"Niu Meng, skinned, headless, get some firewood!"

"Smile, Ah Chou, go to another store to find out if there is an oven, move it here, and remember to pay for it!"

"Xu Tao...why are you so non-existent? Find some plastic sheeting or rotten leather to block the gap in the wooden door in the backyard!"

Qin Kun released the mourning ghost and Jinyi old ghost again.

The mourning ghost looked around: "Brother Kun...are you going to cry?"

"Crying for your mother's head, you also go to help block the cracks in the door, I will freeze to death..."

The ghosts don't seem to be very sensitive to the cold. It can be seen that they are wrapped in clothes, and they should feel the cold, but they are not like Qin Kun, who are frozen to death.

The ghost messengers got busy and worked together under Qin Kun's command. After a while, a fire was lit in the house. The Laughing Ghost and A Chou brought the bamboo-like chimneys from some shop. As the temperature rose and there was no choking smell of smoke, Qin Kun felt as if he was alive.

Now Qin Kun has more than 100 merits and virtues, and there are only two black candles left in the space. The house will be renovated soon at the end of the year, 2 square meters, and the decoration is almost at least 130W. Qin Kun feels that he has to get a sum of money back quickly.

The Laughing Ghost got a tiger-skin mat from nowhere, and handed it to Qin Kun obsequiously. Qin Kun praised the little ghost for being sensible, and in pain, paid thousands of dollars for the owner of the mat to give to the Laughing Ghost. go.

Sitting on the cushion and warming the fire, like King Qin Kunshan, he played with his mobile phone and boarded the forum called 'Bone Hometown'.

Haven't been on for a long time, the posts in the forum are changing with each passing day.It is inseparable from the title of gods, gods and ghosts.

[My hometown lives in this village, and I am a soul born and raised in this village! 】

[My hometown is in the next door, and I have a native grave next door! 】

[My hometown is in the grave next door, I was captured and died for three years in the next door! 】

I don’t know which song has become popular recently. The [My Hometown] series of post titles all highlight the funny atmosphere. The content in it is still about ghosts, but it is quite interesting. If connected together, it is still a series of stories.

Qin Kun logged into the forum account and read a few paragraphs with relish. Somebody created a discussion group, and suddenly a chat box popped up.

The Yuan family has good wine: [Director Qin is on!I thought I was dreaming!I'm Yuan Xinghan, Director Qin! 】

Xinxin little princess: [Wow!It's really Director Qin, I'm Yu Mengxin! @木公公, husband!come out faster! 】

Eunuch Mu: [It's really Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, I'm at work, you guys talk first, I'll take care of something.After a while, if you have nothing to do, come out to have a meal, so be sure to reward your face! 】

Wu Dahang: [The surname is Qin!You still have lines on your face, I've been squatting on you for a long time! 】

A Plum in the Flower World: [Qin Kun!I'm Xu Yang!I heard that your first group start was very successful, next time I have decided to go with you! 】

Qin Kun: "..." Why is this guy here?

Apart from Xu Yang, this group of people is obviously a member of the first group of Ghost Travel Agency. Qin Kun was surprised that they would also be in this forum.

After Yu Mengxin explained, Qin Kun suddenly realized that it was Qi Hongzhuang who recommended this forum to them, and during this time, they were still 'fighting' in the forum with those who questioned Qin Kun's post.

Xinxin little princess: [Director Qin, those people speak too badly, and they don't believe in ghosts in this world at all, why don't you scare them? 】

Qin Kun was ashamed, he was a ghost catcher, it was the job of the head-down master to scare people, right?

Kunlun Demon: [Cough, let’s forget about this, today I just want to see how the previous posts are, and whether we can have another group before the Chinese New Year. 】

Chatting with a few people for a while, Qin Kun saw the previous [Ghost Travel Agency] post, and got hundreds of replies, most of which were spraying Qin Kun's ancestors for several generations, Qin Kun almost crushed the phone screen, okay After hundreds of posts, Li Zhe and Yu Mengxin stood up and started to spray back under the leadership of "Mengmeng's Red Clothes". Qin Kun felt a little relieved when he saw that Wu Senran was the one who sprayed the most. .

Although this big man said he didn't believe in ghosts and gods, he was still kind.

Xinxin little princess: [Director Qin, it's winter now, everyone will go to Hainan if they want to travel, 3 yuan, no one will go to hell with you, so don't even think about starting a group, summer is a good season to catch ghosts. 】

Qin Kun thought for a while, and there was some truth. The winter in the south is cold, no matter how thick it is, it is useless, and Linjiang City is not on the coast. In this terrible weather, no fool will spend 3 yuan to come out to see the devil.

But where do I get the decoration expenses for me... I'm sad.

The Yuan family has good wine: [Director Qin, are you in Baihu Town? 】

Qin Kun replied: [Well, Baihu Old Street, the travel agency is here. 】

The Yuan family has good wine: [I'm pretty close to you, I'm looking for you now, just to tell you something. 】

【it is good. 】


After a while, a jeep drove over. Although Yuan Xinghan still had half-length hair and beard unkempt, he was obviously a little more airy than when he saw him last time.

Looking at the expensive leather jacket on him, Qin Kun handed him a cigarette: "It's ok, have you made a fortune?"

Yuan Xinghan rubbed his hands together, grinned, and sat on the spot in a very awkward posture, and puffed out a column of smoke: "No, I sold a few paintings and made a little money!"

Qin Kun saw Yuan Xinghan's airy appearance, and looked at his low-key and luxurious attire. He estimated that the small money should be worth at least 7 figures.

For this painting, Yuan Xinghan felt that it was thanks to Qin Kun. He painted the buildings aided by the Soviet Union in the 80s, as well as monsters and ghosts. The paintings are grotesque and exquisitely arranged. Critics say that these paintings reflect some of the reality and ugliness of today's society and belong to the vanguard. Art style, well received.

Qin Kun looked at a few paintings on Yuan Xinghan's phone and thought they were really good, but he couldn't appreciate such works of art either.I didn't say much, after all, it's better to hide my clumsiness than to show my ugliness.

Yuan Xinghan proudly finished showing his work and took back his phone.Seeing that the room was still decorated as it was before, with dim oil lamps and firewood lit, Qin Kun was sitting on a piece of tiger skin, with a bit of mystery revealed under the light and shadow, he praised in his heart: As expected of Director Qin, this is simply the art of walking works.

Yuan Xinghan felt in his heart that if Qin Kun was to engage in art, it would probably become a success in a few years.

The two chatted for a while, and Qin Kun asked.

"By the way, what do you want from me?" Qin Kun asked in a low voice, "Have you run into a ghost?"

This is what Qin Kun is most concerned about now.

Yuan Xinghan smiled wryly: "Director Qin, are you cursing me... Is it true that you have hit a ghost, but..."

Qin Kun was a little disappointed. He didn't run into a ghost, which meant he had no extra money.But after hearing Yuan Xinghan say 'but', Qin Kun's eyes lit up again: "But what!"

"However, a senior from the Calligraphy and Painting Association has a problem recently. You know that my eyes are a bit special. I can see some... dirty things... That senior is old and likes to collect antiques. This time, I received a dresser from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. , something is wrong with my body. I saw that dresser once, um... weird."

Yuan Xinghan's tone was obviously a little uncertain. After chatting for a while, Qin Kun knew that the senior had helped Yuan Xinghan several times before, and he had the kindness of supporting him, and he belonged to half of the master.So Qin Kun said: "Don't worry, take care of me."

Yuan Xinghan nodded: "Director Qin, Mr. Jiang doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, and he doesn't want to invite those Taoist priests over. Don't reveal your identity when the time comes. This is 5 yuan, which may be a bit small. You have to do me this favor. Said that you are the youngest professor in the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine..."

professor?just me?

Qin Kun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, no one believed him when he said that he was a professor of Physical Education College!

But for the sake of the 5 yuan, Qin Kun put on an air of a master: "Brother Yuan, right and wrong are determined by God. If your senior is really riddled with evil, no amount of money will save him. If it's an accident, I don't care about the money."

Qin Kun clarified the words first. If there is really something that cannot be solved, such as the other party is a ghost or something, it is useless to give 50W.

Yuan Xinghan nodded: "Okay! I see, then when do you have time?"

"Call me tomorrow."



Chapter 0125 Seven seconds into a charm

In the evening, Qin Kun suddenly received an urgent field mission.

A car accident happened in Linjiang City this afternoon. A mountain road was blocked by rare heavy snow. A truck lost control and collided with a car on the national highway.The two deceased had been cremated successively, and the rest seemed to belong to a wealthy family.

Qin Kun came to the inner room of the mourning hall, invited the family members to retire, and began to sew up the corpse and organize the remains.

An hour later, the corpse, which was originally a tragic death, was now lying peacefully on the plank bed with a calm face.

"Master Qin... I'm sorry to trouble you..." The weeping family members of the deceased were helped over to thank Qin Kun and gave Qin Kun a red envelope.

"It should be, and my condolences will change."

Qin Kun put away the red envelope, returned a salute, said goodbye to his family, and left the mourning hall.

Qin Kun has dealt with a lot of such urgent tasks in the past two years. Some of the deceased's death conditions are unacceptable to the miserable family members.

They tried their best to let the deceased go away with peace of mind, and let the family members see them on the road peacefully.

For a funeral practitioner, this is the best Qin Kun can do.


Ride the car and return to the community.

In the house, Chu Qianxun put on a mask and got a TV. Wang Gan was wearing a Taoist robe lining, watching TV with Chu Qianxun with relish.

Qin Kun opened his eyes wide and pointed at the TV: "Where did this thing come from?"

Chu Qianxun glanced sideways at Qin Kun: "I flew here by myself!"


Qin Kun was speechless... This woman's words are really thorny.

After the three of them finished their meal and cleaned up, Wang Gan looked at the time: "I have to do my homework."

Wang Qian practiced Fu Zong's homework every day, breathing out, improving his eyesight, practicing fingers, and drawing talismans. When doing homework, the little fat man looked like a different person, with sharp eyes and quick movements. It feels more flexible than my own limbs.

One hundred pieces of talisman paper, each with cinnabar on the head to point out the 'edict', and then, according to the thoughts of the mind, outline different runes.

brush brush brush --

Qin Kun saw the speed at which Wang Gan drew the talismans, and he could only describe it as horror. The talisman papers were like flipping through a book. Every time a piece of talisman was drawn, it was picked up and placed next to it. , neatly stacked, not messy at all.

"How long?" Qin Kun asked in a low voice.

"11 minutes and 40 seconds." Chu Qianxun replied in a low voice.

"One talisman in 7 seconds!"

The two whispered to each other, admiring in their hearts.

Qin Kun brought Wang Gan's talisman paper. These talismans are almost exactly the same regardless of shape, strokes, or structural position, and there is no difference at all. This little fat man is worthy of being the true biography of Tianzitang...

"Damn it...five more mistakes..." Wang Qian was also checking the talisman paper himself, looking through it again, feeling a little depressed.

Wrong... 5 cards?

Qin Kun opened his eyes wide. He didn't find out which talisman paper was wrong, and the talisman paper started, the system kept prompting 'Congratulations on getting a spirit-gathering talisman', all 100 pieces were reminded, and there was no waste talisman!

Wang Gan took out the five pieces: "These few pieces of Juling Talismans are too heavy to handle with cinnabar, and they are easy to spontaneously ignite, so they are almost useless."

Wang Gan crushed the five talismans, and Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun stared wide-eyed.

Geniuses really have different requirements for themselves!

"Fatty, you don't want this talisman anymore?"

Qin Kun held a stack of talisman papers and asked while drooling.

Ever since Wang Gan healed Xu Tao's injury with the spirit-gathering talisman that day, Qin Kun has been very enthusiastic. The elixir for curing ghosts in [Ghost Mall] is too expensive, and a bowl of 'yin soup' gets 500 merits. It can repair half of the injuries. Generally, Niu Meng and others are injured and can only do their best to repair their injuries by lowering their cultivation bases. Those lowered cultivation bases have to be replenished from the incense offerings in Qin Kun's hands.It made Qin Kun very heartbroken.

Now that there is this kind of 'dog skin plaster', Qin Kun will naturally not let it go.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Gan narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Kun: "Let me say yes first, my master won't let me sell talisman paper for money!"

Qin Kun spat and took out the coin: "Look! I can exchange it with you!"

Qin Kun took out a stack of ghost coins, and these ghost coins only cost 10 points of merit, which is nothing compared to the 'Yin Soup' which can earn 500 merit!

Wang Gan was stunned. The last time he changed Qin Kun’s half pack of road money, it cost him 500 yuan. After the Nanzong Daohui, I heard that the three leaders of Nanzong robbed the road money like a treasure, and this stack cost 1 yuan!It was 10 times higher than the price I gave at the time!

Qin Kun actually exchanged such precious road money for his own spirit-gathering talisman?

Wang Gan said in a low voice: "Qin Heigou, let me remind you again, this talisman paper is not made of silk paper! Ordinary yellow paper, rubbed a few times, the power of the spirit-gathering talisman will be greatly reduced, it is not as good as brocade paper That way you can carry it in your pocket at will.”

Qin Kun said: "I have ghost servants in my hand, you know that ghost servants will inevitably get bumped and injured. I have to use these talismans as medicine."

Wang Gan nodded, and gave Qin Kun an exquisite talisman bag, which made Qin Kun even more happy.

Wang Qian said cautiously: "Will you want more in the future?"

Qin Kun swallowed his saliva: "Are the other talismans good? For example, the Vajra talisman and the Greedy Wolf talisman you drew during your homework a few days ago..."

"It's all for drawing. Ordinary yellow paper can't carry the power of this kind of talisman. I also have a yellow armor talisman, which is one level lower than the Vajra talisman. It's for defense. Yellow paper can be drawn..." Wang Gan immediately Promote it.

Qin Kun made a final decision: "That's it!"

The two reached a consensus, and they each got what they needed. Chu Qianxun was so happy that he tore off the mask: "I want it too!"

In the face of interests, Qin Kun will not give in: "I said Miss, your family has a big business, why do you need to beg for soup with us two poor ghosts?"

Chu Qianxun grinned: "In Linjiang City, I know of several large tombs with fine century-old human skin and hair."

Centennial human skin!hair!

Wang Gan's eyes widened. This is an important raw material for making silk paper!

Qin Kun secretly thought it was not good, this chick seems to be trying to grab business...

But Chu Qianxun said again: "I also know that there are some evil and life-or-death brats in Linjiang City!"

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