Seeing this, Xue Nan gave a cold snort, then also sat down, quietly watching the battle of the families below.

For demigods like them who only have two or three points of divinity, the so-called start of an all-out war will end up competing with their respective families.

If you end the battle yourself, the other side won't?

Everyone has not learned the attacking magic that can attack gods. What is the difference between so-called fighting and ordinary fighting?

In the end, it still lost the face of the gods.

"You should be Chu Xiao."

Chu Xiao was watching the battle below with relish, when Xue Nan suddenly broke the silence and asked first.

Chu Xiao looked at Xue Nan suspiciously, "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

"No, I'm just curious, who has the guts to challenge me. After thinking about it, you, Chu Xiao, who also entered Beizhou Academy but didn't enter the seed list."

"Perhaps you want to fight me to tell the world not to choose your mistakes. But I want to tell you that it is impossible for you to defeat me, so choose another seed to prove you."

Chu Xiao: ...

Brother, with your brain power, it's a pity not to write scripts and make movies.

Chapter 35 Ambers' Battle Wisdom

"Don't think I'm arrogant, it's actually for your own good."

"Among the seed students, my family members are relatively strong. The prerequisite for successfully occupying God's Domain is to eliminate all family members."

"Even if you can destroy my family, you will definitely suffer heavy losses at that time. You can only wait for others to capture your God's Domain and refresh the family again."

"What's more, you still can't defeat me, why bother me and you here?"

Xue Nan continued to plan a way out for Chu Xiao, and Chu Xiao couldn't hold his mouth when he heard it.

"Okay, Xue Nan, don't you think the battle of the families below is more interesting than the conversation between you and me?"

After making complaints, Chu Xiao focused his attention on the battle below and ignored Xue Nan.

Seeing this, Xue Nan curled her lips, "I really don't know what is worth admiring in the battle that has already come to an end."

Then he also cast his gaze downwards, precisely on the werewolves and tigers, expecting his family members to tear apart the opponent's camp.

There is no such thing as topography in Chu Xiao’s God’s Domain for students at this stage, it’s just the confluence of plains and rivers.

There were no tactics to speak of in the battle between the families of the two sides, it was all reckless fighting.


After tearing apart a gold-level tiger man in front of him, Ambers flew into the air, looking down at the battle below.

If the god of fertility is here, how will he conduct the battle?

As the commander of this operation, Ambers didn't want to be head-on like this.

But this open plain really made it impossible for Ambers to use tactics.

"Do you want to try that three-three tactic?"

Ambers rolled his eyes and decided to give it a try, so he yelled: "All ratmen obey orders! Form a battle formation, with three people as a group, and the rest of the ratmen will double-team from the left and right sides ,"

"All dragon hunters go into the air, and when the Ratman entangles the enemy, give him a fatal blow!"

Accompanied by the shout of the hunting dragon, the ratmen moved one after another, with three ratmen as a group, and the interval between each ratman was two arms, so as to ensure that the attack power of the claws could be fully utilized.

The rest of the Ratmen followed the boundary of God's Domain and detoured to the rear of the Hunter Dragon and the Tigermen.

As for the hunting dragon, it is flying in mid-air, constantly rubbing its sharp claws, always ready to give the enemy a fatal blow.

At the beginning, the werewolves and tigers formed a long snake formation in order to all participate in the battle.

This also led to the fact that almost all werewolves and tigermen were entangled by the ratmen, and they had no time to worry about the ratmen who detoured past.

Those Ratmen who made a detour, formed a team of ten, and ran on the land of God's Domain.

Once a werewolf or tiger man falls into a disadvantage, the ratmen will cooperate with the hunting dragon in the sky to rush up and destroy them.

In just a few minutes, dozens of werewolves and tigers were killed.

The Ratmen only lost a few heads.

With such a large battle loss ratio, Xue Nan suddenly stood up from the throne and promulgated the oracle.

"The werewolves and tigers gather together. Don't force everyone to have enemies. Keep your own life first."

Hearing the oracle promulgated by their own gods, the werewolves and tigers quickly got rid of the enemies in front of them, and gradually gathered together, forming a nearly circular formation.

Seeing this, Ambers in the sky was overjoyed, and quickly commanded: "Trap the enemy, and hunt the dragon to implement aerial tactics!"

According to Ambers' command, the Ratmen quickly formed a large encirclement circle around the periphery, trapping the werewolves and tigers outside.

The ratmen didn't fight him to the death, just tangled up to make sure the werewolves and tigermen didn't move.

The Ratmen in the rear quickly dug up the stones and placed them on the ground one by one.

The dragon hunters held the stones excavated and cut by the Ratmen, and smashed them down toward the center of the circle from midair.

The interior was hit hard, and the werewolves and tigers in the center crowded towards the periphery.

The werewolves and tigers on the periphery couldn't leave room for the people inside.

All of a sudden, stampedes and chaos continued between the camps of werewolves and tigers.

Seeing this, Ambers shook the steel wings suddenly.

The Ratmen knew what Ambers meant, approached the enemy formation with the stones in their hands, and then threw them out.

This time, not only the inside wants to go out, but the outside also wants to go in.

Even internally, the werewolves have already killed each other, just to seize that little living space.

"Keep smashing! Set aside another part of the force to replace the ratmen in front who resist the impact."

Ambers looked at the timing, swiped the three-toed steel claws, and took away a gold-level werewolf, then climbed into the air and gave the next order.

At the same time, Long Tong narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the only remaining gold-level tiger man, preparing to completely wipe out the enemy's high-end combat power.

"Damn it, if I had more troops, why would this be the case!"

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