"It's over..." Deng Zhong, who was in severe pain all over his body, knew that he was over, and he was going to be loyal to the Qing Dynasty.But he was not afraid, because he felt that he would see his old master Dorgon as soon as he died.He just regrets...not being able to wipe out the gang of traitors like the Third Prince Zhu and the Third Grandson Zhu for the Qing Dynasty, what a pity!

When Deng Zhong was dying in regret, his fire and thunder array had already exploded into pieces!

This is not the effect that two or three super-caliber grenades can blow up, but the sugar fire mines scattered everywhere in this fire thunder array and the hundreds of catties in the big iron pot of "fried fire thunder medicine" "Thunderbolt" has "exploded"!

The production of "sugar medicine" is a high-risk process, and the most dangerous thing is probably to "fry thunder" with iron pans, shovels, and iron nails... Rust is the catalyst!And sugar and gunpowder will produce a lot of dust in the process of "stir frying"!This is dust mixed with powdered sugar, powdered nitrate, and iron oxide powder!

When the amount of dust reaches a certain level, a spark can cause a big explosion, let alone two or three bombs thrown over?

And it's not just the "thunder powder" in the cauldron that is dangerous, those fire mine powder filled with cast iron shells are also prone to self-explosion.Those fire and thunder powders are a mixture of powdered sugar, powdered gunpowder, iron powder, and iron nails... They are very sensitive, and may explode even when they are violently shaken.

And now the explosion of the super-caliber grenade plus the explosion of the "fried thunder powder" has turned the Qing army's fire and thunder formation into an explosive fire and thunder formation!

Fiery fire, shock waves, shrapnel and iron nails swept across the entire fire and thunder array of the Qing army like a storm, violently impacting those cast iron fire mines.A part of them exploded immediately, and exploded with a bang, adding more energy to the already violent explosion.The remaining sugar mines couldn't last long in this environment, and they exploded one by one, blasting the Qing army's fire and thunder formation into the most terrifying hell on earth!

Smoke, flames, and a terrifying atmosphere enveloped the hearts of all the demons in a blink of an eye—why did it blow up so hard?Is this a battle of wits?Will the National Games of the Qing Dynasty... come to an end?

Chapter 230 Clearing the demon, look at my rocket army!

When the gunfire and thunder sounded, Ling Zongjun also trembled all over.He was also behind the parapet where the daredevils attacked, surrounded by pro-military officers and soldiers in brocade clothes who were risking their lives.All of them are the mortal enemies of the Shang family... Without such a big hatred, it is impossible for them to be death soldiers!

Fortunately, Shang Kexi was able to offend people too much during these years in Guangdong, but at the same time, he couldn't "kill everything".It would be too peaceful to kill Guangdong like Sichuan.But there are still millions of people in Guangdong, and half of them have feuded with the monk's family.

And their hatred for the Shang family, under the guidance of the "beheading Confucianism" in the army, was easily transferred to the Qing court and Emperor Kangxi... The daredevils who hated to the extreme heard the bang, and they all agreed by coincidence He straightened up from behind the parapet and looked forward.Ling Zongjun was also one of them.

The big bang happened in the center of the Qing army's formation one or two hundred steps away. The proper center is blooming!

He also took out a red command flag and held it high.

Seeing him raise the command flag, the eighteen three-pound cannons arranged on both sides of him suddenly let out a thunderous sound, filled the air with smoke and spewed out flames, and eighteen solid lead bullets were blasted out of the barrels in a blink of an eye. , and flew straight towards the Qing Yao occupying a ditch on the opposite side.

The Qing Yao in the trench was also stunned by the sudden explosion... That is one of the spiritual pillars of the entire army, the fire and thunder array!

How did it blow up like this?

Just when they all turned their heads to look in the direction of the fire and thunder, the solid bullets fired by eighteen three-pound guns flew over their heads. It is the ditch of dead bodies shrunk in.

At the same time, more than a dozen mortars arranged at the front of the Ming army have started to fire super-caliber smoke bombs round after round, and all the dozens of grenades with thick white smoke fell on the formation of the two armies, and the smoke turned In an instant, it enveloped the entire front.Ling Zongjun was able to see the situation of the Qing army's position on the opposite side at first, but it gradually became blurred after a while.

He yelled suddenly: "Kill the demon and restore Ming!"

"Kill the demons, restore the Great Ming..."

Thousands of people shouted along with him, and then there was a rush of drums.

"Boom boom boom..."

Amidst the smoke, there was a burst of artillery roar.Ling Zongjun knew that it was the generals of the Qing army who were firing indiscriminately—the Ming army shouted in unison just now to induce the opponent to fire.Since it takes some time to reload the general's cannon, now is the time to launch a deadly charge.

Ling Zongjun was still holding the red command flag in his hand. He pulled out the parapet, pointed the flag forward, and shouted loudly at the same time: "Fight on your mother...kill it!"

"Pounce on your mother...kill it!"

The daredevils who followed him shouted together, and then first the officers turned out from behind the parapet, and then the soldiers.

They did not form a solid formation, but charged forward in skirmish formation, each with a shield in one hand and a cable grenade in the other.

The cable-style grenade does not need to be ignited with a fire, so it can be used with one hand, just bite the cable with your teeth and pull it before throwing.

Therefore, the left hands of these daredevils can be freed to hold up a round shield that can protect their heads and faces.

Don't underestimate this small progress. This progress, combined with super-caliber smoke bombs and hundreds of soldiers who are not afraid of death, is enough to eliminate the enemies who are fighting in formation from the battlefield.

The Qing army on the opposite side still maintained the habit of fighting first.After realizing that the Ming army on the opposite side had launched an attack, the officers drove out the infantry in the trench one after another, and formed an infantry formation on the outside of the trench-shotguns in front, bows and arrows behind, and pikemen in the end.

But before they finished forming their team, a Ming army warrior with a shield rushed out of the smoke.

Instead of rushing out in groups, they rushed out sporadically... Seeing these "stragglers", the Qing monsters who were still forming a team were stunned.

Why did the infantry rush out alone?

If you are a cavalryman, you can take the lead.But what's the use of infantry's punching method?Does one person still want to beat dozens or hundreds of us?

We are the Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty!

Morale, which was a bit low due to the explosion of the fire and thunder array, actually picked up again at this moment, and several Qing Yaotou commanding the shotgun lost no time in shouting: "Aim and shoot! Give me these undead things! Sieve it!"




The shotgun demons below loaded the ammunition nimbly, and agreed loudly.But before they finished reloading, a scarred Ming army soldier rushing to the front suddenly "bited" the grenade in his hand, then stopped suddenly, and at the same time threw out the grenade on the tail in his hand. Smoked grenade.

Under the dual effects of arm strength and run-up inertia, the grenade was thrown out for a distance of more than 20 to [-] steps, and then it fell into the queue of clearing demons with a sudden hit, and hit it impartially A Qingyao shoulder hurt so much that the man screamed, "Fire, fire, fire thunder..."


The deadly grenade has exploded...exploded in the dense crowd!In an instant, a clear monster was blown up.

The remaining Qing demons seemed to be stunned by the sudden explosion. Before they had time to react, more than a dozen Ming army daredevils rushed out of the smoke, and then threw deadly grenades in their hands.

More than a dozen grenades fell directly into the dense queue, and with every bang, a large gap could be blown out.In these gaps, there are lying human bodies everywhere, either dead, or dying howls.

Dozens of grenades were thrown out by the daredevils, and deadly fires exploded in the formation of the Qing army, blowing them up in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, a louder shout came from behind the smoke that was about to disperse!

"Kill the demons and restore Ming Dynasty! Kill demons and restore Ming Dynasty..."

The voices appeared to be very orderly, one after another, high pitched and loud, obviously shouted by hundreds of thousands of people together.

At this time, the smoke that filled the battlefield finally dissipated, and in front of the Qing army that had been blown away by the grenades, there were six or seven dense phalanxes composed of hundreds of people each... Oh, for Daming Jinyi who exclusively owns the cable-style grenade As far as the pro-military is concerned, the phalanx is still very useful.

Because when dealing with an enemy that has been blown apart, a well-organized hand-to-hand soldier is "invincible"!How could it be possible for the scattered fighters to fight hand-to-hand with the enemies advancing side by side like a wall?

In fact, the "invincible" in the era of line infantry in history was based on the attacks of artillery, skirmishers (snipers), and grenadiers, as well as the shooting of muskets to break up the opponent's formation. .Otherwise, relying on a bayonet-mounted rifle that is as powerful as a short spear and unarmored infantry, it would be impossible to be "invincible"...

And at the same time when the "White Blade Invincible" Jinyi pro-army formation stepped on the corpse of the Qing Yao and rushed through the trench, smashing the chaotic Qing Yao formation.

The "Rocket Army" has begun to show off its power again!

More than a dozen rockets, with their long tail flames, let out terrifying screams and roars, soared into the sky, and swooped towards the gathering place of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers behind the Qing army's position.

Why does the rocket scream and roar?

That's because Zhu Heqi had people attach whistles to the shells of the rockets, so the dozen or so rockets flew towards the Eight Banners soldiers who were "fire and lightning protection" while flying, making scary noises.

And these dozens of roaring rockets are the signal for the general offensive!

Starting from Dinghu Mountain in the north and reaching Xijiang in the south, on the several-kilometer-long front, there was a burst of gunfire for a while, and groups of well-organized infantry of the Ming army, supported by artillery and thunder, and under the cover of smoke bombs, Leaping out of the parapet where they were hiding before, shouting the slogan "Kill the demons and restore the Ming Dynasty", they rushed towards the formation of the Qing army.

At this time, the [-] Qing troops on the battlefield were entangled with the Ming army, which was only half their number, and could not retreat at all.

Chapter 231: Heavenly Soldiers Collapse!This is the Heavenly Soldiers?

This is the Rocket Army's attack!

Although it is not a strategic rocket army, nor does it have the legendary super invincible killer, of course it is far inferior to the Katyusha rocket launcher, and even inferior to the artificial rain enhancement rocket, but the "sugar rocket" they are using now is more Compared with the Congreve rocket copied from India by the British in history, it is still much stronger.And there is still a lot of room for improvement!

"Sugar medicine" is the most commonly used propellant for amateur rocket players. It not only has a combustion performance far superior to that of black powder, but also has excellent plasticity after adding gum.So it can provide more stable and powerful thrust.

This means that the "Sugar Rocket" not only hits farther and more accurately, but also can carry a larger warhead.

Of course, although the "Sugar Rocket" is much stronger than the Congreve Rocket, it is still not a very mature product.The main problem is that Zhu and Qi haven't got the mercury fulminate yet, so they can't figure out how to trigger the fuze.You can only control the timing of the explosion by adjusting the length of the lead wire... This is very unreliable.

Although the fuze has not been triggered, and the explosion depends on character, this "sugar rocket" is still very valuable on the battlefield.

At least it can scare people!

How scary is the scene when more than a dozen rockets "whistling", making harsh sounds, and dragging scary tail flames fly over the heads of the Qing monsters and rush towards the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers behind them Scary!

The two sides that were fighting on the battlefield even stopped fighting for a while, and all looked up at the "sugar rocket" roaring in the sky.

When seeing these rockets fly behind the Qing army's front line, and then exploding balls of gorgeous flames, all the Ming soldiers on the battlefield cheered involuntarily: "Win! Win! Great Ming wins, long live the saint!"

The Qing army on the battlefield was trembling with fear.Most of them had seen the rocket last night.But the rockets launched last night didn't make such a piercing scream, there weren't that many, and they weren't very accurate...

Now the rockets passing over the heads of the Qing army seemed to be aimed at the handsome flag of Tuhai Tutang!

Can Tutang and his Eight Banners soldiers survive?

"Long live the sage! Kill the demons, restore the Ming... Kill!"

Before the Qing soldiers recovered from their shock, some Ming soldiers suddenly became excited on the battlefield!

The reason for them to boil is not in the sky, but on the ground!I saw more than a hundred knights riding tall horses, surrounded by a big banner with the words "The world is for the public" in black and red, galloping past these boiling Ming troops.Under the banner, there is a tall knight with silver helmet, red armour, and long beard. He is the commander of Da Ming Zhongshu Ling, Jin Yi's pro-army, former Confucian scholar, and the son of Prince Ding Zhu Hechi!

Now Zhu Hechi is a "sage"... At least the officers and soldiers of Jinyi's pro-army have a superstition about him, so wherever he appears, the Jinyi's pro-army soldiers will automatically go into a state of rage.

It was the left wing of the Ming army that first entered the berserk state—this was the main attack direction of the Ming army, and theoretically it was also where the Qing army was weakest.

In charge of this area are Shang Zhijie's Pingnan Wangfu Banner Army and Yan Ziming's Guangdong Green Battalion.They have been fighting hard since early this morning, and the Eight Banners Huo Lei Army's position that had a big explosion just now is also behind them, and the grenade assault of [-] daredevils led by Ling Zongjun hit them too!

When Zhu Heqi's banner of "The world is for the public" appeared, they had already been defeated steadily, and the fighting fronts were pressed down to Shang Zhijie and Yan Ziming. The Shangjia Banner Army and the Guangdong Green Camp finally couldn't hold back... …

Rao is Shang Zhijie, most of Geshha under Yan Ziming's command have been sent out, and lined up in front of the "flag gate" where they sit, everyone has their swords out of their sheaths. The defeated soldiers who lived completely collapsed.

In fact, before these Guangdong Qing troops collapsed, they were exhausted and suffered heavy losses, and they were really unsustainable.

They have done their best to fight to this point, and they are worthy of the grace of the Shang family for so many years!

Of course, Shang Kexi, as the feudal lord guarding Guangdong, still took good care of the banner troops and green battalion soldiers under his opponents.Military pay, rewards, land, women, everything that should be given... Shang Kexi has already offended the Cantonese to death, and the millions of enemies outside the palace must of course raise the soldiers who protect the family!

So these Guangdong Qing demons who were guarded by their old masters are definitely not the same thing as the green camp soldiers who were loved by no one, and who couldn't get enough to eat.

Today they witnessed the beheading of their old master Shang Kexi, who was closer than their father, and saw the new master Shang Zhidian and the second prince Shang Zhixiao, who had always been a military spirit, being killed by "head bombs". They were really jealous.

But even if you are red-eyed and desperate, you have now reached the point where your army is defeated like a landslide...

Shang Zhijie did not die under the banner of "Shang Zhijie died here", but was picked up by his Goshha and ran away before the Ming army killed him. Behind them, there were several The Qing Yao officer who was loyal to the Shang family risked his life to stop the berserk Ming army and escaped to cover Shang Zhijie.

As for Yan Ziming, where did he get on his horse?

Shang Zhijie and his demon demons are not completely desperate, they still have one last hope... the Six Hundred and Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers led by Tu Hai himself!

So they didn't run around like headless chickens, but ran in the direction of Tu Haishuai's flag.Before they ran far, there was a piercing scream above their heads!

Shang Zhijie looked up and saw smoke billowing in the sky. A dozen or so things were dragging scary smoke columns and screaming strangely.

When he was thinking about it, he saw several flying "monsters" suddenly exploded in the air, and after a few "booms", they turned into extremely gorgeous flames, covering all the Eight Banners soldiers below. !

It's too scary...

The horror is not over yet!

There were still a dozen or so "monsters" that didn't explode, and they fell directly on the heads of the heavenly soldiers!

"Boom boom boom..."

Another loud bang that shook the earth and shook the mountains!

Shang Zhijie saw pillars of smoke suddenly rising from the position where the Eight Banners soldiers assembled in front of them. They shot straight into the sky in different postures. The thick smoke filled the position and soon enveloped everything.

"Where are the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers? Are they okay?"

Just as Shang Zhijie thought of the Eight Banners soldiers, he suddenly heard a sound of horseshoes, and then saw dozens of heavenly soldiers riding out of the smoke on their horses, shouting in Manchurian as they rushed, "Emiang! Emiang... "

"Er Niang?" Shang Zhijie was a little stunned when he heard this, "Why did the Manchurian soldiers call 'Er Niang' when they charged? Besides...why didn't they copy anyone? And there was no formation, just chaotic He rushed out, looking like he was running away?"

These dozens of Eight Banners soldiers "charged" didn't seem to have seen Shang Zhijie and the other defeated soldiers, they galloped past among them, and a few unlucky ones couldn't dodge in time, and were knocked over by them!

But everyone didn't dare to say anything... That's a heavenly soldier!

And everyone has hope for the combat effectiveness of the Heavenly Soldiers. Although it is strange to charge with bare hands, maybe the Heavenly Soldiers can defeat the rebels with their fists?

Thinking of this, everyone stopped and looked back hopefully... only to see those who they regarded as heavenly soldiers rushed towards the Ming army infantry who were chasing Shang Zhijie and the others.The infantrymen of the Ming army reacted quite quickly, and immediately formed a group of hedgehogs, and raised their spears to meet the enemy.One of them even threw out a grenade hammer, which landed in front of several heavenly soldiers and horses. These heavenly soldiers didn't pay attention and continued to ride forward. As a result, by coincidence, when they passed by the grenade hammer on horseback , The hammer exploded with a bang, blowing up those heavenly soldiers on the spot!

Only then did the rest of the Heavenly Soldiers realize that something was wrong, and stopped their horses one after another, wanting to turn around and run away... But before they could turn their horses around, dozens of muskets had already protruded from the Ming army's long spear array gathered together, aiming at the The Manchurian heavenly soldiers who beat the horse and turned around will fight.After a burst of gunfire, more than a dozen heavenly soldiers were shot down.And the rest of the Heavenly Soldiers all cried out "Er Niang...", and fled on galloping horses, and got into the smoke again.

Shang Zhijie was dumbfounded by this scene!

This is the Heavenly Soldiers?Is this the invincible Manchurian Heavenly Soldiers?

Chapter 232 The sky is burning, who said Zhuge can't use water?

"Emiang, the soldiers of the traitor are coming!"

"Run, the traitor is coming..."

The few heavenly soldiers who escaped from the dead and fled back into the smoke were really brave enough, shouting "Er Niang" and yelling nonsense while running.But Tuhai, who was in a daze and didn't know how to clean up the team, was furious.

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