And now the output of mine veins has also made many players with points and merits buy mine ships one after another.

As for those who don’t have enough points, buy planetary mining vehicles to develop planets as before.

After all, the two planets available for development in this galaxy are enough for them to make a fortune.

Because this galaxy is rich in resources, it is relatively easier for players to develop.

In this way, after a few days, the players got on the right track one after another.

Chen Gang's current arrangement is very simple. First, increase the number of mining ships to ensure that the output is high enough.

Then start to slowly put ships in the lottery machine.

And this time, Chen Gang's requirements for ships have also increased a lot.

Chen Gang doesn't plan to consider the make-up ship of garbage.

All are mainly elite ships.

Because the number of players is not large, the strategy is to use quality over quantity.

As for the issuance of new player quotas, it is temporarily delayed for now, and arrangements will be made after the place has stabilized.

When there are enough players and powerful ships in the future, then you can consider revenge!

After all, how could the Plato civilization not avenge itself for persecuting itself so badly.

Chapter 74

According to the last battle, there are not many ships left in Plato civilization.

Even if they can raise troops crazily during this period of time, it doesn't mean much to Chen Gang. When his production is stable and he develops for a period of time to go back, it won't be the same as before.

At that time, the ruby ​​brigade will be directly crushed by the f*cking rich and noble brigade.

So the top priority now is to resume production and then build the fleet.

And after this lesson, Chen Gang also understands that he can't put all his eggs in one basket.

You can't just arrange one residence, you need to arrange several more.

Because only in this way can I still have a chance to redevelop when I encounter an invincible enemy in the future.

Thinking about this, Chen Gang sent the quantum detectives out and asked them to continue looking for a suitable location.

With the technological level of the quantum reconnaissance machine, if other civilizations don't look for it on purpose, they won't be able to find it under normal circumstances.

So Chen Gang doesn't need to worry about being discovered when he used the detector last time.

But if they encounter a more powerful civilization, they can still find the quantum reconnaissance plane.

If this kind of civilization is encountered, then Chen Gang has nothing to do, just lie down honestly.

After all, the civilization that can easily discover quantum reconnaissance planes is at least level [-] civilization. Chen Gang will not talk about the current strength of such a civilization.

Even if he is allowed to develop for a few years, he may not be able to beat it.

So when he encountered such a situation, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

"Huo Huo Huo... It's really flattering. This way of transporting money to make money is indeed feasible, and it's too easy to do." Compared with Chen Gang, the players at the moment didn't think so much.

"Yes, this time it seems that we have chosen the right one."

"Everyone calculate the launch time and divide the work to ensure that our industrial ships are in operation 24 hours a day." Listening to the routine games of the teammates, they repeatedly urged.

In order to blow up the transportation industry game, we specially introduced 4 Kefei MV-class industrial ships, and with the original one, they have a total of 5 industrial ships.

This kind of industrial ship has a warehouse capacity of up to 10 cubic meters, and 5 ships mean that they can pull 50 cubic meters of ore back at one time.

Considering the efficiency, they also provide ore refining business. The game blew up that they set up a temporary refinery on a planet near the star belt, where the raw ore dug by the players was refined into alloys.

Finally, there is an industrial ship to transport the alloy back, so that an industrial ship can pull [-] square meters of alloy back at one time.

And they can take a 5.00% shipping fee.

That is to say, they can earn 5000 points for one trip, and they can earn [-] points for one trip when all seven boats are filled.

Although this amount of points does not seem to be much now, it is easy to earn these points, and as they have more and more industrial ships in the future, the income will increase.

After buying the industrial ship, they used the remaining points to buy a planetary mining ship for two-way development.

Under such operations, they can now earn more than 2000 points per day.

This number is very satisfactory for them now.

Their next plan is to save points to buy mining ships. After all, star belt mining is safer than planetary development.

Of course, as for industrial ships, they don't plan to add them now, and 5 industrial ships are enough at the current stage.

"Brothers, according to our current output, basically two can replenish a mining ship, and everyone only needs to work hard for more than 10 days to reach the output of replenishing a mining ship in one day." The game that is being transported blows up in Said to everyone in the alliance channel.

"Boss, I have a question, that is, how should we calculate the income from mining?" A member of the team asked after listening to the game blowing up.

Indeed, this issue is also of concern to other members of the alliance.

Now the game is blowing up that whether they buy mining ships or industrial ships, they are all due to the merits of the alliance members.

Although the points are awarded by everyone, but after all, you have made meritorious deeds, so it is definitely unrealistic for you to say that they will confiscate all the proceeds.

For this problem, the game has already had a strategy for blowing up.

"Everyone, we have already thought of a plan for this issue. After each of us has a mine ship in the later stage, 90% of the mine ship income of any teammate who paid for the meritorious service to buy the mine ship will belong to him, and [-]% will go to the alliance. , as the alliance’s follow-up development fee.”

"Then I'm asking, boss, if that person withdraws from the alliance in the future, how should this mine ship be counted?"

Hearing this question, the game blows up, and he was stunned for a moment. This question is also a key question. After thinking for a while, he returned.

"This issue is indeed a key issue. My idea is that after you withdraw from the alliance, if the ship is purchased by a joint venture, then you want to take away all the points that you have to pay for the purchase of the ship. What do you think of this plan?"

Everyone fell silent when they heard the game blowing up.

"Will all the points be too much?" At this moment, a player asked.

Hearing this player's words, the god of the game stood up: "First of all, if you plan to leave this alliance from the beginning, then I think it's better to quit as soon as possible."

He then added: "After all, there is a shortage of points now. We raised funds to buy mining ships and let everyone have a mining ship. The purpose is to let everyone have ships and production, and everyone can continue to play together."

"We are not stupid. Some people may come to the alliance to ask everyone to pay for points to buy mining ships, and then quit the alliance after buying them. They want to pay a small price to prostitute mining ships. I can be clear about this situation. Let everyone know it's impossible."

Speaking of which, other players here also agreed.

"And then again, at this stage, if we don't jointly invest in the purchase of mining ships, what is the use of your merits? Go rent a public ship liver for more than two months and buy one?"

"And with our joint efforts, you can buy it in only two days. How many points did you actually earn during this period? If you alone produce 200 points in two days, we will give you the remaining 3800 points. It’s not too much to mend a boat.” At this moment, it was the Emperor Gan who took up the position to speak.

"And we are buying mineships in the early stage. You must know that the resources in the early stage of each game are in short supply. If you make a mistake like this, it will disrupt our rhythm and we will lose even more."

"And let me say, if you are sure that you want to play with us, then you will pay for the boat by buying it. If you don't want to say it in advance, it will be good for everyone, and save you from causing unpleasant troubles in the future."

In fact, not only their side, even other alliances are more or less facing such problems.

Chapter 75 Improving the Alliance Mechanism

In fact, it is normal to face such problems. First of all, every player has selfishness.

Most people staying in the alliance hug under the big tree to enjoy the shade and get some benefits by the way, so they are willing to stay here.

Although the leaders of several alliances have basically determined a general plan after discussion.

It means that the meritorious service belongs to you when you sail the ship, and [-]% of the usual income is owned by the alliance, and you take the rest yourself.

But if you want to withdraw from the alliance, you must pay the full price of the ship.

After all, when you are in the most difficult time, everyone is desperately trying to buy you a boat, so how can you leave without paying a price.

It is impossible for you to take advantage of all the benefits of other players.

Therefore, several alliances have implemented this policy firmly.

Of course, some players can accept it, and some players who can't accept it quit.

Looking at the players' operations, Chen Gang couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Such a plan can indeed be implemented, but players are not very sticky to the alliance.

Most players may gather together with the idea of ​​having fun together, or signing up for a group to keep warm.

But such alliances are not long-lasting.

If you want players to have feelings for the alliance, and if you want everyone to be united, you need one more thing besides the usual relationship.

That's the reward.

After joining this alliance, if the alliance is strong, there will be rewards, and many people are willing to work hard for this reward.

And a powerful alliance needs an alliance's characteristics in addition to rewards.

"Since this is the case, it's time for me to act!" Thinking of this, Chen Gang immediately arranged new functions for the alliance.

Non-stop service update: The update content alliance mechanism is perfect.

1. The alliance needs to pay [-]% of the total income to the base every month as the operation and maintenance expenses of the alliance.

2. The alliance pays the maintenance fee every month, donates points to the base for free, destroys enemy ships in combat, provides intelligence (information includes but not limited to enemy intelligence, resource intelligence...), and assists in foundation construction. . . . .

You can get Alliance Contribution Points.

3. Added a league leaderboard, ranked according to the number of points each alliance has earned. Every two months is a season, and a season is settled once. All members of the top three alliances can get merit points, ranking first 500, Ranked second in the 300 and third in the 100.

4. The No. [-] alliance opens the Alliance Mall. Members can purchase various rare ships (including Ruby-class frigates, Noah-class mining ships and other rare ships through the Alliance Mall, and do not need to consume merit.) The mall will be open until the next Settlement for the next season.

5. Alliance bottom guarantee mechanism, all members of the alliance that have not been ranked can get 10 meritorious service.

6. Open the alliance merit pool and alliance point pool (players can donate points or merit), and the ships purchased by consuming the alliance merit pool and point pool are bound to the alliance and cannot be transferred.

The busy players were shocked when they saw this announcement.

"Everyone, look at the announcement, I just kept updating things!"

"I have something to rely on,"

"It is equivalent to saying that as long as the top three members of the alliance can get merit! And No.1 also opens the alliance mall, where you can buy rare ships such as rubies!"

"Isn't holding the grass forcing us to join the alliance?"

"You can choose not to join, and to be honest, even if you want to join, people don't necessarily want you now."

"Huo Huo, I was thinking that when the previous alliances issued policies, didn't they retire a group of free-for-all players? Dare I ask how these free-for-all players feel now?"

"Could this be the legend that today you love me and ignore me tomorrow I will let you down."


This really made many players who tried to quit the game for nothing at the beginning feel that they missed [-] million.

Because those alliances that have withdrawn before and want to join now basically disagree.

After all, the circle of this game is very small now, and basically everyone knows who has left this alliance and who has left that alliance.

So you don't want to see these IDs.

In the end, they had no choice but to join some newly established small leagues.

Although the probability of Xiaomeng getting rewards is very low, it's hard to say, after all, there is a possibility that Xiaomeng will be in the top position once it is re-evaluated every two months.

In short, after Chen Gang made such a move, the players also began to form cliques and form alliances.

The number of casual players has dropped dramatically.

Because no matter how you play, as long as you are in the league, you can have 10 guaranteed merits every season.

Although these feats are nothing to the old players of the major leagues, they are still of great help to ordinary players.

In particular, the alliance merit pool and points pool have been opened, and several players can still buy a ship by pooling their merits together.

Grape Patriarch is the leader of a small league.

Compared with other big leagues with 34 players at every turn, his league seems too small.

Including him in the Inner League, there are a total of five people.

Because their online time is not as long as other players, there are basically not many people who want to go to the big league.

But in order to reward several of them together, they finally chose to set up a minimum reward for gangsters.

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