This... In this way, isn't Kong just following his father's old path?

The corner of Yan's mouth couldn't help twitching, but he still kept smiling and said. "Well, it's okay, this subclasses me."

And Robin also let out a long sigh of relief, the difference is only three to five billion Baileys, so it's not a big problem.

After all, brother Yan's strength is about 50 billion, right?A tenth less has little effect.

It's just that Robin was completely unaware of the fact that based on Ion's physical fitness, whether it is worth a reward of three to five billion is one thing.

But under the joy of Kong and Ying successfully surviving the danger, Ian didn't take this little flaw too seriously.

Big deal, leave a little more wealth for Kong, let Kong be a waste.

If it doesn't work, teach Ying to protect her brother more.

Thinking of this, Yann didn't take this matter to heart even more.

However, even if the matter of Kong and Ying's physical collapse is resolved, they have not yet fully possessed the consciousness of autonomously controlling the "overlord-colored domineering", and they have almost always maintained the state of releasing the "overlord-colored domineering", especially when they are crying. At the same time, the release of domineering look is particularly terrifying and pure.

As a result, after confirming that Kong and Ying's surgery had no sequelae, Yaen could only take Kong and Ying out of the laboratory in a hurry.

Otherwise, Kong and Ying would cry occasionally, and almost all the personnel in the entire laboratory would be in a coma all the time, and the operation of the laboratory would naturally be completely paralyzed.


"Goodbye, Lord Ian!"

Watching Yan holding Kong and Ying with his left and right hands respectively, while Hancock, Robin and baby-5 stayed in Xiaojin's body and kept a long distance away, Luo Na's calm eyes could not help but flash a little bit of reluctance.

But soon, Luo returned to his usual state, turned around and returned to the laboratory.

"Calculating the time, Reiju and Sanji should wake up, right?"

Luo murmured, turned his footsteps, and simply walked towards the room where Reiju and Sanji were placed.

"Well, are you awake? Congratulations, the operation was successful..."

Just as Reiju slowly opened her eyes, a calm voice came into Reiju's ears.


Reiju jumped up from the bed almost subconsciously, put on an offensive posture, looked at the boy in front of him angrily and with a trace of fear, and shouted.

"You bastard, what did you do to me?"

Luo put his hands in the pockets of his white coat naturally, and spoke calmly.

"According to what you said before, you allowed me to do anything to your body, so I naturally studied your body carefully and perfected it..."

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you..."

As long as Reiju didn't really take action, as Luo's next words came to his ears, Reiju's body completely froze in place.

"First of all, I modified the 'bloodline factor' for you again, and eliminated the redundant 'bloodline factor' fragments that control your body..."

"What... what?" Reiju stared at Luo in disbelief.

"I have to say that the 'Bloodline Factor' segment that is additionally implanted in your body to control your body and make you follow a certain sound is really ugly. It is completely different from the other beautiful 'Bloodline Factor' sequences. Pure It was just added in bluntly.”

Luo said in a dissatisfied tone, as if he saw some work of art being forcibly added.


Chapter 4: The special way of sailing

" mean that I don't need to obey Gaji's orders anymore?" At this moment, Reiju's expression can be said to be both ecstasy and disbelief.

Luo's face was still extremely calm, and he looked at Reiju as if he was looking at a flawed product that had been finished, and said.

"Whether you want to continue to listen to that person named Gage, then that is your own choice. But other than that, I cut some extra things for you by the way."

Reiju's smile faltered for a moment, and while subconsciously groping her body, she asked vigilantly. "What extra?"

"An organ that allows you to release extremely poisonous, pure burden, pure encumbrance..."

Luo commented mercilessly. "Instead of wasting nutrients for growth on this organ, it's better to focus on other parts that are more needed."



When Luo said this, Reiju almost subconsciously put her hands on her chest.

And Luo didn't pay attention to Reiju's small movements, and said directly.

"In short, I cut off most of that cumbersome organ for you, only retaining the ability of immunity. In this way, your future development should be much better than imagined."

Now Reiju said in both joy and embarrassment. "You guy, are you a hooligan or a pervert?!"


Luo, whose actual age is not much different from Reiju's now, was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and answered from an academic point of view.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your fat. Although from the perspective of biological evolution, fat has the functions of preventing cold and keeping warm, storing energy, and mitigating external shocks, etc., but I don't think the form of fat is beautiful... "

After a pause, Luo looked at Reiju who was already blushing, then turned to look at Reiju's shriveled girlish figure, and commented.

"And in fact, according to the data I calculated, the body fat percentage of your body is only..."

Reiju couldn't help but interrupted. "Bastard... bastard, how much do you know?"

"If it refers to your body, I know all the data very well. Do you have any questions for me to answer?" Luo asked calmly.

", don't say any more, bastard pervert." Reiju replied.

Luo shrugged, he didn't mean to keep haggling with Reiju, and instead spoke. "Whatever you want, and you wake up Sanji to prepare."

Reiju's originally joyful expression disappeared immediately, and she realized that there seemed to be nothing worthy of joy in her current situation.

"What do you want to do? Are you ready to start the next round of experiments on us?"

"No, but the ship that will take you away will be ready soon, and you should leave here." Luo replied.

"What?!" Reiju asked in a daze.

"This is my private laboratory. Outsiders like you are not suitable for staying for a long time, and in order to prevent you from discovering the real location of the laboratory, I will send you directly to other sea areas..."

After a pause, Luo then asked.

"Is there any place you want to go? I can give you a ride for free, but you can only stay in the cabin until you reach your destination."

"You... are you serious? Let us go?" Reiju still felt incredible.

"This is the meaning of that adult, and even if I keep you, keeping your brain in the laboratory will only keep you fat, and there is no value in contributing as a researcher." Luo said plainly.


After a pause, Reiju couldn't help but continue to ask.

"You... just let Sanji and me go like this? It is clear that the secret of the blood factor is hidden in us."

"Blood factors are not my main research direction." Luo replied.

"Then what did you do to me and Sanji before?" Reiju asked.

"To put it simply, it is the adult who needs the data on your and Sanji's body structure. Now that the data has been collected, you naturally have no value." Luo replied in a particularly calm tone.

In an instant, Reiju finally realized that she seemed to have misunderstood Yaen before, and said. " what Hirinmaru-sama said, do you need Sanji and I to help?"

"That's right..."

After a pause, Luo raised his wrist to look at the time and said.

"There is still an hour, you can think about your destination, whether to go to other sea areas, or take you directly back to Germa 66..."

"No, I'm not going back to Germa66." Reiju replied almost subconsciously.

"Whatever you want, then take this time to think about your destination and adapt to your current body. If you confirm that there is no problem, then prepare to take Sanji on board and leave."

After a pause, Luo reiterated.

"In addition, I got your permission to transform you. Sanji, I didn't make any transformation, although he can transform more than you. So I declare in advance, if you want to help you restore your body ,I reject."

When Reiju heard this, she looked solemn, bowed to Luo, and said. "No, thank you, Mr. Luo, thank you very much for giving me a new life."


Luo Ping nodded, then turned and left the room with his hands in his pockets.

In the room, Reiju's eyes gradually turned dull and she rubbed her cheek vigorously, but instead she murmured with tears of joy.

"I am finally free..."

"Is this the so-called tomorrow?"


An hour later, when Reiju appeared in front of Luo with a smile on her face, pulling Sanji, and was about to open her mouth to thank Luo again.

Luo, however, beckoned directly to the assistant on the side, and immediately two black hoods covered the heads of Reiju and Sanji.

"This laboratory is a secret. Don't try to come back to find it in the future, and don't try to spy on the location on the way out. You just need to forget everything that happened in the laboratory."

Rona's slightly cold and impersonal voice sounded, but it was extremely reassuring for Reiju and Sanji at this time.

"Then tell me, the destination you want to go to." Luo then asked.

"The great route, Sanji wants to go to the great route to find ALL BLUE, and I will accompany Sanji to find ALL BLUE." Reiju replied.

"Dream? Then I wish you a smooth journey."

The next moment, the feeling of another injection of the familiar tranquilizer piercing into the body entered the minds of Reiju and Sanji.

"What a... rough and ruthless man..."

Reiju still maintained considerable consciousness, but she didn't make any resistance.

Instead, he allowed himself and Sanji to be sent on a ship, and went to the sea in this special way to start the journey.


Chapter 4 and Ten

"Huh? Have Reiju and Sanji already left? The destination chose the great route? It's not surprising, let them go, Reiju's strength is not weak, just let them choose their own journey."

"Also, Luo, isn't Ying too energetic? Is it a problem to be able to cry for 24 hours a day?"

"What? It's okay. Your sister also cried a lot back then? Impossible, I still feel a little problem..."

But before Ian could finish speaking, Ying, who was hugged by Hancock in the distance, burst into tears, and the "dominant look and domineering" was violently released, even though Ian had deliberately kept a considerable distance, the phone in his hand The worm was stunned in an instant.

Perhaps, let alone a phone bug, even Xiao Jin who stood on Yan's shoulder looked shriveled and slumped under the impact of "dominant look and domineering", as if drunk.


Ion let out a long sigh.

The island where Yaen is now is called "Ruskaina Island", also known as "48 Season Island", which is a windless island not far from Nine Snake Island.

Choosing to stay on this island is completely unavoidable.

After all, even if "overlord-like domineering" is not a rare thing for the strong in this sea, it can even be said to be as numerous as crucian carp crossing the river in the "New World Sea Area".

However, the "overlord-like arrogance" that can affect real matter is a completely different concept. Often only a very small number of strong people standing at the top of the sea can cultivate this level of "overlord-like arrogance", let alone the current sky. Yuying was born with this ability.

After all, one is born with "dominant look and arrogance", and it is too easy for others to think of concepts such as "born king".

Therefore, Yaen can only temporarily take Kong and Ying to avoid the sight of others as much as possible, so as to prevent their information from leaking out and causing unnecessary reverie.

And now, Zhuokong and Ying have no way to control their "dominant look and domineering" state at all, and they can't live in densely populated places such as Nine Snake Island.

Otherwise, the situation at that time is likely to be that every time Kong and Ying cry, the "overlord look and domineering" will explode on a large scale, which will cause a large range of citizens to be forced to wait and enter a dizzy state.

Therefore, in the end, Yan could only choose to live on Ruskaina Island, which is not far from Hydra Island.

In this way, it is not only to replenish supplies, but also convenient for Hancock to return to Hydra Island to deal with domestic affairs at any time, and at the same time, Ion can also respond to various emergencies in a timely manner.


Yan sighed again, feeling the dark circles under his eyes deepened.

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