"Sir, all 50 people are here, there are no fewer people"

Wang Yue frowned. It seemed that whether he could enter the watch world was completely controlled by Alessa. She refused to let him in, and he couldn't even see the entrance of the watch world.

Wang Yue shouted with some reluctance: "Alessa, I know what you want, I can help you"

Suddenly Estes found that Wang Yue disappeared suddenly, and the frost on the ground quickly enveloped the entire town.

Lei Hu looked at Estes: "Sir, Commander..."

Estes said lightly: "It's okay, he's already prepared, I'll feel it when he appears, you guys shout that sentence too, see if you can go in"

So, a group of scp members opened their voices and shouted everywhere, "Aretha, I know what you want, I can help you"

Coulson looked confused, where to go?If you agreed to fly with me, you will disappear, or I will shout together, in case it works.

The sky of the surface world is filled with ashes like snow, and thick smoke is everywhere.

Wang Yue's face hurts, I mean, it really drew me in, but why is it only me, where is my team member?

But fortunately, I brought all the charms with me before I came in.

Wang Yue murmured: "Go and see if there is a way back."

A teleportation came to the entrance of Silent Hill, a jeep and a downed motorcycle were parked on the side of the road.

Wang Yue frowned. How could there be a jeep here? There is also a jeep exactly like this one at the bridgehead in the normal world. So which one is real and which one is fake?

Wang Yue turned his head and looked at the intersection again. The bridge that should have been there disappeared, and there was only a smoky cliff. The huge smog surrounded Silent Hill, so that Wang Yue couldn't see whether there was land on the other side of the cliff.

Tried to throw a stone down the cliff.

"I rub it, it's so deep, there's no echo"

Wang Yue backed away immediately, making up his mind to go to Rose first, after all, she was the protagonist.

It's just that Wang Yue didn't see the clouds rolling under the cliff, and a huge black shadow passed by.

Suddenly a loud siren sounded through the whole town.

"cough cough, cough cough"

There was a coughing sound.

Wang Yue instantly took out the peacekeeper and pointed at the figure.

Shouted sharply: "Who? Talk, or I will shoot"

Looking at its strange walking posture, is it possible that there are still disabled people here?

The figure gradually became clear, one (⊙o⊙)...uh!No hands, bald head, no hair, even the blood vessels under the skin can be seen, the head is very clean, no facial features, the only leg that can be used all over the body, the result is still a lame, there is a black hole in the chest, non-stop Strange black liquid flowed out, as if someone had put a sack on it and pressed it down and beat it a hundred times.

Wang Yue shook his head: "Poor baby, you don't even want your face to become a monster."

Wait a minute, blame!

Wang Yue looked at the figure with eager eyes, this is the containment object!I didn't expect to have a windfall when it came (*^▽^*).

Just as Wang Yue tilted his head and thought about how to take it out, the man in the suit (the name of the monster) raised his chest at Wang Yue and sprayed out a jet of black liquid.

Surprised, Wang Yue dodged and watched the black liquid on the ground continuously "hissing". It was obviously highly corrosive, and he would peel off his skin if he touched it, and said angrily: "Okay, you You still dare to attack me?" With a single shot, the man in the trap was smashed to pieces.

Shocked, he said: "This thing is so irresistible." Forget it, this kind of war scum is only 100 containment points, if it is gone, it will be gone.

Suddenly there were countless roars from all around, a group of distorted figures ran from a distance, and a large group of people surrounded Wang Yue.

Wang Yue's face was overjoyed, and he immediately used the chicken charm to fly high into the sky to observe. Wang Yue's eyes gleamed greedily again. There are so many monsters, even if there are 100 containment points, these monsters can probably collect 4 to 5. It's a fortune.The man in the suit on the ground found that there was no target, and after turning around for a while, he changed direction again and walked towards the school in the small town.

"Huh? Why didn't the ashes suddenly drop?"

Wang Yue raised his head slowly, his pupils shrank, and saw a huge paw slapping it down.

Chapter 32 Church

It was too late to take the gun, Wang Yue could only shoot a laser scorching ray from his eyes to hit the paw, and at the same time quickly used the rabbit charm to move at high speed, trying to avoid the attack.

The scorching rays of laser light hit the claw and immediately dissolved a big hole, but the creature didn't seem to feel anything, and slapped Wang Yue's left arm mercilessly.

The whole person hit the roof of the school like a cannonball.

Wang Yue was so knocked that he was about to fall apart, but he got up forcefully the next moment, endured the severe pain in his body, and immediately hid in a classroom in the school.

After waiting vigilantly for a while, he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no movement.

But the severe pain from the left arm constantly stimulated Wang Yue's nerves, and the whole arm was purple and black.

Cursed in a low voice: "Hiss, what kind of monster is that!"

Suddenly, a female voice came from the corridor: "What's going on, what's going on......"

Wang Yue immediately took out the peacekeeper, hid behind the door, and carefully observed the people in the corridor.

Sybil said to Rose: "You saw it too, it's true"

Rose looked around and nodded to Sybil.

Sybil yelled, "What the hell is going on?"

Ross said: "This is really crazy, I know, we need to calm down, my child is not here, we need to find my daughter before this happens again."

Sybil said a little impatiently: "We don't know where to find it at all"

Rose hopefully took out a sign: "I found this, it's from a restaurant, I don't know where she is, but she's inside"

Sybil looked like you were teasing me, and told me that she could find a brand if she didn't know where to find it.

Wang Yue suddenly walked out of the room and said, "Ross, are you guys, Sybil?"

Sybil immediately turned around and pointed her gun at Wang Yue: "Who are you?"

Wang Yue shook his head with a wry smile: "I'm the search and rescue personnel who came in from outside."

Sybil saw the peacekeeper on Wang Yue's waist, which was not a police-style gun, and asked vigilantly, "Who is the inspector?"

"Thomas Gooch, I count as his leader"

Hearing these words, Sybil felt a little relieved, she was indeed one of her own, but the gun was not put in the holster, and she kept holding it in her hand.

Rose didn't care about this, and hurriedly asked: "Where is Chris (Ross' husband)? Did he come in together?"

Wang Yue shook his head: "No, I was the only one in the whole team. This is not the original Silent Hill. I believe you have noticed it too."

Sybil nodded and continued: 'Do you know how to get out? '

"I don't know, I'm also looking for an exit"

Rose comforted: "We'll be fine, let's go to the hotel first, my daughter may be there, find Sharon and go out together"

Wang Yue and Rose nodded, that was all they could do.

When everyone came to the hotel, they found that there were voices in the lobby, and immediately ran in with a gun.

All I saw was a woman in a teaching uniform who kept throwing stones at another beggar who was lying on the ground, and cursed loudly: "Get out, get out!"

"Hi, stop"

Sybil immediately stepped forward to stop the woman's behavior.

The beggar who fell on the ground suddenly stood up, and said to the woman in the religious uniform: "You, the first person to throw stones, the lamb without a shepherd, the shepherd without a flock, Your crime will trap you here" and gave Rose a meaningful look, then turned and left.

The woman in the school uniform yelled, "Stop making rumors," but she was so frightened that she fell to the ground.

Rose and Sybil quickly comforted: "It's okay, we won't hurt you, she's gone"

Wang Yue asked, "What's your name?"

The woman in school uniform looked at everyone in shock: "Anna, my name is Anna"

"Anna, what's going on, who is she?"

Rose suddenly said: "I know her, Dalia was kicked out"

Anna nodded: "Yes, I don't even want her in the dark"

Ross said sympathetically: "She lost her daughter too."

Wang Yue said: 'What are you doing here, Anna'

Ana holds up a can: "Mother needs more food"

"You mean, there are others here?"

Anna nodded and said, "Chris Bella protects us, we take refuge in the church"

Rose asked: "My daughter is gone, she's alone, can you imagine how scared she is? Have you seen her?"

Anna shook her head.

Wang Yue suddenly asked: "Have you ever seen a man with a bow and arrow? His name is Barton"

Anna nodded: "An outsider came in a few days ago, and now he has also joined the church"

Wang Yue thought to himself: No wonder you can get mixed up with superheroes, you can get mixed up in churches here.

Rose picked up a fruit knife on the ground and said to Anna, "I'll take this."

Sybil yelled, "Rose, look at this, there's a picture"

Ross immediately recognized that it was drawn by Sharon: "Where did you find it?"

"It's the cabinet at the back, No. 111"

Rose seemed to understand something, and said to everyone: "Let's go to room 111."

But no room 111 was found in all the rooms searched by everyone. Rose stared at an oil painting of a witch being sacrificed and murmured: "This is it." Room.

Wang Yue also entered Room 111, but he felt that someone was staring at him all the time. He looked around carefully, but he didn't find anyone. Wang Yue thought to himself: Could it be my illusion?

Suddenly Rose seemed to have discovered something, and the whole person hurried to another room. There was a burnt altar in the room. Seeing all the burnt things in front of him, Rose couldn't help slowing down his pace.

Finally, a little girl in a purple dress was found among the ruins.

Rose said slowly: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, it's okay."

The little girl also turned her head slowly, and Rose was taken aback for a moment, because this little girl was exactly the same as Sharon.

Rose couldn't help saying: "You are like her twin sister"

Suddenly Rose also felt something was wrong, how could there be such a similar person: "Are you Aretha? Where is my Sharon?"

The little girl opened her arms, and a flame burst from her body.

"Look at me, I'm burning"

Rose woke up suddenly with both hands, put his head in his hands, and couldn't believe everything he thought.

Sybil's voice came: "Ross, how did you get there?"

Rose said in disbelief: "She brought me here"

"Who? What are you talking about?"

"Aretha brought me here, although I don't know what she's going to do"

Anna said: "We don't mention that name here, she is a witch"

Thinking of the oil painting of the witch offering sacrifices just now, Wang Yue seemed to understand something.

Wang Yue pointed to the iron frame in front of him and said: "This is an altar, which is the symbol of Anna's belief. It seems that a flame erupted from the bottom of the altar, and then the surroundings became like this. If you guess correctly, the last witch is Aretha?"

Anna nodded.

Suddenly countless birds flew in one direction.

Anna looked at the flock of birds that had already flown away, and shouted anxiously: "We should go, darkness is coming, hurry up"

Everyone quickly followed Anna's pace and ran towards the church, and the loud siren rang through the whole town again.

Rose stopped suddenly, staring at the sign above the church in a daze.

Wang Yue and Sybil immediately dragged her into the church gate by each arm.

Wang Yue found a large number of people running out of the surrounding buildings and pouring into the church. Anna saw Dalia in the crowd, and immediately rushed forward with a stone.

Dalia didn't care about Anna's behavior, and continued to shout, "The devil will wake up with hatred, so choose carefully."

Chapter 33 Triangle Head

The sky darkened within a few seconds, and then lit up again after a while, and it began to rain lightly. The ground seemed to be corroded at an accelerated rate, and it looked rusty (I am also very curious, why the stone ground also rusts, it is recommended You go to Silent Hill)

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