"You don't want to take advantage of the night to strike first, do you?"

"Why not?"

Sun Miao: "But you are only a first-level professional."

Ren Zhong: "As far as I know, Lin Wang and the others don't live in the centralized sleeping cabin, nor do they live in the villa area inside the white wall. Their manor is built under the white wall, outside the citizen's residential area. Lin Wang can't Allowing the production of second-level professionals in his affiliated team proves that he is extremely suspicious. Apart from his five team members, he does not have any reliable subordinates. He will not entrust his own safety at night to the hired second-level or Level [-] professionals. As for Lin Wang’s team members, they are all level [-] professionals. These people have to hunt during the day, so they can’t be night watchmen. So, the night defense force of the professional team is an automated armed system, right?”

Sun Miao shrugged, nodded and said: "Yes, your analysis is really reasonable. But I know you are dreaming. They once paid a lot of money to invite me to their manor for treatment. I saw it at the time, and they used the first method. The third-generation Iron Curtain automatic defense system, under the third-level professional, as many deaths as possible. Even for professionals who have passed the third-level professional title assessment, the possibility of breaking in is less than 50.00%. So your analysis is actually a little bit Eggs are useless."

"So I won't ask you for medicine? Give it to me, overdose."

"Huh? Still?"

"Of course!"

"Do you really want to live?"

"Do I have a choice? If I don't kill them, I have to die. I killed them, but they are the minions of Xinghuo Resources Company, and they still have to die tomorrow. Both die on the left and right. Of course I choose to die without regret."

Sun Miao pondered for a moment, "Okay, I can give you ten times the dose that will kill you. But you have to pay. The cost is five hundred points."

Spread the burden, "No money."

Sun Miao was furious, "Here again!? Is it too much?"

"Isn't the medicine that can kill me exactly what you expected?"

Sun Miao gritted her teeth, "But if I don't give it to you, you will die tomorrow too!"

"I set up automatic posting, as long as I think about it now, our scandal will appear in the virtual life community forum."

"My day!"

Watching the back of the heavy duty push the door and leave, Sun Miao's eyes flashed with extremely complicated light.

This unstable time bomb is finally going to die.

Although I was blackmailed again, it must be a good thing.

But Sun Miao felt unhappy.

After a long time, he slammed the door shut and said to himself, "Made, shouldn't I be extorting feelings for this grand thief? Fuck!"

At this time, the responsibility is very satisfied.

According to Sun Miao, after injecting ten times the dose of the drug, he will become extremely excited, and the sharpness of his brain will be raised to more than 10 times that of normal conditions.

In short, his brain response index will become 52.9 on the basis of the current 529, far exceeding the bottom line of the third-level mecha warrior of 300.

His physical fitness will also be enhanced to a considerable extent, and its efficacy is far beyond the standard equipment of a certain country's athletes in the 21st century.

This state will last for about six hours.

After the effect of the drug is over, he will use up the last drop of brain power in a very short-lived state of excitement, and then quickly die of shock.

The strongest medical technology on Origin Star, the molecular reconstruction instrument, could not save it.

This is exactly what he wants, and it can completely eliminate the risk of being captured alive and then tortured.

Chapter 53 Ju Qingmeng's Past

At 35:25, there are only [-] minutes left before the regular sleep time.

There are hardly any pedestrians on the street, only a very small number of patrol night watchmen are idly walking out of the door, ready to start a boring night of patrolling.

The white-walled gate that separates the slums from the rich areas is still empty.

At 55:[-], several second- and third-level professionals with the establishment of the town guard will appear near the gate on time.

Although almost all citizens in the villa area have automatic defense facilities, they are also equipped with professional professional night watchmen.

Because the night watch is extremely exhausting to the body, it can easily lead to sudden death. The professional night watchmen in the guards are on a rotation system, and everyone has to take a turn every few days, which is extremely exhausting to the body.

If a professional night watchman is lucky enough to survive ten years, he will be granted the lowest level of citizenship.

This is not an easy task, it is the familiar taste of carrots.

After quickly passing through the white-walled gate, Ren Zhong turned in a direction and went straight to the west side of the villa area.

There is a four-story alloy building deep in the center of the town.

It was the villa of Ju Qingmeng, a second-class citizen.

Ren Zhong and Ju Qingmeng made an appointment to meet here.

The two exchanged contact information before, and Ren Zhong was able to contact her.

After calling to test, Ren Zhong found out that she was on vacation today.

Ju Qingmeng hated Xinghuo Town very much, and she was not interested in making friends here. She was too lazy to deal with anyone except the "census officer" Ren Zhong and the mayor of the town Madam Fu.

Therefore, she stayed at home all day without going out.

For the time being, the gossip wanted order that only circulated at the barren level has not yet reached her ears.

On the phone, when she heard that Ren Xianxian was visiting her at night, she was silent for a while, and then showed a very enthusiastic attitude.

Ren Zhong is ready to spill a malicious lie on her.

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang.

Three seconds later, the small door on the side of the big iron gate on the villa's wall creaked open.

Bright orange light shone from the door frame, and an elongated graceful shadow was cast on the ground.

Ren Zhong took two steps to the side and stood directly in front of the small door.

Ju Qingmeng, who was wearing a translucent gauze pajamas and purple underwear faintly visible inside, held a red wine glass in his left hand and looked at him with a smile on his long wet hair.

As the breeze blew, a faint scent of shower gel wafted out of her body and rushed into Ren Zhong's nostrils.

If he had seen this scene before, Ren Zhong would definitely be confused.

But now, his state of mind is like an ancient well in the anger that he can't let go of.

"Mr. Ren, are you finally willing to come to me? Come in."

Ju Qingmeng greeted him warmly and shyly.

Ju Qingmeng was convinced that the heavy duty "census officer" was endorsed by the mayor of Madha Fu.

She offended someone and sent her here. Her heart was already dead, but after Madhafu introduced the "census officer" and forged a good relationship, a little wildfire gradually spread in her desolate heart. .

In order to change her destiny, she left the ghost town of Xinghuo Town and returned to the city to live like a real citizen. After a round of inner battles between heaven and man, she completely overcame her hesitation and defeated her former self.

Ren Zhong dodged and entered the small courtyard.

The alloy door behind it creaked shut on its own.

Ju Qingmeng stepped forward and made a gesture to help Ren Zhong take off his helmet.

She leaned forward, her chest was bulging, the fragrance was blowing on her face, and the atmosphere was charming.

Ren Zhong slightly turned sideways and took off his helmet.

Ju Qingmeng was slightly startled, and the feeling of loss began to surge in his heart.

The fear of wanting to fail slowly swallowed her fragile will.

"Then... Mr. Ren, what do you have to do with me?"

She raised her head and asked knowingly.

She looked at Ren Zhong resentfully, and her eyes were full of love.

She's used up her life's work in charming people, which she's not particularly good at.

Ren Zhong looked at her, his thoughts changed, and then he sighed slightly, "This is by the wall, it is not convenient to talk, is there a more private place?"

Call ~

Ju Qingmeng breathed a sigh of relief.


It seems that he is thinking about it. It's not that he is not interested, but that he is not in a hurry.

"Let's go to the room."

"it is good."

Ren Zhong walked in front, and Ju Qingmeng followed suit, the deer in his heart pounded, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

When entering the door of the living room, Ren Zhong took the lead and said, "Mayor Ma once said that Manager Ju, you are from Congyi County, or a top student majoring in ordnance management in a high school in the Congyi occupation. It stands to reason that Manager Ju is a person like you. You should stay in the county seat. Why did you come to a remote place like Xinghuo Town? What's hidden in it? Can you tell me about it? Maybe I can help you think of something."

"Ah?" Ju Qingmeng asked by surprise.

The plan is moving too fast.

He didn't even establish the preconditions, how could he fast forward to the stage of seeing the poor?

"This this……"

Ju Qingmeng hadn't thought of a good rhetoric yet, and his fingers were intertwined, entangled before he could speak.

"Is it inconvenient to talk?"

"No, Mr. Ren, sit down on the sofa first, and I'll pour you a cup of tea."

"it is good."

Three minutes later, Ren Zhongduan sat on the sofa, holding a warm cup of tea in both hands.

The water mist in the teacup rose and swirled around.

Ju Qingmeng, who was still wearing gauze pajamas, sat directly opposite him, as if recalling the past and sorting out his thoughts.

The expression on her face changed rapidly, sometimes full of nostalgia, sometimes anger, sometimes fear, sometimes self-pity.

Under the bright lights, her delicate curves were vividly outlined.

Ren Zhong wanted to remind her to put on a coat, but seeing her like this, he couldn't open his mouth to interrupt the other party's thoughts.

"Mr. Ren, would you believe me if I said that I was No. 1 in the ordnance professional course of Chongyi No. [-] High School. According to the rules, after I graduated, I should have been selected into the technical department of the Arms Mall in the downtown area of ​​Yangsheng City?"

"Letter. But you didn't go to Chengyangsheng City in the end, but you came here."

Ju Qingmeng sighed, "Yeah. This is the price of my conceit. I'm not afraid of you laughing when I say it. Because of the advantages of my appearance and learning ability, I have always been the best among my peers since I was a child, and I am used to being praised by the stars. , This makes my character a bit...a bit arrogant and too arrogant. I used to think that I was a strong person who could control my own destiny. So in the relationship between men and women, I wanted to be firm and loyal to my choice. "

Ren Zhong: "So you offended a suitor?"

"Yes. A fourth-class citizen with background. He was publicly rejected by me mercilessly."

She was very succinct.

But Ren Zhong thought a word subconsciously.

Innocence is the privilege of citizens.

"I was too naive at the time. The price I paid was heavy. I was trapped in Spark Town, and I could not see any hope of promotion. No matter how hard I worked, how professional I was, no one would see or pay attention to me. .I became a decoration in Xinghuo Town, and I can't see the slightest hope."

Ju Qingmeng rubbed his eyes, but the edges of his eye sockets were already rosy, "It's been three years now. I know I was wrong. I was wrong back then."

Ren Zhong pointed to her clothes, "So now you've decided to bow your head to fate?"

Ju Qingmeng suddenly laughed again, with a charming smile, "You can't count your head down. Don't you all live like this? I should feel lucky to have met such a gentle census officer as Mr. Ren."

"I think, as long as I can make you happy, you won't mind pulling me, right? When I go back to the county, you will still be yours. As long as you don't give up on me, you will be my first, too. The last man. I've reflected a lot over the years, and I've learned a lot from TV shows, and I'm now a very likable woman."

"Mr. Ren, will you help me? Will you? Please. My parents don't have a few years to live. I really want to go back to Chongyi County to see them. I really want to be by their side. I don't want to. When they die, I can only say goodbye to them on video..."

After an instant, she changed from a coquettish smile to a sadness that was about to burst into tears.

Ren Zhong looked at her quietly, as if he had seen a history book.

He saw with his own eyes how the times twisted a naive and arrogant woman into the current flattering appearance.

He seemed to see himself on Ju Qingmeng's body again.

"Okay. I can promise you. But you have to do me a little favor first. I'm afraid you'll be up late tonight."

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Ren! I..."

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