John was stunned, watching Zhen Aili fall in front of him.

Tears flooded his face in an instant, and he didn't even care that the bullet penetrated his arm.

The instinctive desire to survive made John passively hide aside, and I kept asking God in my heart, why did he treat me like this, and what did I do wrong.

Suddenly John laughed, the smile gradually distorted and crazy, maybe this is how the world is, maybe I should let people understand the nature of the world.

The captain raised his hand, the noisy gunfire stopped instantly, and the air was filled with the faint smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Send 1 team in to check"

Moments later, Team 1 reported: "No target should have fled, but the target was injured"

The captain's face immediately became more gloomy, and he shouted: "Trash, hurry up and chase me!"


Estes quietly walked into Wang Yue's room, looking at Wang Yue who was still sleeping late, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sleeping so dead, if this is the case..."

Approaching cautiously, slowly raised his hand.


Wang Yueying, who was sleeping comfortably, suddenly felt a little pain in her face. When she opened her eyes, Esdesh's beautiful smiling face jumped into her sight.

"Damn it, why are you beating me!" Wang Yue was stunned, he would be beaten even if he slept, and the slap was still on the face.

One one one one one one one one one

Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection.

Chapter 30 No Sky

I saw Estes said solemnly: "Boss, you will be useless if you sleep, get up and go to work soon"

Wang Yue yawned: "I am the boss, I want to continue to rest"

"There's news about the Ox and Snake charms, and Jackie Chan is back"

Wang Yue sat up abruptly and asked, "John Jackson appeared?"

Esthers nodded: "Yesterday, the military suddenly attacked John Jackson's residence. They should have found John Jackson's trace and then arrested him, but it seems that no one was caught."

Wang Yue murmured: "This John Jackson really has a lot of tricks, so he ran away."

"But John Jackson's wife and children and his friend Gerald all died"

"Oh? Who led the army in the military? It's so ruthless."

The Red Queen projected out and said, "It's Captain Kold. The target seems to belong to a special military organization, but the rest of the files are all hidden, and I can't find them either."

Wang Yue felt a bit of a headache, what happened was all piled up here: "Send a team to find John, Red Queen, you buy some stocks of Hammer Group, anyway, I want Hammer's weapon production line "

"Okay, Commander"

"By the way, what happened to 682?"

"Commander, 682 is currently stable and there are no changes"

"That's good, Xiao Ai, first go to Dad's antique shop with me."

Papa Antiques......

"Oh, Jackie Chan, why did you only bring back a pig charm, and a dog charm?"

Jackie Chan scratched his head and raised his hands helplessly: "It was snatched by the Holy Lord's Shadow Corps."

Dad pushed his glasses: "This is not an excuse, you need to bring him back"

The old man gave Jackie Chan a dunk and raised his finger: "One more thing, I need a cup of tea to calm down and study the effect of the pig charm."

Suddenly the door of the antique shop was pushed open, and two figures walked in.

Xiaoyu shouted excitedly when she saw it: "Uncle Long, the robber from last time is here again!"

Jackie Chan was also taken aback, and immediately got ready to fight.

Xiaoyu jumped up suddenly, flew up in the air and kicked towards Wang Yue.

Jackie Chan hugged the originally handsome posture: "Xiaoyu, don't make trouble, go back quickly"

"No, Uncle Long, I can help you."

Wang Yue stepped forward and sat on the sofa casually, while Esdesh stood behind Wang Yue, acting like a bodyguard.

Wang Yue looked at the vigilant Jackie Chan, and said calmly: "The last incident was a misunderstanding, let me introduce myself, I am an organization that protects the world, the SCP Foundation"

Jackie Chan looked at his father, only to see that his father also shook his head, expressing that he had never heard of it.

Jackie Chan said: "I feel you are more like robbers"

Wang Yue shook his head and said with a smile: "Our mission is to prevent some anomalies from causing significant threats to global security through physical or psychological hazards. To enable civilians around the world to survive and be free from fear, to erase unbelief or doubts about personal beliefs." influences, and maintain human independence from extraterrestrial, interdimensional and outer space influences."

Wang Yue pointed to the pig charm in the old man's hand: "Simply put, what would an ordinary person do if he got some spells? You should know that he has exceeded a limit, so we need to contain him."

At this moment, the old man said, "What about the magic? Are you going to take me in too?"

Wang Yue smiled and said: "Magic is not abnormal, and do you think you are the only one who knows magic? There are many people who know magic in this world, and there are even powerful magicians who can destroy the earth, but they are all protecting the earth from other dimensions. invasion of

The old man was surprised. He knew that he was not the only one who could use magic, but he didn't expect such a powerful mage to exist. He asked again, "Are you trying to destroy the spell?"

Wang Yue shook his head: "Of course not, the spell is extremely difficult to destroy, but the magic power of the spell will not be extinguished after it is destroyed. After the spell bursts, the magic power contained in it will disperse and go to the descendants of the original animals of the twelve zodiac signs. Twelve have Animals with the power of spells will become more difficult to contain."

"But we are also collecting spells and handing them over to special organizations for safekeeping."

Wang Yue said with a disdainful smile: "Who will keep it? The [-]th District? You'd be ashamed to mention a base that a mere gangster can break into, and they are all studying how to use the spells. We will use spells to protect the world. You need to know the difference."

Xiaoyu jumped out at this time and said: 'Isn't it all used? '

Wang Yue said expressionlessly: "They are Americans, and their use will only serve the greater interests of the United States. We are protecting the world. We need to ensure that everyone in the world does not come into contact with abnormalities."

Wang Yue paused, and continued: "So, I would like to invite you to join the SCP Foundation"

Jackie Chan and Dad looked at each other.

Xiaoyu shouted excitedly: "Wow, this is too cool, I want to join too"

"Xiaoyu, this matter is very important, but you can't join"

Jackie Chan said: "Maybe I'm sorry about this, we have already cooperated with the [-]th district, I'm afraid we can't join."

"Then join as a consultant, we will not interfere with your own affairs, and we don't mind if you join other organizations, as long as you remember the purpose of the foundation."

Jackie Chan looked at his father, saw him nodding slightly and said again: "Okay, I agree."

Wang Yue immediately took out three cards and handed them to Jackie Chan.

"This won't work, Xiaoyu still needs to go to school, I don't want her to be exposed to these things"

A voice full of resentment came: "Uncle Long!"

"You can hold her card first, and give it to her when you think she can"

Jackie Chan

Level 3 file access for Foundation C-level personnel

Category: Search People

Cheng Wutian (father)

Level 4 File Access Permissions for Foundation Class B Personnel

Category: Researcher

(made up daddy's name)

Wang Yue said: "Now we are going to take away the pig talisman. If you want to study the talisman, you can go to the base."

The old man handed the charm to Wang Yue: "Perhaps it would be more appropriate for you to keep it"

Wang Yue took the talisman and melted it into the palm of his hand, his eyes were filled with lightning, and the golden pupils contained huge energy.

Fortunately, Wang Yue held back, otherwise Dad's antique shop would be ruined.

After watching Wang Yue and the others walk out of the door, the old man immediately gave Jackie Chan a dunk: "Oh, Jackie Chan, didn't I let you hold on temporarily? Why did you agree?"

Jackie Chan scratched his head and said with a naive smile: "It turns out that didn't mean to ask me to agree, so what should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Let's just leave it at that. One more thing. Dad is hungry and needs edamame sandwiches. I want them now."

"Okay, coming right away"

Xiaoyu took the opportunity to steal her own card, her eyes widened immediately.

Cheng Xiaoyu

Level 2 Profile Access for Foundation C-level Members

Category: Search People

.................................................. .....

"Commander, Nick Fury sent a location, he said he needs our help with one thing"

Wang Yue thought to himself, what kind of tricks is this old fox playing.

"Where is the location?"

"A small abandoned town, now called Silent Hill"

Wang Yue's eyes widened suddenly, Silent Hill?Is this really going to hell?

Wang Yue felt a little regretful. He didn't like watching horror movies before, and he didn't want to watch Silent Hill when he knew it.

Chapter 31 Silent Hill

By the time Wang Yue arrived in West Virginia, S.H.I.E.L.D. had sealed off everything around Silent Hill.

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Yo, braised egg, long time no see, you've become a lot darker again."

Coulson couldn't help but burst into laughter, and seeing Nick Fury's murderous eyes sweep over, he immediately turned and said to an agent.

"Who is that, there is still a loophole over there, please seal it up, no one can come in"

Nick Fury's face sank, you are the brat, your whole family is brackish: "Ahem, this is the place you want, I want you to take Coulson in, the place can be managed by you, but I have to To know what's inside"

Wang Yue scanned the surrounding agents vigilantly.

"Don't worry, all the elites from S.H.I.E.L.D. come here this time."

"It's because they are all elites that they should be careful."

Nick Fury: "It's all mine"

On the contrary, Wang Yue nodded in agreement, yes, it's normal for an old fox like Nick Fury to quietly pull up a team, otherwise he wouldn't deserve to be called a black-hearted old ghost.

Wang Yue asked, "What's the situation now?"

"Some time ago, a strong electromagnetic wave suddenly broke out in this place. I suspected that there was a problem here, so I sent Barton in to check the situation, but he still hasn't come out. Three citizens entered yesterday. Inspector Thomas will tell you the rest. Right," then Nick Fury waved to the police on one side.

"Thomas Gooch reports to you, sir"

Wang Yue nodded: "Tell me what you know."

"Yesterday, a woman named Rose entered Silent Hill with her daughter Sharon, and one of my subordinates, Sybil Burnett, also entered. Our police team has already organized a team to enter the town, but only found A jeep with Ohio license plates and a downed police motorcycle at the bridgehead, and no one was found in the town."

Looking at the small road in the distance, Wang Yue continued, "Why don't you go in?"

"Sir, the town's underground coal mine suddenly caught fire in November 1974. There are still fires underground, and the air is full of soot. I can't wait for a long time."

Wang Yue nodded. Although he has never seen the movie, he has heard about the plot of Silent Hill before. There are three worlds here, a normal world, a superficial world, and an inner world. You must enter the inner world to solve all these problems. , but the problem is that I don't know how to get in.

Wang Yue said to Nick Fury: "Okay, I'll take care of it, it's none of your business"

Then he waved to the scp team members behind him, got in the car and entered the town in a chic way.

Nick Fury looked at the quick-moving scp team members and couldn't help secretly envious, if SHIELD didn't have so many things going on, I would be the big boss, okay?

Nick Fury sighed, and when the team pulled up, let's do a general cleaning first.

Then he turned and left. He sneaked out this time, so he couldn't leave for too long.

Wang Yue came to the center of the small town and thought to himself: Sure enough, I still can't enter the watch world.

"Lei Hu, check the number of people, are there any missing people?"

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