
Chu Qianxun was horrified. This candle was harder than ordinary steel!

Inside the store, Qin Kun was sitting next to the Fat Ghost store owner, very uncomfortable. The overwhelming ghost qi made it difficult for him to breathe.

Qin Kun suddenly coughed up blood.

With a loud bang, there was a loud noise in the store, and a ghostly figure with the head of a cow appeared, standing behind Qin Kun.

The fat ghost shopkeeper seemed to be strangled by something, and was speechless in astonishment.

Qin Kun wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Storekeeper, people don't fight with officials, can you speak properly now?"

The fat ghost shopkeeper's ghostly energy disappeared, and he regained his genial expression.

"This master turned out to be on a temporary job at Fengdu. It's disrespectful and disrespectful. It was just the kid who was reckless. You ask, the kid knows everything and can't stop talking."

Qin Kun smiled bitterly, the other party was only exuding a little ghost, and he was injured. This fat ghost shopkeeper is at least a ghost level!

It's still a bully's identity that works.

For a ghost above level 20, Qin Kun doesn't even have the idea of ​​confrontation now. Fortunately, he didn't provoke him, otherwise it would be really difficult.

Qin Kun pretended that nothing had happened, put away Niu Meng, and asked: "Storekeeper, since you are not shallow, you should know that the ghost market and the world seem to be separated, but in fact they are one, and the ghost market is located in the world. The place where there is, has been haunted a lot recently, it is said that there are ghost soldiers haunting it in the middle of the night, that is my friend's territory, I want to find out who is not long-eyed and goes there to make trouble."


The fat ghost shopkeeper seems to have thought of something, why is it: "This lord, if it is a ghost soldier, this is not easy to handle. In Longhuai Ghost City, there is only one place where there is a ghost soldier, and that is... the ghost king of Longhuai. Tomb. The ghost soldiers you are talking about are probably the Long Huai Guards. They are a bunch of poor and crazy soldiers. The incense has been broken for hundreds of years. Many shops in the ghost market have been robbed. from."

Ghost King?Guards?

The Guomao Building is located in Longhuai District, Linjiang City. Qin Kun never imagined that there is a ghost king sitting in the underworld of Longhuai District!No wonder there are so many wandering spirits and wild ghosts here, and no emissary dares to take people to the underworld. It turns out to be the domain of the ghost king!

The Ghost King is lower in identity than the Hell King in the Ten Halls, but the level is the same, except that he is not recognized by Fengdu, he is almost an independent force.

Holy crap... it was the ghost king Konoe who was making trouble...

Farewell to the fat ghost shopkeeper, Qin Kun looked sad.

Nima, the system classifies ghosts into: wandering ghosts, wild ghosts, serious ghosts, evil ghosts, ghost generals, and ghost kings.

The ghost king is a level 50~59 existence, Qin Kun only rose to level 13 a few days ago!What's going on here?

Seeing Qin Kun coming out, Chu Qianxun frowned deeply, thinking he was angry.

He hurriedly said: "Is it okay just now? I don't understand why I was so impulsive just now. I thought that fat ghost was not that powerful at all... So..."

Qin Kun shook his head: "It's not your problem, the yin-turning talisman water was originally meant to hide and contain the yang qi, plus the environment here is gloomy, it is inevitable that you, a masculine person, will do something impulsive when the yin qi clashes with you. I used to be impulsive and irritable, but it's much better now."

"Ah?" Chu Qianxun was surprised, she didn't expect it to be like this, "Then you are frowning, aren't you mad at me?"

Qin Kun said: "I'm so stingy. I frowned because we're in trouble next. Those pawns who go to China Trade are a bit of a source."

Qin Kun didn't tell Chu Qianxun about the ghost king, but simply said that Xia Mingzun was a very powerful ghost's entourage. After Chu Qianxun had seen the magic of the ghost market, he was a little overwhelmed.

"What do we do next? Are we going to kill them? Otherwise, let's find a chance to go out first. I'll go to the Seven Star Palace and invite my grandfather out."

go out?

I can't get out if I can't complete the mission, Miss!

As for the pawns, of course they must be destroyed, otherwise how can I get the system reward?

"I have inquired. Those ghost soldiers are helping poor ghosts. They settled outside the ghost market. Let's buy something to find them first. If we have money, we can make ghosts grind. If they really don't know the good and the bad, then don't blame Master Qin for being ruthless."

The system quest is to clear the three pawns before starting the main quest.

So now, we have to catch three guys and put them in the urn, right?



Chapter 0024

Longhuai Ghost City, the vast number of shroud shops, restaurants, and paper tying shops, Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun thoroughly swept the area.

"Qin Kun...you're killing yourself by buying so many shrouds!" Chu Qianxun was so tired with a heavy burden on his back.

Qin Kun pouted: "What else do you know besides catching ghosts? Sister, this is the realm of ghosts. I don't know how many ghosts can put out your oil lamp. Do we really want to fight in a while? Now think about how to honor ghosts. Seriously. Doing it is the last resort, if you really want to do it, there is a chance."

Qin Kun was also carrying a pile of shrouds, which were clothes from an old-fashioned shroud shop in the ghost market. He spent almost all the paper money he had saved in the flexible space, and the styles were exquisite and beautiful.

Qin Kun had to admire women now, and Chu Qianxun's serious attitude of choosing carefully when visiting shroud shops made him sigh.

The two bought dozens of shrouds and a lot of rice dishes.The cost of eating and drinking is the real issue of honoring ghosts.

Chu Qianxun also seemed to have something similar to an elastic space in his hand, and he stuffed a lot of food. Qin Kun was very curious about it, but he didn't ask much.

The two left the ghost city. Outside the ghost city, it was an extremely quaint big city. The appearance of the ghost city was a tower. Looking around, in addition to this tower, the palace in the distance was the most conspicuous.

When Qin Kun was shopping, he inquired that the underground of this city was the underground palace of the ghost king Longhuai, the ancient tomb of Longhuai, covering the whole city.The entrance to the main tomb is in the palace-like building in the distance.

The ghost town street is full of traffic, and it seems that this ghost town has been managed quite well.

Qin Kun called a carriage on the side of the road and stuffed a piece of paper silver ingot: "Master, go to Yizhuang. Hurry up and whip!"

"Okay sir, you two sit tight!"

In the carriage, Qin Kun was thinking about something, while Chu Qianxun looked at the scene of the whole city curiously, and sighed with emotion.

"Qin Kun! It's amazing, this is the underworld?"

Qin Kun said: "I said that there is neither yin nor yang here."

Chu Qianxun said: "You just said that the shopkeepers who opened the shop sold the items that their descendants burned for them. What about the groom who rode the horse? His horse was not always burned for them, right?"

Qin Kun said: "As long as there are living beings who recognize you as the master, they will accompany you after death. Also, this is not a carriage, take a good look at it with your heavenly eyes, this is the coffin of the coachman..."

Chu Qianxun took out the oil lamp and took a closer look, only to find that they were sitting in a coffin, and that horse was pulling a coffin-carrying trolley.


Chu Qianxun found a skeleton in the coffin and got up in a hurry, almost falling from the carriage.

"what is this?!"

Qin Kun said: "The corpse of the driver is also the body. During the day, the Yin spirits go in to rest."

The carriage was a little bumpy, and the driver drove out of the city. Outside the city, there were countless mass graves, and many weak wandering spirits, laboriously carrying their remains, as if they wanted to move to a feng shui treasure.

Approaching Yizhuang, there are more and more skeletons scattered on the ground, barren mountains and wild grass, and ghosts and wolves, all complaining about their inability to bury themselves after death.

"Two, there is Yizhuang in front of you. The younger one will not go forward. Otherwise, there will definitely be a bunch of poor ghosts begging me to help deliver the bones when they come back. My horse can't handle it."

The driver bowed his hands, and Qin Kun nodded: "Okay, I'll give you another ingot, and see a child's corpse on the road to help deliver a good place."

The driver hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Success! I'll listen to you!"

In the outskirts of ghost towns, there are countless lonely and wild ghosts, and the mountains are full of hostility.These are ghosts who cannot be buried after death, and whose descendants are unfilial. There is no incense offering, and no one pays homage to them. What awaits them is a complete loss of soul.

Even if there is plenty of yin here, ghosts can't live by drinking the northwest wind alone.

"This uncle, have pity on me, give me some reward money to buy food!"

"Put on your clothes, I'm cold..."

"I beg you……"

Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun were surrounded, and there were screams of mourning around them. They were shocked by Chu Qianxun's oil lamp, and they were ghosts at the level of wandering spirits, so few dared to approach.

Chu Qianxun originally had a ruthless attitude towards ghosts, and it was deeply rooted in her heart. Her grandfather taught her that people and ghosts are incompatible since she was a child. This kind of non-yin and non-yang place, but I don't know how to do it.

As ghosts, they can only wait to die in this kind of barren mountains and ridges, just like the disadvantaged groups in society, they are extremely pitiful.

"Qin Kun... why don't we give them something to eat? I just bought a lot..." Chu Qianxun couldn't bear it.

When the surrounding ghosts heard it, they were excited: "Thank you, the female bodhisattva!"

Qin Kun refused: "Why? I bought it all. Who do I want to give it to? They have nothing to do with me being pitiful."

The ghosts were furious and stared at Qin Kun resentfully, a few of them were about to attack.

Chu Qianxun said angrily, "Don't you think I'm ruthless and ruthless? Why are you like this!"

Qin Kun simply showed his yang body, turned his head and said to the group of ghosts: "If you feel that you can't get along, I can transport you to the underworld and reincarnate. You don't need to live here, how about it?"

Qin Kun's yang energy is displayed, holding an urn in the palm of his hand, exuding a heart-pounding aura.At the same time, a desperate force pulled the surrounding ghosts, and the air became sticky, making it impossible for people to move.

After being frightened, there was a fierce resistance. The surrounding ghosts fled desperately, but no one agreed to be saved. They ran to the distance and looked at the urn, as if they had encountered something terrible.

Qin Kun shrugged and said to Chu Qianxun, "Did you see that? They just want to survive, they don't want to enter the underworld, and they don't want to enter the six realms of reincarnation. Such people are afraid of retribution in the next life, and they are afraid of having bad karma in their bodies, so let them live in the next life. Turning into a pig and dog, they would rather stay here and disappear, and they are not willing to be reincarnated. What’s so pitiful. Their evil karma will only be retributed on their children and grandchildren in the end, so they all deserve it!!”

Qin Kun didn't hide his voice, and glanced at the lonely ghosts around him. When the ghosts heard it, they all turned their eyes away, not wanting to look directly at Qin Kun.

Qin Kun discovered this kind of thing after he got the urn. The reason why many ghosts are reluctant to reincarnate is because they are unwilling to bear their own evil karma, and they are afraid of retribution in the next life, but no one can avoid such things as cause and effect.The retribution that should come down will come down eventually!They don't bear it, they bear it for their descendants.

Chu Qianxun was speechless.

His grandfather only told her the big truth, and these details were never mentioned. His grandfather seemed to be the same as the other seniors in Nanzong. He only believed in the superiority that power brought to ghost hunters, and never cared about other things.

Qin Kun put away the columbarium, so many ghosts, if they are willing to be overthrown by themselves, they can make many 'black candles', one of which is 100 merits, Qin Kun is also capable of arresting them into the columbarium to refine them, forcibly overcoming them, But he never did.

Qin Kun has such a weird temper. I do this, it will be good for me, but it will be even more good for your descendants. If you don't appreciate it, I don't need this benefit, and I won't beg you. Let me overtake you.

The ghosts began to disperse, and only four remained, and they were all dying old ghosts.

The four old ghosts knelt down and carefully kowtowed to Qin Kun: "This Daoist... Please save us. We didn't want to enter reincarnation after death, and we avoided the pursuit of black and white cattle and horses. Now think about it, we are confused... …”

Qin Kun was not polite, and threw a dozen paper money to each of them: "If you enter the underworld and have a good meal, you will be reborn as soon as possible. Let me tell you a secret, the incense burnt by your descendants to offer you in the next life will also become a blessing for you. Go! Remember to do good deeds in your next life."

The urn appeared in Qin Kun's hand, the system prompts sounded continuously, and the four old ghosts were included in it. Qin Kun made them into black candles by the way.

success!This black candlestick is worth at least 400 points of merit!

Qin Kun looked at the black candle in the urn with satisfaction, and suddenly found that this black candle was gray, which was a little different from the white black candle he usually made.

And... it looks like the candle Chu Qianxun just took out!

When Qin Kun wanted to take out the candle and ask Chu Qianxun, a few ghosts in armor walked out from the Yizhuang not far away.

"Yangren?! You dare to save the ghosts in the king's realm? Who gave the courage?!"



Chapter 0025


The armor of these ghosts seems to be made of bamboo pieces, and bamboo also occupies a place among the large ghost trees.Generally, those who were soldiers during their lifetimes are more powerful than ordinary ghosts after death. In addition, they are dressed in ghost wood and bamboo armor. Qin Kun concluded that these ghosts are at least above the level of wild ghosts.

The bamboo armor is a bit tattered, but the military power is still there, but Qin Kun doesn't have a good face for evil ghosts.

"Miss Chu, come on! Beat them up!"

"Ah?" Chu Qianxun said in a low voice, "Didn't we just discuss honoring them?"

Qin Kun said: "If you convince them before honoring them, then it will be called both kindness and power. They will be more grateful to us. Maybe things will be solved at once, understand?"


Chu Qianxun now realizes that following Qin Kun can be done without thinking.As a royal sister with big breasts, she likes no brains the most.

Chu Qianxun stepped forward and called out: "How many wandering ghosts dare to bark in front of auntie? Remember, auntie Nanzong Chu Qianxun, when she sees the King of Hell, don't forget who sent it. you have passed."

Chu Qianxun held up the oil lamp, smoke filled his nose and mouth, and there were four pawns on the opposite side, his face couldn't help but look horrified.

"Youluo Lantern! Turn off the oil lamp!"

The three ghost pawns flew up, surrounded Qin Kun and the two, and shouted: "Battle formation!"




As the surrounding scene changed, Qin Kun found that he and Chu Qianxun were in an army formation, surrounded by hundreds of soldiers and ghosts, shouting overwhelmingly.

Hit the wall!

"Damn, so loud?"

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