Wen Lei's pocket watch was still hanging on his chest.

The life detector installed on Ren Zhong told him that this bastard was not dead yet.

Bei Lihui's breathing was still steady, his eyes were tightly closed, and he had a reckless smile on his face.

Looking at this face, new hatred and old hatred welled up in my heart.

Ren Zhong's steady breathing gradually became short.

Ren Zhong took the first two steps, and his right hand dropped the arc-light chopper, which had been severely damaged in the storm, and squeezed his fist.

Under the effect of the stimulant, Ren Zhong, who was extremely excited, widened his eyes with anger, clenched his teeth, and almost burst his cheeks.

His fist slammed down heavily, hitting Bei Lihui's head.


Red, white and black splatters.


give me death!

The responsibility of being completely swallowed up by anger is still not relieved, so he jumped out of the original preset program and began to operate autonomously with a delay of 0.2 seconds.

He grabbed the headless body and threw it into the air.

The fists of both hands are like a wall-breaking electric pick, pouring forward crazily!

He didn't stop until his armor self-inspection system alarmed that due to excessive overload, the armor would disintegrate by itself in one minute.

The 5-minute armor explosion time is almost over.

At this time, the room was filled with blood and mist, bone debris flying, and meat foam scattered.

Apart from him, there was no one else.

Chapter 56 Where the Blades Go, I Have No Regrets

There seemed to be a cracking sound outside.

The professional night watchman is coming.

The "Magic Eye" finally noticed the energy change here and issued a warning.

Before making the next decision, Ren Zhong thought about many things in an instant.

Now he has "cooled down".

Under the support of the super class 529 brain response index, even the fleeting thoughts in the mind are complex and changeable.

He is not yet able to master this kind of thinking speed, and his mind is very open.

First of all, there was an inexplicable fear in his heart.

The fear came not from the incoming professional Night's Watch, but from himself.

He clearly remembered every punch he threw at Bei Lihui.

Every time he punched out, blood dripped and minced meat splattered.

This is the 21st century, it should be a scene in a bloody violent horror film of R18 level.

But Ren Zhong, the instigator, didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

This doesn't make sense.

This was the source of his fear.

It seems that he has completely integrated into the times and has become devoid of humanity, not human anymore.

Then Ren Zhong had a second layer of fear.

The object of fear is the contagion of the world.

He didn't know what would happen next.

He even worried about whether he could continue to stick to his original intentions in this world if he went on like this.

After all, in the 21st century, he was just a mediocre scholar, not a tenacious soldier who shed his blood.

Having not received relevant psychological training, it is understandable that he has such worries now.

But maybe it was the influence of psychostimulant drugs, or maybe the anger that had been suppressed for a long time was finally released, or maybe it was because of the subconscious feeling of disobedience caused by seeing all kinds of injustices, an incredible thought flashed in his heart. pass like.

Some vague thoughts became clear.

Since I have already made up my mind to change the world.

So now is the first step.

I can kill the fourth-level professional Bei Lihui in my sleep, which shows that the world is not invulnerable to me.

But I have to adapt to the cruel jungle laws in this world, and keep my humanity intact.

The way to stick to myself is that I have to establish a longer-term ideal that I can strive for for the rest of my life.

I have to keep in mind who I am, what my mission is, and what to do.

Only in this way can I not sink into these superficial killings.

My butcher's knife must be wielded for a sufficiently lofty ideal.

Only in this way can we remain clear in the blood.

Well, from now on, under the lurking surface, I must always keep in mind that I am a Chinese from the 21st century!

But I also have to fit into the times, not a pure 21st century person.

I must be the heir to the junction of human civilizations walking in different eras!

Because I clearly know that ordinary people should not be enslaved like this!

Desolate people shouldn't be so numb.

It's not human at all!

I want to be like those people, let the people who are cows and horses live as individuals again!

I will inherit the martyrs and scatter the seeds of future generations on this earth devoured by evil tides.

I finally want this prosperous world, as I wish!

Killing is not an end, but a means.Because revolutions always bleed, their own blood and the blood of others.

Ren Zhong smiled.

He completely ignited the fire in his heart.

He is no longer afraid of death, nor will he be soft-hearted.

Because his blade found its way.


Before the professional night watchman arrived, Ren Zhong leaned down, picked up the Level [-] official watch on the ground, and put it in his arms.

The watch is still intact.

He had deliberately avoided this watch before.

Even in his rage, he remembered the original plan.

The four-level watch owned by Bei Lihui is one of the most important action targets.

When picking up the watch, he looked back at Bai Lihui's big gun lying in the damaged sleep cabin.

The words "Manticore-191" are etched with a steel stamp on the gun body.

Ren Zhong speculated that this should be the model of the big gun that killed him once, and wrote it down.

"What's going on here? Who are you?"

A human voice suddenly came from outside the broken window, and a robotic arm scanning probe had already reached in.

Ren Zhong tidied up his helmet and mask, walked to the door, opened the door, and said regretfully, "Oh, just now a third-level ruin beast broke into this place through a window."

The three people standing outside the door looked at the strange armor with puzzled eyes.

Ren Zhong stepped aside, and the three stood in.

One of them pointed to the messy room and asked, "Then what's the situation now?"

Ren Zhong shrugged, "I'm one step late. The people in the sleeping cabin are already dead. As for the ruined beasts, they ran away before you came."


"Yes. The Ruin Beast is small in size, but extremely fast. It's terrifying, your hand, the dead have been eaten to the point where only this hand remains."

The three looked down and saw a severed palm on the ground.

The person who asked the question directly stated the identity of the deceased, "This is Lin Wang's manor. The deceased is Bei Lihui, Lin Wang's team member."

Ren nodded, "It should be, what a pity."

"Fortunately, the other rooms were fine."

Ren Zhong: "Yeah, I'm so lucky."

At this time, there was a violent explosion in the distance.

The three seemed to have suddenly received a warning, and hurried out the door again.

One of them took an extra step before leaving, and asked Ren Zhong, "The third-level ruined beast is here, do you want to go with us?"

Ren Zhong shook his head, "My ammunition has been emptied, and as you have seen, I am only wearing a modified first-level basic armor, and I am not qualified to fight such a high-end battle with a third-level Ruin Beast."

"That's right, okay."

The three left quickly, without even calling out the surveillance camera to check.

Ren Zhong grinned.

Get away with it.


Ren Zhong didn't try the door of the rest of Lin Wang's team.

He was really out of ammunition.

Someone else's alloy sleeping cabin was placed in front of him and let him blast, but he couldn't even blast it, and he might even explode the automatic weapons in the room on the spot.

Ren Zhong only took a short rest, and then reactivated the armor to shoot out.

The third-generation Iron Curtain, which he had consumed for a round, was activated again with the identification friend or foe system, but because he was familiar with the task and focused on escaping from the inside, no accident occurred.

In the dark of night, Ren Zhong dragged his tired body back to his prefab room.

At this point, his exoskeleton armor had been completely disintegrated, and its parts were scattered along the way.

Some of them could be recycled, but he didn't bother to pick them up either.

Ren Zhong pushed the door open, entered the room, and lay down on the bed.

It was already [-]:[-] in the morning, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

As Sun Miao said, ten times the dose of the potion will make him spend an extremely exciting night.

He took off his watch first, then took out Bei Lihui's Class [-] watch and put it on.

After 30 seconds, Ren Zhong successfully "saw" the giant screen.

Consistent with his conjecture.

Belle Fay's watch was not locked.

This should be Lin Wang's request.

The value of a four-level watch is as high as 5000 points, which is a lot of wealth in itself.

Lin Wang used Zheng Tian's team as a tool, so naturally he would not let his team members go.

If the player dies, the watch will at least continue to function.

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