"Okay!" Tuhai immediately understood Zhou Peigong's meaning, so he shouted to Gesh on the left and right, "Pass down the general's order!

Order Ma Junmen to lead the troops to attack Dinghushan immediately!

Order General Sun to lead his troops to attack the rebel's left wing immediately!

Order Deputy General Sun to lead the troops to attack the middle of the rebels immediately!

Then go and tell Shangdu Tong and Yan Junmen... The gains and losses in Guangdong depend on the two of them fighting hard. If they can win this battle, I will try my best to protect Shangdu Tong and Yan Junmen to be knighted! "

Tuhai really stud!


Geshha beside Tuhai responded with "嗻", and immediately eight people received the order flag from Zhou Peigong, and then rode their horses and galloped to convey Tuhai's order.

Tuhai watched Geshha's pegasus go away, and immediately turned his horse's head around, and the pegasus came to the Six Hundred Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers lined up behind him.

The Six Hundred and Eight Banners soldiers were all in high spirits at the moment, and each of them seemed to be in high spirits.Although they worked an extra night shift last night, it was a little bit exhausting, but after patrolling the camp all night, they were all unscathed. The "Meteor Thunder" of the rebels looked so powerful that they couldn't hurt a single hair of them!

This shows that the beads consecrated by the great lama given by the emperor and the lightning protection charms drawn by the little Zhang Tianshi with the boy's skill are particularly effective!

They are now the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners for lightning protection and fire prevention!

Now I saw the fire and thunder of the Qing Dynasty bombing the rebels... Everyone was extremely excited. If they had long tails, they must have been raised into the sky.

With a clang, Tu Hai pulled out his treasured saber, waved it, pointed forward, and shouted: "Followers of the Eight Banners, the opportunity to perform meritorious service has come... Follow me and go up!"


Top... go up?

But we are soldiers of the Eight Banners!

When the Eight Banners soldiers heard that they were going to "top" up, they thought they were going to charge forward, and they were all stunned.

Seeing the cold scene, Tu Hai didn't understand what was going on?The great military adviser Zhou Peigong who came with him was clever, and immediately added in Manchurian: "The general means to take you to the top to supervise the battle!"

Now the soldiers of the Eight Banners were boiling, and shouted loudly in Manchurian: "The Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners, fire and lightning protection, are invincible in the world!"

Following the cheers of this group of "supervising and invincible" Eight Banners soldiers, the Han army and green battalion soldiers on the battlefield were all excited.

Zhu Heqi, Yang Qilong, Zhuge Zhengyang and others were on Lingshan Mountain, and they also saw the Qing army divided into four groups, rushing towards their own camp and the position on the nearby Dinghu Mountain slope like a tide.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, except Zhu Heqi.

Zhu Heqi put down the binoculars and smiled faintly: "I finally figured it out, I know I have to work hard... that's good, this is interesting!"

Yang Qilong and Zhuge Zhengyang over there also put down their binoculars, Yang Qilong frowned and said: "Too many, too many... At least 4 to [-] people!"

Zhuge Zhengyang also frowned, "The large number of people is not the problem, the problem is the artillery formation... that's where the morale of the tens of thousands of demons on the battlefield is tied!"

Zhu Heqi nodded, noncommittal.At this time, a cavalryman with a big beard rode his horse to the foot of Lingshan Mountain, then got off his horse, carrying a burden skin that seemed to be wrapped in a ball, and trotted up the mountain all the way. Holding the burden in front of Zhu Heqi, "Sage, this is the thunder you want to cleanse the demons!"


Hearing this, a young soldier beside Zhu Hechi immediately stepped forward and tore off the furoshiki wrapped around the unexploded sugar mine that landed on the battlefield, revealing the pitch-black cast iron projectile.

"Sure enough!" Zhu Heqi smiled, and said to the cavalrymen holding the fire thunder, "Throw this sky thunder into Xijiang!"

The people around were taken aback when they heard his words, but the cavalryman was obedient, and he responded, holding the dangerous fire thunder, and walked down the slope along the path leading to Xijiang.

At this time, fierce battles had already begun on the center and left wing of the Ming army's defense line!Qingyao is still the same number of ways, the miscellaneous soldiers pushing the shield car go up first, covering the musketeers and archers into the range, while the pikemen press down, wait for the muskets, bows and arrows to weaken the opponent before launching an assault.

However, Tuhai didn't have any extra fire and thunder soldiers to use. After all, Emperor Kangxi didn't want his Han army and green battalion to master the "anti-proliferation" weapon of sugar fire and thunder...

But relying on the large number of people, the Qing army still has the advantage on the scene!

Chapter 228 All Followed!God of war, god of gambling?

"It's fighting! It's great...it's good to fight!"

Seeing that the defense line on the east side of his own camp had already formed a ball, Zhu Heqi was very excited, he couldn't help but was gearing up, and he smiled and said to Yang Qilong and Zhuge Zhengyang: "Tuhai is putting all the chips in his hand up!" Now, I want to make a big bet with the Gu family! Military division right, Zhengyang boy, do you think the Gu family can win this game with the luck of the Gu family?"

How can you not win?

Zhu Heqi is now the lord of Macau, with the blessing of Macau's casino luck... Of course, every bet is sure to win!

Besides, Zhu Heqi had "peeked" at Tu Hai's cards just now, so how could he not win?The question now is how much to win?

"Master," Yang Qilong frowned slightly, his luck in gambling has never been very good, so he didn't like to gamble, "The battlefield is no better than a casino, you should make a plan before you move, and you will win if you make the right move!"

"We must win! We must win!" Zhuge Zhengyang was already yelling.Zhu Heqi and Yang Qilong looked back at him, and found that this guy was counting his fingers just like his old man Zhuge Yaodao... I don't know how many he counted?

"Forget it!" Zhuge Zhengyang said with a smile, "Jianzhou is transported by water, and my Ming Dynasty is Huode... Now that we are fighting against fire and thunder, our Ming Dynasty will certainly win! This time Tuhai puts the coffins of Ping and Ding feudal It's a big bet. As long as we win this battle, where can we go to Guangdong and Guangxi?" He paused, "Saint, the student thinks we can make a bigger bet... to suppress the navy brought by my father Go up, win or lose!"

The naval army led by Zhuge Army Division is now also forming a formation on the open waterway north of Makou on the Xijiang River to confront Shi Lang's navy.

Zhu Heqi had made an appointment with Zhuge's army division. Once they won the battlefield in Guicheng, they would light up the smoke on Lingshan Mountain.

Once Zhuge's military master saw the smoke of the war, he would order the navy to launch an attack and drive Shi Lang's navy to fight - if the defeated Tuhai wanted to take most of the defeated soldiers to Shaozhou, he had to go by water.

If Zhuge's navy defeated Shi Lang's navy and burned the Qing army's ships, Tu Hai would probably have to abandon most of the green battalion and Han infantry, and flee with only his "supervising war soldiers"...

"Not bad!" Zhu Heqi nodded with a smile, and said loudly, "Light up the wolf smoke!"

He paused, and then gave an order: "Give Su Zhanhai an order to transfer six battalions of infantry and twelve three-pound guns from Qinjun Town to command Zhao Hongkui, the commander-in-chief of Zuojun Town... In addition, The artillery leaders to which these six battalions belonged were not transferred, and remained under the Qinjun town.

Give Lin Tianbo an order to do his best to repel the Qing Yao in front of him, and then attack the Qing Yao's left wing! "

Zhuge Zhengyang took out a small notebook with a brush, and quickly recorded Zhu Hechi's dictated orders.

Then Zhu Heqi took out his special seal of "Jinyi Pro-Army Commander", and stamped several orders written by Zhuge Zhengyang - this is the "token".

After several cavalry sent down the mountain with Zhu Heqi's "token", Zhu Heqi said to Zhuge Zhengyang again: "Come on, let's go down the mountain too...go to Su Zhanhai's place! Let's see how Gu's family beats up the demons." Fire and Thunder Array!"

After finishing the order, he handed over his seal of "Commander of Jinyi's Pro-Army" to Yang Qilong, "Once the clear demon fire and thunder explode, we will fire the rocket and issue the general attack order!"

Although Yang Qilong felt that Zhu Heqi's words were a little unbelievable, but these days he had seen too many "miracles", so he was no longer surprised, and immediately took over the not-so-large "big seal" respectfully.


The gunshots crackled like popping beans, and the bullets rained like weaving. Coupled with the projectiles of the three-pound cannon and the general cannon, you came and went on the battlefield, mingling into a ball.The Tianlei of the Ming army also began to show their power again after the Qing Yao launched a full-line attack. Together with the Qing Yao's sugar thunder, they exploded clouds of smoke on the battlefield.

The corpses of the Qing demon green battalion soldiers and the feudal army flag soldiers wearing blue-gray cloth masks fell like wheat on the not-so-wide battlefield.Inside and outside the trenches in front of the Ming army, and near the wooden fence, there are layers of dead bodies, which is shocking.

But Qing Yao's offensive is still fierce, wave after wave, [-] thousands of troops, like a stormy sea, started at noon on November [-]th, repeatedly impacting from the south slope of Dinghu Mountain in the north to the north bank of Xijiang River in the south The camps and positions of the Ming army retreated in one wave and came in another.

Now not only the coffins of the two vassals have been settled and pacified, but also the 2 green camps in the northern provinces brought by Sun Sike, the main forces of the Qing Dynasty in Guangdong and Guangxi, and even the ownership of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces have all been placed on the table by Tu Hai. Table chips!Moreover, Emperor Kangxi would not cut off Tu Hai's head if he lost the bet... he would not even hold Tu Hai accountable!

Because Wu Sangui has turned against him!

If Tu Hai hadn't taken a big gamble before the news of Wu Sangui's rebellion spread in the army and Wu Sangui fought Yunnan, Guizhou and entered Hunan... the chips in his hand would also disappear in due time.

So Tuhai is letting go of the big gamble now!

Although Sun Yanling and Ma Xiong also knew Tuhai's trump card, they couldn't get off Tuhai's thief ship.

Because they can only vote for Wu, not Zhu!

Sun Yanling is Kong Youde's son-in-law, Kong Sizhen's husband... and the reason why Daming is in danger from heaven, Kong Youde cannot escape the blame!

Had it not been for Kong Youde's defection to Houjin, taking away a large number of Western firearms purchased from Macau, and the musketeers and artillery trained by Sun Yuanhua with the help of Portuguese instructors in Macau, Ming Dynasty might not have been able to turn things around.

Even if Zhu Hexi didn't let Shang Kexi's family go, how could he let go of Kong Youde's family and former ministries who were the most sinful among the Sanshun kings?

Don't even think about it!

As for Ma Xiong...he could join Daming anyway.But Tu Hai is leading the six hundred and eight banners heavenly soldiers to supervise the battle behind his ass!And if he can't show a little prestige, what will he use as the capital to get in?

Most of the territory in Guangxi will be taken away by Zu Zeqing, a bastard who deserves to go to hell, right?

Of course, compared with Sun Yanling and Ma Xiong, Shang Zhijie and Yan Ziming are the hardest.Shang Zhijie must be a filial son!But Yan Ziming was controlled by Shang Zhijie... so he could only pretend to be "Shang Ziming" and fight along with him.

The two of them fought from morning to evening, their eyes were red, and their lips were chapped by the smoke from the battlefield.But the two of them remained motionless on the front line, watching wave after wave of their men filling the furnace-like battlefield in front of them, turning into cold corpses, or being carried away with bruises. Come down and lay aside to die...

"It can only be pulled down..." Shang Zhijie saw that the remaining strength of his Pingnan Palace was like a rapidly melting ice cube, about to disappear in front of his eyes, and he could only cry without tears.


"Hurry up, hurry up, move faster!"

"Don't grind the powder, just mix it well..."

"Yes, yes, just use a shovel to mix...add sugar, gunpowder, and iron nails, and then load the bomb!"

"Quick, quick, quick... Take out all the sugar fire mines and pile them here! Hey, stay away from open flames!"

Deng Zhong was yelling in a hoarse voice, and he had been yelling like this for almost an hour.

The reason why he was so tired was because he was running out of ammunition, but Tuhai didn't allow him to withdraw... Although the Huolei Army didn't achieve much results, it was a real tie to the morale of the whole army.

Ray can't stop!

So he can only command the mines while commanding his men to make mines... Fortunately, there are still a lot of gunpowder, sugar, and iron shell casings in the army, so many mines can be crudely produced.

Under his command, more than 200 fire mine soldiers are now desperately fighting mines.They used a big iron pot and a big shovel to keep turning sugar, gunpowder and iron nails!The stirred "thunder powder" was randomly stuffed into the cast iron shells one by one.Then these fire mines filled with medicine are just piled up casually everywhere, and no one has asked about safety production for a long time...

Chapter 229 The thunder exploded, and the slaves are exhausted!

The sound of guns and guns rang for most of the day, and when dusk came, the fierce fighting and death fighting on the battlefield finally stopped.

The demons who have been attacking for a long time now need to eat something, add some water, and take a breather before they can continue to chew on the defense line of the Ming army... Although they are called "clear demons" by Zhu Heqi, but After all, he is still a mortal child!

What a beating they had this past afternoon!

No one will count the specific casualties now, but the battlefield is full of thick gunpowder smoke and bloody smell, which has been lingering for a long time.Lying human bodies can be seen everywhere on the battlefield, probably no less than four to five thousand, most of them belonged to the Qing army.There are also some Qing Yao who have been injured and have not died, still groaning and wailing in a low voice.

However, during the bloody battle for several hours, the Qing monsters did not gain anything, except for killing and wounding no less than a thousand officers and soldiers of the Ming army.They also filled a large section of trenches, cut down more than a dozen sections of wooden fences, and forced more than a dozen Ming army three-pound guns that were originally arranged behind these wooden fences to move their positions.

After cutting down more than a dozen sections of wooden fences and forcing away more than a dozen three-pound cannons, these "brave" (braver than super brave) Qing demons were beaten to death. The shield cart piled up with soil bags and pushed into the damaged wooden fence, built more than a dozen strongholds, and also occupied the ditch filled with dead bodies and filled with the smell of blood, and pushed many generals into the ditch On the outside, a new artillery position was formed.

Therefore, the fronts of the two sides are now tightly "glued" together.In some places, there is also a situation of canine teeth.

To be fair, the [-] demons under Tu Hai and Sun Sike are really capable of fighting!If it weren't for the fact that the Ming army directly under Zhu Heyi had powerful sugar medicine weapons and armed their minds with original Confucianism, they would have known who to fight for and why.Guichengdu's victory in this battle may have been captured by Tu Hai!

However, we cannot exaggerate the fighting power of Qing Yao. After all, they didn’t just enter the customs... In almost one day, after [-] or [-] consecutive rounds of attacking battles, most of the soldiers felt exhausted, and their morale was also low. Greatly shaken, rumors inevitably spread among the weary people.

There are some rumors that Wu Sangui is rebellious - can this be considered a rumor?

There are some rumors that Geng Jingzhong is also rebellious... This is a "somewhat false" rumor.

Some people are passing on the rebellion of the ancestor Zeqing, and now they have occupied Guilin and Liuzhou in Guangxi, and are massacring the family members of Dingfan and Ma Xiong, the admiral of Guangxi!

In short, these rumors have spread panic, making the already low morale even lower... If it weren't for the fact that there are still Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers and Sugar Fire Thunder, these Green Battalion Soldiers and Han Army Banners who were put on the front as cannon fodder The morale of the soldiers must have already collapsed.

And at this time, behind the Ming army's front on the opposite side, an arc-shaped mortar position made of sandbags had just been completed.

A total of twenty twelve-pound mortars used to fire super-caliber flower bombs have been placed in place, and super-caliber grenades with wooden sticks stuck in their buttocks are neatly placed behind piles of sandbags.

And at a distance of about fifty steps behind the mortar position, a rocket launcher position was also set up, and a row of rocket launchers had also been placed in place.

The son of the sage, Zhu Heqi, had already put on a red cloth-covered iron armor that looked very ordinary, and also put on an ordinary hat made of Foshan hat. The gunner issued the elevation angle, direction, propellant charge and fuse length which had been calibrated many times.

Whether this counterattack can be successful depends on how well these mortars and rockets are doing.

In order to succeed in one blow, Zhu Heqi had already stayed in this artillery position for two or three hours, and personally commanded a mortar to test fire repeatedly.

Now we finally have the most accurate metadata!

The brave general Ling Zongjun, who has been promoted to the deputy general of the Jinyiwei Qinjun Town, also strode up to Zhu Heqi, saluted, and said loudly: "Saint, the five hundred death-defying soldiers are already in place, and I have sent them each Two rasores!"

Rasore is a grenade hammer that uses a cable friction ignition device to ignite the fuse, and the friction ignition powder is an extremely dangerous but very effective mixture of white phosphorus and lead red... It's a bit crazy!

Therefore, Zhu Heqi did not dare to equip his army with this kind of lasore, but made [-] sets of white phosphorus with Bei Jiaxin and Aoi Saiwu, two "laboratory female assistants" before dispatching troops. Lanyard torch.Insert this dangerous pod into a grenade hammer and you've got a rasore.

The "box mine" that was used to kill Shang Zhidian before used this kind of cable ignition device.

Zhu Hexi patted Ling Zongjun's favorite general on the shoulder, and said to him with a smile: "Baiting Army, be careful...the good days are still to come!"

"I know," Ling Zongjun showed a creepy smile on his pockmarked face, "Saint, don't worry, the students won't die so easily, and the students will create a world of harmony for the world!"

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Zhu Hechi waved his hand, signaling his favorite student to return to his command post - not far from the artillery position.Five hundred men who dared to die and three thousand brave men were already in place, and eighteen three-pound cannons were loaded with solid ammunition, waiting for Zhu and Qi to fire here.

Seeing that Ling Zong's army was already in place, Zhu Heqi didn't wait any longer, strode back to his command position, took the red command flag from a personal soldier, held it high in the air, paused for a while, and then He swung down violently: "Fire! Destroy Lao Tzu's fire and thunder array that clears up demons! Destroy them..."

The group of twenty mortars vibrated violently at the same time, bursts of white smoke sprayed out from the muzzles first, followed by a muffled sound like thunder, and the super-caliber bullets inserted in the muzzles collapsed one by one. In the sky, when their upward kinetic energy was exhausted, they turned around and slammed down towards the Qing army's fire and thunder formation.

When the cannon sounded, Deng Zhong, who was staring intently at the people below stirring gunpowder, sugar and iron nails with a shovel, shivered, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.His premonition soon became a reality. A dozen or twenty super-caliber sky thunders that had already ignited their fuses had already roared down from the sky, and at least three of them landed on Deng Zhong's fire thunders in an unbiased manner. In formation!

How could it be so accurate?Deng Zhong also witnessed with his own eyes a grenade that looked like a long copper hammer and fell almost ten steps away with a bang!

"Could it be that my slave has run out of luck?" Just as a terrible thought popped into his mind, a red light flashed in front of his eyes... Then he was hit on the chest by something suddenly, and his whole body Like a kite with a broken string, it was blown up by the "cannon wind" and fell heavily again.

"Boom boom boom..."

When Deng Zhong's body fell to the ground, there was a thunderous explosion in his ears... and it was still an explosion!

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