The Red Queen suddenly projected: "Commander, a terrorist organization in the Middle East has come forward and admitted that they attacked New York."

"What's the situation? Don't they want to live?"

"According to previous information, that terrorist organization has been working for the United States, and now the US fleet has set off for the Middle East."

(Am I slandering my younger brother?)

"No wonder! Finding a scapegoat can also divert attention. This president is not bad!"

Wang Yue looked at the panel in his mind.

Wang Yue

Containment point: 37200 points

Guard points: 84690 points

The remaining time of next containment scp-2521 "●●|●●●●|●●|●" is 001:02:03.

(New Mission) Temporarily Teleport SCP-2006 (too scary) Containment Remaining Time 300:06:51.

(New task) To build a portal: Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

scp-2521 is about to come, there is no way to contain this thing, and it can't be found.

As for SCP-2006 (too scary) it's still pretty weird.

In order to cause fear or dread to as many humans as possible, it can transform infinitely.

It is a containment object with no upper limit.

Although it now looks like "Ro-Man" from the 1953 film "Mechanical Monster".

It doesn't look scary at all, and it's even funny.

But those who come into contact with it must develop a frightened expression of fear, just like coaxing a child, but they are afraid that they will not be contained in time when it comes, and the difficulty will increase when it arrives.

There must be a professional team.

"I want to redeem the task force, Mobile Task Force Sigma-66 ("SixteenTons" - sixteen tons)."

The panel in my mind changed immediately.

Mobile Task Force Sigma-66 ("SixteenTons") (50/50)

Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Sigma-66 was organized to capture members of other GOIs.Despite the lack of loyalty to the Foundation as a patchwork group, the expertise of the members is invaluable.

Redeemed successfully.

What the Foundation needs now is technology.

Mobile Task Force Sigma-66 could bring a huge technological boost to the Foundation.

Even if they are not loyal, they have no other place to go when they come here, they can only stay in the Foundation.

"Is X9 there?"

X9 said: "I'm transmitting the data of the new containment."

Wang Yue asked: "What is the function of the portal? It seems that the content can be transmitted without establishing a portal foundation!"

"The portal's full name space fixed-point portal is a one-way portal. When it is established, the foundation can transmit giant storage objects and space storage objects. The transmission time is greatly shortened, and the space bridge between the two worlds is stabilized. And any future The teleportation will appear on the ground."

"Then if you send me a Leviathan, wouldn't I be wiped out?"

X9 said: "The Leviathan is too large. If the original foundation wants to send Leviathan, the funds needed to be spent cannot be afforded by the foundation itself, so it will not appear."

"Then can I directly apply for additional personnel from the foundation?" Wang Yue asked.

"No! All the summoned personnel are clones, but they are unique in this world. If two identical people meet if they are directly added, it is not good for anyone."

"When will the design of the portal be given to me?"

"It has already been transferred, only the core technology is provided, and the specific base construction needs to be designed by ourselves."

Wang Yue looked at the blueprint, but couldn't understand it at all.

Or leave it to the professionals!

"Red Queen, hand over the blueprint to Mobile Task Force Sigma-66 and let them design a base blueprint, strictly control its personnel, and not allow any information to flow out."


X9 asked: "Commander, where do you plan to build the portal?"

Wang Yue laughed and said, "There is no one in the Sahara Desert!"

Chapter 1 The Devil of the Mountain

Inside a temple in Tokyo, Japan...

Dad hit Jackie Chan on the head with a dunk.

"One more thing, Dad is hungry and wants to eat edamame sandwiches!"

Jackie Chan rubbed his head, and said anxiously: "When does daddy still want to eat, the holy master's ceremony has already started, let's just watch like this?"

"Didn't I already draw the formation!"

"But he's summoning a demon!"

"Isn't this what the foundation wants! Find the location of the demon and destroy it. I have already notified the foundation. They are on their way."

"But the foundation hasn't established a branch in Japan yet!"

"It's okay, they said it would be air-dropped."

At this time, the formation under the Holy Master's feet emitted a blue light.

A black vortex appeared in the center of the formation.

A gigantic green demon stepped out, standing taller than the temple.

Every step makes the temple shake from side to side, imitating a weak earthquake.

The Holy Lord standing in front of the demon looked extremely weak, not as big as a hand of the Green Goblin.

A loud voice came, like thunder: "I finally came out."

"Bogang! I need you," said the Lord.

"Oh! Holy Lord! Well done." Bo Gang licked his lips: "Should I eat you! Holy Lord!"

"I let you out! You can't do this to me."

Bo Gang grabbed the Lord with one hand, pointed to the head of the Lord and said, "You are the one who caused us all to be trapped. Otherwise, with Zhang Guolao's strength, do you think they can seal me?"

"I was just, just...."

But Bo Gang kept explaining to the Holy Lord, threw the Holy Lord out, and roared: "I need to eat to restore my strength, and then rescue them. We want revenge!!!"

Immediately, the sound waves of speaking made the Holy Lord panic.

The Holy Lord, who has lost the power of the spell, is completely unqualified to speak in front of other demons.

The old man hid aside and said quietly: "It's Bo Gang, the mountain demon of the eight great demons."

"What ability does he have?" Jackie Chan asked.

"A character who relies entirely on brute force to squeeze into the Eight Great Demons can rely on eating to earn power. The more he eats, the greater his power."

Bo Gang suddenly sniffed his nose and opened the corner of his huge mouth: "I can smell food!"

One hand lifted the roof, revealing Jackie Chan and Dad below.

Bo Gang's saliva immediately flowed down.

The Lord exclaimed in shock: "Jackie Chan!"

A sinister smile appeared on his face: "Since you're here, don't leave. Bo Gang, this is the food I brought you."

"I'm very satisfied." Bo Gang nodded, reaching out to grab Jackie Chan.

Suddenly a golden portal appeared in the sky.

A bald man in white stood in the air.

The light of the sun shines on the skull like the Buddha came into the world.

Cast a spell on Bo Gang.

Golden formations appeared beside Bo Gang.

In an instant, golden lightning flashed.

Transformed into countless chains out of thin air and firmly trapped Gangbo.

"Ancient One!!"

Gangbo roared furiously, his muscles bulged and his veins throbbed. Every struggle caused a tiny earthquake, and the temple couldn't bear this force, gradually disintegrating into ruins.

Jackie Chan and Dad ran away in a hurry, they had no ability to resist in front of this kind of power.

The old man looked at the scene in front of him and nodded slightly: "Sure enough, only magic can fight magic!"

Bo Gang tried his best but still couldn't break free from the shackles of the golden iron chain.

Step by step, he was pulled into the abyss behind him.

Bo Gang also knew that his strength was too weak to fight against Gu Yi, so he roared angrily: "I will come back, I will wait for you! Gu Yi!"

Suddenly Bo Gang seemed to sense something, and showed an ugly smile: "Your time is running out, Gu Yi!"

Finally disappeared into the abyss.

The magic circle on the ground was also completely destroyed.

Gu Yi glanced around, stepped into the portal again and disappeared.

As for the Holy Lord, he had already fled when the portal appeared.

Dad raised his hand and hit Jackie Chan on the head with a dunk.

"Ah! Dad, what are you doing!" This dunk was more painful than before.

The old man pushed his glasses and said calmly: "It's still the same feeling, it seems this is not a dream!"

"Whether it's a dream or not, you should hit yourself to be sure! Why hit me?"

"It's very simple, because Dad is afraid of pain!"

In the distance marked the landing of Foundation fighter jets.

A large number of armed men rushed into the temple.

"What about the contents?"

"I was beaten back." The old man raised the paper in his hand: "But I wrote down the formation, so it's not all wasted work!"


"Commander! One of the eight great demons, Bo Gang, the mountain demon, was beaten back to the abyss by Gu Yi." The Red Queen said.

Wang Yue didn't have any surprises: "The devil's entry into the real world also falls under Gu Yi's jurisdiction. It's normal. Record that location and keep it under strict supervision."

"Commander, Alice wants to see you!"

"Huh?" Wang Yue asked suspiciously, "Who?"

"It's Alice who used to fight together! She wants to see you."

"Call her up!"

After a while...

A lady in a red dress walked in.

Alice looked at Wang Yue sitting in the office and felt a little strange.

There is no youthfulness, and the face is full of maturity and stability.

He tentatively said, "Wang Yue?"

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Long time no see, sit down and talk about something."

A cup of coffee was automatically poured in the air and delivered to Alice.

Alice looked at this scene with some surprise, thinking about Wang Yue's organization, she felt that this should be a normal phenomenon.

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