Chapter 1 Ending

"Jarvis, do you still have energy?"

"Sir, the energy is no longer sufficient to activate any flying device."

Tony sighed helplessly, and said, "I've tried my best, I guess the nuclear bomb is so close, I shouldn't feel how I died!"

"Yes sir, you won't feel anything." Jarvis immediately added the knife.

Stark: "..."

Tony was about to fall to the ground.

Wang Yue raised his hand slightly.

Instantly contacting Tony's inertia, he floated gently to the ground.

"Tony! What are you doing with the missile!" Wang Yue asked with a smile.

"That's a nuclear bomb, it's about to explode." Tony said with a look of pity: "I can't help it."

At this moment, a nuclear bomb plunged into the ground beside Tony with a bang.

Wang Yue tapped the nuclear bomb: "Are you talking about this?"

Tony found that something seemed wrong, the nuclear bomb hadn't exploded yet.

Is there a problem with the lead wire?impossible!All nuclear bombs use timing leads, so it is impossible for this kind of failure to happen!

Looking at Wang Yue's smiling expression again, he immediately understood.

"It's a dud?"

"No, it's just an iron tank filled with fuel, and there's nothing in it! I've replaced it a long time ago."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Tony was a little angry. He had paid so much and made a will, only to find out that he had been tricked.

Wang Yue spread his hands: "Your communication line has been busy, and I can't get in touch."

"I..." Tony thought for a while, and he was really busy talking to Potts at the time: "Okay! Then we won?"


"Oh! Well done! Let's not go to work tomorrow and take a good rest." Tony took off his steel suit: "Have you ever eaten Arabic barbecue? There is a restaurant about two streets away. I don't know how it tastes. I Want to try it."

Wang Yue nodded: "I think so too, but ordinary people can't know about this war. No one in New York is now."

"All right!"

Zhang Wen walked over.

Solemnly hand over a controller to Wang Yue.

"Report sir! The mission is completed without using the projection."

"Very good! How about the loss?" Wang Yue asked.

"1142 C-level personnel were killed, and 37 B-level personnel were killed." Zhang Wen still had no expression on his face, and said the numbers coldly.

a moment of silence...

Wang Yue said with some seriousness: "Restrain the corpses and take them all back for burial."


Tony was also a little shocked. He didn't expect to lose so much in a sniper battle.

He murmured, "Maybe this is war!"

Estes pressed Loki and walked over: "Commander, what should we do about this!"

"I want to take Loki back to accept punishment. He is a protoss from Asgard and my younger brother." Thor said.

Wang Yue said coldly: "He started the war, how could he let it go as the mastermind?"

Thor touched his nose in embarrassment, and said immediately: "Actually, he was adopted, not my own brother."

"Take it down and wait to participate in the SCP-682 experiment."

Thor just wanted to reach out to stop him, but suddenly he thought about it, anyway, Loki's body is relatively hard, so it's a good thing to stay in the Foundation and suffer a little bit.

An Apache combat helicopter fell from the sky.

Nick Fury, wearing a black windbreaker, walked over miraculously and asked, "What did you do? Why did you drive all my people out of New York?"

Wang Yue sneered: "You didn't participate in this kind of war, so you sent someone here. S.H.I.E.L.D. really deserves to be the world's security organization!"

However, Nick Fury is extremely thick-skinned and has no embarrassment.

"I sent the Avengers, doesn't this solve the problem?"

"Oh! Sorry, I'm from the Foundation." Tony immediately interrupted Nick Fury.

Originally, he just joined the Avengers with the idea of ​​caring for his father's organization. As a result, everyone was fighting in the front, and S.H.I.E.L.D. even launched a nuclear bomb to wipe out everyone in one fell swoop. If the foundation had not made preparations, they might have seen people selling nuclear bombs by now little girl.

Banner came over and took out the foundation card: "Me too!"

Thor scratched his head and said, "I seem to be too!"

Show a card.

Except Thor's card says so.

Contains: Thor

Item: SCP-M008

Class: Safe

Everyone looked at Thor with complicated eyes.

Thor himself didn't notice the abnormality of the card. He hasn't read the card since he got it, so he put it away and looked at it, and touched his face: "What's wrong?"

"it's okay no problem!"

Natasha was a little depressed and stood aside silently.

What S.H.I.E.L.D. did was chilling even its own people.

Nick Fury explained: "I didn't launch it, I was fired, and the World Security Council just bypassed my order."

Everyone nodded, but they still didn't believe what Nick Fury said.

Nick Fury sighed helplessly, his heart was broken, and the team was not easy to lead!

"How do you end up? The 3-kilometer wormhole is clearly visible outside New York City."

"Don't worry, they won't remember it."

Nick Fury asked vigilantly, "What are you going to do?"

"Completely wipe the memory of everyone in New York City."

Nick Fury shook his head: "No! Satellites all over the world are staring here, it's useless."

"It's normal to have some gossip, not to mention your S.H.I.E.L.D. is in charge."

Nick Fury suddenly had a bad feeling: "What are you going to do?"

"I hope that if the situation leaks one day, S.H.I.E.L.D. can fight it, and the Foundation can't come forward," Wang Yue said.

Nick Fury frowned infrequently, thinking that this is a good thing!

"Okay! Is Barton with you!"

Wang Yue replied: "He is now a D-level personnel of the foundation."

"I want Barton."

"No! He attacked the foundation, I counted him lucky that I didn't kill him." Wang Yue refused.

"Okay! But I want to take the Cosmic Rubik's Cube back."

Wang Yue said with some doubts: "What cosmic cube? It's not with me!"

"How is it possible? It was your people who closed the Rubik's Cube. You tell me you don't know?"

Wang Yue looked at Estes and asked, "Have you got the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

Esdesh shook his head: "I only got the spiritual scepter, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube suddenly fell into a void and disappeared."

Nick Fury glanced suspiciously at Esdeth: "You lost the Rubik's Cube like this?"

Wang Yue sneered, the three sentences are inseparable from the responsibility to get rid of, to be able to sit on the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the technology of getting rid of responsibility is first-rate.

"It's not us." Wang Yue waved his fingers: "It's you who didn't take good care of the Rubik's Cube, and it has nothing to do with us."

Zhang Wen came again: "Commander, the memory has been cleared, and the citizens will think that the terrorist attack in New York was a superhero who saved New York."

"Very good." As for how the World Security Organization explains it, it has nothing to do with the SCP Foundation.

Chapter 1: The Ownership of the Spirit Scepter

"Wait a moment!"

An old man in a light gray suit walked over.

Alexander Pierce!

He said to Estes: "The scepter in your hand is the property of S.H.I.E.L.D. Please hand it over!"

The corners of Estes' mouth curled up beautifully.

Alexander Pierce and the surrounding S.H.I.E.L.D. agents felt a sudden chill.

The temperature continued to drop.

The agents were so cold that the hands holding the guns began to shake uncontrollably.

But Alexander Pierce didn't even frown, as if he didn't feel the low temperature.

Looking at Wang Yue, he continued: "Loki was the first to appear in SHIELD, so the spiritual scepter is the property of SHIELD. I need it to make up for the loss. I also hope you can make a rational decision."

There was still a silence.

Alexander Pierce's body trembled slightly, and his body was reaching its limit. Obviously, he couldn't resist Esdeath's low temperature, but he also knew that he must not fight the SCP Foundation. Esdeath and Thor were still staring at each other. There is no advantage in doing it, and it is only possible to get it if you use righteousness to pressure the Foundation.

"Esdeath, give it to him!"

"Sir?" Estes thought he had heard wrong.

"The scepter can be given to you, but I want ten kilograms each of Adamantium Alloy and Vibration Gold."

In fact, Wang Yue knows very well in his heart that the spiritual scepter is the spiritual gem, but the control of the spiritual scepter has always been in the hands of Thanos, and it has never been out of Thanos' control.

If the Foundation gets too many Infinity Stones, Thanos will definitely target the Foundation.

It's better to let the Snake and Shield Bureau help share the attraction.

Thanos who can use the power of the Infinity Stone is definitely a reality-distorting character.

If we go to war directly, the current foundation can't afford it, and it's not time to go all out.

"Yes!" Alexander Pierce agreed without hesitation. The spiritual scepter is far more important than the alloy. Hydra has a major research that urgently needs the spiritual scepter, so it must be obtained no matter what.

The handover ceremony went well!

Alexander Pierce and the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents boarded the plane shivering.

The chill that shrouded his body didn't completely disappear until the base.

Later, S.H.I.E.L.D. rumored that Alexander Pierce almost died of illness in bed.


News of the second day.

The host broadcast the report with an angry face: "Yesterday New York was attacked by terrorists, using a strange weapon to completely destroy the building. Fortunately, with the help of superheroes, there were no civilian casualties, but the economic loss was as high as 1140 billion US dollars. The Stark Tower was completely destroyed, I really didn't expect that the United States, known as the world's policeman, would be beaten to the house by a terrorist organization...."

Wang Yue looked online.

There was a lot of scolding on the Internet.

There are also a few rational people who have analyzed that weapons will not cause such damage, and SHIELD must have concealed detailed information.

Others clamored that it was a terrorist attack caused by superheroes.

The subsequent economic losses should be borne by superheroes.

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