Ju Qingmeng was shocked, overjoyed, he stood up suddenly, and was about to take off his clothes.

There were still tears on her face, but the blush had spread down her neck to the base of her ears.

With a straight face, Ren Zhong quickly waved his hand, "Don't worry! Put on your clothes first! That's not what I'm talking about!"

Chapter 54 You're Right

Maybe someone will take advantage of the danger at this time.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to be happy before dying, to be a ghost and to be romantic?

It resets when it dies anyway.

Heaven knows what I know, no one knows.

Is not it?

But the responsibility will not.

If you do, how is it different from beasts?

He is no longer him.

Tonight, the anger in his heart has never been extinguished since it rose up.

Calmness is just a necessary protective color.

He just wants to burn out with this anger now.

He didn't want to dissipate the anger in his heart, so he wouldn't do anything wrong.

It has been so before, and it will be so ever since.

In such a state of mind, he, who was about to die, agreed to Ju Qingmeng's request and gave her hope.

This is not only a temporary lie for the sake of profit, but at the same time, it is also a sincere promise given by his love.

Being roared by Ren Zhong like this, Ju Qingmeng's hand, who was about to pull off the gauze, stopped in place.

Her green jade fingers hooked at the collarbone.

Under the light, the icy skin and skin on the shoulders were shining brightly, and the face was as bright as blood and burning like fire.

Under the red tide, her face showed astonishment, confusion, and surprise.

On the way back from the heavy responsibility, she had sketched the scene of tonight in her heart many times in advance.

In her heart, she was hesitant and tormented, and she was resolute and never left behind.

She has personally drawn a knife and stabbed to death the past self who was full of longing for life and arrogant because of both talent and beauty, and chose to turn into a moth and butterfly.

But since the two met, every step was beyond her expectations, always leaving her at a loss.

"Mr. Ren, what do you mean? Are you just making fun of me? I still can't get into your eyes? Yes, what am I doing? I'm just a second-class citizen, what qualifications do I have to be like you? The fifth-class citizen deal. I should have thought that there is no shortage of women for people like you. I..."

Perhaps the wish in my heart is too important and has become an obsession.

Or maybe it's because of too much inner torment and too much crankiness in these years.

A slight change in the situation made her uneasy burst to the extreme, and she became a little nervous.

Seeing this, Ren Zhong simply took two steps to the side, picked up a set of wide cotton pajamas from the sofa and put it on her back.

"I didn't mean that. I'll help you. But my quid pro quo is something else."

Ju Qingmeng choked, "I don't care what you need me to help you with, but we can establish a relationship first!"

Ren Zhong asked back, "I won't lie to you if I establish the kind of relationship you call? Why do you decide that I won't break my promise?"


"Actually, we have established a relationship. You have helped me a lot. In my eyes, you and I are already friends. Isn't that enough?"

Ju Qingmeng: "Friend?"

Ren nodded, "Yes, friend."

Ju Qingmeng was stunned for a long time.

The word is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Ren Zhong asked again: "If you and I have established your so-called relationship with you under this situation, what is the difference between me and the person you once hated?"

Ju Qingmeng was speechless and speechless.

"I don't accept this kind of relationship that sells principles for the sake of profit! I want to tell you that you did nothing wrong in the past. The fault is others, the rules that seem to make sense to the law of the jungle, and the strict hierarchy. , a world where the first level of an official university crushes people to death.”

The heavy-duty tone suddenly rose, "Now you, you don't need to compromise yourself to change yourself! You have talent, but you just don't get it. What you should do is not to bow your head to reality, forcibly change yourself, and go against the rules to meet the rules."

"You should remember the unwillingness in your heart at this time! You used to be very confident, so the more difficult it is, the more you should believe in yourself! You have to remember that no matter in any era, in any world, true talent can break through all suppression and Blockade! If you can't do it, there is only one reason, and that is that you are not strong enough!"

"I'm willing to help you because I treat you as a friend. I also believe that you are really talented and appreciate your talent. I don't need your body in exchange for me to stand out for you! As long as you treat me as a friend, That's all!"

Ren Zhong said a lot in one breath.

The more Ju Qingmeng listened, the more unbelievable he felt.

Her lips trembled.

Reason told her that the census officer in front of her seemed to live too idealistically.

It's ridiculous, like a visitor to utopia.

Every word of Ren Zhong seems to be full of loopholes and ridiculous in this world.

She wanted to refute Ren Zhong.

However, her heart beat faster.

Emotions are inciting her again, and the unwillingness and grievances deep in her heart are gradually turning into wildfires of resentment.

She was hit hard in the soul by Ren Zhong's clown-like speech.

The former she, who has died, seems to have turned into a sprouting seed that takes root in the bottom of her heart and germinates again.

"So, Mr. Ren, what do you want me to do? Except for that, I promise you everything!"

Finally, she gritted her teeth and spit out this sentence almost word by word.

Ren Zhong smiled.

It turns out that there is still fire in this world, it just needs someone to lift the lid.

He patted his breastplate.

"I want you to help me transform my armor. I want to maximize my combat effectiveness on the basis of a first-class mecha warrior."


Ten minutes later, Ren Zhong took Ju Qingmeng's private hover car and entered the closed arms mall.

Ju Qingmeng agreed to Ren Zhong's request for bookkeeping.

It is not difficult.

It's just a first-level armor, even if it is strengthened to the extreme according to "Sid Meier's Armor Experience", the cost will not exceed 1000 points.

Ju Qingmeng can afford this expense.

First inject himself with a shot of the military-type refreshing potion for staying up late. Ju Qingmeng carefully read the ultimate personal transformation plan provided by Ren Zhong, and asked: "Mr. Ren, as far as I know, the census officer basically has no need for combat. You This is……"

Ren Zhong shook his head and said, "It's inconvenient to reveal too much for the time being."


"But I can tell you a little bit, I'm going to set a fire."


"Yes. Fire!"

"Burn what?"

"Burn a mountain."


At [-]:[-] in the morning, the two returned to Ju Qingmeng's villa.

At this time, the heavy armor was completely unrecognizable compared to before.

There are more than ten types of improved additional equipment mounted on his back, shoulders, arms and legs.

The alloy war blade has also been replaced with a secondary equipment - the arc cutting knife.

In addition, Ju Qingmeng completely replaced the transmission device and energy circuit in his balanced first-level basic exoskeleton with extremely skilled skills.

These changes completely released the maximum performance of the basic exoskeleton, raising the maximum power output instantly to 310 kilowatts.

She also installed a load-carrying power amplifier originally only used on the intensive training armor at the request of the heavy duty.

Ren Zhong armed himself to the teeth, even more extreme than Sid Meier.

Since Sid Meier is still alive now, it means that Sid Meier has never played a dead-end routine like Ren Zhong.

"Mr. Ren, when ordinary people add accessories, they will only choose three or five pieces at most. You have added too many. If you really want to use them in battle, it will be difficult to combine so many additional equipment perfectly organically. Combine."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "My brain response index is very high. In addition, my IQ is also very high. Since I have made such an extreme transformation plan, of course it is within my ability. Sid Meier said that human ability There is an end, but the effect of man's use of the machine can be continuously improved, never ending!"

Ju Qingmeng: "Uh... In addition, I also opened your armor power supply valve. Although the output power has increased. But your first-level exoskeleton material performance is not enough to fully support it, and it can only last for less than 10 days at most. It will fall apart in minutes. Why don't you replace the second-level exoskeleton?"

Ren Zhong grinned, "Because time doesn't allow me to get used to the secondary armor."

Ju Qingmeng: "Time doesn't allow?"

"Well. Anyway, thank you tonight. You are indeed very professional. If it weren't for you, at my current level, I would probably only be able to stuff these things on my body at random. Whether it can be used well, but not necessarily."

"Mr. Ren is very polite, there is a specialization in the surgery industry."

Ren Zhong: "You have helped me a lot. I owe you a favor, and I will definitely pay it back. Well, it's getting late. It's hard for you tonight. Go to bed."

After speaking, Ren Zhong turned around and left.

Ju Qingmeng watched Ren Zhong's back.

When the matter was over and in the dead of night, her originally somewhat complicated mood gradually became clear.

All kinds of things slowly come to mind tonight.

She sensed the difference.

She tasted Ren Zhong's temperament that was out of tune with this world.

This man is different from all men in this world in his bones.

In the dark night sky, his blurred back actually reveals a resolute and decisive aura.

He seems to be exuding colorful dazzling brilliance.

Ju Qingmeng suddenly raised his hand and squeezed the front of his shirt.

After a long time, Ren Zhong finally walked away.

Her heartbeat gradually calmed down.

Anyway, he didn't seem to be lying when he said he wanted to help himself.

After all, I got the opportunity to change my destiny.

The request for sexual intercourse for the sake of profit was rejected.

But what if I fell in love with you?

She paused for a few seconds in front of the house, and returned to her room with a complicated mood to rest.


Click, click, click.

In the villa area, Ren Zhong stepped gently and sneaked in the darkness.

The "Sauron's Demon Eye" on the tower in the center of the town is still turning, and the whereabouts of the heavy duty have not escaped monitoring.

But the "Magic Eye of Sauron" did not reside on him.

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