"Since this is the case, the two of them will be handed over to you."

"Well, don't worry, my lord."

Luo nodded, and then his eyes fell on Reiju and Sanji. The eyes that were no different from mad scientists instantly aroused Reiju's fear.

Immediately, Luo raised his hand and spoke to the medical staff behind him. "Put them on the operating table and send them to the medical room."

Hearing these words, Reiju and Sanji couldn't help taking a step back in unison.

"Master Hirinmaru, didn't you say that you only need a small favor from us, and you won't treat us as research subjects?"

At this time, Yan, who was already mentally exhausted, answered. "Don't worry, this is the little favor you need to help."

Immediately, the faces of Reiju and Sanji who had a misunderstanding turned pale immediately, and a sense of shame of being played with came to their hearts.

"Okay... It's hard to choose to trust others once, you guy actually..."

And as the operation was about to start, Yan, who was in an extremely anxious and complicated mood, didn't notice the state of Reiju and Sanji, and urged him directly.

"Go, Reiju, lie still on the operating table, and Sanji too."

Immediately, Reiju's body moved as if uncontrollably, and this scene also made Luo's eyes a little more curious.

But Sanji wanted to resist, but it's a pity that Sanji now doesn't have the power similar to Reiju, Iji and other brothers, and was quickly fixed on the operating table.

Immediately, before Sanji and Reiju could say anything, the well-prepared medical staff gave Sanji and Reiju a shot of sedative respectively, and then quickly sent them to the operating room. Various preliminary checks and preparations with Sanji.

As the rest left, Ion took off the mask on his face, revealing deep dark circles under his eyes and a tired face.

Running all the way, perhaps Yann's spiritual pressure still has a certain degree of surplus, but the energy consumed by the body has reached a level that is somewhat unbearable.

After all, this time Ian flew from this deserted island all the way to the great route, found a circle, and then went back to the calm zone to find Germa 66, not to mention after a difficult transaction negotiation , and crossed half of the North Sea without stopping to return to the deserted island.

On the way back, if it wasn't for teasing Reiju and Sanji along the way, Yan suspected that he might have fallen asleep halfway.

"Master Yan, are you okay?" Luo asked with concern.

Ion shook his head and asked in a serious tone. "Luo, tell me the truth, what is the success rate?"

Luo replied in a decisive tone.

"Lord Yaen, just like you saved me from darkness and despair back then, I will definitely save Kong and Ying from illness."

"Certainly, of course it is 100%!!!"


Chapter 4: The Transformation Body That Really Approaches Perfection

Immediately, Luo nodded to Yan, and his thin body entered the operating room with quite strong steps.

Various inspections for Reiju and Sanji are already being carried out in an orderly manner at this time.

The sedative that was enough to bring down the general sea kings had already made Sanji fall into a coma completely, but Reiju showed a strong resistance to the drugs, and could barely open her eyelids, watching herself being picked up various instruments and equipment.

That feeling... can be called despair!

"Bastard... asshole..."

The next moment, a blinding surgical light occupied all of Reiju's sight.

"Huh? Can you still maintain consciousness? As expected of a human being transformed by the 'blood factor'." A calm voice came into Reiju's ears.

As Reiju moved her eyes with difficulty, what she saw was the boy called "Luo" standing beside her.

Immediately afterwards, Reiju saw Luo took a large stack of reports from the assistant at the side, and flipped through them one by one.

"A body structure that is completely different from that of ordinary humans. In a certain sense, it is indeed perfect, eh? Does it also have a special body structure that releases and digests poisonous gas?"

"It's really redundant. This redundant body structure is simply a burden. Every structure of a creature should be perfectly adapted to the environment. Given the current living environment of human beings, this kind of body structure is simply not needed under normal circumstances."

"and many more……"

The next moment, under Reiju's horrified gaze, some strange pink substances suddenly appeared behind Luo, and were connected to her body.

'This... what is this thing? ! '

While Luo frowned slightly, he murmured.

"How do you feel that the 'blood factor' that forms this body structure is not from one person's hand, but a fusion of the ideas of several people, which is not harmonious..."

"The level is obviously uneven, but fortunately, the main body structure is perfect, and it will not cause adverse effects on the subsequent surgery."


At this time, Luo looked at Reiju as if he was looking at a work that was becoming perfect, but was superimposed with a few strokes, and asked.

"Reiju, right? Do you need to wait for a while and I'll help you cut up all the extra things, it's considered a reward for your cooperation."

Reiju spoke word by word. "Do not touch me……"

Luo couldn't help but said with some regret.

"Don't you want to? It's a pity. If you don't have this extra organ to absorb the nutrients for your body's growth, your body should be more perfect, and your growth potential will be higher."

Immediately, Luo put down the stack of reports in his hand and asked the assistant beside him. "Where's that boy named 'Sanji'? Where's his report."

Hearing this sentence, Reiju's pupils shrank slightly, she gritted her teeth tightly, and then spoke with difficulty. "Monster...don't touch the mountain...rule..."

Luo stared at Reiju's expression for a few breaths, and then asked. "You seem to be siblings, right? The relationship between you seems to be good."

And under the violent emotional fluctuations, Reiju's body was speeding up to adapt to the sedative, and her speech gradually became fluent. "You... you bastard... don't touch Sanji, you can do anything to me..., don't touch Sanji!"

Looking at Reiju's attitude of desperately defending Sanji, Luo inexplicably thought of his idiot sister, and a warm smile appeared on his extremely calm expression, and he spoke.

"You seem to have misunderstood something, but this is really a touching feeling..."

After a pause, Luo picked up the scalpel from the side and said.

"But I remember what you said just now, so I'm not being polite."

At this time, in Reiju's eyes, under the light refracted by the scalpel, Luo's unnaturally warm smile looked like a devil's grin.

The next moment, Reiju felt those pink substances connected to her body, suddenly something gushed out.


After Reiju snorted, she felt her brain was blank, her eyes quickly entered a state of trance, and then her body was completely paralyzed on the operating table, unable to move, and her consciousness slowly fell into the darkness. It is finally passed into the brain.

"Sleep well, when you wake up everything will be over..."

Afterwards, Luo ignored Reiju, and began to browse the various report data of Sanji.


His eyes quickly scanned Sanji's report, but Luo's brows gradually frowned.

Sanji's various values... are too low. Except for the self-healing ability and endurance performance that surpass his peers, the rest of the values ​​​​are almost no different from ordinary humans.

"Is this guy really modified by the 'blood factor'?"

Luo subconsciously raised this question, but out of trust in Yan, Luo quickly dispelled the question.

Immediately, Luo hurried to Sanji who was lying on the other side, and the pink substance behind him quickly connected.

After a while, Luo's expression suddenly changed from surprise to surprise, and he said excitedly.

"This guy...is the truly perfect modified body of the 'Bloodline Factor', all the special abilities derived from the 'Bloodline Factor' are hidden in the body in a recessive state..."

"It's not like Reiju's brutal awakening at the time of birth, which caused the body to bear a huge burden all the time, coupled with the burden of those extra organs that can be called cumbersome, so that its own potential was greatly reduced, almost to the point of being killed. Locked up."

"As for Sanji, once the body grows enough to bear those hidden 'blood factors' normally, then as the 'blood factor' ability manifests, it will be a truly perfect human body."

"It's really a good idea. Instead of forcing the evolution of the modified body, is it in the form of increasing the potential of the modified body, so that the modified body can undergo explosive self-evolution in the process of adapting to the environment?"

In the end, Luo's eyes gradually brightened, and he felt that the research project he had been pursuing seemed to have found a really feasible idea.

If evolution is forcibly accelerated, too many factors will cause evolution to be distorted.

"No, the most important thing now is surgery..."

Luo's eyes quickly returned to calm, and he murmured.

"But what's a little troublesome is that if you use Sanji as a template to modify Sora's body, those hidden 'bloodline factors' can't be copied to Sora at all."

"Forget it, this is not something that needs to be considered. With Zhuo Kong's natural dominance and arrogance, it is not a big problem even if his body is almost a little bit."


Chapter 4: The Gap of Three to Five Billion

With this in mind, Luo didn't delay any longer, and directly asked his assistant to notify Hancock to release Kong and Ying from their petrified state.

Immediately, the real operation began!

And because Kong and Ying have been in a state of unconsciously releasing the "dominant look and arrogance", only Luo can operate on Kong and Ying as a doctor.


The operation time of nearly two hours was almost fleeting under the anxious waiting of Yan, Hancock and Robin.


The door of the operating room opened, and Luo, who was pale, walked out while supporting the wall.

Immediately, meeting Yann's nervous gaze, Luo smiled with difficulty and replied. "Luo, I have not failed Lord Yaen's kindness."

Immediately, Ian, Hancock, and Robin all showed ecstasy.

Excited, Yaen couldn't help but patted Luo on the shoulder, saying repeatedly. "Thank you, Ro."

"Thank you, Rob."

"I remember your kindness, Luo."

Robin and Hancock also expressed their gratitude one after another.

"no no……"

It wasn't until this time that Luo showed a bit of shyness for a boy of this age, and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Lord Yaen has shown countless kindness to me, and this is just the best I can do for Lord Yaen."

For a moment, Yaen looked at Luo more and more softly, deeply grateful that he chose to save the citizens of Frevans, and at the same time chose to grant the ability of "Xu Zhishou Knife·Evil Concubine" Ro.

Otherwise, without the cooperation of the "fruit of surgery", or even with the "evil concubine", it is absolutely impossible to achieve Luo's level.

You know, the operation Luo performed can be said to have reshaped the entire body structure of Kong and Ying.

Without changing the "bloodline factor" of Sora and Ying, using Reiju and Sanji as a template, let Sora and Ying have a body structure similar to the "blood factor" modified body, so that Sora and Ying can bear Avoid the burden on the body caused by the "dominant color and arrogance" that can affect the material.

To some extent, apart from not being able to create people out of thin air, Luo's ability in human body transformation is almost to the limit of the sea.

Inexplicably, Yan felt a little sad in his heart, patted Luo on the shoulder again, and said.

"Anyway, I've worked hard for you this time, Luo. I won't say the rest of the polite words, you go down and have a good rest first."

Luo nodded, and when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly stopped Yan. "By the way, Master Yan, there is one thing I must tell you."

"That's... uh, the empty body..."

Luo stammered a little, which suddenly made Yaen and Robin's hearts lift up.

"Kong, what's the matter?" Yann said with a serious face, and even had a bad mental preparation in his heart.

Is it destined that only one of Kong and Ying can continue to start the journey in this sea?

And did this sea choose Ying as a younger sister after all, and gave up Kong as an older brother?

"Your Majesty Yan, don't worry, Kong's life is not in danger, but because of the difference in the template, Kong's body will be much worse than Ying's." Luo replied.

Yan frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple, and asked. "It's...a lot, how much is it?"

"Probably worse..."

Luo hesitated for a few breaths, weighed it up and said. "There is a gap between three and five billion Bailey's rewards."

? ?


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