Of course, compared to other players, the few of them are indeed salty enough.

When I usually go to work and paddle, there are water groups.

After returning home from get off work, I went offline for an hour or two.

Because the time is not fixed, many times they are not able to arrange the number of public charter boats.

The gameplay of the public charter boat is roughly like this. A boat supports two players, and one of the players goes offline and the other players go on top.

But in many cases, some players can always occupy the pit after discussing the online time with each other.

And his allies, like him, have relatively little online time, and they are all in the state of salted fish, so there are often pits that they have finally occupied before they get off the heat, and then they are taken away by other players.

After playing for almost a month, the merits of several people are still hovering between one and two hundred. Of course, for these salty fish players, there is nothing to do. You can also rent a planetary car to wander around the planet to see the scenery, or just go to help Build the main city to mix points.

Although the income is very low, the life of a few people is quite comfortable.

On this day, Grape Ancestor drove a planetary car around the planet as usual.

"Speaking of Putao, don't say that it's interesting to drive around every day when we go online." The planetary vehicle moved forward quickly about ten meters above the ground.

"Yes, the pressure of going to work every day is too great. It's also good to play games after get off work and watch the scenery to relax." Hearing what his teammates said, the old grape grape replied.

"Still relaxed? Let me tell you that you are just not satisfied. You work from nine to five and take weekends off. You usually just read the newspapers. The pressure from you."

"Young man, you don't understand. My job looks leisurely, but it's actually very stressful. We all know that this job is easy, so many people want to come, and many of them are related, so you understand."

"Those people try to find a way to send you away every day. What do you think, it looks good on the surface, but the internal fighting is serious. If it wasn't for my relationship, I would have been sent away long ago, but even if I have a relationship, I usually do things. You have to be careful when you speak."

Saying that, he sighed.

Chapter 76 Discovering the Mysterious Cave

"And you don't know that the biggest problem with this kind of work is grinding people. After working in this industry for a long time, people's fighting spirit will gradually be worn away."

"Although there are many pitfalls in the outside world, and you may have nothing but you always have the possibility, but in our business, it is the kind of 20-year-old who can see 60-year-old."

As he said that, he let out a foul breath: "Especially after getting married, the mortgage and car loan to support the family make you even more afraid to make any changes. After you get married, you will be even more afraid to break through the pressure of the family, and it will be like this in this life."

Beiming Youkun who was next to him also sighed when he heard the old ancestor of Putao said: "You, Putao, are too pessimistic. It made me, a little salty fish who has not stepped into the society, panic."

"When I was in school, I was thinking about finding a job like yours, with nine to five breaks every day. Hearing what you said, I feel that this kind of job feels very hopeless."

"Anyway, every road is not easy. Although there is no hope for me on this road, the income is still good enough for you to live. Although your life will not be very good, it is not bad."

In this way, the two chatted while exploring the planet, and suddenly a cave in the valley in the distance caught their attention.

"What's in front of the grapes?" Beiming Youkun asked a little strangely.

"It seems to be a cave. There are quite a lot of such caves on this planet, but none of them are very deep."

"It's boring anyway, why don't we go and have a look?"

Hearing his teammate's suggestion, Old Ancestor Putao nodded: "Let's go and have a look, it's the first time I've encountered such a big cave."

Speaking of which, the Grape Ancestor changed the automatic driving to manual driving and then operated the planetary vehicle to fly towards the cave.

This cave is indeed very large, with a diameter of more than 300 meters. Compared with the caves they have been to before, this cave is not only large but also very deep.

After turning on the radar, the grape ancestor entered the cave.

Considering that it was a cave, the Grape Ancestor slowed down his flight speed, and the two drove the planetary car to look around while going deep into the cave.

The surroundings of the cave didn't look like a natural cave to the two of them, but more like something dug.

Of course, as non-professionals, they only felt this way, because they didn't care too much because it was a game.

"This cave is deep enough. Usually, the caves we go to go down to the bottom for 200 meters, but you can see that we have opened this cave for 30 minutes without reaching the bottom." How deep the cave is can't help but make me more curious.

After sailing for an hour, the two finally realized that something seemed wrong.

"What's going on?" Grape Patriarch looked at the data on the instrument panel of the planetary vehicle at the moment and said with some doubts.

Beiming Youkun, who was next to Grape Ancestor's suspicious voice, also looked over curiously.

"Damn it! What's the situation? How could there be oxygen here!"

Looking at the oxygen content of 20.00% displayed on the instrument panel, Sanbei Mingyoukun also couldn't understand it.

But instinct made both of them feel that this cave might not be as simple as they thought.

After looking at each other, the two continued to drive deeper.

As they got deeper and deeper, they were surprised to find that the oxygen content continued to increase.

Knowing that the oxygen content reached 40.00%, it gradually stopped.

"How is this possible! The oxygen content of Blue Star is only over 20%, and the oxygen content here has reached 40%." It felt a little unbelievable when he said Beiming Youkun.

"And this cave is still going deep!" The ancestor Putao glanced at Beiming Youkun next to him and suggested: "Or let's go deeper and see what's in the deepest part."

Beiming Youkun also nodded.

In this way, under the trend of curiosity, the two continued to deepen.

As we got deeper and deeper into the front, the scenery gradually changed.

First of all, the front is no longer dark, but gradually a purple light appears.

Seeing this scene, the two became even more curious, and the ancestor of Moji Grape no longer accelerated the speed of sailing.

After walking in, the two saw that the surrounding area was covered with purple crystals, and these purple rays of light were emitted by these crystals.

As the two of them got deeper and deeper, there were more and more purple crystals here, and the purple light became stronger and stronger.

Continue to go down and go deep into the planetary car, and an alarm came.

"Warning, the surrounding temperature has exceeded the limit of the planetary vehicle, please leave immediately, please leave immediately!"

Because both of them were wearing space suits, they didn't pay much attention to the surrounding temperature, but they were also surprised when they heard the siren from the planetary vehicle.

"Otherwise, let's return to the voyage first. After all, the technological level of this car is still too low, and it will be embarrassing when it explodes." Beiming Youkun saw that the planetary car couldn't hold on, so he immediately suggested.

Grape Ancestor also nodded at this, and then drove away after finishing the order here.

Of course, he did not forget to take pictures of the surrounding data and images before leaving.

After waiting to get out of the cave, the two immediately returned to the base and contacted Chen Gang to tell Chen Gang what they found.

"You mean that the oxygen content exceeds 40% after the deep dive, and the surrounding temperature has reached more than 1000 degrees?" Chen Gang looked down at the videos and documents they brought back and frowned.

"Yes, Commander, and because we were driving a planetary vehicle, we didn't go deep enough." Grape Ancestor added.

Looking at the data they brought back and listening to their introduction, Chen Gang instinctively felt that this matter was not easy.

And the most important thing is that this special place is still on the planet where his base is located.

So considering this factor, Chen Gang felt that no matter what, he needed to investigate it clearly.

Thinking of this, Chen Gang looked at the two people in front of him.

"You guys discovered this place first, so you now have two choices. The first one is that you continue to conduct in-depth investigations and tell me the final results of the investigation. If it is valuable, I will contribute points to your alliance as a reward."

"The second option is to entrust this investigation to other alliances. After they investigate the results, you can share part of the alliance points, or you can sell the investigation rights to other alliances."

After hearing Chen Gang's words, the two looked at each other and couldn't make up their minds for a while.

"Commander, why don't you give us some time and we'll discuss it with our teammates before giving you an accurate answer."

Chen Gang also nodded to agree: "But I need to remind you that I only give you 24 hours to discuss, and you must give me an accurate answer within 24 hours."

The two also nodded in agreement to this, and then went offline to contact their teammates to discuss the matter.

Chapter 77 Buying Coordinates and Ready to Explore

At the moment, they are in the small group of Grape Ancestors and their alliance.

Grape Ancestor: Everyone has explained the general situation to you. Next, let's see what to say.

Beiming Youkun: I personally suggest that we auction off this permission just now so that we can also get some points.

Pipiduo Swordsman: Why don't we explore by ourselves?

Grape Ancestor: I don’t think it is necessary for us to explore. First of all, we need a professional exploration ship for our initial exploration. This thing needs points, and we are in short supply.

Secondly, even if we explore, what can we have?How useful are alliance points to us?The first point is that we have too few people. Even if we get points for this exploration, we will not be able to compete with other major leagues for the ranking.

After all, we can only get this time and the other big alliances are obtained continuously, so we can't grab them.

Li Meng: That is indeed the case. In fact, for a small league like us, the alliance points are really not very useful. It is better to sell them for points.

Then it just so happened that the Grape Ancestor still had some meritorious service, so we all got together and bought a better spaceship when the time came.

Mocking Yue: I also think this plan is feasible, I feel so boring wandering around the planet every day, why not buy a better ship and let's go to interstellar exploration.

Pipiduo Swordsman: But I just want to ask how much you can sell this kind of exploration point?

Grape ancestor: I don’t know, but we can open an auction. Anyway, now that the major leagues are competing, they are sure they are willing to give points.

Li Meng: Then let’s do it like this, then let’s go to the commander and ask him to auction this for us later.

. . . . .

It didn't take long for a few people to go online and find Chen Gang and told Chen Gang their plan.

Chen Gang naturally agreed with their plan.

So Chen Gang issued an announcement.

"Auction the coordinates of a special location discovered by a player in 10 minutes?" Players soon saw such an announcement.

Below the announcement is a general introduction to the location.

"Boss Han, should we consider buying it?" asked Yi Jian next to Han Yu at this moment.

"I just looked at this point and there is a certain risk, because there is not much data related to this point, this point may be a valuable point, or it may be a point without any value, so buying this point is purely a risk. luck."

"If luck is good and valuable, then the alliance will contribute points, but if you are not lucky, the money will be wasted."

"It is true that this is the biggest problem, and it comes with certain risks, but I think this risk is worth taking, because just looking at the pictures always gives me a sense of déjà vu, which is a bit like the entrance of other game copies."

Speaking of Han Yu, he projected the picture and observed it carefully.

"Don't talk about how the more you look, the more you look like."

"I didn't feel anything at first, but I always feel like the same thing after hearing what you say."

"If the price is not high, why don't we take pictures and try?"

"I can see it."

In this way, several people discussed with each other with each other.

Although Chen Gang knew that it was impossible for the so-called dungeon to appear in reality, the players didn't know it. For them, this was a game. Is there a problem with dungeons in the game?

No problem.

Of course, apart from thinking that this is a dungeon, many people also wonder if this is a secret realm with treasures.

All in all, there were divergent opinions for a while.

Immediately after the countdown ended, the players turned on the projections and entered the virtual auction venue to enter the auction session.

"The starting price is 1 point, and the price increase in each round cannot be lower than 10 points. Alliances or individuals who succeed in the auction need to enter the area to explore within 48 hours. Once the area has not been explored for more than 48 hours, it will be made public."

In the auction field, Chen Gang looked around and watched the players explain the rules, and then the auction officially started.

"Let me start with a bid of 100 points for half a bowl." Han Yu stood up first and said.

"Just bid 200 points"

"Deep Space Joint Mining Bid 300"

"Northern Star 350"

. . . .

As soon as the auction started, everyone began to raise their prices.

The price soon reached 1000 points, and as the price reached 100 points, players added less and less points. From the initial 50 points, it became 10 points at a time, and now it only increases the price by [-] points at a time.

"I always feel that this place is not simple, maybe there will be unexpected gains." Watching many players increase the price of the game, he suddenly said after thinking for a long time.

Hearing what he said, the teammates next to him also looked at him in unison, as if waiting for his next words.

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