Suddenly there was a "boom", and the large truck was lifted into the air by a bomb while driving. I don't know what material the large truck is made of. It's just that the car overturned, but the compartment was still intact, and the jeep next to it was destroyed. The powerful shock wave hit the ground, and even a soldier escorted watched the splashed glass easily cut the throat of his comrade when the explosion happened.

The soldiers immediately shouted "enemy attack"

John was also bombed in a daze, but his body has developed a conditioned reflex after years of military life. Before his brain could react, his body subconsciously made tactical and concealed movements.

Just after waking up, he saw that the soldiers covering him were smashed to pieces by a bullet emitting blue light flying from a distance.

John didn't have time to grieve and immediately shouted "hide, hide quickly" and checked the walkie-talkie immediately, only to find that the enemy had already blocked the signal, and there was only the sound of "sizzling" in the walkie-talkie. Angrily, John threw the walkie-talkie away.

Then he raised his gun and continued to shoot. The team led by John was an elite team anyway. The team members quickly reacted and started to fight back. There were gunshots everywhere in the forest on the road. Some team members were killed by the blue light, even if they hid in the car, they would still be pierced by the blue bullets.

John could see a group of soldiers wearing skull masks approaching. In fact, John knew very well when he saw the current tragedy. If there was no support, he might be here today. The walkie-talkie cannot be used, but the intercom in the truck is specially made It was necessary to call for backup. John took out a grenade and threw it into the distance, then turned around and ran towards the big truck.

An scp member yells "watch out for grenades"

But there were still two scp members who didn't dodge in time and were blown off their legs.

Wang Yue immediately arranged for someone to stop the bleeding. With a medical repair instrument, this injury is not a big problem.

John ran and yelled "everyone cover me in the van"

At this time, a heavy machine gun popped out from the roof of a jeep that had not yet turned over, and an escort soldier risked being headshot and fired wildly at the crowd.

Lei Hu reacted first and shouted "throw the grenade"

I saw 3 grenades flying towards the jeep, and the soldiers on the jeep obviously expected this situation a long time ago, without the slightest fear, they continued to shoot, fighting for the last time for his captain.

"Boom, boom, boom" exploded three times in a row, and the entire jeep was directly blown away. At this time, John also successfully entered the truck, but he was stunned in the next second. Blood was all over the truck, and there was no living person left. At the moment of the explosion, the shock wave shattered all their internal organs.

John suppressed his grief and immediately sent a message to the base in District 13, "We are under attack, we are under attack"

Area 13 replied immediately, "Hold on for 3 minutes, air support will arrive soon, report the person who attacked you"

John suddenly heard the gunshots outside stopped, and suddenly couldn't hold back his tears, "It's a group of soldiers wearing special black clothes and skull masks, with bullets of blue light, sir, we can't hold on anymore, Please take care of our family"

However, here in the 13th area, only intermittent voices can be heard "It', take care family"

The chief of District 13 immediately had a bad premonition, and immediately shouted, "I allow you to use the things in the lockbox, the password is 14588, bring it back to me." However, John did not hear a reply, and there was only constant current sound.

The chief of District 13 immediately shouted "Let the Air Force speed up for me, I must arrive in 1 minute"

John had already heard the sound of them bombing the door again, so he could only open the lockbox with the mentality of giving it a try. He only saw 4 small badges, and just picked up a badge, and suddenly the whole car was bombed and shook John himself. They couldn't stand still and fell to the ground, and the other three badges were also scattered on the ground.

Wang Yue also had a toothache from looking outside, "What kind of material is this? It's so hard. It's been fried twice and hasn't been opened yet."

The red queen's loli voice suddenly came from the headset, "Commander, two F22 fighter jets are taking off from Washington DC. There is an 80% chance that the target will be here. It will take about one and a half minutes."

John was just about to stand up, but with a little force on his arm, the carriage was sunken in by John as easily as tofu.

John looked at the cow charm in his hand in disbelief, and murmured, "Is this the power of the badge?" He hurriedly wanted to find the other three charms.

"Boom" the door of the carriage was blasted open, and a group of soldiers wearing skull masks rushed in. John grabbed a steel plate beside him and slapped the SCP soldiers. With just a light touch, three members of the team were sent flying out of the car.

Wang Yue's face sank, did he still use the spell?

"Don't rush, throw mines at me, and then shoot at the door, anyway, spells are indestructible"

John stayed in the compartment and observed the car door vigilantly, holding the steel plate in front of him with one hand, and tentatively picking up the charms on the ground with the other hand. As soon as he touched a charm, he immediately grasped it, and shouted "use" desperately in his heart.

Suddenly seeing more than a dozen small black dots being thrown into the car, John recognized at a glance that they were all grenades, and they were still shooting at the car door continuously.

John didn't have time to think about grabbing the charm and dodged into the carriage, but it was still a bit late. The explosion caused by more than a dozen grenades sent him flying, and he passed out in mid-air, but fortunately, he was concealed. hanging from a tree.

The scp team rushed into the van without seeing any targets.

"Commander, target not found, target disappeared"

Wang Yue said solemnly, "He must have got the Snake Charm. Let's see if there are other charms in the carriage, and conduct a carpet search around."

At this time, there was a roar in the sky.

"Falcon 50, calling Eagle's Nest, has arrived at the target location, the battle on the ground has ended, the number of personnel is about [-], whether to attack"

"Permission to attack"

"Falcon One Received"

"Falcon Two Received"

At this moment, the engines of the two fighter jets suddenly stopped working, and the fighter jets could no longer maintain their balance. They began to perform Thomas's 720° rotation in the air. Seeing that something was wrong, the two pilots immediately wanted to pull the ejection, but found that they couldn't pull it out at all. Looking down, the entire ejection device was frozen.

Wang Yue looked at the two falling fighter jets in the distance.

"It turns out that District 13 is from the military. I thought it was from SHIELD."

"Commander, found chicken and sheep charms"

Wang Yue was also a little surprised that two charms were taken away. It can be said that the attack was a failure.

The red queen said: "Commander, the military convoy is approaching, please evacuate as soon as possible."

Wang Yue looked at the scp team members who were searching with their heads down,

Somewhat unwillingly said, "Retreat."


Important things should be said three times.

Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket

————————————— (scp file)——————————————————

Stele Portal

Item #: SCP-M003-01SCP-M003-02

Object Class: Extinction

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M003-02 is considered a Class V extreme biological hazard and all relevant protocols apply.Incineration and radiation measures are to be used in the event of zero operator or external channel communication in any given 8-hour period, power failure, political or military action that could result in the facility being dismantled.

Employees who leave the operating facility will be quarantined for four months.If violated, incineration and radiation measures will be implemented.


Under normal circumstances, nothing happens when you touch the smooth side. At a specific time, when you touch the stele, it will be swallowed by the stele. The detector fails after passing the stele. The D-class personnel who came back described SCP-M003-01 as a wasteland, and nothing changed. Like a prison.

Description: SCP-M003-02 insect swarm nest is a group of aggregates composed of insects. It has no main body and the consciousness can freely switch among the insects. It is extremely difficult to kill.The swarms are extremely vigorous and can fly.

The swarms are similar to bees but smaller, and they are extremely resistant to stress, flames, and cold waves, and are not afraid of infrasound waves and various cosmic radiations.

The swarm will look for the host, and after entering the host’s body, it will gradually transfer to the brain until it enters the brain and replaces the body to emit bioelectricity. At that time, the host’s consciousness is clear, but he has no control over the body. This process only requires 48 hours.

The swarm will lay eggs while walking as it gradually moves to the brain, and the host will be eaten up by the newly born swarm in less than a month.

The SCP-M003-01 stele portal was discovered in the United States. At the same time, it was discovered that the SCP-M003-02 swarm was brought back by D-class personnel. After 3 days of observation, D-class personnel were dissected, and all insect eggs and mothers were successfully removed. After 20 days of observation, it was found that the D-class personnel had no abnormalities and had fully recovered.


Erase all D-class personnel who have entered SCP-M003-01.

Suggestion: Kill SCP-M003-02 at all costs, or never release it.

It's too dangerous!

Chapter 15 Leicester

John woke up in a daze and found himself hanging from a tree. His whole body was in pain like being burned by a flame. According to his experience, he had broken at least three ribs. He was weak and weak. Half of his face lost consciousness, and suddenly John heard someone talking.

"Sir, all the team members and the driver died at the scene, but the body of their captain John Jackson was not found"

A soldier reports to a soldier in a lieutenant's uniform.

The lieutenant pondered for a while and immediately said, "Report to the headquarters, and at the same time inform them to control John Jackson's family."

Only then did John notice that someone from the military came to investigate the situation, and immediately wanted to call for help, but he couldn't make any sound at all. He could only watch them leave gradually, and John couldn't help vomiting blood anymore and passed out. past.

When John woke up again, he found that even the wreckage on the road had been cleaned up. Feeling that he had regained a little strength, he immediately struggled to get up, but the branches could no longer bear his weight and broke apart, with John fell to the ground together.

Only then did John realize that he could not see his own body.

John thought to himself, "Am I already dead? But I can still touch my body and feel pain."

Suddenly John remembered that he reached out to grab a spell when he jumped out of the truck. With a thought, he instantly lifted the invisibility. It turned out to be the invisibility effect produced by the snake spell. Although he missed the chance to call for help because of the snake spell, the invisibility of the snake spell also saved him. He died.

John is now ignoring the magic of the spell, and is struggling to climb towards the road. Only on the road can he be discovered, but the injuries on his body are too serious. He couldn't hold on just after climbing into the road, and passed out again .

A stretched Lincoln drove over from a distance and finally stopped in front of John.

A huge bald man inside the car suddenly opened his eyes.

"Why stop?" Although it was just a question, the driver was already sweating profusely.

The driver immediately stammered and replied, "Ahead... there is a person lying on the ground in front."

"People?" Immediately, his eyes turned to the co-pilot who had been playing with a pistol, "Lester, go and see."

"It's a soldier, it looks like he was attacked and fell into a coma"

The majestic voice sounded again.

"Take him away" and then the car fell silent.

...............................(guess who is this)

Looking at the sheep and chicken charms in his hands, Wang Yue felt a little inexplicably heavy. After spending so much effort, he ran away with the two most powerful charms.

"Lei Hu, how is the situation of the team members?"

"Reporting to the commander, all of them have been successfully treated with repair instruments, and there are no casualties."

"That's good." Wang Yue said to the Red Queen again, "Have you found that person?"

"Commander, his name is John Jackson. No trace of him has been found yet, but his family is under the control of the military."

Wang Yue felt a little headache, and his family was under the control of the military, which meant that he hadn't gone back yet.

"Report to me immediately if there is any movement by the military"

Wang Yue looked at the panel in his mind

Containment point 2400 points

Guard point 860 points

scp682 countdown: 75:42

There are still three days before 682 will come, and 100 people can be recruited by then, these should be enough.

Suddenly there was a sound of piercing in the sky, and a handsome man in a golden-red steel battle suit landed at the door of the coffee shop with a handsome knight's ceremony, causing cheers from the surrounding pedestrians.

Tony Stark also enjoyed the cheers of others, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and deliberately stayed there for 2 minutes in order to cooperate with Tony.

Someone even shouted excitedly, "I want to have a monkey with you, Iron Man"

Tony's complacent face immediately collapsed, he ignored the crowd around him, and walked into the coffee shop quickly.

Tony smiled and said to Wang Yue, "Well, I still have a lot of fans."

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Yes, there are still people who want to have a monkey with you. If I'm not mistaken, it should be a man."

Tony's smile immediately froze: "Don't mention this, what about the little girl who can play with ice?"

"You still dare to miss her, I'm afraid you haven't experienced the Ice Age." Wang Yue was upset instantly, co-authored that you came to me just to pick up girls, and you are still my person "speaking of business, what are you doing here, the steel suit is ready ?”

"Three sets of steel battle suits have been completed, and someone will send them over soon"

Wang Yue asked suspiciously, "Didn't I want 10 sets? Why only 3 sets?"

"The time you gave is too short. I'm still manually manufacturing the assembly line. I haven't designed it yet. It's good to have 3 sets."

Wang Yue replied helplessly, "All right, but more weapons must be added."

"No problem, as for the prison, the time is too short, and you leave it all to me, how can I finish it by myself?"

Wang Yue also had no choice, the time was a bit short, and the technological content of the Magic Star Prison was very high, even if there were blueprints, it would be difficult to build it.

"Then find a small island to make a temporary prison"

"Yes, I have a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, which is my secret base, as long as it is targeted and modified, but you have to give me its information"

Wang Yue understood in an instant that he was testing his authenticity.

"I can still lie to you, the Red Queen will pass the file of 682 to him"

Tony was also surprised after reading the file, and murmured, "It seems that my steel suit still needs to be modified, why not build an anti-682 suit."

"Did you find it?" Tony asked.

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