Wesker took off his helmet and took a look. He was indeed wearing a helmet to control ghosts just now!

Why doesn't it work on its own!

Put it on again and found it still didn't work.

"Fuck, I was cheated!"

Stomp on the helmet and enter the laboratory to find a way to control the ghost.

However, what Wesker doesn't know is that the helmet uses brain waves to control ghosts, but Wesker is not a human being, and can continue to survive without brain waves. Naturally, he cannot use the helmet without brain waves.

The moment Wesker crushed his helmet.

All the ghosts under the factory opened their eyes collectively.

Chapter 1 Direct nuclear explosion?

Countless ghosts floated out of the control cabin and wandered around the base.

They have been killed since they were cloned, never opened their eyes to see the world.

After transforming into a ghost, he lost his consciousness and could only wander around lonely and confused.

Moving aimlessly around.

"Commander, all the scouting teams that went to investigate have been wiped out," said the Red Queen.

Wang Yue frowned and asked, "What level of containment is it?"

"The initial assessment is keter level. According to the last message from the team, the target is named ghost, invisible, fast-moving, no sound, no entity, can pass through walls, suspected of using freezing attacks, and the attack method cannot be confirmed. The entire factory is an experiment base."

"Frozen!" Wang Yue nodded, this kind of containment is difficult to handle: "Order Red Right Hand and Sixteen Tons to go there, since it is a man-made object, there must be a way to remove it, and if there is a chance, all the personnel in the laboratory will be captured. There's a bit of a lack of D-class members."

"Received that Estes has been informed to go."

On the street not far from the experimental factory, a war reporter stood on the street and broadcast.

"Now Iraq is being attacked by unknown forces. It is suspected to be a new type of weapon. SHIELD has..."

Countless citizens fled in panic, and there were no enemies at the moment. The enemies who had fought on both sides joined together to help transport innocent citizens. They didn't know what happened, but they knew it was an invisible massacre.

The whole of Iraq has ceased fighting, and citizens have been relocated on a large scale to evacuate from the vicinity of factories.

In this smoke-filled Iraq, there is a touch of humanity.

The reporter moved on.

I found that the opposite street was full of dead people, the whole street was like a ghost, and the silence seemed extraordinarily terrifying.

The deceased did not have any wounds, and no one dared to approach to collect the corpses, allowing them to lie on the ground and be blasted by the sun.

Suddenly the camera turned to the intersection of the street.

A mother and her child desperately want to escape from this dead place.

But a breeze blew by.

The mother fell to the ground without warning, and the crowd in the distance shouted in fear: "Ghost, the ghost is coming!"

In times of crisis, the armed forces ignored the relief of refugees and turned around and boarded their vehicles to stay away from this land of right and wrong.

The little girl stood there crying and holding her mother's hand, wanting to take her away with her.

But how can a little girl who has been hungry all year round and has difficulty walking by herself can lead an adult.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the sky.

A hook hooks the little girl and instantly takes it to the sky.

It's a Foundation Quinjet.

The news broadcast was cut off instantly.

Teams of scp foundation field personnel helped the refugees evacuate and wiped their memories along the way.

Estes looked at the ground solemnly.

The perception of her brain clearly told her that she would die if she moved forward.

"No one can get near the factory without my permission! The second team clears all living things in the vicinity."


After a while, the Foundation cleared the surrounding area of ​​ten kilometers.

"Captain, the activity range of all ghosts is a circle with a radius of seven kilometers from the factory. There should be some kind of master controller to limit their activity range or their territory is just that big!"

"Bring up the D-class personnel!"

The deputy captain of the red right hand was stunned for a moment: "Captain, let me catch some death row prisoners! There are not enough D-level personnel in the base."

"Go!" Estes didn't care at all about the life and death of the death row prisoner. Anyone caught in a country that is still at war is a death row prisoner.

In just a few minutes, 10 D-class personnel were brought in.

"What are you going to do?"

"I am innocent!"

"Why are you arresting me?"

The cries and curses of the D-class personnel were mixed together. The thin body and dark face looked pitiful and helpless, trying to win sympathy from others.

But they have at least two innocent lives in their hands.

In this age, anything is done to compete for food and water.

Estes fired a shot into the sky.

All D-class personnel immediately fell silent, waiting for Esdeth's fate with eyes full of horror.

"It's your luck to choose you. I need you to come in and help me place something. Whoever does it first will get 100 million US dollars, which is enough for you to live happily in the next life."

When they heard that they had entered the dead zone, they immediately shook their heads and refused.

Still able to distinguish between money and life which is more important.

have no choice!Estes was too lazy to talk nonsense, took out the amnestic device and flashed it several times at several people.

"Go and bring the instrument in there."

The D-class personnel nodded lazily, and set off to the opposite street with the instrument in their arms.

After using the amnestics, the D-class personnel were all stunned, without any spirituality, and walked straight forward holding the equipment.

As soon as they stepped into the block, some D-class members fell to the ground.

Immediately pull it back and hand it over to the sixteen-ton task force for research.

Another purpose of the foundation sending [-] tons is to study the production method of ghosts and estimate their value.

If necessary, a special task force under the command of the Foundation can be formed.

The ten D-class personnel died within a total of less than ten meters.

But the instrument worked successfully.

Automatic adjustment started, and the light blue phantom rays continuously scanned all around.

After it lasted for 10 minutes, the instrument was adjusted to the corresponding frequency, and dense figures appeared around, light blue phantom figures that resembled smoke, like ghosts.

He looked at the wall and the ground as nothing, but his eyes stayed on the Foundation, obviously possessing a certain amount of wisdom.

Steele Alvin, the sixteen-ton captain, said to Estes: "The body of the deceased was completely frozen, and he was frozen to death in an instant. There is only one thing in this form."


Alvin recalled: "Bose Einstein condensate!"

"What's that?" Estes asked.

Alvin said: "Bose-Einstein condensate is a gaseous, superfluid state of matter that bosonic atoms exhibit when cooled to near absolute zero."

Estes didn't understand at all, it was completely the gap between a top student and a scumbag.

"Any weakness?"

Alvin shook his head: "It itself does not exist in a gaseous state. Their only attack method is to pause for a second when they rush into the human body, and kill the target with absolute low temperature. However, metal debris can block their progress, and they cannot penetrate. Ceramic products, and to maintain this state requires a lot of energy, in theory, a nuclear power plant is barely enough to support the supply."

Estes smiled and said: "It can't pass through ceramics! This is easy to do, just put people into the ceramics and destroy the total energy."

"I don't recommend doing this. Ceramics can resist it, but ceramics can't resist such a low temperature close to absolute zero for a long time. Once it shatters, the people inside will undoubtedly die."

Estes frowned: "Then what are you going to do!"

"I suggest waiting until they run out of energy and disappear, or go nuclear directly!"

Chapter 1 Growing Mushrooms

"I suggest waiting until they run out of energy and disappear, or go nuclear directly!"

"Nuclear explosion is a bit difficult! Once a nuclear bomb is dropped in Iraq, the eyes of the world may be focused here, and the follow-up will be extremely harmful, and all parties will definitely investigate to the end." Esdes immediately retorted.

Alvin spread his hands and said, "That can only wait until the energy disappears."

Estes asked, "How long is it expected that the energy will disappear?"

"It depends on how much energy they have stored. There is no nuclear power plant here, and there is only one company in the world that can supply such a huge amount of energy. The Stark Group, I think this must be a big deal! Just ask Tony Stark and you will know How much energy is there?"

Estes waved his hand: "Buying multiple companies in batches and placing orders is a common routine, and it is impossible to find out. Do you have other methods?"

Alvin frowned and thought for a while and said: "Use space-based weapons to directly penetrate the ground, or use ground-penetrating instruments to create a channel and drop bombs, but ghosts are close to absolute zero. If a ghost passes by the instrument, the instrument will instantly It is scrapped, and the loss is huge, far inferior to the level of nuclear power, and all can be done with one explosion.”

Estes glanced at Alvin strangely, and thought to himself: Where did this guy come from?Why are you so fanatical about explosions, but nuclear explosions can indeed solve many things, but the follow-up cleaning is very troublesome.

"Let's apply! It's up to the commander's decision," Esdes said.


The Red Queen projected an on-site information, saying: "Commander, Alvin, the captain of the 500-ton task force, submitted an application for a [-]-ton small-yield neutron bomb."

"Nuclear bomb?" Wang Yue was startled, and asked solemnly, "Did something uncontrollable happen there? Why was the nuclear bomb used directly?"

"According to calculations, direct delivery of neutron bombs is the most cost-effective and labor-saving way, with the lowest cost and the greatest return. During the war between the United States and Iraq, even if it is reported that the United States is the biggest suspect, and spies from various countries, including SHIELD, have noticed recently. The anomaly here, the red right hand has already cleared the memory of many agents, but it cannot last long."

"SHIELD is also paying attention!"

Anyone can give the information about the Nether Nether Project, except SHIELD. The internal forces of SHIELD are intricate, and it is impossible to know how many spies are mixed in it, especially the Hydra organization.

"How feasible is the Nether Plan to form a task force?"

The red queen projected a piece of data again: "less than 20,

1. Nether is limited by energy and requires an extremely large continuous output of energy to maintain it. Even Tony Stark's small ark reactor cannot supply it for a long time.

2. The maximum distance between the ghost and the energy source cannot exceed seven kilometers, which is too short.

3. The Nether body will generate a low temperature close to absolute zero, which will cause irreversible damage when defending the base, and may even have unknown effects on the contained objects. "

"Since it's not a containment object and it's of no use, let's destroy it." Wang Yue said solemnly, "I agree to the application!"

Iraqi night...

A blinding light shone across the country, and even the Arab people next door thought the sun had risen again.


The deafening explosion woke up the entire people of Iraq.

What followed was a gust of wind that destroyed all the facilities near the factory with destructive force. The boulders raised by the shock wave were thrown [-] meters into the air, and fell like grenades into houses several kilometers away.

The flames from the explosion formed a huge fireball.

The nuclear fission emitted by the fireball caused thick smoke and fire to rise instantly within a kilometer of the explosion center, and a white smoke column rose from the center of the smoke cloud.

The smoke cloud forms a huge mushroom at the top, and then leaves the smoke column, forming a mushroom cloud again at the top and so on.

Got a picture?

In the distance, Alvin was admiring the scene wearing sunglasses, and murmured: "It's so beautiful! Sure enough, the great man Nicola Zhao Si said it right, art is an explosion!"

"Captain, that's not what he said."

Alvin was embarrassed and criticized: "You don't know that it's because you have low education, read more books."

"So you're here to watch the fireworks?" Estes asked.

"No, no, no!" Alvin shook his head and said with a smile, "I have solved the Foundation's problems and improved the Foundation's status in the world. I have a different concept from yours."

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