"Old cow? Ah Chou? How did they come?"

Qin Kun looked at Chu Qianxun, Chu Qianxun's eyes were strange.

Chu Qianxun didn't say a word, his eyes looked as if his daughter-in-law was about to interrogate her husband.

Chu Qianxun fluttered his long hair and sighed, "It turns out that Daoist Qin has great mana and is accompanied by ghosts and a black dog to protect the master. The little girl's worries at the beginning seem to be superfluous."

"Chu Qianxun, did you take the wrong medicine? The words are inexplicable."

Qin Kun, who is accompanied by ghosts, can still understand, what kind of ghost is the black dog protector?

Chu Qianxun pouted, "Just hide it from me! I don't know how many things you have kept from me, but when I first saw your special fate, I thought you were a poor person who needed my help, but I didn't expect you to hide so deeply. !"


"Could it be that you discovered the secret of my great skill? It shouldn't be..."

Qin Kun couldn't figure out what she meant, so he just looked at her carelessly.

Chu Qianxun spat and said nothing.

Chu Qianxun was staring at Qin Kun all the way, and nearly rear-ended several times. The car drove to the parking lot of the International Trade Building. Qin Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "My Miss Chu. May I ask what kind of style you are smoking today? What are you staring at me for?"

Chu Qianxun said, "Qin Kun, do you know that there is a record in the Taoist Collection of the Southern Sect that only the reincarnated people of the Celestial Master are qualified to summon ghosts for their drive? Are you born with Taoism?"

"Dao, you are tall...I can't remember the big figures in Taoism right now."

"Then where did you learn Taoism?"

Qin Kun's expression suddenly became serious: "Learn without a teacher. Well, don't guess me, miss, I just found out that we seem to have been recruited..."

'Ding!The blue task starts automatically'

'You have entered the special map: Longhuaishan Ancient Tomb'

'Ding!From now on, no contact with the outside world'

'Ding!Please save the three pawns and start the main quest"


Chu Qianxun was said inexplicably: "What trick?"

Qin Kun covered his forehead, pointed at the scene in front of him and said, "Look at it."

Chu Qianxun looked in the direction of Qin Kun's finger in surprise, and found that the underground parking lot had turned into...

A cemetery? !

Chapter 0022

Qin Kun this week, the blue task is that there are ghost soldiers passing by in the 'Longhuai Greenland' community, please accept them.

Yesterday, Jiang Guomao came to buy clothes for Qin Xue, and the main purpose was actually to see this community.Because this community is next to the International Trade Building.

It was the second time for Qin Kun to be pulled into the mission map.

But this time, Chu Qianxun was also pulled in.

Chu Qianxun saw that the wall of the underground parking lot had become blurred, as if it had been scorched by flames and turned into an...ancient cemetery palace?

Her car, including everything in the parking lot, was turned into a coffin.Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun were squeezed into a small coffin.

"What a powerful mirage, my grandfather has never seen a ghost of this level!"

After Chu Qianxun was slightly surprised, he regained his composure.Chu Qianxun walked out of the coffin first, holding an oil lamp in her hand. She found that the lights in the parking lot had become braziers hanging on the wall. After approaching, there was still residual temperature, which could not be more realistic.

Qin Kun said in his heart: As expected of a professional ghost hunter, I was surprised by her for a while.

Niu Meng frowned and said in a low voice, "Brother Kun, I have already refined the dagger you gave me. I don't think I can stay here for a long time, otherwise I may be assimilated by this place. I will go back to Deng Geli first! "

Niu Meng suddenly disappeared, and a coin-sized skull flew into Qin Kun's hands.

'Ding!The ghost messenger has successfully refined the body and obtained a mandrill cover.'

Qin Kun put the mandrill into the flexible space, only to find that A Chou was gone, maybe the mission map didn't call her in.

Qin Kun walked out of the coffin, looked around, and heard a strange sound.

In the underground tomb, there was a rustling sound in the coffin, which was especially harsh in the quiet environment, as if thousands of insects were gnawing at something.

"There seems to be something inside, scratching the coffin board."

Qin Kun said, there are hundreds of coffins in this underground palace, and there will be nothing in them, right?

That would be the case.

Chu Qianxun held the oil lamp, and the blue smoke spewed out from his mouth. The blue smoke was like strong wine. It turned into a fireball in vain when it met the flames, spit it out of Chu Qianxun's mouth, and burned to the side.

"Can't my 'fire of rage' break through the wall? Qin Kun, what should we do?" Chu Qianxun asked, she also noticed the strange sound of the coffin, and her expression was a little dignified.

Qin Kun thought to himself: This is not an ordinary ghost hitting the wall, Miss, if you can break it, the system will be too incompetent!

"Let's go, go upstairs and take a look, and you'll be safe when you come. I found that although the appearance of this place has changed, the terrain has not changed. You should know where the elevator is, right?"

"Ah...I...I know. But is the elevator useful?" Chu Qianxun was suspicious.


Elevators, it turns out, are still useful.

The original elevator became a wooden cage, and at the door stood a dozing blue-shirt kid.

After Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun came over, the green-robed kid suddenly raised his head and let out a piercing voice of surprise: "Yangren?! How did you guys come to the ghost market?"

Chu Qianxun took the oil lamp and subconsciously wanted to shoot, but Qin Kun stopped him. Qin Kun took out a pile of yellow paper: "Don't ask so much, come and stroll around, this is for you, send us up!"

The blue-shirted brat's eyes lit up, he laughed twice, and put away the yellow paper: "I like the generous Yangren the most, come in! Longhuai Ghost City hasn't been to Yangren for a long time."

The wooden cage was opened by the kid, and Chu Qianxun didn't want to go in, so Qin Kun forcefully dragged it in.

The wooden cage was slowly rising, Chu Qianxun was very surprised, because she had just heard the word "Ghost City", isn't this a mirage world?

Qin Kun saw the curiosity in Chu Qianxun's eyes, and explained simply: "This is the world of ghosts, you can call it the underworld, but this place is between the two worlds of yin and yang, forming a space of its own. It can be said that It’s a mirage, or it’s not. If you suddenly leave here now, the place where you will appear will be in the elevator of Guomao, do you understand?”

Chu Qianxun nodded to express his understanding, but this kind of place was too bizarre.

Chu Qianxun thought of something and asked, "Qin Kun, have you been here before?"

Qin Kun smiled bitterly and said, "I've been to a place similar to this one. Remember the cemetery in Yuetan Mountain, Shanyin? I spent a day and a night at the ghost manor, have you forgotten? It was memorized by your bodyguard."

Chu Qianxun smiled when he remembered Qin Kun's embarrassment that day.

The wooden cage stopped, and the little ghost in the blue shirt took the two out and instructed: "Second lord, not ordinary people dare to come to the ghost market, there are many wild ghosts with temper, and there are serious ghosts, you have to be careful. !"

Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun came to the inside of a huge space. There were caves on the walls and shops. The structure was almost identical to that of the International Trade Building.

There is a stone brick floor at their feet, with wooden railings next to them, skeletons as decoration, a brazier a few steps away, and a giant golden ring hanging from a few giant iron cables on the top of the center of the space, reflecting the surrounding firelight, like the sun Brighten up here.

As soon as he got out of the wooden cage, Qin Kun exchanged a bowl of talisman water from the ghost space and poured it into Chu Qianxun.The ghosts floated around. At first, a few ghosts were still looking at the two suspiciously. After drinking the water, the group of ghosts dispersed, and no one paid attention to them.

"What did you give me to drink?" Chu Qianxun's voice became hoarse and his mouth was bitter.

"The yin talisman water, temporarily covering the yang energy."

There are many low-level items in the ghost store. Qin Kun used to drink this talisman when he was doing missions. In order to fear being attacked by ghosts, he usually stood by after drinking the talisman and sent Niu Meng to shoot.He knew very well the use of this talisman.

"It's too bad, why don't you drink it?"

"You said that it's too bad to drink... I don't drink it. Besides, I stay in the funeral home every day, and the yin qi in my body is enough to make the kid with a low Taoism not realize that I am a masculine person. As for someone with a high Taoism, I don't drink it. use."

Chu Qianxun was furious, but secretly admired it, it seemed that Qin Kun really was as secretive as he imagined.

"These ghosts seem to be living in an orderly manner, which is a bit of an eye-opener for me."

Chu Qianxun saw that this group of ghosts came and went, shopping, eating, and even wandering around.

Qin Kun said: "There is no yang energy here, ghosts are pure yin bodies, and their intelligence remains immortal, so they are naturally the same as normal people. If ghosts stay in the yang realm for a long time, and the yin qi is not pure, they will destroy human nature. Become irritable and fierce. Or how to say ghosts are only suitable for staying in the underworld."

Chu Qianxun was a long-time knowledgeable man. After being a ghost hunter for so long, this was the first time Chu Qianxun heard such a statement.

"Then what are we going to do now?"

Chu Qianxun has now vaguely focused on Qin Kun. It has to be said that she only now has a more accurate understanding of the small worker who works in the funeral home.

Qin Kun found a hotel, and sat down in a hurry: "Of course it's to solve the problem of your International Trade Building. Find out if there are any ghost soldiers running around here, and destroy them."

Exterminate... Exterminate them?

Chu Qianxun was sweating coldly. Are you kidding me?There are at least thousands of ghosts here!Wouldn't it be troublesome to get my hands on it here?



Chapter 0023 Why is there still a ghost king here...

The place where Qin Kun and Chu Qianxun stayed was a ghost shop. The tables and chairs in the shop were all ancient jujube wooden chairs. They were quite comfortable to sit on, but the little Er who greeted the guests was a little uncomfortable.

In front of Qin Kun, a paper figurine dressed as a second child with open eyes, two red puffs on his pale face, and his clothes are extremely bright blue, which makes people panic.

"Guest officer, what would you like to eat?"

"Drinks, steamed buns. A plate of vegetarian chicken and a plate of vinegar. The rest is for you!"

Qin Kun took out a silver ingot made of paper, and Xiao Er went happily.

After a while, the wine and dishes were ready, and the dishes ordered by Qin Kun were placed in the old thick porcelain bowls, and there was a stick of incense in each bowl.

Qin Kun pulled out the incense and started eating.

Chu Qianxun was surprised: "Do you really eat?!"

Qin Kun said: "Nonsense! These are all offerings burned at home after the owner's death, not poison. Would you like a few bites? It's delicious."

Chu Qianxun retched, and she only felt sick to her stomach when a dead person put the meal.

Chu Qianxun saw that Qin Kun was eating deliciously, and asked, "How strong are you, can you eat this too?"

Qin Kun pouted: "When I was young, my family was poor, and I couldn't eat meat several times a year. Every four o'clock and eighth, I would go to the rich people's graveyard to steal food to eat, what's the matter? Look at Qin Xuebai. Fatty, if I stole those delicious food for her to keep her mouth shut, she would have been kidnapped by someone after a meal. Miss, you don't understand the life of a poor family! "

Chu Qianxun really didn't understand that since she was a child, she never thought that Qin Kun would have such an experience.

Qin Kun wiped his mouth after eating: "Little Er, hurry back to the back hall and call your boss. I have a few questions to ask him."

The paper man in blue nodded and bowed: "I'll go right now."

Chu Qianxun said in a low voice, "Isn't he angry when you talk to him like that?"

Qin Kun said, "This paper figurine is a funerary thing to be burned for the shopkeeper. It's just a little bit of yin to gain some wisdom. In terms of identity, it's one level lower than a ghost. Is that how slaves are ordered?"

Chu Qianxun said, "Ah? So it's like this..."

The shop owner was a chubby ghost, with a rich face, dressed in silk and satin, and he must have been a big family during his lifetime.

The storekeeper of the Fat Ghost came to Chu Qianxun and said with a smile, "Yo, it was Yangren, sir, what's your order for calling the little ghost?"

"Storekeeper, I want to ask you something."

Qin Kun said with a smile, handing out a dozen gold ingots.

The Fat Ghost shopkeeper confiscated it for the time being, but saw the oil lamp Chu Qianxun had placed on the table, and smiled, "Master, you can inquire about things, but you don't need to be courteous before soldiers, right?"

The owner of the Fat Ghost Shop found that the oil lamp had been pushed beside him by Chu Qianxun, and his face was a little unsightly.

Chu Qianxun said, "A little devil, you can say whatever you want."

For ghosts, Chu Qianxun has always been vigilant and hostile.

The fat ghost shop owner blew a sigh, the oil lamp went out, and said with a cold face: "It's just a secluded lantern, it's not that we haven't seen it before. I've seen a few ghost hunters from Longhuai Ghost City, but they haven't been able to rampant yet. of."

Chu Qianxun's expression changed. Since she left her grandfather's apprenticeship, it was the second time that her oil lamp had been blown out. She was a little messy, so she got up in a hurry, and Qin Kun pressed her down again.

Qin Kun bowed his hands to the fat ghost shopkeeper: "The shopkeeper, this is the first time for my senior sister to come here. I don't know the rules.

Chu Qianxun held an extra dark gray candle in his hand, and said, "Qin Kun, you are with Tiangu, do you need to be low-key with him?"

Qin Kun's teeth are itchy. The two things that bother me the most are that people praise me as handsome, and people call me a dog, and they still praise me as a dog!

Who are these people!You are the dog!

Qin Kun waved his hand impatiently: "Miss Chu, I beg you, don't make trouble if you don't understand the rules? Go out."

Just as Chu Qianxun was blasted out by Qin Kun, she suddenly found that the fat ghost shopkeeper was full of ghosts, and the gray candle in her hand broke in two at some point.

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