"Come on, Chu Xiao is not a seed student. Compared to other students recruited by Beizhou University, Chu Xiao is still relatively weak. I think this battle will end soon."

Chapter 34 vs. Xue Nan

"Old Song, you may be mistaken this time." Zhao Yuanming smiled mysteriously.

"Did you miss?" The person Zhao Yuanming called Lao Song glanced at Chu Xiao again, and then curled his lips, "I won't miss it."

"Oh? Then let's wait and see." Zhao Yuanming smiled, and then cast his gaze on Chu Xiao.

After such a long time, your strength should have grown again.

Seeing Zhao Yuanming's determination, Song Yaolin, the head of the Linjiang Academy, felt a little shaken in his heart.

However, he regained his firmness in an instant, "Just wait and see, Chu Xiao has risen in such a short time, how can he compare with those seed students?"

"Old Qian, what do you think?" Zhao Yuanming glanced at Qian Like beside him.

At the same time, Song Yaolin also focused his attention on Qian Like.

Seeing this, Qian Like grinned and said, "If anyone can get the first place in this exam, I will definitely choose Chu Xiao."

"Even you say that?" Song Yaolin adjusted his clothes and leaned forward slightly, "Then I want to see what kind of ability this Chu Xiao has that makes you value him so much."

"I hope this battle will not disappoint me."

within the virtual world.

Chu Xiao looked at the tigers and werewolves in the God Realm below, and shook his head with a wry smile, "It's our luck that we met such a strong opponent when we came up."

"It seems that if you want to capture this god's domain, you can't do it without losing some family members."

"Hmph! Don't be ashamed of your words. I'll give you a chance now, get out immediately, and I can let the past go, otherwise, you won't be able to get any more points in this exam."

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Chu Xiao.

The man looked haughty, with his chin raised, as if he had eyes in his nostrils, and he looked arrogant.

Chu Xiao frowned. It was originally an exam of intrusion and anti-intrusion. You still want me to get out?

"I don't know what capital you have to get me out."

"What capital do I have?" Xue Nan said disdainfully, "Just because I am a seed player, is that enough?"

"Hehe, it seems that what Jiang Yu said is correct, these seeded players are really arrogant." Chu Xiao sneered.

Twisting his own neck, Chu Xiao took a step forward and said, "It's useless to talk too much, just show what you have."

After the words fell, Chu Xiao shook his right hand, and a vortex appeared immediately.

For the seed students, Chu Xiao didn't dare to be careless, and directly sent [-] ratmen and all the dragon hunters.

After the mighty army invaded God's Domain, the arrogance on Xue Nan's face disappeared, and turned into fear.

"It seems that you are not a weak person. I have changed my mind now. I will personally kill all your family members and destroy the pride in your heart!"

A sinister smile slowly gathered on Xue Nan's face, and those outsiders who knew Xue Nan well all mourned for Chu Xiao in silence.

"It's over, Xue Nan is serious, Chu Xiao is going to be miserable now."

"It's been a long time since I saw Xue Nan getting serious. It should be a pretty good scene."

within the virtual world.

Chu Xiao looked at Xue Nan with a smirk on his face, and couldn't help complaining: "I said, let's stop being so cool, and fight quickly. After the fight, I have to rush to the next round."

Xue Nan was taken aback. According to his thinking, Chu Xiao either looked unwilling or full of confidence. This indifferent expression made him a little confused.

But the matter has come to this point, it is useless to think so much, I still have to find a way to kill this guy who touched his majesty.

"Then you can look forward to it, World Extinguishing Thunder Cloud!"

Following Xue Nan's stern shout, it was like the end of the world in God's Domain, and the entire sky was covered by dark clouds.

A streak of purple lightning whizzed in the sky.

Afterwards, pillars of thunder enveloped Chu Xiao's family, and the majesty of the gods was fully revealed at this moment.

"I'll go, attack the magic!"

Chu Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he came in front of the family in an instant, using his huge body to resist the thunderbolt falling from the sky.

Although Chu Xiao resisted most of the thunder pillars, the remaining thunder pillars still caused Chu Xiao a heavy loss.

This wave of offensive alone cost Chu Xiao's Ratmen nearly one-fifth of their losses.

After taking over the Thunder Pillar, Chu Xiao shook the dust off his clothes, and then said with a smile: "Although the power of this attacking magic is not very powerful, it still consumes a lot of divine power."

"I guess you should have no divine power now, so it's up to me!"

Leaping from the mainland, Chu Xiao, who climbed into the air, slowly opened his hands, and a thunderous sound resounded in Xue Nan's domain.

"Divine art, the blood boils! Yufeng!"

Accompanied by Chu Xiao's thunderous voice, in Chu Xiao's hands, red and cyan light clusters were born respectively.

Afterwards, these light clusters became bigger and bigger, gradually covering the Ratman and Hunter Dragon.

The effects of the boiling blood and the wind control greatly enhanced the combat power of the Ratman and the Dragon Hunter, and completely wiped out the previous defeat.


Chu Xiao pointed at Xue Nan's family below, and issued the oracle of massacre expressionlessly.


Ambers raised his head to the sky and screamed, and took the lead in plundering and killing the soldiers.

Behind him, the ratmen and dragon hunters followed Ambers' footsteps and rushed into the camp of werewolves and tigermen.

In the sky, seeing Chu Xiao, Xue Nan resolved the disadvantage just now so easily.

I was careless this time, I didn't expect Chu Xiao to have the magical power to increase the family members.

Otherwise, these three points of my divine power can be used in other places, and the effect may be better than directly casting the attacking magic.

"Xue Nan, you and I have no power, why don't you sit down and take a good look at the battle below?"

Chu Xiao sat in the void, and behind him, the throne formed by gathering the remaining divine power set off the strength and majesty of the gods.

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