Ren Zhong saw two options in the background of the capital of Shenxun Group.

One is Bai Lihui's account and the other is a tourist account.

Click on Bei Lihui's account, and you will be prompted to enter a password.

Return to the initial interface.

Click Guest Account again.

The next experience is the same as when using a rental watch.

It's just that there are new software icons in the Internet section, which is the virtual reality training that Ren Zhong dreams of.

Ren Zhong clicked on it without hesitation, and a prompt popped up immediately, asking him to activate hypnosis first.

Return to the initial interface, hypnosis.

Then his body outside went into a deep sleep, but the spirit in the sleeping space was still extremely excited and his state was very distorted.

Go back to the Internet interface again, click on Virtual Reality, this time it's done.

After opening, there are several grading options.

This virtual reality training is also marked with different prices according to the demand level, which is exactly the same as the monthly professional title assessment price.

Level 8, [-] points every eight hours.

Level 40, [-] points every eight hours.


At this time, in the account with heavy responsibility, the balance was just 43.36.

Activate secondary training.

Then it is to choose the training intensity, and Ren Zhong directly chooses the highest level hell level at the top.

"Reading personal parameters..."

"Identified that the current occupation of the trainer is Mecha Warrior."

"The estimated brain-computer synchronization rate is 28%, which meets the second-level training standard."

"The brain response index is 528.89, which meets the second-level training standard."

"Bioelectricity carries a power of 46.9 kilowatts."

"Comprehensive index of physical fitness is 47.1."

"According to the calculation, there are two parameters of the user that do not meet the second-level standard. Forcible training will cause a huge load on the body, which is life-threatening. Is it free to replace it with a more suitable first-level training?"

Ren Zhong does not want to, and does not change.

In the next moment, his consciousness suddenly sank.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already standing in an empty playground.

He raised his hands to look at it, squeezed his fists, and the feeling was exactly the same as his real body.

"Hell-level high-intensity battle will start in 10 minutes, please select equipment configuration."

The electronic sound rang in his heart, and a huge translucent list appeared over the playground in front of Ren Zhong's eyes, which contained a dazzling array of secondary mecha warrior equipment.

Some of them, he had seen in the arms mall in Starfire Town.

But most of the other special additional equipment is something he has never heard of.

When Ren Zhong focused his attention on a certain piece of equipment and recited "Assembly" in his mind, the piece of equipment would automatically appear in front of him.

Nine minutes later, Ren Zhong tentatively assembled his first set of secondary equipment.

"Line up!"

He gave an order, and dozens of parts began to be stacked on him like Lego blocks, and then quickly assembled.

"The battle is about to begin. Please kill three second-level market beast shadow mice within 3 minutes! Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

The electronic sound begins to count down.

The three familiar phantoms in front quickly condensed and formed.

Ren Zhong's eyes were like torches, staring at him.

To be able to fight heartily all night before dying, and continue to accumulate one's own combat experience, there is no regret in this life, what more can I ask for!

The horn of a more thorough transformation will be sounded tonight.

Chapter 57

Soul-torn pain surged.

The sleeping Ren Zhong suddenly opened his eyes.

At the moment when his body consciousness regained consciousness, a wave of severe pain surged like a storm.

Ren Zhong hugged his head.

The fine cold sweat poured out from his cheeks, and then dripped down his temples like a spring.

He knew this was the aftermath of overdoping.

Intracranial pain is getting worse.

When the pain develops to a certain extreme, his body will inevitably turn on its self-protection mechanism, which is the so-called shock, and then die.

Few normal people can handle such severe pain.

But he has a heavy responsibility, he has just set up a big ambition to change the world last night, he has already experienced the pain of physical death many times, and he is in the state of super-class brain response index last night. In the virtual reality training again and again It is a heavy responsibility to fall into the deathmatch of hell-level difficulty.

The super-difficulty indicated by the system, he took it down completely.

At this delicate moment, the first thing that came to mind in Ren Zhong's mind was the book he had read when he was a teenager.

Someone can stay as still as a mountain while the flames burn until death.

Someone can grit their teeth and keep their mouths shut when the bamboo sticks are pierced through their fingers.

There are others...

The heavy mind gradually became clear.

Since you know that the end of this pain is destined to be death, why fear it?

He was able to lift his wrist to look at his watch at this moment.

It is ten nineteen in the morning.


When I fell asleep last night, it was [-]:[-] in the morning.

Did I get enough sleep for eight hours?

Sun Miao clearly said that he would die in about six hours, but I actually lived two more hours?

I think it should be that the forced hypnosis of the watch has suppressed the sequelae of the stimulant.

That is to say, in the past two hours, without his knowledge, his body has endured two hours of suffering from ten thousand ants.

The bottom level of this forced hypnosis is actually deeper than the backlash of stimulants.

No wonder Bei Lihui didn't wake up until he was about to die, no wonder he beat the world upside down in the room, but Lin Wang and others didn't move at all, and no wonder there were night watchmen in the world.

Ren Zhong looked at the balance in the watch again.

Another kind of pain actually slightly suppressed the physical pain in an instant.

After a night of sleep, the four-level watch was paid.

The account balance has risen to 3.36 from 53.36 last night.

This means that when you fall asleep wearing a level 50 watch, you can receive a fixed salary of up to [-] points per day.

If it only rises by 1 point, then it is still acceptable to enter the ground with 4.36 yuan.

But now that I am dying, there are more than 50 yuan that I haven't spent.



At this moment, there was a loud noise outside his room.


The alloy door was smashed from the outside.

The sound of dense footsteps came down the stairs.

After an instant, five people stood in the room on the second floor.

It was Lin Wang and his other four team members.

Lin Wang was not angry, but looked down at the heavy responsibility lying on the bed, and glanced at the Level [-] watch in his hand.

The enemy has arrived, Ren Zhong endured the pain and stood up, stood in the room with his hands on his back, and looked around.

At this time, his face was still pale, the cold sweat was still gushing, and the clothes on his body were already soaked in sweat, but his expression control was still perfect.

"You came a lot later than I thought. Go ahead."

Lin Wang finally said, "The person who killed me wants to die simply? There's no such thing as a good thing."

Ren Zhong grinned, "Oh? But didn't you kill my people too?"

Lin Wang: "Where's the evidence?"

The man next to Lin Wang sneered, "It's just tools, are they human?"

Ren Zhong turned his head to look at the man and asked, "Where are you going?"

The next moment, Lin Wang started.

He reached out and grabbed the placket of Ren Zhong's shirt.

There was a buzzing sound of energy activation from the simple combat uniform on Lin Wang's body, and he immediately floated out of thin air like a hunter.


The window was smashed, and Ren Zhong was dragged by Lin Wang and flew out of the prefab, and then flew upwards.

The heavy foot fell to the ground again, this time he was standing on the top of the second floor of his prefab house.

The other four also flew up and fell behind them.

Ren Zhong looked down, but saw that this alley was crowded with people who came to watch the fun.

Many people are coming from far away.

The place is really unable to stand, and people have already climbed up the opposite roof one after another, looking at this side one after another.

Downstairs and at the very front of the heavy-duty building, stood the fat old man Madhafu.

The side of Madaba was relatively empty, and there was only a heroic woman in armor standing side by side with him. It should be his daughter, Ma Xiaoling, the captain of the town guard.

At the back of the crowd, Ju Qingmeng, Sun Miao and other people with higher status in the small town stood.

The two looked at him with complex eyes with different meanings.

There was deceived anger in Ju Qingmeng's eyes.

There was relief and a trace of regret in Sun Miao's eyes.

Ren Zhong did not expect that so many people would come to watch his death.

He subconsciously thought of some indelible pictures in history books.

The stimulants were stimulating his brain again, and Ren Zhong couldn't help laughing.

Human beings are inherently mortal, both as light as a feather and as heavy as a mountain.

Being able to die in front of everyone's eyes is also the highest praise for the ideal that he has just established.


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