The godmother giggled, and several of her giant baby 'sons' crawled on the ground, playing around her.

Other than that, they didn't know anyone else, so Qin Kun glanced at them and stood silently aside.

"The result of the lottery—"

"Stone Cone, against Fast!"

"Abdullah, fight Hakza!"

"Goddess, fight the dog Yunqiu!"

"Qin Kun, fight Luo Luoti!"

"Battle begins!"

The PK stage is still the same PK stage, the Buddha and magic flowers on the stage are the same, the flowers have bloomed from the stage to the audience, like vines, each stamen is four or five faces of tragic death, the stone platform at the corner of the PK stage It has been pierced by the flower roots, exposing the blood-colored soil, with a rancid smell, which is particularly pungent.

The first battle was a man full of blood, Shi Zhui, against a man in black, Fast.

Shi Zhui was naked from the upper body, carrying a big ax like a barbarian, with countless tattoos on his body, and next to him, a necromancer dressed like him, carrying a big axe, the two of them were yin and yang.

The ghost servant of the man in black is an old ghost with a lamp. Inside the large green lantern, there is a human head with no lips, eyes gouged out, and a mouth that is on fire.

The old ghost had few hairs on his head, just like the gravekeeper in the valley who had not seen the light all year round, his eyes protruded and almost fell into the eye sockets.

The battle was not very procrastinated. At the current stage, almost all the miscellaneous fish fighters were eliminated. The fighters who had won 5 consecutive victories were their own unique skills as soon as they got started, and the rhythm was very fast.

The barbarian warrior turned into a double-axe warrior with half of yin and half of yang after the ghostly presence. The old ghost with the lamp and the man in black robe were hacked to pieces by the big axe like the wind before they performed the ghostly presence. , and then the head in the lamp rolled to the ground, oozing green, fetid plasma.


The barbarian soldier smiled contemptuously, struck down with the big axe, and the black-robed man smiled sinisterly. The barbarian suddenly realized that his body froze suddenly, and something was biting his back.

Turning his head, he saw that the head that had rolled to the ground was gnawed on his shoulder, and the barbarian was poisoned, with green spots growing all over his body.

After a while, the spots spread to his neck, and the barbarian died in great shock.

"Winner, Fast!"

"Second match, Abdullah, against Hakza!"

In the second scene, the hosts were dressed up by two jungle wizards. This time, Qin Kun discovered that the one named Hakza was very similar to the Southeast Asian head-down master Hassanto he had seen. His skills were extremely similar to the snake blood secret technique. Similarly, when it was sprayed on Abdullah's body, Abdullah's stomach began to surge rapidly, and after a while, several full-fledged blood leeches drilled out, each half a meter long.

Abdullah's ghost servant did not cut off Hakza's head. After his master was sucked to death by the blood leech, he turned into a cloud of black smoke and was swallowed by the blood leeches.

In the third game, the godmother played.

It can be said that the godmother is the most special host Qin Kun has ever seen.

When a ghost comes to the body, others say to merge with one ghost, but the godmother has three!After she fuses with her three giant baby 'sons', her charm and illusion skills will increase tremendously. As long as she is a man, it is difficult to escape her captivating ability.

Qin Kun turned his head a long time ago and heard the sound of slapping behind him. The gurgling water and the undulating roar of the waves stimulated everyone's eardrums and nerves. Exploding with foul language.

"Robert, don't you think watching her fight is like watching an 'Ivy' movie?"

Qin Kun's memory of where he came from is missing, but the deep-rooted 'Ivy' culture has not been forgotten.

The Golden King nodded sympathetically: "I have to say, that old woman is getting more and more attractive."

Qin Kun glanced at the Golden King, and saw that it was not the first time that the Golden King had seen the disgusted expression of the godmother, but was eager to try.

Qin Kun was startled: Could it be that the current strength of this old hag has faintly affected the spiritual power of the Styx-level host?

Qin Kun's heart was shocked. If this is the case, how terrifying is this godmother's charm?

At the end of the battle, Qin Kun turned his head and saw that the opponent of the godmother was a kobold, lying on the ground as always, with age spots and sparse white hair all over his body, his skin was wrinkled and dehydrated.His expression was still happy and satisfied until death.

Qin Kun noticed that the kobold's crotch was blurred, the little brother was bitten off, and the godmother licked the corner of her mouth, there was a trace of attractive blood.

Depend on!This old witch is really perverted!When I meet her in the future, I will definitely beat her to death without saying a word!

"In the third round, the godmother wins!"

"The fourth match, Qin Kun, against Luo Luoti."

Qin Kun stretched his waist and walked onto the PK stage. Opposite him was a slender man with his head covered, with a dazzling red mole between his eyebrows.

"God bless, Luoluoti Summit, your most devout believer, I hope to inherit your mana, defeat the enemy, and continue to serve the noble you."

"Ah San?"

Seeing Luo Luoti's attire, Qin Kun didn't know why the word popped up in his mind, presumably he knew this attire.

"Ah San, don't worship your god. Your true god can bless you, so he won't let you come here. I guess you don't even know where you came from now." Qin Kun pouted, instinctively, he felt I am very disgusted with this dressed person, it seems that this dress represents the curry that Qin Kun doesn't like very much, and the body odor that Qin Kun doesn't like very much.

Luo Luoti's eyes suddenly turned dark. On the quiet PK stage, a gust of wind blew by. For some reason, the buddha flower next to it closed its petals, covering the face inside.

"I came from the banks of the Ganges to accept the test of the true God here."

Luo Luoti's tone was very calm, and the corner of his mouth suddenly raised, "What about you? A lost wild dog."

He... he knows where he came from? !

Qin Kun felt a huge shock in his heart, obviously the surrounding hosts were also shocked.

What the hell is he talking about?Or did it break through the ten-dead city's restriction in some respects?

All around the PK station, including the Styx-level hosts, were shocked and looked at each other suspiciously.

Luo Luoti's contract owner was a pharaoh-like man with dark circles under his eyes and bronze-colored skin. He carried a staff and wore iron rings all over his body.With a sullen face, he laughed loudly: "Golden King, I heard that you bet 3000 merits this time, do you regret it?"

There was an unseen seriousness on the Golden King's face.

Obviously, the other party was ridiculing himself.The Golden King did not expect that the opponent could summon such a special 'fighter'.

The mirror reflected light, making it difficult to see his eyes clearly, but the blond hair was disheveled by the wind, and the corners of the Golden King's mouth were raised, revealing his white teeth.

"Sha Zhuang, if I add 2000, do you dare to follow?"

The pharaoh man's eyelids twitched, and his expression turned ugly: "Madman! Do you think you are the only one with money in this area? I'm with you!!! Today I want to convince you to lose!"

The Pharaoh and the Golden King were betting against each other, while Qin Kun was confronting Luo Luoti.

Qin Kun is now, influenced by the PK station, in a temple. A blue-purple snake-wearing true god sits majestically in the center. His eyes are pitiful and cruel, and the big snake around his neck is actually moving.

Qin Kun took a deep breath, took out a pill and took it.

Manufacturing Dan.

A elixir of 500 merits can produce karma.

Qin Kun also didn't know why he didn't use the fierce ghost, but wanted to use the 'Yehuo Shengang' instead, as if there was something in his body eager to try, eager to come out and fight with the opponent.

After taking Zaoye Dan, Qin Kun stood quietly on the spot. Under the statue, Luo Luoti stretched out his wrist and fed the big snake on the statue. The big snake happily sucked up the blood and crawled towards Qin Kun.


The big snake twisted its waist and looked greedily. Qin Kun was like a sacrifice in front of it, and he had no power to fight back.

It slowly entangled Qin Kun, and its body became tighter and tighter.

Outside the PK stage, the godmother frowned: "What happened to him? Why didn't he move?"

The godmother's contract owner, the sunny boy with long fangs is also puzzled. Among the fighters of the Golden King, this mediocre man brings too many surprises. I didn't expect him to go all the way to 5 consecutive victories. , but even so, why is it motionless in this temple?Have you given up?

Or... that Luo Luoti's mental power is too strong?

Sha Zang laughed loudly: "Golden King, 5000 merits are actually on this rookie! You are more reckless than a spirit eater!"

The Golden King was also sweating, what the hell is Qin Kun doing! ! !

There were already boos in the stands. They were very dissatisfied with Qin Kun's performance. Some spectators who participated in the betting had already started to curse.

After all, what they're betting on isn't merit—it's Yincao plasma.

Just when everyone thought that Qin Kun was about to be strangled to death or eaten by the big snake, suddenly, a burst of incomparably violent Gang Qi surged from Qin Kun's center.


A violent shout came from the air, the tone was like an inviolable superior, the voice came from Qin Kun's mouth, the big snake was roared in front of him, screamed, and turned into flying ash!

The violent drinking was accompanied by a storm of stellar energy sweeping every part of the temple. As Qin Kun slowly raised his head, the two sun lamps on his shoulders intertwined into a bright red robe.His gaze became indifferent and steady, like a cold pool with no bottom.


Qin Kun swept towards Luo Luoti, shouted again, and there was a bang, Luo Luoti's body exploded before he could scream.

"Fourth battle, Qin Kun wins!"

Before everyone understood what was going on, the voice of the referee's announcement sounded, and the illusion created by Luo Luoti's spiritual power slowly disintegrated, but under the red robe, Qin Kun raised his hand to gather the temple together again.

On the throne, the petrified statue suddenly opened its eyes.

"Humble ants, dare to blaspheme the god's law, die!"

The true god held the divine fork beside him, and pointed towards Qin Kun Qin Kun's head!

The divine fork carried a sonic boom, and even sparked in the air. Qin Kun's face was calm, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Clay sculptures, dare you... call yourself a god?!"

After all, he stared at the statue, starting from the tip of the divine fork, cracking inch by inch, and the divine fork, statue, seat, and the entire temple collapsed little by little in front of Qin Kun.

All around, there was silence.

After the fly ash dispersed, Qin Kun remained motionless like a mountain, standing in the center of the PK stage.

Maybe it's the first time for many people to see that there is an opponent who can reshape other people's "geography" and destroy things with his own hands. This is simply too unbelievable!

After a long silence, a violent commotion broke out in the stands.

Seeing the group of people cheering for him, he still didn't react at all. He crushed the buddha flower that had crawled to his feet, dusted off the dust on his red robe, and left the PK stage without saying a word.

Chapter 0124 My hometown, I live in this village

When Qin Kun woke up again, he was already in the underworld.

In the early morning, the morning light was twilight, the outside was white, the snow had stopped, Chu Qianxun made a hot breakfast, Wang Gan woke up a little earlier than him, and was eating fried eggs.

"Junior Sister Qianxun, your craftsmanship is really good!" Wang Gan couldn't stop praising him, his mouth full of greasy food.

Wang Gan is the youngest of the three, but Fu Zong Tianzitang has a very high seniority, called Chu Qianxun Junior Sister, because Chu Qianxun is the true biography of the old fairy Chu, otherwise Chu Qianxun would have to be a lower generation .

"That's right, this girl's culinary skills are much better than Taoism!"

Chu Qianxun was triumphant and saw Qin Kun coming out: "Brother Dog, are you awake?"

Your grandma has a leg, when did you get the nickname?

Qin Kun glared at Chu Qianxun. After washing, he sat down on the table and started eating.

He had already forgotten how he came back from the City of the Ten Dead, but this time it was better than when he used the 'Yehuo Shengang' before, and he still remembered that he killed Luo Luoti.

After breakfast, Wang Gan went to the film crew. They were low-budget film crews for ghost movies. Wang Gan was a playboy, but this little fat man seemed to have a high fighting spirit.Only now did Qin Kun know that the happy 250 motorcycle Nan Zongdao would see was actually this one.

Chu Qianxun was fine today, sat on the sofa and started a video conference, then looked at Qin Kun: "Aren't you going to work today?"

"The corpses in the funeral parlor have been processed a few days ago. You can go in the afternoon these few days. Unless there is an urgent cremation, you should be fine."

Qin Kun responded, while browsing his mind, he found that something finally appeared in the exchange of ten dead cities in his mind.

'blood corpse'

'Introduction: One of the ten dead city's host physique, full of blood, strong defense, fierce ghosts are behind, if the ghosts are blood corpses, the strength and defense will have additional bonuses'

'Exchange price: 12 drops of vaginal blood plasma'

'Evaluation: Evolutionary physique, blood corpse, iron corpse, hair stiffness, flying stiffness, no bones, can temper the yang body into a supernatural yin body, which is rare in the world'

'(Reminder: Physical characteristics are automatically generated after exchange, the host may feel uncomfortable)'

I'm so stupid...

Qin Kun reached 6 consecutive victories, and after accumulating 12 drops of Yincao plasma, he finally saw the physique that the Golden King said.He knows that the things screened out by the system are suitable for him, but are you sure that Lao Tzu is suitable for cultivating blood corpse physique?

Seeing Qin Kun in a daze, Chu Qianxun asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Qin Kun came back to his senses, he felt that it was better not to exchange blood corpses, at least he kept 10 drops of Yincao blood plasma, and he could save a life if he died in the Ten Dead City. Besides, what kind of blood corpses are these, he always felt weird .

"It's nothing. I'll go to Baihu Town Old Street to take a look later. The travel agency has to take care of it."

Chu Qianxun nodded: "Well, I will also go to the Seven Star Palace later. I heard that Grandpa and Grandpa Jing are back, and that ghost will take care of it."


The two stayed until 10 o'clock, when Qin Kun got into Chu Qianxun's car and came to the old street of Baihu Town.

The old street in the snowy day was still desolate, basically no one opened the door, Qin Kun secretly scolded himself for being stupid, who would come to a commercial street in a tourist attraction like this in a snowy day!

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