it was a bit maddening.

"Mr. Ren, who are you? Your brain-machine synchronization rate is very strange, and you have not recovered so quickly. Your brain response index is not at the level of a normal person! What is your relationship with Sun Miao? ?"

Ju Qingmeng looked at Ren Zhong with scrutiny eyes.

Ren Zhong sighed, "do you know about Dr. Sun's specific situation, Manager Ju?"

Ju Qingmeng nodded, "Of course. People like him must submit complete files when they stay in the town."

Ren nodded, "I'm in a similar situation to him. We used to be colleagues doing research together."

"So it is. But as far as I know, the Mengdu Group has not developed a drug that can improve the brain response index for a long time. In your case..."

"I was born with it."

"What! It's impossible!"

"But isn't what you see the truth? Why should I lie to you?"

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