"Not yet, but soon"

At this moment, Natasha and Happy walked over, Wang Yue glanced at Natasha, but Natasha didn't look at Wang Yue at all, her expression was calm, as if the two didn't know each other.

Tony frowned when he saw Natasha, "Why are you here, Natalie?"

Natasha said: "Miss Potts asked me to come to you to sign an important document. I happened to meet Happy and drove here together."

Looking at Natasha, Wang Yue couldn't help sighing, it's a pity that this acting skill doesn't go to Hollywood.

Tony took a cursory glance and signed his name, "Is Natalie interested in being my personal assistant?"

"No..." Natasha got the signed document and turned around to leave without the slightest bit of nostalgia.

After Natasha went out and turned a few streets, she immediately dialed the phone.

The screen of the mobile phone displays the image of Nifrek.

"What is it, Natasha?"

"Tony Stark contacted Wang Yue, and Tony gave Wang Yue 3 sets of steel suits. I guess which battle you mentioned is coming"

"Stay close to Tony Stark, nothing happens to him"

"I'm too busy to take care of Tony and check Wang Yue, so you can call Barton here."

"No, Barton is going to investigate an abandoned town. That town is a bit strange. After entering, no one comes out and he is not free. It's up to you."

"Okay." Natasha hung up the phone helplessly. Is there anything in a small town that deserves so much attention from S.H.I.E.L.D.

——————————————Level description——————————————————

1. Safe (safety level) (it can be safely contained when it is not activated) (it is safe when it is not activated, such as the Rubik's Cube)

Safe-class SCPs are anomalies that are easily and safely contained.This is usually because the Foundation has researched the SCP enough that containment does not require significant resources, or the anomaly requires specific and deliberate activation or triggering.However, just because an SCP is classified as Safe does not mean that it will not pose a threat when operated or activated.

2. Euclid (dangerous level) (the foundation has the ability to contain) (has the ability to break the phone)

Euclid-class SCPs are anomalies that require more resources to fully contain or whose containment is not always reliable.Usually this is because the SCP is either poorly understood or inherently unpredictable. Euclid is the largest object class, and if the SCP is not easily classified into other standard object classes, it will usually be classified as such.

It's worth noting that any autonomous, sentient, and/or sapient SCPs are usually classified as Euclid, due to their ability to think or act autonomously and bring about inherent unpredictability.

3. Keter (world-destroying level) (difficult to contain, easy to escape, with huge destructive power)

Keter-class SCPs are anomalies that are extremely difficult to contain consistently or reliably, and containment measures are often large-scale and complex.The Foundation often has trouble containing these SCPs due to lack of substantial understanding of the anomaly or lack of technology to properly contain or resist it.A Keter-class SCP doesn't mean the SCP is dangerous, just that it's simply very difficult or expensive to contain.

4. Thaumiel (unspeakable) (uncontainable)

Thaumiel-class SCPs are anomalies used by the Foundation to contain or counteract other SCPs or anomalous phenomena.The few remaining Thaumiel-class objects are top secret Foundation secrets, and their location, function, and current status are known only to a handful of Foundation personnel outside of the O5 Council

Chapter No.16 Healing Tony

Wang Yue frowned and said, "Red Empress, what's going on with Jackie Chan?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, Jackie Chan has found clues to the pig charm, but has not found the location of the pig charm."

Wang Yue said: "Don't wait for him, immediately transfer the No. 002 Special Forces team back."

Tony Stark looked at the projection of the Red Queen and said in surprise: "You also have artificial intelligence"

Wang Yue intentionally looked at the country bumpkin: "Of course, who doesn't have an artificial intelligence these days, don't worry, the public, you come with me first, I'll give you a gift"

Tony Stark looked confused, artificial intelligence?Mass goods?Go back and ask Jarvis to upgrade it, otherwise I feel a bit outdated, Tony immediately said: "What kind of gift, why don't you just let me study the red queen and forget it"

“Better than that”

Tony was a little excited, better than artificial intelligence, and immediately followed Wang Yue into his office.

Tony pointed to a white box in disbelief and said, "That's it?" You just show me this with your pants off?

Wang Yue said with a smile: "Of course, this is a medical restoration instrument. To put it bluntly, even if you die for 10 minutes, this thing can save you."

Tony put his hands on his chest with doubts written on his face: "Really or not?"

"I think you should have discovered that while the palladium element reactor is absorbing the shrapnel in your chest, the toxin of the palladium element is also constantly spreading. As long as you use the steel suit, the poisoning process will be accelerated, unless you spend a lifetime Not being Iron Man"

Tony was silent, he also knew about this problem, but he couldn't solve it, and since he came back from Vietnam, he knew that the arms he sold in the past was indirectly harming innocent civilians, so he used the steel suit to fight terrorists all over the world It's just for atonement, and I want to do what I think is right.

Tony said "so, how did you know about the shrapnel in my chest"

Wang Yue sneered: "Who do you think you can hide from this matter?"

Tony said, "Is this thing as amazing as you said?"

Wang Yue stopped answering.He took out a knife and cut it in the palm of his hand, then lay down in the repair compartment.

Tony's eyes widened immediately, only to see that the wound on Wang Yue's palm was healed within a few seconds.

Tony exclaimed in disbelief: "This is a miracle in the medical field. The person who invented it is also a genius, but there are shrapnel in my body and I need to find a doctor to remove the shrapnel."

Wang Yue said with a smirk on his face: "It's simple, just ask Estes to directly fix the blood around the shrapnel, and then cut it off."

Tony looked incredible: "Are you sure you didn't want to kill me? I already have a hole and you want to dig another hole. I'm afraid I will die suddenly."

Wang Yue said to Tony with a serious face: "If I want to kill you and find a hand, then I still need to use this. If you want to continue to be a superhero, you must solve this problem, and the effect of the repair instrument is beyond Imagine, you don't have long Tony, you decide for yourself"

Tony also fell into hesitation when he heard Wang Yue's words, shouldn't he be Iron Man?Impossible, I can't quit in my life, mainly because Wang Yue's medical proposal is too dangerous, I might never see Potts again.

half an hour later......

Tony finally made a decision: "Wang Yue, I will do it"

Then, as soon as he turned around, he saw that Wang Yue had already snored.

Wang Yue woke up suddenly: "Ah, what's the matter?"

Tony: "......." (O△O)

When everything was ready, Wang Yue directly injected Tony with anesthesia when he lay down.

"Sleep for a while, wake up and be fine"

In fact, Wang Yue only took powerful sleeping pills, and this kind of small scene does not need to be called Xiao Ai. Anyway, taking out the shrapnel Tony has to enter into suspended animation.

(The operation is too brutal to describe, for fear of being banned)

By the time Tony opened his eyes, the operation had been completed for a while.

Tony immediately touched his chest, but he only touched the intact muscles, the hole that made him extremely uncomfortable was gone, Tony's face showed ecstasy, after all, he didn't have to die.

Wang Yue said, "Go back to work when you wake up, why stay there?"

Tony asked curiously, "Where did the meat that fell off me go?"

“Cremated, disgusting”

Then Tony looked at Wang Yue seriously, "Thank you, I'll go back first, call me anytime if there is anything to do, remember your business is my business." Then he turned and left, wanting to tell Potts the good news of his recovery.

Wang Yue was stunned by Tony's affectionate confession, and then shivered, with goose bumps all over his body.

Did Tony change his orientation?It's possible, after all, being a playboy is enough. It's very possible to change your taste.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue's eyes turned cold. Although Iron Man is very important, if he dared to play his own moral idea, he had no choice but to erase it.

"Tony is gone?" I saw Esdeth standing at the door pretty and said.

A bold idea instantly appeared in Wang Yue's mind.

Wang Yue's eyes immediately changed, and he opened his arms excitedly and walked towards Esdeth, tears kept rolling in his red eyes, those aggrieved eyes, and his trembling lips.

It's a pity that when he just walked in front of Estes, his feet were fixed again.

Wang Yue choked with sobs: "Xiao Ai, someone wants to defile your pure baby, come and comfort me, or you will lose me"

Estes' smiling face sank immediately, and he said angrily, "Who dares to touch me? Boss, don't worry, I'll check it out now."

After speaking, Estes turned around and left, and even trotted away from Wang Yue's sight.

Wang Yue said to himself in a daze: "No, the script is not like this."

Wang Yuegao shouted: "Xiaoai wait a minute, don't go, let me go first." Unfortunately, no one responded.

After confirming that Estes had really left, Wang Yue smiled mysteriously. Fortunately, I was prepared. When I reached out and touched it, a knife came out immediately. It was customized by Stallone. Immediately, it spun at a high speed and turned into a chainsaw.

"It's still me who has the upper hand, it's really me!"

After speaking, he happily squatted down and started a huge project.


A small island in the South Pacific.

Lightning and thunder, the eight-level strong wind easily caused the rain to dance randomly in the air, and the wind and rain blew away the thick fog that had shrouded the island all year round. Several huge flying shadows in the sky immediately sought shelter. full of fear.

Suddenly, a huge monster appeared in the depths of the deep forest, its height was far higher than the hundreds of years old tree beside it, it stood up a little dissatisfied, and roared to the sky, like a gauntlet from heaven and earth, wanting to compete with the gods high.

Countless creatures were frightened by that roar, and ran out frantically, and even more creatures were still fighting one second, and rushed with natural enemies the next second.

But there was one exception. A huge reptilian creature with bare bones appeared on the island, turned its head to look at the source of the sound, and flashed fierce anger and hatred in its eyes from time to time. The unknown creature has extremely high intelligence, and suddenly it opened its mouth and let out an unknown roar.

Translation: "It seems that there are giant creatures that can finally evolve"

Then turn around and chase the fleeing creature in front.


I went to the hospital yesterday, and I was released today.

The fuss has never been good, so I had to stop the update yesterday.

Chapter No.17 Mobile Task Force Omega-7

At this moment, Wang Yue opened the panel in his mind and watched the countdown on the panel reset to zero, and the arrival of 682 had already begun.

Wang Yue said to himself: "The first war has begun."

Suddenly another voice popped up in my mind, "Your Excellency Commander, long time no see, I am X9"

Wang Yue frowned and asked, "X9, haven't you already left?"

X9 replied: "Your Excellency, Commander, I will show up to inform relevant information when the contained objects arrive. This time I am here to provide specific data on SCP-682. You can also ask me various questions. I will leave again in 1 hour. "

Wang Yue asked: "I remember that there are 4 levels of storage in the SCP Foundation, why are there 3 levels on my side?"

"Because the scp foundation on the other side can't contain Thaumiel (uncontainable level)-level containment objects, it is naturally uncontrollable, but you need to cooperate with the construction of the portal. At that time, the scp foundation will have its own way to induce Thaumiel-level containment objects to enter. Thaumiel-level The reward will be determined by its energy"

Wang Yue asked again: "Well, now that 682 has come, is there anything that can restrain 682?"

"682 is not restrained by any material. The size of 682 is growing slowly all the time, but hydrochloric acid can effectively slow down the growth process of 682's size. It is recommended to bring a large amount of tranquilizers at the same time to prevent 682 from going into a berserk state. If 682 goes into a berserk state, its physical fitness All abilities will be greatly increased.”

As Wang Yue learned more, the questions in his mind grew, such as where did the lottery system come from?Wang Yue doesn't think it was developed by the scp foundation. If the original scp foundation is really capable of developing or using the scp foundation system, wouldn't it be easy to deal with those contained objects? Why bother to exile them to another world?

Then there is only one possibility that X9 is lying to him, but Wang Yue didn't ask the question in his heart. After all, no matter what X9 said is true or not, he must first obtain stronger power to deal with everything that may happen in the future.

Wang Yue opened the panel in his mind.

Wang Yue

Containment Points: 2400

Guard point: 1480

"System, I want to exchange 10 B-level personnel for combat"

The panel immediately showed that the exchange was completed, which was different from before, and this time there was an extra panel.

ω7 Mobile Task Force Omega-7 ("Pandora's Box" - Pandora's Box) (10/100)

Mobile Task Force Omega-7 is an experimental task force working with humanoid anomalous individuals to acquire and contain anomalies, specifically SCP-076 and SCP-105.The former Mobile Task Force Omega-7 has been disbanded and decommissioned.

(When ω7 Mobile Task Force Omega-7 is fully in place, it will automatically descend on the containment SCP-076 Abel and SCP-105 Iris)

Reminder: ω7 Mobile Task Force Omega-7 is an experimental team, extremely dangerous, uncontrollable, not recommended to use

Three times as many guard points are available to designate Mobile Task Force ω7 Omega-7 personnel to replenish.

Wang Yue murmured: "No wonder B-level personnel are so expensive. It turns out that this kind of task force also includes containment items."

"Queen Hong, have you found where scp682 is?"

The red queen immediately projected "Commander, the world has been monitored but no trace of scp682 has been found"

Wang Yue asked X9: "X9, the countdown of scp682 has reached zero but why haven't we found it? Hasn't it come yet?"


Wang Yue felt a little uncomfortable. It's good that scp682 didn't come down. What if it came down to the moon? Now I don't have the ability to intervene in space. Forget it, no matter what the situation is, let's make preparations first.

Wang Yue ordered, "Queen Red, send a message to Lei Hu to ask him to manufacture or purchase a large amount of hydrochloric acid, and ask Estes to contact Umbrella to purchase a large amount of tranquilizers. They are a pharmaceutical company and must have a production line. If scp682 really comes If you are on the moon, you can only give up.”

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