"What the foundation needs is to walk in the dark and believe in the light to give hope, not to prove its status."

"How can you suppress the youngsters if you don't improve your status." A flash of hatred flashed in Alvin's eyes, and he said through gritted teeth: "My parents were killed on the way to protect civilians. Talking about protecting human beings and containing anomalies. In my opinion, anomalies should be eliminated, otherwise there will only be more and more anomalies.”

Estes did not dissuade them. Everyone's experience is different, and their ideas are naturally different. If you can't feel the pain of others, don't persuade others to be kind.

But this person is too extreme and a dangerous person.

Looking at the dissipating mushroom cloud in the distance, Estes sighed helplessly, and said disappointedly: "The time to watch TV is gone!"

Colonel Garp of the U.S. military stationed near Iraq saw the mushroom cloud rising, and his face changed drastically. He recognized it as a nuclear bomb at a glance, and only a nuclear bomb exploded to have a mushroom cloud.

Immediately send someone to investigate the situation.

Countless agents frantically called to report to the headquarters.

This night, the high-level groups of countries all over the world lost sleep.

After thinking about it, I can't figure out who dropped the nuclear bomb. It neither harmed the US military nor killed the people of Iraq. I don't even know what the meaning of this nuclear bomb is!

Some time ago, someone reported that there was a ghost in Iraq, but a large number of agents were sent to search, but there was no useful information, and all said that everything was normal there.

But judging from the current nuclear bomb, there must be a big problem.

I'm afraid those agents have already defected.

Troops from all sides marched into Iraq overnight.

The No.17 fleet of the U.S. military urgently approached the vicinity of Iraq.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also dispatched an aircraft carrier to Iraq.

The presidents only saw each other call each other.

The first sentence is "You let it go?"

"not me!"

"Where only your army is stationed, it can only be you! Iraq is unnecessary!"

"I really didn't let it go!"

The President of the United States who just hung up the phone.

Immediately the phone rang again.

"Hey! What's the matter?"

"Did you drop the nuclear bomb?"

"I didn't let it go, we have been abiding by the world nuclear treaty!"

"I hope it's not you, if this is a sign of World War III, I'll fuck your mushroom!" Strong as always.

The President of the United States put down the phone with an aggrieved face, and roared: "What's the matter, let me check!"

Chapter 112 Mission Impossible

"President, this is a report from an agent!"

President Achuan, you know it!He picked up the report and looked at it, then threw it in the face of the director of the National Security Bureau.

Roared: "There has been a nuclear war there, you tell me everything is normal there?"

"Maybe there is a problem with the agent, and now I have sent someone to investigate again!"



Under the investigation of various forces, Iraq officially ceased war.

The leaders of various countries will not feel at ease even if it is not found out who dropped the nuclear bomb for a day.

The whole of Iraq is almost becoming a paradise for secret agents.

One brick down, nine out of ten are agents.

But under the Foundation's memory cleansing, no one knows what's going on, and there's no useful information.

Estes looked at the helicopter that was about to fall and said, "SHIELD is here!"

Alpha said lazily: "A fly, flying around"

"You say hello to them! I'm too lazy to talk to this group of politicians!" After speaking, Estes turned and left.

Alpha sighed helplessly: "Okay! Who told you to be a boss! I miss the old days!"

Nick Fury stepped off the plane with a gloomy face.

In the early morning, he was directly called up by the World Security Council and scolded him until he got off the plane.

He even threatened to let Hill take his place.

If it weren't for Hill's support for Nick Fury, I'm afraid the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been replaced.

"Hello! I'm the captain of the [-]-ton task force of the SCP Foundation, Alpha!"

Nick Fury nodded, and immediately asked: "You put the nuclear bomb?"

"No!" Alpha said with an aggrieved face: "We received news that there was a supernatural event here, so we rushed to investigate immediately. Unexpectedly, the nuclear bomb exploded suddenly, and we also suffered heavy losses."

Nick Fury immediately asked back: "How much is lost?"

"Nearly more than a dozen D-level personnel in the task force!" Alpha said with a heartbroken face: "Those are the mainstay of the Foundation! They are all members who have the strength to compete for the title of Foundation Star."

Nick Fury was not moved, and asked curiously after a few lives: "What is a Foundation Star? Isn't a D-level person your lowest level?".

"No! The D-class is composed of real members who are not afraid of death, and have dedicated their lives to save the world countless times. As for the Foundation Star." Alpha said with full respect: "That is the highest honor in the Foundation Only those who save the world can get it. Since the establishment of the foundation, there have only been two people who have won this title. Even the founders don’t have this honor, so it’s gone.”

Nick Fury was a little moved. The formation of a power often requires such excellent talents. It is a bit wronged that such an excellent member has disappeared like this. He comforted: "It is indeed a pity! But do you have any news about this nuclear explosion? ?”

"Umbrella! This must have something to do with Umbrella!"

Nick Fury nodded, but he didn't fully believe Alpha's words, and always maintained a skeptical attitude.

There are only two possibilities for dropping a nuclear bomb silently. One is that there was a nuclear bomb in that factory, and the other is that someone dropped the nuclear bomb and eliminated the information of the entire organization.

Only the Foundation can do it silently, and no one can remember large-scale amnestics.

Nick Fury turned away from the Foundation's base and entered a small room.

Under dim lighting.

In the room was a desolate man tied to a chair.

The man shouted loudly: "I really don't know anything! Really! The nuclear bomb exploded as soon as I woke up, and I am also very confused!"

Miserable and innocent.

"You are the Red Widow known as the King of Intelligence, Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible?"

The man woke up suddenly, and found a pair of piercing eyes protruding from the darkness in front of him.

It wasn't until Nick Fury stepped out of the darkness that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Secret way: Such a powerful disguise, if this person joins my team, I am afraid that he will be robbed of the title of king of intelligence.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Nick Fury turned to look at Natasha beside him.

I saw Natasha took out a needle and said: "This is the American obstetrician and gynecologist House discovered that after injecting the anesthetic scopolamine, the patient enters a special sedative state, and can answer questions accurately in an unconscious state, but will Causes irreversible damage to the brain, so it's now banned."

The red widow looked at the needle in horror, this is more than an irreversible injury!Basically, people who finish playing will gradually become imbecile with low intelligence.

He hurriedly shouted: "I said! I said! What do you want to ask?"

Nick Fury smiled: "Don't you know what we are going to ask?"

"Nuclear bomb?" The Red Widow said in a panic, "But I really don't have any news about the nuclear bomb!"

"You're still blunt, this is your place and you don't have any news?" Natasha asked.

The Red Widow begged, "I really don't know anything!"

The needle pierced the red widow's neck in an instant.

The whole person stopped struggling instantly and calmed down.

Natasha asked: "Who dropped the nuclear bomb?"

"I have no idea!"

Nick Fury frowned and asked, "What's there?"


"What ghost?"

"I have no idea!"

Why don't you know anything, Nick Fury asked with some doubts: "Who are you? What is your identity?"

"Korstzagie! Red Widow's stand-in."

It wasn't the Red Widow, and Nick Fury was also a little surprised that he managed to catch a fake one after so much effort.

Natasha asked, "Who is the Red Widow?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him."

"It seems that he has received the news and ran away!" Nick Fury said.

Natasha killed the stand-in with one knife, and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

"Investigate the umbrella first, and the foundation!" Nick Fury said.With years of intuition, there is definitely something wrong with these two.


There are more and more public opinions on the Internet.

The United States is the prime suspect.

A Chuan urgently held a press conference and said: "Iraq violated the world nuclear treaty and researched nuclear weapons privately. This is absolutely not allowed. This is also the responsibility of the United States as the world's police. We have obtained information about Iraq long ago, so we carried out military activities against Iraq. .”

Achuan finished his speech and raised his right hand: "The United States will protect the world!"

It is most appropriate for Iraq to fight against this pot, and this is also discussed and decided by countries all over the world.

Otherwise, I am afraid it will cause panic around the world.

But they are secretly tracking down who the real organization is.

The weak Iraq has no right to speak in the world and can only forcefully take the blame.

Aldrich Killian silently turned off the TV.

He had just been to Iraq not long ago, where he had a friend who was also a master of biological research.

The two discussed progress together, but now the nuclear bomb exploded in that position.

Killian knew exactly what that meant, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Silently packing up the files, and going to see a general of the military in a while, that would be an opportunity.

Chapter 113 The Burning Man Project

Inside a coffee shop.

Killian sat in a hidden place and waited quietly.

But the action of looking at the watch from time to time betrayed his inner impatience.

Half an hour later a colonel with eyes came in.

Killian immediately went up to meet him and stretched out his right hand.

"Colonel Stryker, hello, I'm Killian."

Stryker didn't even look at Killian, sat down and put down his hat.

Let Killian stay where he was in embarrassment.

Seeing that Killian didn't want to see him so much, anger flashed in his eyes, but he immediately calmed down when he remembered his previous experience, and walked across from Stryker.

Stryker looked at his watch and said bluntly: "You only have 5 minutes, and now 30 seconds have passed."

Killian produced a report and held it in front of Stryker.

"This is my experimental data, I want to cooperate with you."

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